



根据研究,850 个最常用的英语单词,可以表达90%的英语概念。这些基本单词就称为”基础英语”。该网站收集基础英语的研究和学习资料。




@maozhu1: @xiaolai 还请李老师用140字概括一下怎样才能学好英语?





  • What──它究竟是什么?
  • Why──为什么它是那个样子?
  • How──要掌握它、应用它,必须得遵循什么样的步骤?

然而,有另外一种知识,往往还是格外重要的知识,在知道它的那一瞬间就可能开始发挥重大的作用,甚至,在知道它(What)的那一瞬间,它所有的重大作用全部都发挥完毕(至于 Why 和 How,甚至可能在了解它的 What 那一瞬间早已经不言自明)。

在我个人的记忆里,一路上遇到过很多这种 “只要知道就能够瞬间全部发挥作用” 的知识。学概率统计的时候,遇到 “独立事件” 这个概念,就是这类知识的典型例子。在此之前,我很自然地以为如果连续 9 次抛硬币都是正面朝上,那么第 10 次抛出硬币之后正面朝上的可能性要远远低于背面朝上的可能性 …… 在概率教科书里读到 “独立事件” 的那一瞬间,让我意识到之前的想法是多么的可笑。因为抛硬币正反面的几率是永远都相同的(硬币出现正反面在每次抛时都是相互独立、不受之前结果影响的),各占 50%,所以即便我抛一百次,一万次,甚至更多次都是正面朝上,下一次抛正反面的几率也还是如此,各占 50%。

至此,这个知识的所有作用已经全部发挥完毕:它能够彻头彻尾地改变一些人──那些一不小心看到它实际意义的人。无论是谁,在做几乎所有决定的时候,都要考虑 “可能性”(学称 “概率”)。在我不知道 “独立事件” 这个概念之前所做出的很多决定,换在知道 “独立事件” 这个概念之后,我是无论如何都不会那样选择的──这就是改变,并且是质变。

另一个令我记忆深刻的例子是很小的时候学习编程语言。多年以来,受影响最深的,并不是当时所学的 BASIC,或者是后来所学的 PASCAL,抑或再后来学的 C、C++什么的;受影响最深的是一种思考方式──在运行程序之前,要反复浏览代码,在脑子里进行预演;而不是写完程序直接运行,出错了再说。这是节省时间提高效率的重要方式。刚开始并不知道 “了解了这种操作方式” 给自己带来了多大的影响;可是,许多年之后,观察到身边大多数人从来都没有 “做事之前先在脑子里预演” 的习惯,才明白很小的时候知道了那样的做法给自己带来的巨大好处──并且是没办法给那些不知道的人讲明白的好处。(也许正因为如此,才总是有人这样无奈罢:会的人,自然会了,不会的人,无论如何也不会。)
更为关键的是,这种知识的获取,是 “不可逆的”。在你知道它的那一瞬间,它就已经改变了一切,你的生活因它而变,再也无法复原。我们再也不可能对这种知识视而不见,听而不闻,置之不理,它瞬间就能根深蒂固,无法铲除。比如,真正理解概率统计常识的人,是绝对不会去买彩票的 …… 因为买彩票这种行为在他们眼里相当于不尊重自己的智商和已学过的知识。可与此同时,彩票是地球上最畅销的商品,可见有多少人一生都未曾有机会了解那些重要的知识。

当然,读到这里,读者都会同意:也许最值得传播的(至少应该为之努力的)就是这种知识。传播它们的最大意义,甚至唯一的意义和目的,就是 “启发”。这本书里的文字,全部的意义,只有两个字:“启发”。作者真诚地希望读者在读过这些文字之后,(起码)在英语使用方面有所启发。

也许有些读者会发现里面有 “太多的废话”,那仅仅是因为这类知识的特性:它们太 “貌不惊人”,如果非要它们以本来的面目出现,他们是不会注意到的──无论它们实际上有多么重要。否则,他们早就被这类知识彻头彻尾地改变了 …… 可事实上他们不还是原来那个样子么?

也许有些读者自然而然地依照思维惯性,希望看到更多的 “How”。可正如之前所解释的那样,这类知识中的大多数,读者在了解到 “What” 的那一瞬间,它的作用就已经全部发挥完毕,“Why” 也许只不过是多余的解释,而 “How” 或者不言自明,或者因人而异,需要读者自己摸索……

这类知识注定属于少数人。除了之前已经说过的原因之外,还有另外一个重要的原因:人们只愿传播自己相信的知识──哪怕那所谓的知识根本就是错的。重要的不是对错,重要的是感觉。尽管 “觉得正确” 和 “正确” 相差可能十万八千里,但对大多数人来说根本就是一回事儿,起码,他们情愿那就是一回事儿。所以,容易传递的是那些 “很自然地就令人相信(感觉)是正确的”,而不是 “事实上正确的” 事情。

前些年我写《把时间当作朋友》的时候,多少对它的传播是悲观的,因为我知道那些文字里所传递的绝大多数是这种道理、这类知识──它们的本质决定了其传播的困难程度。所以,那时候,我觉得只要有零星那么几个人能够被那些文字所改变,就已经万幸了。互联网时代充满了奇迹,那些文字在网上以每个月几万点击的数量被浏览。而 2009 年印刷成书出版后,竟然可以在一年之内重印 11 次,再次出乎我的意料。哪怕真正接受那些道理的读者比率再低,由于基数巨大,我知道我还是结结实实地改变了很多人的。


事实上,这本书也是《把时间当做朋友》的具体延续。《把时间当做朋友》的主旨很简单:时间不会听从我们的管理,我们最多只能与时间做朋友;与时间做朋友的方法只不过是 “用正确的方式做正确的事情”。而这本书,只不过是 把 “正确的事情” 聚焦在 “用英语” 上而已,而后再看看可能的 “正确的方式” 究竟是什么。


  • 2010 年春于上海初稿
  • 2010 年冬于北京修改
  • 2015 年于北京重新制作网络开放版本
  • 2019 年与北京上传至 Github

第一章 起点

1. 我们有可能把外语用得比母语更好吗?


过去我跟你一样不相信。但,现在我信了,因为我这些年教出了太多这样的学生。我亲眼见证了太多这样在别人看来是 “奇迹” 的平常事件。

所有的多语使用者(multilingual)都一样,最终,在他们所使用的多种语言之中,总是有一个 “主导语言”(Dominant Language)。究竟哪一个是主导语言,并不取决于哪一个是母语,而取决于哪一个语言被使用得最多。


在过去的五年里,我带出很多高中生。他们从高一(其中的一些稍微晚一些)就开始为了出国留学做准备。在保证在校课业的前提下,他们需要付出额外的努力,获得 TOEFL 高分,获得 SAT 高分,以便最终在高三毕业的那一年秋季漂洋过海到美国名校读书。我所接触的最早的那一批高中生,现在早已经本科毕业,绝大多数都在常青藤名校中攻读博士学位……

对这些人来说,从实际情况看,他们的主导语言可能早已不再是他们的母语,而是英文。因为在他们成长最为迅猛、获取知识信息最为集中而又丰厚的阶段里,他们所使用几乎全部是英文。事实上,在他们离开中国之前的三年里,他们的英语水平就已经远远超出其他人的想象──很多学生 SAT 成绩 2300 分以上:这样的成绩,即便是在美国人之中,也是属于百里挑一的^1。在到达美国之后,仅从他们的阅读量来看,就只能是越来越大而不可能越来越小,他们使用英文的频率和中文的频率,尤其是在听说方面,早已经拉开差距。

甚至,他们之中的一些人(不见得是少数),从入读美国名校的那一刻起,就开始学习另外一门外语,比如法语、西班牙语、德语等;而两三年之后,他们已经可以熟练地使用 “第三语言” 听说读写……

我在国内大学举办讲座的时候,常常提起这些学生,而台下很多为了四六级考试苦苦挣扎的学生往往向我报以怀疑的态度:“切,谁信啊?”,“怎么可能呢!” 我理解。对他们来说,这种事情是绝对不可能的──尽管,那只是他们觉得不可能而已。


这个问题的答案是 “能”。


尽管不是每个人都能做到,但,“能” 或起码 “有可能” 这个事实,会改变一切的,至少可以改变一些人的一切。这就好像总是有一小部分人会真正明白:1 和 99 之间的差别再大,也不如 0 和 1 之间的差别大。


^1: 读者有兴趣可以到 collegeboard.com 上查看一下官方的SAT Percentile Ranks

2. 可为什么大多数人就是学不好?





更令人在想明白之后不寒而栗的是:我们甚至可能并不知道 “我们从未相信过”。


尽管在过去的许多年里(小学六年、中学六年、本科四年……)我们一直都在 “努力” 学习英语,可事实上收效甚微。一旦肯坦然面对,每个 “努力学英语” 十数年而不得的人都会承认:这些年其实真正学习的时间少之又少。


究竟是什么使得我们 “从未相信” 呢?究竟是什么让我们 “从未相信” 而又并不自知呢?

也许有很多原因。但我们的中学英语课本绝对是罪魁祸首(起码是之一)。在我们国家,高考英语词汇大纲,基本上由 3500 个左右的词汇构成。由于区域的不同,教材不同,我们姑且往多了算一点,算它 3600。尽管我们并不知道这个数字给我们带来的影响究竟是什么,但不可争辩的事实是,我们确实知道这个数字──起码知道个大概。

高中毕业之前,我们至少学了 6 年的英语──小学和幼儿园姑且不算数。那这意味着什么呢?3600 这个数字告诉我们,每年我们能够习得 600 个英文单词就可以了──如果真的做到了的话,那么在高考的英语考试中,成绩必然名列前茅 …… 一年有 365 天,那平均每天学多少个单词就够了呢?不到 2 个就够了……


  1. 英语很难很难……
  2. 你很笨很笨……
  3. 一天能学两个单词就很了不起了!


2010 年春天,我完成此书的初稿。当时我还觉得很难向读者简洁明了地把这个道理讲明白说清楚 。幸运的是,2010 年秋天,好莱坞的导演克里斯托弗•诺兰拍了一部誉满全球的大片──“Inception”(中译 “盗梦空间”)。这个片名(直译为 “植入”)成为众人皆知的概念。这帮了我一个大忙!诺兰在电影里向观众交代:一个想法必须足够简单才可能被植入;越是简单的想法,在植入之后越是根深蒂固;因为拥有这个想法的人无法分辨这个想法是自己的还是被植入的 …… 同样的道理,高考词汇大纲就是以这种方式,把那个极为简单的想法悄悄地 “植入” 到我们的大脑之中,进而使其根深蒂固,影响我们一生……


还好,谁都有自学的权利,而事实上,无论是谁都多多少少有一定的自学能力。更好的是,有一些知识是可以瞬间点透并发挥作用的。之前的一节,回答了这个问题,“我们有可能把外语用得比母语还好吗?” 答案是 “能”。知道这个答案的意义就在于它能够把之前被植入的想法斩草除根。

3. 为什么另外一些人却 “轻松” 学会了?

与 “越学越差” 的人相对,有一些人,也许是少数,却轻松地学会了,学好了──正如我之前提到的那些已经在美国名校读书的 “幸运儿” 们一样。

问题在于,他们也被植入了同样的想法──他们也在国内的高中读书,他们用的也是同样的教材,在同样的课堂里上课,遇到的是同样的英语老师 …… 那为什么他们没有受到影响呢?

这些学生绝大多数都是成长在中国的都会城市中,在那些城市里,都会至少有一个提供 TOEFL/SAT 培训的机构。

这类培训机构存在的本身,比它们的 “教学质量” 更重要。这类培训机构在不停地向外散播一个消息:有一个考试叫 TOEFL(这两年它们又让更多人了解到另外一个考试,叫 SAT),很多人去学,很多人去考,最终也有很多人获得了高分(至于得到消息的人是否在这里犯了逻辑错误并不重要,重要的是,连这种错误的逻辑关系都是向外传递的强大信息的重要组成部分^2)…… 更为重要的是,那些去学、去考、最终获得高分的人就在身边;而人们看到 “甚至还不如自己 ^3” 的人去学、去考、最终获得高分的时候,采取行动就是自然而然的了。

换言之,“这种培训机构的存在” 这个事实本身对学生来讲可能要比 “去某个培训机构上课” 更有意义、更有影响。这不是我自己的理论,事实上,在国外有种专门的课程,叫做 “Power of the place”──地理学的一个分支,专门研究这种机理及其影响。

这就是观念的力量。如果你不知道 TOEFL 考试的存在,你甚至没机会去参加那个考试。如果你不认为那是个有可能获得高分的考试,那你甚至可能根本不会尝试去努力。仅仅因为你知道了它的存在,你就有可能开始努力;仅仅因为你看到 “甚至还不如你的人”(尽管这很可能干脆就是个幻觉)获得了高分,你就没有理由不去努力,最终你也有可能获得高分……

事实上,“我也行” 这三个字是绝大多数普通人最现实最有效的动力。在像习得第二语言这样基本上不需要依赖天赋的领域之中更是如此。

4. 观念是如何影响我的?


穿透表象深入实质并不像说起来的那么容易。历史学家们许多年的研究过后才达成共识,当初打败印第安人的并不是欧洲人的先进军火,而是欧洲人身上所存在的、那无论是当时的欧洲人还是印第安人都看不见摸不着的病毒打败了印第安人,使他们成群地病倒、死去,使当时的欧洲人看起来 “有如神助” ……


大约二十年前(1988 年前后)我刚上高中。我父亲的教研室里 有位教英语的副教授去考了一次托福,成绩是 570 分(满分 677 分)。大家提起这事儿的时候都说,“这个成绩已经不错了!”(因为之前有另外一个教授去考过,是 530 分……)尽管我不懂那是什么样的考试,但留下了个印象:这是个很难的考试。

又过了好几年,1993 年,我读大三。隔壁班的一位同学据说要考托福。现在想来,当时在北京读书的大学生们都在如火如荼地准备这个考试,可是当时的长春,根本没有人知道这个考试。在那里,我就算见多识广的了。某天晚上回到寝室大家提起这件事儿的时候,我就给大家讲了讲托福考试有多难。大家听到大学老师也只不过考了个 570 分的时候,吐了吐舌头,都说,“这干脆就不是人考的么!” 之后,大家给那位同学起了个外号 —— “牲口”。

那一年夏天,我到北京找在清华读书的一个高中同学,请他学计算机的同学为我攒一台 486 电脑。路上走过一处平房的时候,他指着那房子说,“那就是新东方”。他的口气就好像是我应该知道一样。于是我问,“什么新东方?” 他告诉我那是个英语培训机构,要出国,就到那里参加培训。据说大学生都在传:“去那里不一定能打高分,但是不去那里肯定打不了高分。” 转瞬间这个话题就过去,我们接着聊了些什么,现在的我早已经没有了记忆……


2000 年年底,已经从大学毕业多年,期间做销售、做批发赚了很多钱,后又在家陪父亲养病而花光了积蓄的我,急需一份稳定的工作。后来有个高中同校的朋友从北京打来电话,说,“笑来,来北京吧,到新东方教书,收入不错。” 这时我早已忘了六年前曾经听北京的同学提过新东方,只是问他,“收入确定不低吗?” 朋友说,“放心,以你的口才,肯定没问题!” 我就这样坐火车到北京,到新东方报了一期班;又在新东方的门口费力买来各种题集,而后把自己关在海淀区双榆树的一个 11 层的一居小房子里四个月时间,考了托福、考了 GRE,拿着变态成绩去新东方应聘。而后一口气那里教了七年。期间,新东方教育科技集团在美国纽约证交所上市,代码为 EDU。

2003 年,《托福核心词汇 21 天突破》 出版发行的那天,我请客, 一大堆朋友闲聊,不知怎么一下子想起来 1994 年(那是已经是大约十年前了)我去中关村攒电脑时路过新东方旧址的情形,进而又一下想起来那个被我们起了外号叫 “牲口” 的同学,不禁打了个寒颤。

这个寒颤之前,我一直觉得自己 2000 年以 28 岁的 “高龄” 把自己关到一个小屋子里四个月就搞定托福、GRE 高分是一件值得自吹自擂的事情;可是这个寒颤之后,我突然发现我其实 “很傻很天真”(1993 年)的时候,就有机会去考托福、GRE,可当时竟然以为那是 “不可能” 的事情;还自以为是地与其他同学一样叫那位同学 “牲口”…… 如若那年我去准备托福、GRE 考试(而不是 28 岁那年 —— 七年之差啊!),现在想来当时若以我还在学校的聪明脑瓜,也许不用四个月(可能三个月?)就能搞定高分。如若真的如此,此后的人生岂不是天壤之别?现在想来,那是我的心智简直就是 “畜生”,不禁暗自虚汗犹如大雨磅礴 。


5. 这样的结论是否有理论依据?

GRE 考试中有一作文题目 :

“No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.”



约翰霍普金斯大学的两位研究人员 David Hubel 和 Torsten Wiesel 于 1959 年年底开始做的一项实验在其后的许多年里,影响了全球不计其数的第二语言习得者 —— 只不过,这影响主要是负面的 —— 尽管该实验本身的目的与外语学习看起来没有什么直接联系:研究动物视觉系统的早期发展 。

他们将出生几个月的猫或者猴的一只眼睛用手术缝合;经过一段时间之后再重新打开。研究表明,即便后来重新打开缝合的眼睑,这些动物的眼睛也不能再获得视觉功能。在这段时间内关闭一只眼睛对于动物脑中视觉区域的结构有明显的影响。但是,对于成年猫进行同样时间或更长时间的视觉剥夺既不会影响它们的视觉能力,也不会影响它们的大脑结构。只有年幼的动物在它们发展的“关键期”(Critical Period)才会因此剥夺视觉敏感。


这项研究及其成果最终使这两个人于 1981 年获得了诺贝尔医学奖,“因为这项研究对理解视觉系统如何处理信息有着巨大贡献”。但是,人们好像对这项研究中提出的 “关键期” 概念更感兴趣。科学家们很快就发现大脑的其它部分也都需要获得刺激才能够发展,并且好像它们都符合关键期理论。而根据关键期理论,只有在关键期内,大脑才是 “可塑的”(Plastic),这时大脑所接受到的外部刺激甚至会改变大脑的结构;而关键期过后,大脑就不再是可塑的了。很快,“关键期” 这个概念延伸到了各个科学领域。

语言学家 Eric Heinz Lenneberg 出生于德国,二战时期逃亡巴西,后移民美国,先后就读于芝加哥大学、哈佛大学。后作为心理学和神经生物学教授,曾在哈佛大学医学院、密西根安娜堡大学以及康奈尔大学医学院任职。Lenneberg 教授在 1967 年提出 “语言习得关键期假说”(Language acquisition Critical period hypothesis),认为语言习得的关键期始于婴儿出生,止于从八岁到青春期结束之间的某一时刻。“关键期” 过后,习得第二语言的能力将大幅度下降,并且没办法去除来自母语的口音影响。

事实上,Lenneberg 教授相当谨慎,提出的是个 “假说”(Hypothesis)。可是,几乎所有的科学研究结果一旦进入大众传播领域,或多或少都会掺杂着误解,甚至被故意歪曲。比如,当年宾夕法尼亚大学的 Martin Seligman 教授的 “Learned Optimism” 提出之后,瞬间就被成功学大师们拿去当作自己手中的道具,全然不顾 Seligman 教授所持的保留态度及其严谨。同样,Lenneberg 教授的 “假说” 到了市场上,就变成了 “理论”(Theory)。原本的 “始于婴儿出生,止于从八岁到青春期结束之间的某一时刻”,也变成了 “始于 0 岁,止于 10 岁” —— 在大洋另一端的中国,这几乎成了所有少儿英语项目的主要宣传工具,其潜台词的目的不过是恐吓家长赶紧交钱,“否则就来不及了!”。
更为普遍的是,这个 “关键期理论” 成了很多人安慰自己的借口。学不好是正常的,因为 “关键期早就过了么!” 或者 “不是小时候学的就不行……” 再或者 “都这么大岁数了,没戏了!”,等等。

其实 David Hubel 和 Torsten Wiesel 的真正贡献在于他们证明了大脑是 “可塑” 的,而非一成不变的。而他们两人的局限恰恰在于人们津津乐道的 “关键期”。当时,他们俩还是 “区域论” 的坚定支持者──而区域论,很久之后才被学术界推翻。


很漂亮的一个男孩,是不是?注意到了么,他的眼睛?这不是特效,这男孩的眼睛就那么亮。这个男孩是海洋吉普赛人(Sea Gypsies),他们的眼睛都这么亮。

海洋吉普赛人生活在泰国西海岸附近,属于游牧民族,只不过,他们以捕食海鲜为生。他们生命中的绝大部分都漂流在海上。这个男孩就是在海上出生的。他 们在学会说话学会走路之前就能够学会游泳。他们可以在不使用任何设备的情况下轻松潜入水面 30 英尺以下 —— 有个叫做苏鲁的部落,他们常常要潜到 75 英尺之下去采珍珠。他们能够控制并降低自己的心率,进而控制自己的氧消耗,他们可以在水下滞留很长时间,往往两倍于普通人以上。

当然,最令人惊讶的是他们的眼睛。他们可以在水下保持良好的、甚至更好的视力。因为他们学会了如何控制自己的瞳孔尺寸,能够把瞳孔缩小 22%。而一直以来,人们认为瞳孔的收缩尺度是固定的(由人类的基因决定的),并且应该是不受意识控制的,受制于 “自主神经系统”。

科学家们认为,这不是 “基因突变” 的结果,而是大脑的 “可塑性”(Plasticity)造成的。因为科学家 Anna Gislen 以及她的同伴把海洋吉普赛人带到欧洲,很快就教会了一群瑞典孩子如何收缩瞳孔。现在科学家们相信,大脑的可塑性极强,并且从始至终一直存在着这种可塑性。一切来自外部的刺激(尤其是系统 的训练)都会对我们的大脑产生影响,而大脑的结构和功能都会随之发生变化。

古人观察说,“非我族类,其心必异”。从这个意义上是正确的,因为由此看来,文化这个东西显然在不停地塑造受这个文化影响的人们的大脑。一直以来被 认为是 “硬件” 局限的问题,现在已经清楚地被证明(至少部分是)是 “软件” 开发问题。我们的大脑就好像一台神奇的计算机 —— 因为它的硬件甚至有能力去 “适应” 安装进去的 “软件”。

之所以科学家们推断说海洋吉普赛人的 “特异功能” 不是 “基因突变” 的结果,主要根据来自两个方面:

  1. 研究表明,几万年以来,人类大脑的构造几乎没有发生过任何变化;
  2. 这种能力是在一代人之间就可以学会的,无需遗传积累。

近一百年来,全球各地都发现了大量的 “洞穴壁画”(Cave Painting)。经碳同位素分析,这些壁画最久远的是三万年前的作品,最近的也是约一万年之前的作品。而这些作品往往让现代画家们惊讶,甚至沮丧。毕加索在 1940 年参观当时新发现的位于法国多尔多涅镇的 Lascaux 洞穴之时,看到这些壁画(上图是其中之一),多少有些失落,提起所谓现代艺术,评价道 “我们其实啥都没学会。[^5]”


Anna Gislen 让一群欧洲孩子在八个月内就学会了像海洋吉普赛人一样收缩瞳孔,[^6]证明了这种能力并非由遗传获得。也许大多数人看不出这个证明的具体现实意义,但是对于第二语言习得者来说,这无疑是意义非凡的发现。一直以来,科学界就存在着争论:“语言能力到底是不是天生的?”

其实,根本无需争论。很显然,语言能力并非天生的,而是后天习得的。事实上,语言文字的出现迄今为止也不过几千年而已,之前的人类大脑并非没有能力处理语言文字,而是没有语言文字可供处理。事实上,科学家们早就发现他们可以在一代之间就能教会那些原始部落的人使用 “新” 的语言和文字。而我国的扫盲工作,本质上来看也是一样的道理。与其他动物相比,人类的语言能力更强是因为大脑容量更大,潜力更广。很多科学家都成功做到教会猴子或者其他动物一些人类的语言──只不过,它们记忆力太差,潜力有限,所以不大可能达到人类的境界而已。

如果说,1) 大脑是可塑的;2) 语言能力是后天习得的,那么理论上来讲,任何人都可以习得任何语言才对。可事实上看起来并非如此。而 “关键期” 理论又给希望蒙上了一层阴影。因为按照关键期的说法,大脑只在最初的一段时间里是可塑的。不过,二三十年之后,终于有科学家证明:

  1. 大脑是可塑的;
  2. 并且它自始至终都是可塑的;
  3. 甚至它还会重新组织自己(Reorganizing),通过恰当的训练,它能用另外一个区域习得已被毁坏区域的能力……


其实她的左臂没有受伤,而之所以把左臂固定起来就是因为那是一条没有受伤的手臂,而右臂才是受伤、需要通过训练恢复的 …… 咦?这是怎么回事儿?可是从生理上来看,大脑受损的部分是没办法恢复的,她又怎么能通过训练来让已经受伤的右臂恢复正常呢?

大脑的神奇之处在于它可以利用其它未受损的部分重新习得受损部分的功能(学术上叫做 “remap”、“reroute”、或者 “rewire”)。之所以要把行动自如的左臂绑起来,是因为如果不这么做的话,面对任何需求,大脑中负责控制左臂的部分(或称为 “左臂脑图”)都会 “优先启动”;因为这部分是未受损的,而原本控制右臂的部分已经受损了。换言之,这时,大脑中尚不存在一个能够控制右臂的部分。而把左臂固定住之后,尽管负责控制左臂的大脑部分依然 “优先启动”,但实际上却无法自如操纵左臂。而在这种情况下,就可以通过让大脑的其他部分慢慢专注于右臂,进而习得控制右臂的方法 —— 即,可以通过这样的训练,慢慢使大脑未受损的某个区域 “习得” 原本只有那个已经受损的区域所负责的功能。没有多久,这个女孩子的右臂就恢复了,活动起来与原来没什么两样。可是她的大脑不再是原来的样子了,尽管某一部分受损且不可恢复,但她大脑的另外一个区域已经被开发,能够别无二致地完成受损区域曾经可以完成的功能。

仅仅在 2004 年之前,这种疗法是完全不可想象的。这种最初看起来匪夷所思的疗法叫做 “CI 活动疗法”(Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy,简称 “CI” 或者 “CIMT”)的发明者是Edward Taub教授。今天,这种疗法渐渐开始在全世界范围内普及,帮助无数偏瘫^7患者找回原来的自我和生活。可是 Taub 教授的研究经历却一波三折。为了找到偏瘫的资料方案,他需要人为地使猴子偏瘫(故意破坏猴子大脑的某个区域),而后再想办法通过训练另那些猴子从偏瘫状态中恢复过来 …… 上个世纪八十年代初,他被一个动物权益保护组织告上法庭,导致实验室被关闭,经费被冻结,最后甚至失去了工作,几乎所有的人都对他避之唯恐不及。接下来的六年时间里,Taub 教授的所有时间精力都被耗费在为自己辩护上 —— 巨大的社会压力使得他甚至找不到愿意为他辩护的律师,所以他只好自己做自己的律师。案发之前,Taub 教授总计有大约 10 万美元的存款,到他最终胜诉洗清所有罪名之时,他只剩下了大约四千美元的积蓄。当然,时至今日,基于他的理论及其实践为人类创造的巨大价值,Taub 教授被公认为当今全球最杰出的科学家之一。

Taub 教授 CI 疗法的成功首先证明区域论是错误的(至少不是完全正确的)—— 大脑可以重新组织自己;其次证明大脑自始至终都是可塑的,甚至可以重组 —— 即,用一个新的脑图完成原本由受损的脑图完成的功能;最后证明的也是最重要的:脑图之间存在着相互竞争 —— 所以,为了治好受损的右臂,要先把未受损的左臂给限制住。如果不把未受损的左臂给限制住的话,那么左臂的脑图将永远处于优势,进而,使得大脑对已经受损的右臂产生 “习得之弃用”(Learned Nonuse)^8

这最后一条可以用来清楚地解释原本用 “关键期论” 错误地解释的现象:为什么成年后学习第二语言显得更为困难?

成年之后,第二语言学习显得更为困难的原因并不在于关键期论所说的 “此后大脑不再可塑”,而实际上在于这是第二语言所使用的脑图要与已经形成强大势力的母语脑图竞争 —— 当然越来越难^9。然而,恰恰是这样的认识给了人们希望。目前,有很多教育学家开始提倡 “浸泡式学习”,有一定的依据,也有相当的效果。所谓 “浸泡式学习”,就是在特定的时间、特定的环境里,强迫学生只使用第二语言,禁止使用母语,进而刺激大脑加速构建新的脑图。风靡全球的罗赛塔石碑语言学习软体(Rosetta Stone)就是基于这个原理开发出来的。


  1. 什么时候开始学都不晚;
  2. 只要方法得当,并加以时日,一定能学好。
  3. 甚至,第二语言也可能超越母语成为主导语言。

(当然,接下来的内容中,读者会知道有一个比 “学” 更好的方法……)
在学习这件事儿是,相信自己一定能学好,并不一定保证真的能够学好;但是,反过来,如果相信自己不可能学好,那最终真的就不可能学好。所谓 “自证预言”(Self-fulfilling prophecy )就是这样,总是在负面起作用。事实上,“语言习得关键期” 之说四十多年来在全球造成了难以估计的恶果,不计其数的人在不经意之间把 “假说” 当成了 “定论”,相信自己不可能学好,进而成为 “自证预言” 注定的受害者。

“我没天分”、“我就学不好”、“英语太难了” 之类的话,甚至这类的念头,其实都是强大的诅咒。它们有着既强大又邪恶的力量。观察一下身边的人,你会惊讶地发现很多学了英语很多年的人,说得最流利发音最标准的一句英语竟然是:“I’m sorry, my English is poor…” 如果还有前缀的话,要么是 “(I beg your) Pardon…” 或者就是用错的 “Excuse me…”…… 从这样的例子里我们就可以看到那 “诅咒” 的强大和无所不在。

罗伯特•莫顿教授发现了这个现象,为这类现象取了个名字叫做 “自证预言”(Self-fulfilling prophecy)。









自证预言的运作机理颇有些令人迷惑:好事儿很少心想事成,坏事往往却竟然可以无中生有。但也不是不能解释清楚:也许这与人类大脑中根深蒂固的 “恐惧情绪” 心理有关。相对来看,喜悦会使一个人停下行动去享受喜悦,而恐惧却恰恰相反,会引发一个人马上采取行动去避免危险 —— 尽管有的时候事与愿违。事实上,出于恐惧的决策几乎总是事与愿违。

这种诅咒一旦启动,就几乎无法阻止它起作用,这正是它的可怕之处。我们的幸运在于,生活在一个已经证明这种诅咒不存在的时代──感谢 Edward Taub 等诸多科学家们的不懈努力,我们终于清楚地知道这种诅咒确实是不存在的,那些曾经的恐惧是没有必要的,也感谢这些年来我的学生,让我清楚地看到无数成功的事实,使我、他们之后很多的学生、以及我的读者从 “暗黑时代” 中走出来,朝霞满天。

[^5]: “We have discovered nothing.

[^6]: Visual training improves underwater vision in children , Vision Research, Volume 46, Issue 20, October 2006, Pages 3443-3450

6. 不要再 “学” 英语,你就该 “用” 英语!

语言是人类最宝贵的工具,然而,有些时候,语言也有副作用,给使用它的人带来限制。从某种意义上毫不夸张地说,“学” 这个字很可能实际上是很多人语言习得路上的最大障碍之一。因为人们往往对 “学” 这个之充满了敬畏,甚至常常是不必要的敬畏。

这种敬畏体现在大多数人总是假定不论是什么事情,都要先 “学” 好了之后才能 “用”。这个假定在很多情况下确实是正确的。比如,如果你想以医生为职业,那么你必须通过考试获得行医资格之后被允许救死扶伤;如果你想以律师为职业,那么你也必须通过考试获得律师资格之后才可以去匡扶正义。哪怕再简单一些的技能也可能如此,比如,你买了一辆车想将其作为代步工具,那么就必须通过考试获得驾照之后才被允许开车上路 —— 无证驾驶是违法的。

然而,这个假定并不适用于英语这项技能的习得及应用(或者说,其他的第二语言、甚至第三语言)。司机、医生、律师需要通过考试才能应用所需技能的重要原因在于这些技能的应用如若出现差错很有可能会对他人造成伤害 —— 甚至可能是无法挽回的。但是, 英语这项技能的应用在大多数情况下很难对他人造成伤害。你英文发音再难听,听的人也不会因此猝死;你英文语法错误再多,读的人也不会因此疼痛;别人对你说英文你没听懂或者给你看英文你没读懂,若非极端情况,你也不会因此就从此真的无颜见人。


只 “学” 不 “用”(这是大多数中国学生的写照)的下场就是在十几年之后依然在学依然无用(这是大多数中国学生的现实)。

既然 “用” 英语不会伤害任何人,既然不 “用” 就 “学” 不好,那莫不如从一开始就直接 “用”。

也可以这样理解:只有不断地 “用”,才能真正地 “学”,因为所有技能的习得,都要靠试错(Trial and Error)。很多人宁愿 “学一辈子”,却坚持 “一辈子不用” 的原因就在于害怕犯错。儿时犯错往往招致惩罚,成年之后,就算没有来自他人的惩罚,还有因为犯错而导致自己自卑和尴尬,所以,很多人是 “不惜一切代价” 避免出错的。然而,要知道知识的习得过程离不开试错,没有试错,就不可能有全面而真实的进步。所以,要知道犯错是正常的,甚至是不可或缺的。做事的时候,出错是必然的,如果正在做事却一点错都没有,那不是做事──那是在做梦。

把 “学” 改为 “用” 是很重要的,尽管看起来并没有什么了不起。书名《人人都能用英语》中的 “用” 字就是这个用意。而之前的章节标题中,我们的问题是 “我们有可能把外语用的比母语更好么?” 而不是 “我们有可能把外语学得比母语更好么?” 也是给予同样的考虑。

至于在哪儿用、怎么用,后面的章节中我们将从多个角度反复审视。然而,原则却很简单:你是怎么用母语的,你就应该怎么用英语。要对 “使用外语” 等闲视之──所谓 “使用一种语言”,本质上来看,不就是说话识字而已么?肯定不简单,但也绝对没有那么难。

7. 英文真的有用么?


我与无数的学生沟通,最终的结果是,大多数人 “学” 了英文十数年年之后在现实世界中的应用只不过是考试而已。一路下来考了无数的试,中考、高考、四级、六级、考研、雅思、托福、SAT、GRE、GMAT……这过程中,什么时候不再考了,英文也就扔下了。

大多数人就是这样的:无论父母、老师、甚至整个社会如何灌输,他们骨子里其实并不相信英文有用。只不过,很多的时候,这种 “不相信” 并不那么明显,甚至非常隐蔽,很多人甚至在不断声称 “我对英文非常感兴趣” 的同时,其实并不相信英文真的不可或缺。


道理再清楚不过:如果有一样东西你必须学,它不可或缺,你学不会就无法继续生活 …… 那这样东西不用任何人逼你,不用任何人向你灌输 “它太有用了!”,你都会玩命地去搞定它。假设有人挡住你的去路,阻挠你学那个不可或缺的它,你甚至可能为此拼命……

生活中,随处可见 “自己并不知道自己并不相信” 的例子。这也是大多数父母教育孩子失败的重要原因之一。

几乎每个父母都教育自己的孩子 “最好练一手好字”。可事实上,绝大多数父母最终只能不了了之──观察下自己的周边吧,写一手好字的人从来都是极少数(当然,任何领域都只有极少数人做到好)。问题出在哪儿?



这位父亲 “启发” 失败的原因在于,他一方面向孩子有意识地灌输 “书法很有用”(尽管他的 “尽力启发” 实际上很牵强),但,另外一方面他在无意识地向孩子传递 “书法不好也没啥” 的事实。

如果,这位父亲是一位喜欢书法,每天都在精练书法,也经常因此常常被人夸奖的人,那么他的女儿可能无需他 “有意启发”,早就开始自愿天天练字了。可事实是相反的:这位父亲自己并不练书法,而女儿也看到父亲书法不怎样也无所谓(却让我练书法──不公平!),这种 “无声的事实” 是很强大的,强大到绝不可掩盖的地步。


父母期望孩子学好任何一样东西,都是天经地义的。可是,仅仅出于好意是不够的。如果仅靠 “一番好意” 就可以成就事情,那这世界该多美好!可惜,现实并非如此。


高考的时候,我在大学里做英语教授的父亲帮我选择了会计专业,而事实上,我一天的会计都没有做过。我自作主张,在大学毕业之后,做了几年的销售。而后几经辗转,居然跑去从事英语教学。这样的 “巧合” 其实背后有着必然的联系。

因为讲课受学生欢迎,我常常被要求去培训新教师。在培训教师的过程中,我很意外地发现,经常有人(比例远远超出我最初的想象)问我这样的问题:“李老师,你讲了这么多年的课,是不是早就不用再备课了?” 说实话,我很惊讶,他们怎么会问出这样的问题?尤其当遇到师范专业毕业生问这样的问题,我就更是惊诧莫名了──备课怎么可能有尽头呢?讲到老就要备到老啊!

经过一段时间的反思,我才想明白。从小,我就看到父亲每天晚饭之后都在备课。那教科书的页边页眉早就被密密麻麻的笔记填满,再过两学期,那书里又会多出许多夹页 …… 所以,我从小就以为 “老师都是这样的”(当然现在已经知道其实并非如此)。所以,有一天,我 “竟然” 做了老师,也就按照 “都是那样” 的方式做事 …… 而问我那个问题的人,尽管是师范专业毕业的,他们没见过我父亲那种老师,所以,他们不会像我那样认为 “老师都是那样的”,于是,他们以为的是另外一个样子……

从他人身上获得的这种潜移默化的影响极为强大。看来 “自己相信或者不相信” 的影响,对自己更加潜移默化,影响力更加强大。

2003 年,我开始去健身房。经过一段时间,身边的很多人觉得我去健身房很有效果,于是,也都纷纷报名买了健身卡。我身边的人当然绝大多数是老师。
我是请健身教练的,那价格不高不低:一小时 150 元。十几位老师之中,只有我一个人请教练。私下里,他们认为我花钱太大手大脚了,另外,他们也觉得一小时 150 元不值。

观察了很久,也有过几次讨论,我自己有了个结论,尽管这些不肯花钱请教练的人肯定不赞同这个结论:他们不相信教学的作用──尽管他们是老师,他们甚至很可能在课堂上讲的就是自己不相信的东西 …… 别惊讶,尽管你会觉得我多少有些偏激,但我确信很多老师一生都在讲授自己并不相信的东西。所以,潜移默化之中,他们根本不相信健身教练能教他们什么有用的东西,因为他们教别人的东西之中也有很多是自己都知道根本没有用的──尽管他们自己并不见得清楚自己真正的想法。

不到半年的时间里,这些人都不再去健身房了,现在,整个健身房里,只有我一个人是七年的会员。最重要的是,在健身教练的指导下,这么多年,我在健身房从未受伤。事实上,很多人不是坚持不下去,而是在练的过程中由于方法不当,最终造成了各种各样的损伤,于是,无法练下去了 …… 并且,教练在大约两年之后,基本上就教完了,普通人没必要请一辈子教练的。经过这样迂回地讲解,读者应该能够理解很多人声称 “对英文感兴趣” 或 “英文很重要等”,但实际情况却并非如此。

“叶公好龙” 这个成语早已存在超过千年。这不是什么稀奇的现象,也没那么难以理解。

另外,对于那些希望自己孩子学好英文自己却一点都不懂的父母来说,倒是有个实用的建议:为了让孩子自然而然地学,父母就应该跟孩子一起学──我的意思是 “真学”,而不是做做样子。如果,你坚信英文有用,一定会有所挣扎;只要挣扎,就一定会有进步;只要有进步,就一定会开心,相信我,开心是传染性非常高的。当然,如果发现自己确实做不到,那么,请你也别对孩子有太多要求,随他去吧,看他自己的造化。

8. 我自己是从什么时候开始确认英文有用的?

最初的时候,我的英文成绩不仅不好,甚至应该正确描述为 “很差” 才对。从小我就被误解,很多人误以为我英文成绩一定会不错,因为我的父亲是英文教授。


可能性是这样的:教师把耐心全都耗费在学生身上了,以至于回到家里,对自己的孩子却不知不觉失去了耐心。这就是发生在我身上的事情,小时候父亲也尝试教我英文,可总是几句话之后就一巴掌打过来,“这么笨,是我儿子么!” 我也倔强,“你不说我是捡来的么!哼!” 然后就是不欢而散。

然而,有一天,注定要发生的事情终于发生了 。

大学的时候,几经辗转,我终于搞到了一本英法对照(不是 “中英对照”)的 “Animal Farm”。乔治•奥威尔的这本书,在我成长的年代是一本禁书^10。人是很奇怪的动物,如果这书让你随便看你还未必愿意看;可如果它是禁书,你就有无穷无尽的动力去搞到它。



这头老猪颤颤巍巍爬上谷堆,张口说:“I had a dream……”




这些动物甚至有宣言的:“All animals are born equal.”

再后来,猪们发现酒很好喝。可问题在于,酒不是无穷无尽的,不够喝。于是就有猪建议,“只有猪才能喝酒。”可问题又来了,外面的墙上明明写着“All animals are born equal.”于是,酒足饭饱之后,一头猪去在墙上又刷了一些字。

第二天,所有的动物们都看到了,墙上的标语长了一点点:“All animals are born equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

许多年后,回想起这件事请,我知道 “Animal Farm” 的内容对我的影响并没有另外一件事情更大。读过这本书之后,我脑子里闪过的是这样一个句子:“English, for me, means freedom.”


9. 寻找英文对你的真正的用处



听与读是输入,说与写是输出,译,从来都不可能是机械的──否则 Google 翻译早就该替代人工翻译了。翻译,实际上大部分工作内容是 “再创作”。

事实上,对每个人来说,输入很可能要远比输出重要得多。因为输出依赖于输入,要先输入足够的信息,经过处理(思考)之后才能获得输出结果。所以,没有输入哪儿来的输出?即便是输入本身,都是有一定要求的,因为,把大脑比作计算机的话,我们可以将那个著名的计算机理论应用到大脑运行机制中:“Garbage in, garbage out.” 进来的是垃圾,出去的就是垃圾──变废为宝往往只不过是传说而已……

我一直认为大多数人其实没必要害怕自己只学到了 “哑巴英语”。事实上,绝大多数人其实开口说英语的机会并不多。我当然不是反对开口说英语,我只是在讲述一个事实:对很多人来说,其实只要能够流利阅读英语或许已经足够了。

另外一个不争的事实是,英文是科技文献量最大的语言,在这方面它全面超越所有语言。所以,一旦你需要查阅科技文献,基本上只能去用英文。对另外一些特定的人群来说,写可能更重要。我认识很多外媒驻中的工作人员就是如此。尽管他们讲英文也相当流利,但是,他们自己清楚,写的能力对他们来说有多么的关键。于是,他们将尽一切可能去提高他们的检索能力、思考能力及写作能力。为了更快更准地获取关键信息,他们还要耗费大量的时间精力去编织必要的人际关系 …… 千万不要误以为写出几千字的文章只需要词汇语法知识就可以。



不过,无论如何,输入是基础。很多人无法输出的根本原因在于输入太少。究竟少到什么程度,他们自己并不清楚。这句话可以用在任何一个学习的领域:不知道并不可怕,可怕的是自己不知道 “自己不知道”

10. 我们过去对自己要求太低了……

过去,我们不仅不相信自己能够学好、用好英语,更为重要的是,即便挣扎其中,我们都对自己要求太低了,乃至于 “学傻” 或者 “被教傻”。

除了之前提到的 “词汇量”(高考词汇大纲)之外,还有就是阅读量。我们的初中英语教材中的课文,从几句话一篇开始,最终每篇没超过 500 词;高中英语教材中的课文每篇也就不到 1000 词;大学英语精读教材中的课文最长也就 2500 词。它们的共同特征是:要求学生几天内(最长一周)读完、学完一篇课文。

如果把阅读比作跑步,把我们初中时期的课文比作 100 米,那么很多人 “学” 了很多年英语之后,渐渐能够适应的、最长的距离只不过是 2000 米左右 …… 多年来习惯于最长阅读量是 2000 词,导致的结果是,看一会儿英文就头疼 …… 事实上,在读到 1000 词的时候,大脑就开始说 “再坚持一下啊!” 到 1500 词的时候说 “顶住!” 到 1800 词的时候大脑在不停地喊 “差不多了,就这样吧……”





所以,在正常情况下,大多数正常人每天都在语言的使用上 “跑马拉松”,并且还是在毫不费力的情况下。

最为关键的是,最初阅读文字可能会比较累(想想我们小时候背着词典上学的过程吧)。但是,很快就会渐入佳境。那之后,大多数人其实是在 “享受文字”。用它获取信息,用它娱乐精神,用它沟通交流,而不是 “研究语文”。

我们应该做的是,用最快的速度完成对 “马拉松” 的适应,而后哪怕每天 “马拉松” 也不觉得异常,甚至应该早忘记当初的痛苦,而去专注于语言的主要功用:用英语获取信息,用英语交流……反正,用就是了。

第二章 口语

1. 我是如何摆脱哑巴英语的?

我不是科班出身,所以,别说口语差,连单词发音都差得一塌糊涂。再往前倒推许多年,我刚开始讲托福课的时候,甚至连 “发音差” 都不是,而是 “干脆读错”(之前提到过我把 specific 读成 “spesifik”,把 facade 读成 “fakeid”)。更不用提什么口语了──事实上,几乎没怎么开口与人讲过英文。(但这并不影响我当时 TOEFL 考出高分,也不影响我在讲阅读课──事实上,我的发音还真不是所有老师里最差的……)

开始讲课没多久,我就被要求去讲作文课──后来,TOEFL 作文、SAT 作文、GRE 作文、GMAT 作文 …… 各式各样的留学考试的作文我都讲过。当年为了自己考出高分,我把所有的作文题目都分类写了一遍,TOEFL 有 185 道题,GRE 分别有两百多道 ISSUE 和 ARGUMENT 题目……






我这才发现身边坐着一位金发碧眼的美女。瞬间我就反应了过来,她肯定是看到我在大段写英文,所以认为我一定能讲英文 …… 可是我自己知道自己什么德行啊!发音极差,一开口就出错……



突然,我眉头一皱,计上心来。我终于开口说话了:“Many believe that parents are the best teachers, do you agree or disagree?”──这是 TOEFL 作文题第一道……

也许是这个话题太突兀了,那女生愣了一下,说话居然开始支吾起来。两三个短句之后,她把球踢了回来:“Wow, I really didn’t think it through, huh, what do you say about it?”

我突然放松了下来──她怎么可能知道,这道题我写过四五个版本!我开始跟她说我的看法。我知道我的发音很差,所以,有意放慢了语速 …… 她不由地认真听了起来,因为她发现身边这个其貌不扬的男人,不开口倒也罢了,一开口竟然常常有并列复杂句 …… 更为关键的是,例证丰富,逻辑严谨……

她以为她与我之间的是 discussion,哪里知道对我来说,这根本就是 presentation!

不知不觉我说完了,她若有所思地说,“Wow, you’re so considerate!” 后来上了飞机,她还专门换了个座位,我们一路上聊了很多东西,比如,“小城市其实比大城市生活更舒服”、“人们为什么喜欢从事危险的活动”(TOEFL 题目)…… “每个社会都常常忽略那些真正的思想家”(GRE 题目)…… 到了北京,临分手我才知道她叫 Susan。后来我写《TOEFL 高分作文》的时候,由七人构成的外教团队就是她组织的。

这次经历,彻底改变了我对口语教学的看法:我以前总以为学生的问题是 “不知道怎么说”(HOW)──我曾以为我自己的问题也是如此;现在我认为学生所面临的问题不仅仅是这个,更重要的是他们 “没什么话可说”(WHAT)。

后来我就养成了习惯,不再指望自己能够脱口而出,而是希望自己有备无患。每当我遇到一些要讲英文的正式场合,我一定会提前花时间先写 “逐字稿”,不会写的就去查查词典,查词典查不到的,就用 Google 搜索,连 Google 都搜不到,那就想想看有没有可替代的说法 …… 而后再花时间修订,熟悉,复述。如此这般之后,到了现场,基本上能够做到 “自如” 应对。

如此这般之后,我才反应过来,其实我自己讲中文也是如此的。平时跟朋友闲聊,倒不见得一定要准备,但是哪次上台演讲不需要提前准备呢?有时即便提前准备了,也可能因为不够充分而出现 “演砸了” 的情况。而事实上,即便是与朋友闲聊的时候,有些重要内容还是需要准备一下的(只不过那准备很多的时候并不 “正式”)。谁都一样,有多少次你我在给朋友讲故事的时候由于不熟练而最终把好故事讲臭了?

在相当长一段时间里,我以为自己 “发现” 了一条真正的捷径,后来才发现 “我并不孤独”。在国内,卖得最好的口语教材,实际上是北京外国语大学的专业教材,作者是北外教授吴桢福老师:一共三本,《英语初级口语》、《英语中级口语》、《英语高级口语》,多年来多次再版,印数均超过 100 万本。如果读者有机会,不妨去书店翻翻这套教材──你会发现其中的大多数课文话题,实际上也许都是从 TOEFL 作文题脱胎而来的。


2. 为什么买不到适合你的口语书?



因为没有任何一本口语书籍是针对你写的 —— 它们都是针对大众写的,否则,书就只能卖给你一个人;如若真的如此,那书根本就印不出来,没有哪一个出版社愿意出版。

随着年龄的增加,每个人的内涵会慢慢积累出巨大的差异,于是,人们之间各自 “想要说的话” 都大不相同。另外还有一个原因,在真实的对话场景里,除非必要,人们往往回避 “重复别人的话”。既然别人已经说过,自己又何必再啰嗦?与此同时,随着时间的推移,每个人的思考方式也会衍生出独特之处,乃至于即便用同样的开场白,几句话过后,就会蔓延到与其他人完全不一样的方向。

As people getting older, their knowledge is also increasing (hopefully). Therefore, what people want to say varies drastically from individual to individual. Furthermore, in real conversations, people always avoid repeating others whenever necessary. Why waste time and energy to produce nothing?

Meanwhile, everyone is becoming even more distinctive, especially in terms of thinking. Therefore, a talk might well begin with mundane greetings, but is bound to crawl into a unique and unexpected direction after several exchanges.

上面两个段落,是典型的我自己的风格的书面表达方式 —— 至于是否 “地道” 先放在一旁。想想看,这是你想说的话么?这是你会使用的表达方式么?就算你我想得一样,但最终你会像我这么表达么?──无论是用中文,还是英文……


某种意义上,这可能更能解释为什么小孩子学外语显得比成年人容易。因为小孩子要说的话相对成年人少,并且相对成年人更少差异,也就是说,在少儿英语口语教材中所涉及的对话,可能更大程度上能够做到覆盖小孩子在真实世界里想说的话、要说的话,以及可能说出来的话。而成年人所需要表达的内容更为复杂,因此表达难度更高。成年人不像小孩子要说的话那样相对简单一些,他们无法做到 “不假思索” 地表达他们的感受尤其是那些 “深思熟虑” 的内容。

著名的《英语 900 句》曾经风靡全中国,被认为是最经典的口语教材。某种意义上它确实是;但从另外一个角度来看的话,又恰恰因为 “它挑选了所有的人(共同)最常用的句子”,所以,那些句子实际上是人们最少说,甚至根本不说的句子。不妨来看看以下的内容:

  1. Hello.
  2. Good morning.
  3. I am Kate Green.
  4. Are you Tom Brown?
  5. Yes, I am.
  6. How do you do?
  7. How are you? Fine, thanks.
  8. How is your mother?
  9. She is very well, thank you.
  10. Good afternoon.
  11. Good evening.
  12. Good night.
  13. Good-bye.
  14. See you in the evening.
  15. So long.

这些句子全都学完了,对于真实的口语交际其实是没多大用处的。正常人怎么可能见面打招呼之后直接就告别呢?真正的场景可能是这样的:遇见与离开之时根本就没有寒暄 —— 因为大家彼此不是陌生人(你平日里跟陌生人说话的可能性有多大呢?),而聊天的内容每一次都有巨大的不同……

这些口语书选择了那些 “最经常重复出现的内容”,但这些内容并不像那些作者所想象的那样 “因为它们是最经常重复出现的,所以它们是最重要的”,恰恰相反,这些重复频率最高的内容实际上只不过覆盖总体语言使用的 1%而已。所以,注定用处十分有限。


从某种角度来看,头脑简单的人更容易习得外语口语。因为他们的表达需求简单。他们头脑简单,所以,见人只想(也只能)讨论简单的问题,比如,今儿天气不错啊(Nice day, huh?),你最近怎么样啊(How are you doing?)等等……

头脑简单的人,见到陌生人问 “What’s your name?” 一点都不觉得自己说的有什么不妥。可事实上,请你认真回忆一下自己在真实的世界里有多少时候需要问 “你叫什么?”


  1. 首先愿意告诉你他名字的人会主动告诉你,不愿意告诉你名字的人你问他也不会说;
  2. 对方告诉你他的名字之后,你所面临的问题很可能是不知道名字中具体的字怎么写(英文中就是怎么拼)……


  • 你说:你是……?(You are …?)
  • 对方接过来:李雷。(Michael Johnson.)
  • 你可能需要把名字记下来,所以接着说:雷电的雷?(Michael as Michael Jordon?)
  • 对方说:是啊。(Correct.)
  • 你说:哦。(OK.)

事实上,在真实的世界里,也许只有警察才常常用这句话: “What’s your name?”

相对于那些头脑简单的人,那些头脑不简单的人在开口讲外语的时候会面临更多困难,因为他们的表达需求更为复杂,甚至可能过于复杂。他们没多大兴趣与对方讨论天气问题,或者对方来自于哪里,他们想跟对方探讨一下 “当前人们所关注的全球变暖问题之中,有哪些问题是被大多数人所误解的”,或者 “现在人民币汇率节节攀升对普通市民来说有哪些可能的风险”……




有些人口语不好不是因为笨,而是恰恰因为他不笨。然而,这结论反过来并不成立。口语流利的之中,除了少数头脑简单之外,更多的人是聪明的。因为说话本身是一种高度协调的系统工程:要持续输入(捕获对方一切反馈),要高速处理(所谓见机行事可不是那么容易的事情),还要有效输出(说准说对说得精彩更不容易)…… 这一切,都要有长期的锻炼和积累才行。

即便在说母语的时候,人与人之间的差异也是巨大的。有的人口齿伶俐,思维缜密。而更多的人,甚至吐字不清,逻辑混乱,语无伦次 …… 然而,这只不过是积累的最终表现而已,事实上,每个人的起点没有太大的区别。


4. 如何创作自己的口语书?

所以,“一切都只能靠自己” 这句话从古至今在任何领域都绝无半点夸张。既然你跟别人就是不一样的,那么,那些不一样的内容──对你来说也是最重要的内容──只能靠你自己去整理。

(1) 一定要用本子记录



  1. 实际上你必须表达的话并不多……
  2. 这些内容中的绝大多数其实你完全有能力用英文表达(最多查查词典就可以了)。



很快就有人回答到:“感觉这句话有点别扭啊。就好像说 “空腹时不吃饭是会饿的” 一样 —— 既然是盲目的决定,那当然是不理智的了!”

这位提问者所面临的问题,不仅是英语表达困难,更深的层面上来看,干脆是逻辑问题,即,思维层面的问题。由于逻辑的不严谨,他所要表达的内容,即便是用他的母语表达出来,也都是不通的……(就算是翻译成英文,依然是莫名其妙的句子:A blindly made decision is usually irrational.)



(2) 根本不知道该如何用英文说怎么办?


在我自己的积累过程中,遇到过很多当时完全不知道该怎么说的情况。比如,有一次,我在北京的一个酒吧里听歌。身边的朋友起身去洗手间的功夫,过来一个老外,想做在那个空座位上,我马上想表达的是 “这儿有人的!”

可是,我差一点卡住。在脱口而出 “There is a person here!” 的同时,我清楚地意识到我说的干脆就是一句 “鬼片台词”──座位上明明没有人么!那个老外听到之后愣了一下,随即反应过来,说,“OK, I’ll try another one.” 然后找其它的位子去了……

我掏出本子,写下这句中文 “这儿有人!”,然后,在这句中文之后,也写下了那句 “鬼片台词”──“There’s a person here!”,然后继续听歌。

过了几天,我在另外一个完全不相干的场合,见到一位老外遭遇与我一样的场景,然后她说的是:“Sorry, it’s taken.” 我愣了一下,反应过来,然后就掏出本子,找到前些天记录的位置,划掉 “There’s a person here!”,补上 “It’s (the seat is) taken.”



老外也是人,也是相当有智商的,他们会动用一切可能的智慧去理解你的话。很多的时候,就算你表达得不地道,不正确,根据当时的场景,他们也能够猜出你想表达的究竟是什么(但即便你的表达有误,他们一般也不会指出来,这样会误使你认为自己口语还不错)…… 相信他人有一定的智商,是具有正常情商的表现。

一定要及时记录下来。记录的习惯无比重要,《把时间当作朋友》里我曾花费很大的篇幅论述。不过,遗憾的是,还是有一些读者认为 “不至于吧?” 所谓的 “执迷不悟”,如是罢了。

因为有记录,所以,将来 “偶然” 获得答案的时候,知道应该补在哪里。从我和无数学生的实践经验来看,如果之前有所记录,那么将来获得答案是 “必然”,如果之前没有记录,很多会 “必然” 到来的答案,最终连 “偶然” 都无法形成,因为你过去并未记录,所以当答案来临的时候,你根本就未曾意识到,于是,擦肩而过的就是你。

(3) 学会 “换一种说法”

有很多时候,你要表达的东西在英语中根本就没有对应概念。这样的时候,就必须通过 “换一种说法” 去搞定。

我遇到过很多次类似情况。TOEFL 作文题中有一道题,问 “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools.” 我要给学生分析这道题目。在众多父母可能选择 separate school 的原因中有一个:他们害怕自己的孩子早恋。

可是,“早恋” 用英文怎么说呢?我不知道。也查不到。我甚至没办法问老外,“早恋” 怎么说,因为我没办法用英语问他我想问的东西究竟是什么……

我向他们描述:“In our culture, it is deemed as a wrongdoing if teenage girls and boys fall in love…” 我本来想接着问他 “… and we have a specific word to describe the relationship or the circumstance, called ‘早恋’,‘早’means too early, or premature, and ‘恋’means love… is there any counterpart in English vocabulary for this?” 可后面这话还没说出来,老外已经瞪大了眼睛喊道,“Why?”


原文是德文,英文译文是:“Whoever is a girl does not want to be loved, and whoever is a boy does not want to be royal to his lover.”

在西方世界里,不存在中文意义上的 “早恋”。而在中文中,“早恋” 这两个字是一个血淋淋的词汇──在中国境内每年因所谓的早恋问题而自杀的少年难以计算……

所以,“父母们之所以选择男女分校,很可能的原因之一是因为他们害怕自己的孩子早恋。” 这句话,我愣是用英文说不出来。但,我还是先把这句话中能说明白的部分记在本子上:

One of the reasons why many parents want to send their children to separate school is that they are worried about 早恋.


大概几个星期之后,有一天我在读一篇文章,读到一个词,“undernutrition”(营养不良),脑子里闪过的念头是这个词头 “under” 究竟都有哪些意思呢?于是动手去查词典。哦,它基本上有两个意思:

  1. 在 …… 之下,比如 underground;
  2. ……不足、不良,比如,undernutrition,比如 underage drinking……

读到 “underage drinking”(未成年人饮酒)的那一瞬间,我突然想到,实际上,我可以不用 “早恋” 这个词就能把我要说的说明白。其实,中国的父母害怕的并不是所谓的 “早恋”,如若一切发生在思维之中,他们很可能其实是并不关心的,就算因 “早恋” 发生了行动,拉拉手、亲亲嘴,他们也很可能不会太过紧张;然而,他们真的害怕自己的孩子发生 “underage sexual behaviors”……
One of the reasons why many parents want to send their children to separate school is that they are worried about possible underage sexual behaviors.


(4) 使用平实的、朴素的、没有修辞的中文


每种语言,都有自己特定的修辞方式。比如,在中文中,我们可以说 “他蠢得跟猪似的……” 可是,如果你用英文说 “He is as stupid as a pig…” 对方很可能完全不明白你在说什么。

因为,猪,在他们的文化里,很可能象征着下流、龌龊、但并不一定象征着愚蠢。甚至可能恰恰相反,他们知道猪是智商相对较高的动物──即便在寓言故事中,也常常有这样的描述:Animal Farm 里,就是因为猪是最聪明的,所以是它们领导了起义。我们的文化之所以常常认为猪愚蠢,大抵上是因为《西游记》这部经典小说罢,八戒毁了猪的 “世代英明”。



这里的成语 “西装革履”,是根本没办法用英文说出来的。“革履” 倒也好办,其实就是 “皮鞋”,大不了就是 “鞋”──shoes。可是, 在英文中是没有 “西装” 这个词的──这是中国人的词汇:我们看到西方人穿的衣服跟我们的不一样,于是把他们穿的那种衣服成为 “西装”。在英语中,也许还真的有一个 vocabulary counterpart(对应词汇)──“唐装”(tang suit 或者 han suit)。




Even if one is well suited, that doesn’t necessarily mean he is decent.

比如,“孔子曰……” 里面的这个 “曰” 字,很难在英文中找到完全的对应,“曰” 和 “say” 是很不一样的。“曰” 的意思是,这话是古人说的,并且,常常还是著名的古人说的,如果是古人说的,却不指明是哪一个古人说的,我们往往不用 “曰” 这个字,而是用 “云”,例如,“古人有云……”

所以,平实的、朴素的、没有修辞的说法不是 “孔子曰” 或者 “孔子云”,而是 “孔子曾经说过……” 这里面的 “过” 字,还在清楚地提醒你应该用 say 的过去式 said……

再比如,“北京的三月,乍暖还寒……” 这种依赖中文本身的韵律(仄仄平平)的诗意表达,无论如何都不可能在翻译成英文过后还保留原来的意味。


很小的时候,语文课本里有一篇文章,是阿尔封斯・都德先生的《最后一课》。其中提到 “当一个民族沦为奴隶时,只要它好好地保存着自己的语言,就好像掌握了打开监狱的钥匙”──这是没办法不同意的;然而,当他提到 “法语是世界上最美丽、最清晰、最严谨的语言” 的时候,我问老师,“那中文呢?” 结果被老师一顿批评,说我上课捣乱……

事实上,每种语言都有其独特、美丽、严谨之处,在那些特定的点上,甚至可能是任何其他语言都无法替代的。然而,这并不意味着仅仅因为在那些方面无可替代,那种语言就高于其他一切语言。这是简单明了的道理,却被很多人有意忽视。观察一下身边,总是有无数的人以 “中文是无可替代的” 来作为 “懒得用英文” 的借口,乍一眼望过去,好像有点道理,甚至难以反驳,可事实真的如此吗?

(5) 不是应该用英语思维吗?

有些学生刚开始 “打造自己的口语书” 的时候很兴奋,没多久就会产生一个疑问,“我天天这样翻译,这是不对的吧?难道我以后一直得靠这种翻译吗?不是说应该做到能用英语思维么?”

其实,谁也不需要这样翻译一辈子。事实上,在实际操作过程中,读者会发现,大多数句子基本上 “一一对应即可表达完毕的”,比如 “咖啡,想要温的还是凉的?” 这种句子,对大多数人来讲,并不需要额外的辛苦,直接说就是了:“Coffee, warm or cold?” 而剩下少数需要通过积累获得的,实际上也不可能在三五年之后依然处于不够用的状态。

倒是那个 “要用英语思维” 的说法值得着重批判一下。

一直以来,有很多英语教师向学生灌输 “最好/一定要用英语思维” 的观念。姑且不论宣扬这么做的老师究竟有没有做到,显而易见,这是学生不可能做到的事情。如果 “用英语思维” 果真像这些英语教师所宣扬的那样,这倒无可厚非;可是,如果 “用英语思维” 干脆就是个虚无的概念,或者就算存在也完全可以用其他更合理的方式去解释或达成的话,那么,这些教师的做法除非是出于无知尚可原谅,若是仅仅为了唬住学生,那就罪大恶极了。


某种意义上来看,英语教师口中的所谓 “英语思维”(抑或什么 “英式思维”、“美式思维” 之类的说法),就好像是英语老师手里的金箍棒 —— 可大、可小、可长、可短,大可以砸人,小可以遮羞;而它又好像是只有唐僧会念的紧箍咒 —— 没有人能搞懂那究竟是什么东西,反正只有他会念,并且只要他一念听到的人头晕脑胀疼得恨不能满地打滚。

姑且先不说 “一定要用英语思维” 这样的建议是否真的对学生有益,只提一个疑问:“人类真的必须使用语言才能思考么?”

这个问题的答案很重要。因为,诸如 “英语思维” 之类的所有概念(包括 “英式思维”、“美式思维”、“中式思维”、“母语思维”、“外语思维” 等)都建立在一个重要的前提之上,即,语言是人类思考的必须。


既然那个重要的前提非真,那么 “英语思维” 之类的概念就是虚无的,至少是 “靠不住的”,因为我们大多数情况下并不使用语言进行思维。更多的时候,我们是在思考有某种特定的语言如何表达思维结果,而非依赖语言去得到思维结果。

有一篇重要的论文请读者参考阅读:Absurdity of ‘Thinking in Language’ (1972)

作为老师,给学生一个 “凭空捏造且无实际意义的概念” 是不厚道的。尤其当很多学生不由自主地把老师给出的这个概念作为自己的追求的时候。这样的学生注定要以失败作为结局 —— 因为根本不存在,所以肯定追求不到。要知道那些凭空捏造且无实际意义的概念在真实世界里依然可以发挥巨大作用 —— 当然通常是负面作用,最终只能归结为 “幻觉”、“扭曲”,抑或 “自我催眠”,反正没一个是能有好下场的。

其实,用通俗易懂,且又合情合理的方式说的话,第二语言使用者真正能做到的是通过大量练习之前提到过的 “换一种表达方式”──注意,不是所谓的 “把中文思维换成英文思维”,而只不过是 “换一种方式表达同样的内容” 而已。这其中的差异,多半是语法习惯上的,并不细微,却总是被有意忽视。所幸的是,总是有一些人能够明白过来,悄悄地绕过了所谓 “不可逾越的鸿沟”。

(6) 理解、表达与翻译之间的微妙差异




这个错误的提问,无形之间给很多英语学习者造成了非常严重而又看不见摸不着的障碍(读者现在应该已经理解:每个人都不仅仅应该是 “学习者”,而是一上来就应该是 “使用者” )。

首先,翻译并不是大多数人学习外语的目的。大多数人学习外语的目的是使用外语,而 “翻译”,只不过是外语的众多用处之一而已。但是,“这句话怎么翻译?” 这个问法,却无形之中把这只不过是 “之一” 的用处变成了全部,正是所谓的本末倒置。

其次,翻译起码可以分为两种,直译和意译。其实大多数情况下,这样提问的人并没有意识到自己问的实际上是 “这句话怎么直译?” 可事实上,很多时候,哪怕很多看起来非常简单的句子都很难直译,甚至没办法直译。于是,这种提问很可能遇到的答案是 “我也不知道……” 问的人并没清醒地意识到自己其实问错了,或者起码问得不够准确,回答的人根本不知道自己给的并不是恰当的答案 —— 尽管是大实话一句。


We noticed that sometimes we were tempted to locate the morality of an act in the consequences, in the results, in the state of the world that it brought about.


这句里locate the morality of an act in the consequences, 怎么翻译比较好? 谢谢.

其实,对英语学习者(将来的英语使用者)更为重要的是 “理解”,而非 “翻译”。就算是有时需要翻译才能理解,那么需要的往往更多是 “意译”,而非 “直译”。“locate the morality of an act in the consequences”,意译的话,相当于 “以结果判断一个行为的道德”。

任意两种语言之间(并不仅限于英文和中文之间),不大可能处处都存在着一一对应关系。我们经常会遇到找不到对应中文的英文概念(比如,serendipity),或者中文的某个概念在英文中很难找到对应(比如,大队长)。这时,我们甚至无法借助 “意译”,只能借助更为繁杂的诸如详细解释、重新定义,或者创造新词等手段……

所以,当遇到一个不能理解的句子之时,最正确的提问方法可能是这样:“这句话应该怎么理解呢?” 或者 “这句话到底是什么意思?”

尽管表面上来看这样提问和 “这句话怎么翻译?” 区别不大,但实际上却有着天壤之别。首先自己清楚地知道发问的目的究竟是什么(理解句子),其次,被问的人也清楚地知道自己该如何答才能让提问者弄明白。只有这样,才是有效的沟通。

同样的道理,当我们需要表达之时,我们要判断一个可能性:我们要说的这个内容,能否被 “直译” 成英文──或 “能否用英语直接表达”。如若不能,需要做的事情不是问别人 “这句话怎么翻译成英文啊?”,而是 “要靠自己换一种方式把同样的思想表达出来”,正如之前所讲解的那样。

所以,我建议,向别人提问的时候,为了能够得到有效的回复,请尽量回避 “翻译” 这个词。

(7) 着重收集 “不直观的对应”

掌握另外一种语言(外语),真正的难点在于掌握它与已习得语言(母语)的不重合之处。直观的一一对应,其实没什么难度:“苹果”,对应着 “apple”;“那是一本书” 对应着 “That’s a book”;“这是什么?” 对应着 “What’s this?”(尽管这里已经稍微有一点词序上的不对应,不过很容易适应,也因此很难察觉)……

而所谓的 “不地道”,其实不过用母语的表达习惯去说外语。比如:

  • 如果我没记错的话……
  • 我从未想过……
  • 你竟然跟我这么说话!
  • 就知道你有这本事!
  • (这)听着耳熟吧?
  • 我想不起来那名字了……

这些句子,基本上都是我们日常生活中必然用到的句子(或片段),可是,如果 “直译” 的话,就很别扭:

  • If I didn’t remembered wrong…
  • I never thought of/that…
  • How dare you talking to me like this!
  • I know you have such a capability!
  • Does it sound familiar?
  • I cannot remember that name…

同样的语境里,“地道” 的说法是这样的:

  • If my memory serves, …
  • It never occurred to me that…
  • Are we really having this conversation?
  • Always knew you had it in you!
  • Does it ring a bell to you?
  • That name escapes me….

至于 “觉得某中英对应不够直观”,这是因人而异的事情,所以,这种收集工作,只能靠自己。别人整理的东西,拿来对自己基本上没有太多作用(比不过人们总是 “觉得” 或者 “希望” 拿来的东西有用而已)。在这方面,不能相信或者依赖 “拿来主义”,一定要自己动手,自己积累。

之前,批评过含混的 “要用英语思维” 的说法。事实上,那些主张 “要用英语思维” 的人,出发点也是体会到这种 “不直观对应” 的重要性。只不过,他们开的方子错了 —— 这就好像把有多种致炎症原可能的 “炎症” 简单解释为是 “上火”,而 “火” 究竟是什么,又根本说不清楚。

现在 “不地道” 的根源知道了,就知道 “百分之百地道” 为什么那么难了 —— 所有需要靠积累才能获得的东西都很难,只因为大多数人并不真正了解积累的重要与意义。知易行难。这也是为什么我要用《把时间当作朋友》 一整本书的篇幅告诉读者 “一切都靠积累” 的根本原因。

没必要从一开始追求 “百分之百地道”,因为那也不可能做到。但,知道了积累的重要,知道了只能靠积累,于是,就可以不急不燥地通过积累一点点变得 “更加地道”。哪怕日拱一卒,也是很强大的做法。

从具体做法上来看,收集这类 “不直观对应” 的方法很简单。最朴素的方法就是随身携带个小本子,随遇随记。花哨一点的话,就利用现在已经几位普遍的便携电子设备(管它是手机还是 iPad 之类的东西),随时进行记录。如果使用最多的设备是计算机(台式机或笔记本)的人来说,可能建一个专用的 Excel 表格是最方便的解决方案:表格只有两栏:中文、English,然后随时增补。

(8) 长篇大论更要提前写出来

市面上的大多口语书,最大的局限在于他们基本上只局限于 “只言片语”,而不是完整的语篇 —— 完整的语篇,总是被归结到 “高级口语” 部分。事实并非如此,即便一个思维简单小孩子,在使用语言的时候,也常常表达他完整的思想,即,只言片语肯定是不够的。

所以,无论你想说什么,都最好提前写下来。当然,熟练到一定程度的时候,大多数情况下只需要在脑子里演练一遍就可以了。不过,这个 “熟练到一定程度” 可能需要很长时间才能做到。在做到它之前,就别嫌麻烦:写出来!

在这一点上,我非常同意钟道隆先生的见解:“我发现我说不出没准备过的话”。谁不是这样呢?哪怕是用母语,不也是要准备好才能说清楚说明白的么?所谓的 “祸从口出”,不也是因为在说之前没想明白、没想清楚才导致的么?(当然,另外一个原因是 “因言获罪” 之恶法的存在。)

我个人的每一场演讲,都要提前做准备 —— 哪怕是已经讲过很多遍的内容。只要哪一次未提前做足功课,就必然出点这样那样的差错,无一例外。

所以,哪怕是讲一个笑话都最好提前写出来,然后自己先演练一下。事实上,每个善于讲笑话的都是这么做的 —— 而大多数人只看到那些善于讲笑话的人最终举重若轻,于是就觉得那是天分,自愧不如。平日里,身边总是有一些人(其实是大部分人),无论多好的笑话都能被他们讲臭;为什么?因为没准备过么!为什么一辈子都没改善?因为他们把自己做不好的原因归结为 “没天分” 而不是 “没充分准备”,所以,从未了解提前准备的重要,也因此做任何事情从来都只靠 “临场发挥” —— 殊不知,“临场发挥” 是那些提前充分准备的人才可能有的能力。

曾经一度,我很自卑。因为总是觉得自己使吃奶的劲却也不如别人随随便便做得好。所幸的是,我自己在某些方面也会被别人觉得 “很轻松就做得很好”。反观这些方面,我就明白都是一样的:你努力的时候别人看不到而已。你做得不好的时候,也不会有人关注你。等你做好了,他们只看到了结果。东北土话里有这么一句:“光看见贼吃肉,没看见贼挨打”,是一样的道理,很形象。



直到今天,我自己也没做到可以用英语随时随地随心所欲出口成章,我想我也做不到。我依然是 “只能说、只会说自己准备过的话”。然而对于这一点,我已经没有了任何困惑。而对我来说(我相信对大多数人来说也是如此),这已经足够。

5. 没有外教行不行?

综上所述,我说主张的口语习得方法不过是 “把自己想说的先写下来,然后不断练、不断改” 而已。可是,我知道人们是害怕写东西的(哪怕是母语)。不愿意写的理由很多,也有听起来极端有理有力的依据。

这些年来我教得最多的是留学考试作文部分。留学考试教学中最难教的可能是作文(事实上连母语语文教学中,最难教的也是作文罢?),因为作文最可能是学生不由自主练得最少(甚至干脆不练)的部分。哪怕教的再好,学生不练,老师就起不了作用;更何况绝大多数作文老师所讲授的又基本上都是名副其实的 “陈词滥调”(万能模板、豪华句型、高级词汇……)。为什么学生不写作文呢?因为作文确实很难写。事实上,大多数人在学校里连母语作文都是尽量回避的。为什么写作文那么难呢?因为写作能力更依赖于实践,没练过怎么可能提高?那为什么大多数人都不练呢?懒呗。可是,准备英语考试的时候,人们往往把懒惰包装得非常华丽、异常合理。他们说 “我写完作文都没有人批改,怎么进步么!” 他们觉得自己的这个想法太合理了,甚至开始幻想 “要是有个老外帮我改改作文就好了……”


希望自己的作文有个老外来批改,这对中国境内 99.99%的英语学习者来说是不现实的。中国人口太多,就算是把所有美国人都请来,也显然不够用。把加拿大所有人口都拉到中国,一个上海市就不够用了(加拿大人口仅相当于上海市人口 —— 两千多万)。再说,把老外请来就可以了么?不一定吧?不是每个老外都识字的、不是每个识字的老外词汇量都足够大的、不是每个词汇量足够大的老外都有文化的(拥有足够的知识储备和思考能力)。事实上,在中国境内的所谓外教,(我猜)很可能半数以上只不过是徒有虚表而已,他们没有足够的知识储备,没有足够的思考能力,没有足够的学术训练,让他们写个托福作文或者 SAT、GRE 作文能得满分的概率实际上很低。这些外教中的绝大多数在美国当初也没能力考进好大学(当然更不见得将来能够考上研究生或者有能力攻读博士学位)…… 对正在准备 TOEFL/SAT/GRE 的中国学生来说,这些外教之中有多少可以算作是合格的呢?



还记得小时候写作文么?你现在回头认真想想,你真的觉得那些年里低年级语文老师为你所做的批改对你的写作能力锤炼有什么无比重要不可替代的作用么?一个可能令人不快的事实是,对大多数人来讲,学校里低年级语文老师的批改只给自己带来了屈辱而已。那你的作文能力是怎么提高的(如果你真的有作文能力的话)?我并非有意贬低所有低年级语文老师,我只是在说事儿 —— 绝大多数最终拥有良好写作能力的人基本上都是靠自己,多读、多写、多改、多练、多观察、多思考、多讨论、多积累 …… 而这些要多做的事情中几乎没有哪一样是哪一个老师能在其中起主导作用的,几乎全都是(只能)靠自己。这也解释了为什么总有人奇怪 “都是人,咋就差异那么大呢?” —— 有什么好奇怪的?有些人一辈子什么都 “多” 做,有些人一辈子什么都做得不 “多”,甚至干脆不做。



  1. 自己给自己改作文;
  2. 帮别人改作文。

自己给自己批改作文,有个很重要的诀窍:不要写完马上改,而是隔天再修改。你当时那么写(即便是错的)就是因为你认为那么写是对的。这种惯性在刚写完的时候最大,表现最强。所以,写完之后马上修改很可能事倍功半。隔一天就不一样了,很多错误在你眼里几乎是跳出来的,并伴随着惊讶 “哎呀!我怎么会犯这种低级错误呢?!” 相信我,这其实就是你真正进步的痕迹──因为产生深刻记忆的最有效手段无非两种:重复、惊讶。

帮别人改作文是提高自己能力的最快手段之一。也许你会说,“我自己都不会呢,哪儿有能力帮别人改啊?” 这不是问题,你试试就知道了,挑错比写文章容易多了,尤其是别人的错,更容易被你找出来。有趣的现象在于,批改者往往比被批改者收获更多。因为,你作为一个个体,无法遍历所有可能的错误──有些错误你现在不犯,并不意味着说将来不会犯。而帮别人修改作文的时候,等于别人在帮你试错,你在坐享其成──并且,更多的时候,你已经做到了 “防患于未然”。

6. 自我检查列表


  • 单词拼写错误:未按照单词的正确拼写方式书写单词,但不包括由于英式英语和美式英语差异所带来的单词拼写差异。
  • 名词单复数形式错误:错误地使用了名词的数,包括:使用了不可数名词的 “复数” 形式,使用了集合名词的 “复数” 形式,在应该使用复数的地方使用了单数名词(或反之)等。
  • 单数可数名词未受限定:句子中出现的单数可数名词之前没有使用限定词,包括冠词、不定代词、指示代词、名词或代词所有格、数词与某些形容词性的物主代词。
  • 词性错误:在选择词汇的过程中忽略了英文词性的特性,仅按照含义来使用词汇,从而发生了词性使用错误的现象。
  • 修饰关系错误:违反了词汇修饰的规则,采用了不恰当的修饰关系。包括用* 形容词修饰动词、形容词修饰形容词,副词修饰名词等。
  • 搭配错误:句子中出现了不合适的词汇修饰、限制、说明现象,或者错误地使用了固有的词汇搭配形式。
  • 词序错误:未使用正确的、符合习惯的表述语序来对内容进行陈述。其中包括修饰词顺序错误,该倒装时没有倒装等。
  • 非谓语动词使用错误:错误地使用了现在分词、过去分词、或动词的不定式。其中包括:
  • 现在分词和过去分词误用:作者没有保证逻辑主语与分词的一致性,即当逻辑主语发出动作时使用了过去分词,而在承受动作或状态时使用了现在分词。
  • 不定式与动名词误用:动名词表达的是 “状态,性质,心境,抽象,经常性,已发生的”;不定式表达的是 “目的,结果,原因,具体,一次性,将发生的”。
  • 介词误用:错误地使用了介词。
  • 连词误用:错误地使用了连词。
  • 关系代词误用:在定语从句中错误地使用了关系代词。
  • 冠词误用:没有分清楚定冠词和不定冠词的区别,或对两个不定冠词的用法不清楚而错误的使用了冠词。
  • 代词误用或指代不明:作者使用的代词的数或者性与名词不匹配,或者读者无法直接判断作者使用的代词所指代的对象。
  • 句子不完整:句子中某成分,尤其是构成句子的主干成分残缺。
  • 主谓不一致:句子的主语和谓语在” 数” 上不满足一致关系。
  • 违反主句专一原则:当一个句子由多个分句组成非简单句时,作者没有确保有且仅有一个主句,即所有从句必须有连词、关系代词或者分号等引导或隔离,但必须保证有唯一的主句。犯此类错误的句子叫做” 流水句(run-on sentences)” 或” 逗号拼凑句(comma splice)”。
  • 比较句错误:包括作者在比较句中的比较主体不一致,即在一个比较句中,作者所引入的两个比较对象不具备同样的本质和属性,即” 不可比”,或比较级使用错误等。
  • 并列主体不一致:在并列成分中,作者没有做到并列双方在结构、功能、性质方面完全对等。
  • 时态错误:句子谓语动词所使用的时态与句子所在的上下文环境不一致。
  • 语态错误:句子谓语动词所使用的语态(主动/被动)与主语不一致。
  • 语气错误:句子没有根据上下文采用正确的实语气或虚拟语气。

事实上,在实际操作过程中,绝大多数中国学生所犯的错误大部分是两种错误,单复数问题,以及时态问题 —— 因为中文的名词是不分单复数的,中文的动词是没有时态的。这两个错误剔除掉之后,相当于解决了大多数的问题。

除了这两个问题之外,所需要注意的是 “一致关系”:主谓一致、主句从句时态一致、非谓语动词与逻辑主语主动被动关系一致、代词指代一致、并列成分结构一致…… “一致关系” 非常重要,即便是以英语为母语的人,也常常犯此类错误(SAT 语法考试中考点几乎只有一个,就是 “一致关系”)。避免错误的另外一个重要手段就是勤查参考书,而这无论对谁都是一样的 —— 词典和语法书。而参考书的具体用法,后面的章节中将有详细论述。

7. 更重要的是思考能力

语言最终是用来表达思想的。所以,思考方式格外重要。大多数人不懂得如何正确思考,乃至于所要表达的东西漏洞百出却又不自知。这个问题导致的更多麻烦,很多的时候被一些英语老师归咎于 “东西方文化差异”,这是和稀泥的一种说法 —— 事实上,这跟文化没多大关系,而是思考能力问题。关于文化差异,首先需要的是尊重,其次需要的是理解。而思考能力差异,则是另外一回事,所表达的内容千疮百孔,无论如何都只能怪思考能力差,而与文化差异毫无关系。

不能 “只学英语”,这就好像用计算机绘图,只学 “Photoshop” 是不够的,要有足够的色彩、手绘基本训练,才能够自由创作一样。有几本书,建议所有想获得正确思考能力,进而表达清晰的人阅读。

  • Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking 4th edition, by Diane F. Halpern
  • Thinking and Deciding, 4th edition, by Jonathan Baron
  • Argumentation: The Study of Effective Reasoning by Zarefsky David (Audiobook)
  • Craft of Research, by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams
  • Good Reasoning Matters!: A Constructive Approach to Critical Thinking 3rd edition, by Leo A. Groarke, Christopher W. Tindale


  • A Plain English Handbook (1998), from Security and Exchange Commission, Prefaced by Warren E. Buffett (http://www.plainlanguage.gov)
  • On Writing: A Memoir of The Craft by Stephen King (with audiobook)
    Style: Toward Clarity and Grace by Joseph M. Williams

另外,还有一个 TTC (The Teaching Company)的视频教程,是我所见过最好的写作课程:

  • Building Great Sentences。

8 秘密武器 —— 复述


每个文化中的每个人在这方面都一样 —— 终其一生绝大多数情况下都在复述别人说过的话。首先语言文字很难纯粹 “原创”,其次绝大多数情况下确实也没有 必要 “独一无二”。更为重要的是,第二语言学习者的目标绝大多数情况下不是为了从事诗人、小说家之类的职业,而是希望多掌握一门用来承载信息沟通交流的工 具 —— 这种情况下 “复述” 几乎占据了第二语言应用的全部。

这还真的并不是那么 “显而易见” 的事实。ETS 在设计并举办 TOEFL 考试几十年之后才 “恍然大悟” 地在新托福考试中大面积添加了 “复述能力” 的考 量:TOEFL 作文部分中有综合测试,要求考生先读一篇文章,然后再听一篇与刚刚读过的文章相关的讲座,而后复述讲座内容以及讲座内容是如何与阅读文章内 容相联系的;口语部分中有先听再说,先读再说,听与读之后再说 —— 无一不是在考量考生的 “复述能力”。

9. 貌似多余:其实连哑巴英语都并不那么坏

在相当长一段时间里,我的英语正是很多人所不齿的 “哑巴英语”。可连这个都没有成为我使用英语障碍或者负担。我不觉得哑巴英语有什么可怕和奇怪的。我们学习任何一种外语都无外乎希望熟练掌握它的听说读写。然而,对每一个挣扎已久的人来说,听说读写齐头并进并不像当初想象得那么容易 —— 这一点早已有自己的(和无数他人的)经验作为证明。

说得形象点,说不出像哑巴,听不懂像聋子,读不懂像瞎子;而写不出呢?——大多数文化并不默认一个人写不了字是一种残疾。先不管能否写得出,只谈哑巴、聋子和瞎子。如果你必须成为这三种 “残疾” 中的一种,你会选哪个?我认真想过,我会选 “聋子” —— 因为不瞎不哑,起码还保留了输入和输出的渠道。我最怕成为 “瞎子” —— 因为那是最重要的输入手段,尤其是因为文字输入几乎占所有有效输入的绝大部分。某种意义上来说,学习一门外语最大的公用莫过于增加一个不一样的信息获得渠道。从这一点上来看,哑巴比聋子、瞎子强多了,而后两者之中,瞎子又远不如聋子。

退一万步且又尽量保持现实的话,我们就会发现大多数人真的没有什么机会跟外国人聊天、热烈讨论、激烈争辩的机会。更多的时候,我们只需要 “熟练阅读” 就可以。某种意义上来说,我们只需要 “基本视力” —— 相当于拥有基本的词汇量、语法常识就行 —— 就好像高度近视者配上眼镜就比瞎子强千百倍一样,任何人只需要配上词典和语法书就相当于拥有正常视力。

既然学了,用得越好越开心,这是每个人的正常心理。但所谓的 “英语好” 其实很难有一个统一、清楚、且有意义的标准。既然如此,就不要在意它了,好不好又怎样呢?反正得用。用着用着就好起来了,管它好到什么地步,反正比原来好。或者换另外一个角度来说,“够用就好”。因为 “够用” 就可以开始用了,不停地用就有不停改进的机会和可能。

我自己的英语发音尽管在不停地改善但从未标准过,甚至就没有 “好” 过,顶多是处于 “可接受” 之状态。我的词汇量也从未没大到惊人的程度,别看 TOEFL、GRE 的成绩已经非常 “变态”(那也是因职业需要考了无数回而后才达到的水平),但平日里细读英文文献的时候还是经常需要借助各式各样的电子辞典和在线检索工具。在写英文文章的时候,推敲和审阅所耗费的精力是写中文文章的若干倍,在只能用英语交流的场合出现之前一定要花费大量的时间精力去做功课,事实证明否则一定会出各种各样的差错。

事实上,我自己的英语从来就没有 “好” 过 —— 尽管我已经在留学考试培训行业里工作将近十年,期间学生无数,其中每年都有许多留学考试高分甚至满分得主,每年为上千名高中生做留学申请文书辅导,最近几年开始又每年至少去美国两次与各个高校的 AO(相当于国内大学的留学生招生办主任)交流……

但 “不好” 的这个状态从未成为我使用英语的障碍或者负担。外语用得不好是正常的 —— 无论对谁来讲都是如此。但用的不好并不意味着说 “不能用” 或者 “不该用”。换个角度来说,恰恰是因为用得不好才应该多用勤用。多用一点就比原来用得更好一点 —— 这其实就是所有工具的特点。

第三章 语音

1. 发音很重要,但显然不是最重要的

2009 年 4 月 17 日,大卫莱特曼(David Letterman)邀请了一位嘉宾,黄西(Joe Wong)。现在在优酷上搜索一下 “黄西” 就能能找到很多视频。

黄西非常消瘦,戴着副眼镜,一脸木纳。可他一开口只一句话全场已经笑翻。接下来的六分钟里,一个又一个的段子(翻译成中文就失去了味道的美式笑话)当在场观众笑得东倒西歪,数次掌声雷鸣。到了最后,连他的沉默都成了笑料 —— 这可是大师级的表现。这位一炮而红的黄西,1970 年出生于吉林省白山市;本科就读吉林大学化学系,1994 年赴美留学,1999 年获得莱斯大学生化博士学位。

黄西讲着一口浓重中国口音的英语征服了美国的观众。这在绝大多数国内正在拼命学习英语的学生来说是件匪夷所思的事情。从小学起,无论是老师还是学生,主流的看法就是 “发音一定要标准”。无数的老师以自己被认为能够讲一口 “标准” 的美音或者英音而自豪、而被羡慕。学生也好、老师也罢,常常相互争论应该学习 “美音” 还是 “英音”,甚至为此面红耳赤。

中国学生往往不是不会说英文,也不是不愿说英文,更不是不能说英文,基本上都是不敢说英文。为什么不敢呢?很多原因。其中有一个是最普遍的,害怕自己的发音不标准。可是第二语言习得者发音不准不是很正常的事情么?就算是母语,我们都是花了很长时间才可以做到基本上说清楚的。当你能够用母语清楚地表达自己的时候,多大了?那凭什么一个人可以从一开始就能用第二语言做到清楚准确表达呢?并且还要 “发音标准”?



睁开眼睛看看我们身边的世界吧。事实上,绝大多数母语使用者的发音都并不标准,不信的话,你可以先审视一下你自己,然后再看看身边有多少人平卷舌不分?多少人前鼻音后鼻音不分?即便你身处北京(据说是祖国的心脏,中文的 “标准发音” 据说以北京话为准),你每天还是可以听到各式各样的口音。在我们国家,究竟有多少比例的人能够讲一口标准且悦耳的普通话?有 1%么?去广播学院看看吧,那些专业主持人(毫无疑问都是母语使用者)需要花费多大的时间精力才能把自己训练到达标的地步?中国如此,外国在这方面也不应该有太大的差别。在英语国家,同样也只有 1%不到的人能够讲一口标准且悦耳的某种特定腔调。

全世界所有的语言都是如此,每种语言都有各种各样的口音。英语也许是地球上口音最多的语言。在美国,南加利福尼亚和北加利福尼亚的口音就已经非常不同,大 抵上相当于在中国山东人之间山西人讲中文的差异。纽约人和底特律人的发音当然也非常不一样。在伦敦,东部和南部的口音差异就已经非常明显。更不消说还有 “苏格兰口音”、“加拿大口音”、“澳大利亚口音”、“新西兰口音”、“印度口音”……

Paul Meier(paulmeier.com)是享誉全球的语音培训专家,很多到好莱坞打天下的演员都要求助于他,经由他的训练把自己的 “外地口音消除”,说一口 “地道” 的美式英语。他的学生包括(这里所罗列的只是其中的一小部分):

John Ales, Jonathan Brandis, A.J. Buckley,Jewel Kilcher, Jim Caviezel, Simon Baker Denny, Peter Coyote, Stewart Finlay-McLennan, Louise Fletcher, Bill Irwin, Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, Diana Hardcastle, Tom Hulce, Kris Kristofferson, Elizabeth Lackey, Tobey Maguire, Stephen Mailer, Terrence Mann, Callum Keith Rennie, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Kim Myers, Mark Ruffalo, Skeet Ulrich, Celia Weston, David Wenham, Valerie Wildman, Peter Wingfield, Tom Wilkinson, Jeffrey Wright…

在 Paul Meier 的网站上,有一个页面,其中有各种各样口音的英语方言示范,包括:

  • Cockney
  • Hampshire
  • Irish
  • Liverpool
  • Northern Ireland
  • Scottish
  • Welsh
  • Yorkshire; American Southern (Kentucky/Tennessee)
  • Deep South (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi)
  • Down East New England
  • General New York
  • South Boston…

几乎其中的每一种都不是在中国大陆多年只习惯 “某种发音” 的学生可以听懂的。而在这个页面上也可以找多种方言的语音示范,读者也不妨去仔细听听。然后再仔细想想,有必要一定 “标准” 么?就算真的有必要,又应该使用哪一个 “标准” 呢?

显然会有很多人不同意 “发音其实没那么重要” 的观点,但这并不妨碍这个观点的正确性及其重要意义。英语课堂上,老师过分强调 “标准发音”,甚至不惜嘲弄一些 “典型”,其实是在扼杀学生进步的可能,尽管这并非那些老师的本意。首先,所谓 “标准发音” 可能并不存在。每个人的声线、音色都各不相同,怎么可能 “一致地标准”?尤其又是在使用外语的情况下。其次,又因为英语本身是世界上 “口音” 最多的语言(没有之一),如果发音不 “标准” 就不可以说英语的话,那爱尔兰人、加拿大人、印度人都不要讲英语了 —— 因为他们用的既不是 “标准美音”,也不是 “标准英音”。

我并不是在说发音并不重要,而是在说它只不过是良好表达的众多因素之一。某种意义上,那些发音并不好(更谈不上标准)但是却可以自如表达的人更值得羡慕(比如黄西),因为他们早已经上路,而非像大多数人那样 “永远” 徘徊在起点。

所以,作为将英语作为第二语言使用的人,完全不必因为自己的发音不标准、不好听、不清楚感到自卑,那其实是正常的、自然的、不可避免的。而语言使用,本质上以沟通为目的。要知道仅仅发音标准,并不意味着说就肯定可以有效沟通。有效沟通还需要用词、文法、逻辑、内容等等更多因素,而后面提到的所有这些因素,无一不比 “标准发音” 更重要。想像一下吧,联合国开会的时候,难道每个国家的发言人都用的是 “标准英音”?或者 “标准美音”?尽管每个国家的发言人都要用英文发言,但全都用掺杂自己特定口音,可是从未影响有效沟通。

作为英语使用者,也不要被英语老师所迷惑。作为老师,教育产品的一部分,他当然会强调 “正确”、“准确”、“标准” —— 无论他们自己是否真的 “正确”、“准确”、“标准”。有时候想想挺悲哀的,大部分老师不得不抬高对自己的要求,并不是出于对进步的渴望,而只不过是为了满足 “消费者” 的实际上并不合理的期望,英语老师也是人,于是其中的大多数有着与其他大多数人一样的心理局限或者说人性局限。一个人做不到的时候,就会装,一直装到自己都信了为止 ——之后就不用装了,因为已经到了 “真诚地虚伪” 的境界。那些在课堂上反复强调 “标准发音” 的老师(就算他自己竟然真的 “标准”),其实并没有认真想过他们那么做的副作用 —— 吓倒了学生,自己倒是获得了 “敬重” 或者 “敬畏”,而后这些学生一生都对说英语有着严重的心理障碍。

2. 我们完全有能力大幅度改善发音

让我们再看看科学事实。地球上究竟有多少种语言,无从得知,保守估计应该有 6700 种以上的语言,这些语言所使用的语音全部加起来大约 6000 种左右。Patricia K. Kuhl博士是华盛顿大学听说科学系(Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences)的教授,她的研究表明,刚出生的婴儿实际上有能力习得地球上的任何一种语言;也就是说,刚出生的婴儿实际上是 “世界公民”(Citizens of the world),他们的大脑有能力处理那 6700 多种语言所用到的大约 6000 种语音中的任何一种。

而大约到了 6 个月的时候,婴儿已经开始对母语更为关注,Kuhl 教授的解释是这样的:


实际上,每一种语言所使用的语音都是有限的。瑞典语使用 16 个元音,英语使用 8 个元音,日语只使用 5 个元音;而中文使用 6 个元音 —— 比日语多了一个,这也能从侧面解释为什么中国人学英语的语音要比日本人稍微容易一些。在我们国家,有些地区的人分不清楚 “r” 和 “l” 的区别,在他们(成年人)的听觉中,“row” 和 “low”、“rake” 和 “lake” 都是没区别的。大约到了婴儿 11 个月的时候,他们的大脑中那个过滤机制已经非常健全了,于是他们就从 “世界公民” 变成了 “某一语言的公民”。到了 18 个月的时候,婴儿已经多多少少开始关注语法现象、语言模式了,例如他们可以猜得出来 “-ing” 和 “-ed” 结尾的词大抵上是动词了。

Kuhl 教授的研究中更为有趣的是她进一步调查了多语环境中成长的婴儿的大脑发育过程。地球上有一些区域是 “天然的多语区域”,比如欧洲的卢森堡^2、再比如我国许多少数民族聚居区^3。在这样的区域中长大的孩子,真正受到影响的应该是他们大脑中的那个 “过滤机制”。由于他们从小接受多种语言的刺激,于是,他们的 “过滤器” 与单语使用者不一样,因此他们能够识别更多的语音。

这样的研究结果,显然会被 “语言习得关键期” 的支持者当作支持自己看法的论据。因为,事实摆在那里 —— 又有一个研究表明成年之后第二语言习得难上加难。但,同样的研究结果也可以证明 “我们原本有能力习得任何一种语音”,“我们现在也有能力习得任何一种语音”,只不过,我们要花时间修正我们的 “过滤器”,甚至,我们可以干脆重建我们的 “过滤器” —— 因为大脑是可塑的,大脑甚至是可以重组的。只不过,需要时间而已。

“语言习得关键期” 滥用者最大的谬误在于他们把 “语音” 等同于 “语言” —— 明摆着是两回事儿的东西竟然分不清楚。事实上,尽管关键期真的存在,但它所影响的准确地来说,是 “语音”,而非 “语言”。语音只不过是语言的一个方面。年幼的人更容易习得的其实只有语音而已,而语言的其它方面并非都是如此,比如,词汇的习得,显然是越学越快,青年人强过少年,老年人(那些活到老学到老的人)强过青年人;本质上来看,一个人知识越渊博,对他来说习得新概念和新词汇就越容易。再比如,逻辑能力是文字运用的重要基础,缺乏逻辑训练的人,能够使用的和接触到的语言文字范围就要狭窄许多许多,语音再 “标准” 又如何?学外语不简单,但从另外一个角度来讲,又没有难到不可能学好的地步,说穿了,不就是说话、识字吗?世界的各个角落都有无数没文化的人也能讲一口流利的、语音几近完美的母语,可是,仅仅靠语音能解决什么问题呢?语音学习和语言学习是两回事儿,退一万步讲,仅仅语言本身都是无意义的,因为它最终只不过是记录、传递、交流思想的载体和媒介而已。

在科学家看来,学习一门技能,本质上来看就是大脑中的神经细胞建立连接的过程。美国加利福尼亚大学的退休名誉教授Michael Merzenich认为,每一项新技能的习得,都需要在大脑神经细胞之间中建立亿万个新的连接。这样艰巨的任务当然要耗费大量的时间。而在这耗时费力的过程中还存在所谓的 “平台期” —— 即,某一段时间无论如何大量训练都看起来毫无进步。神经可塑性研究的鼻祖,Paul Bach-y-Rita 教授认为,“平台期” 只是一种表象,在此期间大脑并未停止发展,神经细胞之间新建的连接在不停地被巩固;如果中断练习,那么大脑就会遵循 “不用即废” 的原则丢弃那些无用的连接。那么神经细胞之间的连接需要巩固多长时间才能变得 “难以弃用” 呢?Paul Bach-y-Rita 教授的解释是 “六个月” —— 这个时限与人类生育普遍需要十月怀胎一样很难跨越。

“改装” 自己的语音过滤器绝对是有可能的,甚至连 “重建” 自己的过滤器都是有可能的。可是为什么大多数人做不到呢?Paul Bach-y-Rita教授的解释给了我们一个相对清楚的线索,大多数人很少能够坚持六个月以上。更为可惜的是那些坚持了五个月的人,因为他们明明快跨过平台期了,但由于提前那么一点点放弃,于是,“前功尽弃” —— 脑神经细胞的突触可不知道惋惜,它们只有一个原则:“不用即弃”。如若想要重建,对不起,还是需要至少六个月 —— 而且这个时间会随着年龄的增长而越来越长。

3. 最大的障碍:害怕被嘲弄



婴儿是先学会听后学会说的,之所以如此的根本原因在于 “说” 比 “听” 难多了 —— “听” 也许只需要 “分辨”,可是 “说” 则要在 “分辨” 清楚的基础上再运用另外一个器官发出声音,并且还经常需要矫正和调整。所以,日常生活中,一个人只要多少有点基础就可以分辨出别人的外语发音好不好,无论自己的发音怎么样。有趣的是,大部分的嘲弄恰恰来自于这种 “宽于律己、严于律人” 的感受而已,本质上来看毫无价值,即便是发出嘲弄的人获得的也只不过是虚假的幻觉而已。


凡事做得好的人,也很难去嘲弄他人。因为他们都知道做好一件事情究竟有多难 —— 他们自己亲身经历过。有一学生曾经问大提琴大师Pablo Casals怎么还在天天长时间练琴,大师说:“因为我每天还在进步啊!” 很难想象这样的大师有什么心思和欲望去嘲弄别人。梅艳芳先生晚年教弟子唱戏,从不批评他们。每当他们犯了错的时候,梅兰芳先生总是说,“再练练就好了,练好很难的……”

所以,真的不要意来自他人的嘲弄。如果犯了错,改了就好。如果改不了,只要没有伤害他人就好 —— 其实你根本无法仅仅用带点口音的英语伤人。英语发音差一点,带的口音重了点,根本不是你的错,你也从未、也不大可能因此伤害任何其他人。嘲弄你的人应该被你嘲弄,只不过因为你是文明人,所以没办法跟他一般见识而异。对于来自他人的嘲弄,如果你竟然在意了,那就真的让人家得逞了,因为你受伤了,他幸灾乐祸了。如果你全然不在意,他就没劲了,因为无法因此获得快感了 —— 脆弱的家伙就只能自己生气了,或者生自己的气了。

4. 多听多听再多听

重塑自己的语音,应该从 “改建” 或者 “重建” 自己的语音过滤器开始。我们必须重新习得对目标语言(比如,英语)所使用的语音的识别能力。因为我们很难说清自己分辨不清楚的语音。去报各种各样的口语培训班往往除了心理安慰作用之外并没有太多实际的帮助。最有效的方法其实是零成本的 —— 大幅度提高听觉输入量。


很多人也许没有想到的是 “是否听懂” 在这里并不重要。大幅度提高听觉输入量的目的在于重建语音识别能力,重点并不在于文字理解能力。婴儿在 18 个月的时候,已经构建好母语的语音过滤器,可是他们其实并不能全然听懂他们每天听到的内容。Kuhl 教授的研究结果启发我们,其实英语幼教是可以不花钱的:父母不会说英语没关系,只要在孩子活动的环境里不停地播放各种英语语音(童谣、小说、电视剧等等),并长期持续。只要这么做,小孩子根本就不需要上什么培训班,到小学入学的时候,孩子的 “双语语音过滤器” 早就应该固化了。事实上,我很怀疑各种英语幼教占用了太多原本可以用来习得其它技能的时间,进而限制了幼儿大脑的发展。不过,不能指望只听听录音看看电视,孩子就可以学会外语 —— 刚刚已经说过,语音学习和语言学习是两回事儿。语言学习还需要很多其它方面的刺激和努力。对于成年人来说也一样,大幅度提高听觉输入量是为了迅速重建自己的语音过滤器。在此之后,想要获得进步,“听得懂” 就非常重要了。因为只有听得懂才可以注意力集中,而注意力集中是一切学习的根本前提。

另外一个很多人没想到的事情是 “循序渐进” 不一定是好策略,至少在 “重建语音过滤器” 时不是好策略。应该从一开始就听正常语速的材料。美国之音(VOA)有个著名的节目,叫做 Special English,是很多中国人学习英语的 “入门” 或者 “中级” 学习资源。曾几何时,无数的人冒着可能被扣上 “偷听敌台” 之罪名的风险去收听这个节目,只为了学好英语。我相信这个节目的设计初衷是好的,它认为人们学英语应该 “循序渐进”,正常语速、正常措辞的英语对初学者太难了;所以,它只使用大约 1500 个左右的 “基础词汇”、只使用最初级的语法结构,并且以刻意降低的语速播音。但我很怀疑它的真正作用。我的观察是很多人一旦开始听 VOA SE,没多久就放不下来了 —— 因为 “能够完全听懂” 的感觉实在是太好了;过一段时间转头去听 CNN 或者其他的正常语速的材料,马上就觉得吃力,而后 “觉得” 自己 “基础还不够好”,于是又退回 VOA SE,转眼许多年过去了,还在听 VOA SE。最重要的理由和上一点一样:这个时候,是否听得懂并不重要;真正重要的是要让自己负责听觉的那部分大脑长期持续接受足够多的英语语音刺激。

还有一个看似不合常理的建议是 “不要只听标准录音”。很多人的学习之所以事倍功半,就是因为他们的做法与 “语言自然习得方式” 相左。婴儿的大脑之所以要发展出 “母语语音过滤器”,除了这么做会更容易理解母语之外,还有另外一个原因:大脑要处理很多同一个语音的许多变体 —— 因为婴儿每天听很多不同的人使用同样的语音,而每个人的音质、音色、音调都可能是有他自己的独特之处。所以,大脑必须要有这样的过滤器,能够将输入的同一语音的不同变体归为一类 —— 只有这样才能不出差错地处理语音输入。所以,在大幅度提高自己的英语听觉输入量之时,要涉猎不同的音质、不同的音色、不同的音调,甚至不同的口音才对。这个意义上来看,广播剧要比课本录音强出不知道多少倍,因为有好多个人在说话,而非从头至尾只有一个 “标准” 声音。进而,我常常建议自己的学生不要把自己的输入材料只限制于 “标准美音” 或者 “标准英音”;其实无所谓的,连颇具特色的 “黑人英语” 都可以听,甚至,越杂越好。我常常推荐的是CNN的广播,里面有各种各样腔调的英语,真的可以大开 “耳” 界。

二十多年前,学英语的设备很落后,全班用一个台式录卡座音机,一学期就那么一盘磁带翻过来掉过去地放。现在的学生可以用很便宜的价格买到可以装载无数材料的 MP3 播放器,甚至,随身携带的手机就可以播放 MP3,实在是方便。我自己近十来年里每天都听 audiobook,设备换过不少,从新加坡创新出品的 32M 播放器开始,到后来的惠普 PDA,到后来的 HTC 智能手机,再到现在的 iPhone。有一个小技巧,听英语音频的时候不要两只耳朵全都戴上耳机 —— 只用一只耳朵戴耳机。因为自然语音输入和耳机输入是不一样的。在自然环境中,我们听到的语言语音从来都不是 “单独” 的 —— 总是伴随着各种各样的背景声音。戴着耳机的时候却基本上就只有 “纯粹的语音” 了,这对我们重建自己的语音过滤器来说并不是好事。只用一只耳朵戴耳机的另外一个好处是可以经常换着耳朵听,不至于损伤耳朵。

正如之前所提到的那样,至少要坚持六个月,我个人建议每天的输入时间不要低于四个小时 —— 只要开始做,就会发现其实并不难,因为 “哪怕听不懂都无所谓”。听得多了,听得久了,早晚有一天想听不懂都不太容易。当然,即便是最初的时候,为了效果更佳,可以有意识地渐渐提高文本难度,并且最好配合精读。这期间几乎所有的人都会感觉没什么进步,但是,这种 “感觉” 是不靠谱的 —— 事实上,我们的感觉几乎总是极不靠谱。看看下面的两条直线哪个更长?

感觉上当然是下面第二条直线更长,可实际上这两条直线是一样长的。有些人甚至觉得上面的两个方块比下面的两个方块更小,那也是错觉;有些人觉得下面那条直线比上面的直线更粗,那还是错觉。每当因觉得自己毫无进步而觉得气馁的时候,不妨想想这张图片,提醒自己 “感觉并不靠谱”,而后再回想一下刚刚 Paul Bach-y-Rita 教授对 “平台期” 的解释。而后尽快恢复心平气和的状态,接着干活就是了。

5. 计算机辅助工具

另外,如果熟悉计算机操作的话(其实也必须熟悉才对),还可以找一些音频编辑软件作为辅助工具,如 Cool Edit,Audio Edit Deluxe,Audacity 等等。这些软件对用户来说相当于 “音频视觉化”,可以通过音频图谱清楚地看到语音之间的空隙、音量的大小强弱等等。并且,用它们很容易做到把某一段音频(比较精确地定义起点和终点)反复播放无数遍。

AudioEdit Deluxe v4.10 截图

AudioEdit 使用简要说明


  1. 打开声音文件(mp3、wav)文件
  2. 循环播放按钮
  3. 用鼠标左键点击定义起点,用鼠标右键点击定义终点,选中音频中的一段
  4. 将鼠标指针放在选中区域,用鼠标滚轮放大缩小音频图


如果说我有什么让我自己偷着乐的优良品质的话,那就是我不太容易受到他人嘲弄的打击。这也许跟我不太在意自己的缺点的同时善于安慰自己有关系。长得难看就难看吧,反正男人也不靠长相(事实上是,我这样的想靠也没得靠);个子不高就不高吧,反正长得太高穿衣服还费布料(事实上我也知道,高个子的人相对来看更容易获得信任 —— 这不是我说的,是心理学家调研出来的结果);发音差就差吧,反正我也不是最差的(那时候我还在新东方,最差的是谁不能说,否则可能会被他解雇,哈哈;现在我已经离开新东方,还是不能说,否则人家会认为我不厚道,嘿嘿)—— 再怎么差也比大多数日本人强吧?

不过,我还是挣扎着重塑了一下自己的语音,用的材料是托福听力考试的录音。集中训练的时间其实真的不是很长,大约三个月左右,就大大改善了一次。而后就是长期听各种各样的有声电子书籍,一转眼已经许多年过去,已经不再有谁因为我的发音嘲弄我了。也许是他们已经嘲弄疲劳了,也许是因为我的语音已经基本上过关了 —— 我想,后者的可能性应该更大一些。因为说话这东西,说着说着就好起来了。

6. 要宽于律己

“严于律己” 是好习惯。但是,在尝试着重塑自己的语音之时,则大可 “宽于律己”。实践中,我甚至告诉学生,第一原则就是(至少)暂时不必过分追求 “标准” —— 事实上,追求也没用,因为无论是谁也做不到短时间之内就达到所谓 “标准”。

使用不同语言的人之间,口腔动作习惯是很不一样的。刚刚出生的婴儿不会说话,是因为他还不知道怎样运用嘴唇、舌头、咽喉、声带等器官,也不知道应该控制气流振动进而发出不同的声音。他要周而复始地听、观察、分辨、模仿、矫正之后才能够咿咿呀呀地开始说话。之后还要经过若干年,甚至更长的时间,小孩子才能做到口齿清晰 —— 当然还有相当一部分人也许一辈子都做不到口齿清晰(比如大家比较熟悉的周杰伦先生)。

一旦各个参与发声生的器官开始适应一种语言之后,各个器官将慢慢更习惯于做某些动作,而同时渐渐更难做出一些讲母语时不常用或者甚至干脆不用的动作。说外语的时候,某些口腔动作很难做出的话,各个器官将组合起来不由自主地做出一个相对最为接近的动作,于是最终说出来的听起来却是另外一个音。比如大多韩国人很难发出 “v” 这个音 —— 因为他们的语言中不存在这个音,所以当他们把语音教程中的讲解研习完毕之后,“依葫芦画瓢” 发出的声音却永远是 “b”。这个道理和很多南方人发不出辅音 “f”、“n”、或者分不清前鼻音后鼻音一样,他们可能把 “皮肤” 说成 “皮乎”,把 “女子” 说成 “驴子”,或者把 “女篮” 说成 “女郎”……

我有个韩国朋友,永远把 “video” 说成 “bideo”,刚开始我很不习惯,不自觉地纠正了他一两次,却发现他好像并不知道自己把 “video” 说成了 “bideo”,而更像是他一直以为自己说的就是 “video”。后来有一天我逗他玩,学着他把 “video” 说成 “bideo”,结果他马上跳起来(一点都没发现我实在开玩笑)说,“哈,你发音不对,那个词应该读成’bideo’!” —— 这我才明白还有这么好玩的事儿:发错音的人听不出来自己的发音是错的,但是同样的错误别人说出来他瞬间就能判断出来。于是我想 “我自己也很可能有这样的时候罢” —— 后来发现果不其然,只不过我发错的、并且不知道自己错的是另外一些音而已。

很多语音教程尽管出发点是无可厚非的,但是它们把各个发音的过程讲解的太细、太繁琐,乃至于过分复杂难以学会。事实上,先做到个大概大概就可以了。这并不是说,那些发音的原理是不应该学的,恰恰相反,要学,还应该好好学;只不过,事实是就算暂时不学也不是完全不行 —— 只要多听多说,慢慢就会越来越接近标准。只不过大多数人误会 “多听多说” 中的 “多” 究竟是怎样的一个练习量而已。而所谓的 “多”,肯定不是一两个小时,不是一两天,也不是一个月两个月,而是至少每天不间歇的一两年。有些人据称是学了好多年,事实上,那些年里真正用来练习的时间其实断断续续间隔太长乃至于等同于零。所以其实还需要更多、更密集的练习。小孩子是从无到有地习得那些常用口腔动作模式,那还需要好多年才慢慢做到熟练(即口齿清晰)呢;而成年人往往需要运用更多的努力去与已经养能得习惯作斗争,难道不应该需要更长的时间吗?

人们在学习外语发音的时候,大多都不自觉地把短期目标设得太高,最终导致必然遭遇不可想象的挫折感,只因为给自己设了个根本达不到的目标。老师们对学生的要求往往太高 —— 刚开始没多久就开始指责学生的发音不标准,过早急于纠正。事实上学生们也对自己要求太高,刚刚开始学的时候就要求自己标准是不可能做到的。练习一段时间之后,就要更加仔细地研习语音教程中的发音原理,尝试着去理解各种规则,而后通过反复的实践运用这些知识矫正自己。但更重要的还是要多说多练。只要听的说的练的足够多,其实无论是谁都可以做得足够好。

7. 放慢你的语速

回头再看的时候,我发现自己和其他许多人一样,犯了很多低级错误。比如,曾经竟然以为 “说得快” 就是 “说的流利”。稍加观察、稍加思考,就应该知道其实 “快” 和 “流利” 根本不是一这回事儿。

事实上,很多中国学生都在抱怨正常速度的英文 “太快、听不懂” 的同时,他们自己讲英文的时候却比老外快很多 —— 这并不是一个很容易观察清楚,也不是一个很容易能够说清楚的现象。人们往往混淆因果。听外语的时候,其实并不是 “因为人家说得太快所以我才听不懂”,而是 “因为我听不懂所以才觉得人家说得太快”。

例如,你听到的某句话里有个你并不认识的词,比如,“idiosyncratic”;当时你听到的是一串组合起来之后并不知道是什么意思的音节,于是你的大脑就会不由自主地去思索(哪怕是猜测)那到底是什么 —— 这是需要时间精力的(哪怕以毫秒为单位)。而在不熟练的情况下,我们的大脑很难同时处理一个以上的任务,而在你费力思索的时候,讲话者却自顾自地说下去,于是你就可能 “漏掉” 了一些信息 —— 你当然觉得人家 “说得太快” 了。

搞清楚这个因果关系其实很重要。因为这是很多人讲不好英文的重要原因之一。正是因为搞错了这个因果关系,很多人在讲英语,尤其是想讲 “好” 英语的时候(比如考试的时候,比如面试的时候),就会不由自主地快起来,不仅快,还快得过分,最后可能会快到老外都听不懂的地步。

就算没有这个因素,中国人讲英语还是会不由自主地更快。其原因在于中文的每个字都是一个声母加上一个韵母构成的,而中文的韵母是不分长短的。英文则不同,元音不仅有长短之分,还单双不同,另外还有一个 “短” 元音比别的短元音稍微长一点、比长元音稍微短一点:/æ/(读者不妨听听韦氏词典里 “ab” 这个单词的读音和 “ebb” 这个单词的读音,区分一下/æ/和/e/)。所以,中国学生说 apple 的时候其实说出来的都是 epple(还好没有这个词存在,所以也就不会被听话者混淆);大多中国学生都把 important 读成/ɪmpɔtənt/,而非/ɪmpɔːtənt/,尽管他们也都知道 “海滩” 这个单词 “beach” 要是读短了就是另外一个意思;再比如,/aɪ/这个双元音,中国学生也基本上都读成中文的 “爱” 字。

由于每个长元音都被读成短元音,所以,中国学生在讲英文的时候动不动就在某些地方比老外快了 “半拍”,一句话说下来,不知不觉就比老外快了好几拍 …… 所以,刚开始练习跟读的时候,要跟自己较较劲,一方面要克服自己想 “快” 一点的欲望,另外一方面还要刻意防止自己一不留神地快起来 —— 元音该长的就要长,而双元音要尽量饱满。

8. 比连读更重要的是停顿

也许是因为人们在讲外语的时候总是不由自主地想更快一点,所以,在研究自然语流特征的时候,都不由自主地更为关注 “连读”。事实上,连读可能是所有自然语流特征中最不重要的一个,道理也很简单,熟练了自然就连起来了,不熟练的时候非要连起来就格外地生硬。

英文与中文不一样的另外一个地方就是中文的基本单位是 “字”,一个声母加上一个韵母,即,每个字都有且只有一个音节;英文的基本单位是 “词”,可能是一个音节,也可能是多个音节。与中文的 “词” 对应的是英文的 “词组”。最长的英文单词据说由 189,819 个字符构成,是目前已知最大的蛋白质 “titin” 的化学名称,鬼知道那词究竟有多少个音节,不知道这辈子能否遇到哪一个人能读出那个单词?而英文字典里最长的词汇是 45 个字符构成的——pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis——韦氏词典的电子版(ver 3.0)里也没有它的真人朗读发音文件,要听听这个单词究竟怎么读,只能将就着听一听微软语音引擎的朗读 —— 金山词霸里的《简明英汉词典》里就有。

由于英文中有很多词汇是多音节构成的(刚才那个 “pneu” 打头的词汇总计有 18 个音节!),所以,英文的音节就有重音和非重音之分。为了把一个落在重音上的音节读成重音,其实有个特别重要的细节需要注意,就是在重音音节之前要有一个停顿 —— 可能是很短促的,也可以是很夸张的。而这个停顿的存在,将使其后重音清楚地读出成为可能。

比如 “especially” 这个单词,我们在练习的时候不妨夸张一点。从有重音音节的位置开始把这个单词分成两部分:“es”|“pecially”。在读出 “es” 之后把嘴闭上(准备发 “pe” 这个音节)等上足足一秒钟,然后再用力发出刚刚准备好的 “pe” 以及紧跟着的 “cially”。是不是感觉 “pe” 这个音节更清楚了呢?可以多拿几个单词练练,比如:un|fortunately、im|portant、under|stand、edu|cation,par|ticular,fi|nancial……

由于我们自己的母语之中,一个词中的每个字都是匀速连贯读完的,期间没有停顿 —— 比如 “高低不平”,比如 “嚎啕大哭” —— 所以,我们很不习惯在说一个英文单词的时候期间竟然还有停顿。但事实上,在英语母语使用者脑子里,一个单词确实是可以分开说出来的。有很多例子可以很好地说明这一点,比如,好莱坞电影里,就经常有人把 “absolutely” 说成 “ab-fucking-solutely” 或者 “abso-fucking-lutely”。


在读一个单词的时候内部都可能出现停顿,那更不消说读整个句子的时候了。可是,一旦机理搞明白,并且通过反复练习不断进步之后,我们就会觉得语流之间的停顿越来越清楚。要知道,无论是讲哪一种语言的人说话的时候都会不由自主地根据句意使自己的声音不断地在轻重缓急之间变换。分不清楚停顿,就无法掌握节奏,而如果掌握不了节奏,一切都很难办。所以,最先需要养成的习惯是该停顿的地方就要停顿。跟读的时候,越是初学者就越觉得录音里的语速快,他们甚至体会不到人家在读长句子的时候也有换气的时候 —— 不换气怎么说话么!而最终,当我们真的能做到听懂一个人说话的时候,哪怕他说得再快,我们都能听得清清楚楚;就算某些地方不足够清楚,也都猜得出来。(还记得之前提到过的 “模块” 吗?)

9. 很多的时候,其实并不是 “不准”,而是干脆错了!

当我们被嘲笑发音不好的时候,嘲笑者可没耐心告诉我们究竟是哪里错了,怎么错了,应该怎么纠正 —— 当然,首先是他们也可能不会,也从来没有认真思考过。几乎肯定的是我们很少见到一个英语母语使用者嘲笑我们这些第二语言习得者发音差。事实上,只要我们的发音没差到一定程度,母语使用者往往会 “惊讶” 地说,“哇,你的英语真好!” 尤其是那些在中国境内呆过一段时间的老外更是如此,因为将心比心,他们知道学外语有多难 —— 当然,他们可能不知道的是,他们正在学的中文,是地球上最难以学会的外语,没有 “之一”。我很少(我猜别人也一样)遇到那些做得很好的人嘲笑别人做得不好。因为那些真正做到极致的人都确实知道走到那一步究竟有多难。梅兰芳先生在教学生的时候惊人地耐心;当学生做错的时候,梅先生只是说,“做好很难的……”。大概也是这个原因吧。

其实,很多的时候(也应该是更多的时候),我们所谓的 “发音不好”,并非我们哪些英语音素发音不准确、不标准,而是干脆把单词整个都念错了。我自己印象中记忆特别深刻的是 “façade” 这个单词,最初见到它的时候,印刷体里写的不是 “façade”,而是 “facade”,英文里没有 “ç” 这个字母(带尾巴的 “c”);于是我就想当然地把它读成/ ˈfækeɪd/——还觉得自己读得很标准!和大多数学生一样,我也曾经把 “specific” 读成/ ˈspesɪfɪk/而不是/ spɘˈsɪfɪk/。一般来说,国内的大学生大多可能会读错以下五个单词中的至少三个:“cellist”、 “facade”、“heir”、“niche”、“specific”。我自己当初就全部读错。

所以,1)一定要恶补音标;2)查单词一定要读音标,并且在自己的文本上做出相应的记号;3)不要想当然地读单词。最后一条格外重要。比如,很多人都是先学这个词 “penalty”,再学 “penalize” 的,于是,不认真的他们一不小心就会把 “penalize” 读成/ˈpenəˌlaɪz/而不是/ˈpɪnəˌlaɪz /。再比如 “economy”, “economics”, “economist” 这三个词,“economics” 中的第一个音节读/e/,而其它两个的第一个音节是/ɪ/,很多人都会搞错,更不用说这三个单词每个单词的重音音节究竟是哪一个了。

为了避免因想当然而自以为是带来的尴尬,最好每学一个单词都要查词典。这是个学习工具丰富而又先进的时代,过去的人(哪怕仅仅十年前)根本无法想象现在学习的方便。几乎每个辞典都有电子版,哪怕是几百元的电子辞典也都有真人发音系统。每学一个单词,都要多花一点点时间精力把这个单词的衍生词都读一遍 —— 当然是根据音标,或者词典里的真人发音。

这一点上千万不要嫌麻烦,因为错误都是一点一点积累出来的,一旦错误积累到一定程度的时候,其可怕程度无法想象。经常有学生问我,“老师,背单词还要记发音么?” 遇到这样的提问,我非常堵得慌,因为我知道我自己一两句话根本说服不了他们;事实上,他们问我这个问题的时候,很可能要的并不是我的回答,只是我的认同而已。

我自己走过这条路,真的知道个中的艰辛。当年我开始纠正自己发音的时候,GRE 都考完了,词汇量非常大 —— 但这就意味着说读错的单词量也很庞大。我自己有一个本子,满满记载着几十页的单词,都是曾经读错过的(从来没敢数过究竟有多少个)。并且其中最大比重的是那种重音位置错误。这种错误非常讨厌,因为它们平时不太明显,就算有人听到了也可能懒得帮你纠正,因为一两个重音读错了单词往往并不会彻头彻尾地扭曲句意。所以,即便到了今天,也常常 “又” 发现一个读错重音,非常痛苦。我真的无比地幸运:恰好在那样的时候找了一份教英语的工作得以既有时间又有动力还有实践机会。否则的话,我猜自己一辈子连改善的机会都不会有,因为错误已经积累成灾难,肯定是望洋兴叹、有心无力啊。

10. 一定要学会音标


然而,当初我们学拼音的时候,所面临的境遇确实与后来学音标的时候大不相同。很多人在幼儿园的时候已经被教授过拼音,只不过,那时候学不学得会不那么重要,幼儿园老师也知道她的目标不是一定要教会,而是反正一定要教。而后来小学低年纪的时候,拼音要再学一遍。细细回想就知道,哪怕 “仅仅再学一遍” 本身也不够用。事实上,真正起决定性作用的是其后长达三五年时间里,我们一直在运用拼音去查字典(还记得小时候书包里背着《新华字典》上学么?——当然后来还有一阵子这本字典被换成了更大更厚的《现代汉语大词典》)—— 后来这种长期运用才使得我们如同本能一般熟练使用汉语拼音。也就是说,我们中的大多数人是在至少系统地学了两遍之后,又在其后长达几年的时间里不断运用,才习得这个今天我们回头再看觉得无比简单的东西的。

中文是我们的母语,我们在上学之前已经有过好几年的语言使用经验 —— 我们不是等到上学才会说话的。事实上,大多数人在幼儿园的时候(有些人更早)就已经开始识字了。也就是说,当我们学习拼音的时候,我们早就会说话、能听懂相当数量的语言、而识字量也早就超过一定的数量。而一旦习得拼音之后,我们识字的速度就会大大提高,最终,大多数人在小学的前三年已经习得三千常用汉字(至少其中的绝大多数)。换言之,我们在学英语的时候,首先音标学的太快了,其次也学得太早了。甚至,音标竟然不得不成了语音教学的起始课程 —— 而我们习得母语的时候可是在已经基本获得了基本完善的发音能力之后才开始(有能力)学拼音!

所以说,某种意义上,音标学习确实是一个难关。但是,一旦把机理弄清楚,就可以想出正确的方式去 “轻松掌握” 音标。首先,不要急于求成;其次,要通过大量反复运用去掌握音标;再次,运用大量的朗读训练使自己不知不觉地跨过语音养成的最初障碍。我个人认为,只有当一个人的语音达到正常水准(或者接近正常)之后,才算是具备轻松掌握音标的基础能力。而一旦习得音标的基础之后,就要时时应用,直到像了解汉语拼音一样了解英语音标。

中国学生学习音标还有另外一个苦恼。我们的课本里大多所使用的是 D.J.音标(英音),但这并不是唯一的音标体系。除了 D.J.之外,有些地方的教材使用的是 K.K.音标(美音);牛津词典和剑桥词典尽管都声称自己使用的是 IPA 国际音标,但多多少少各不相同;而有些学生在准备 SAT 或者 GRE 的时候,根据学长的建议开始使用 Merriam-Webster 词典,结果发现里面是彻头彻尾另外一个体系的音标 —— 事实上,几乎市面上所有的词典都在使用各不相同的音标体系。原本就不太好学的东西却又有那么多的版本 —— 当然更加令人气馁。

还好,今天的学生早已有机会使用更好的学习工具 —— 词典早就变成了电子词典。目前大多数电子辞典或者计算机上的词典软件都是配有真人发音的。所以,查到一个单词的时候,就算不认识音标,也可以听得到那个单词的发音。不过,最好还是能够用手写音标,因为查过字典之后,最好在文本上做个标记,以便将来更容易记得住。到这里,学习音标的目标多少就有了些变化 —— 对大多数人来说,这些标记不是写给别人看的,是写给自己看的,所以,只要自己能认得就好。(尽管能做到任何一处都规规矩矩更好。)

事实上,我早就发现自己在给文本标注音标的时候所使用的是一种 “独创” 的 “杂种体系”。比如,不知道什么时候起,我开始用/ɛ/替代了/e/;而自从慢慢偏向美音之后,就会经常在/t/下面加上浊化符号/ t̬/;即便偏向美音了之后,也还是不习惯使用/ ɚ/,而是用/ ər/;即便是在最初学 K.K 音标的时候,我也不喜欢用手写/a/,而是写/ɑ/……即便如此,我从未觉得这种 “乱七八糟” 的体系对我个人的进一步学习有什么影响,不仅能用,还用得挺好。


首先确定自己有足够的朗读经验。比如,每日晨读一小时(听录音读课本就好)坚持了至少三个月以上。在这样的过程中,大多数语言都已经把握得足够好(要很久以后才能做到接近 “标准” 呢),于是,学习音标就有了保障。
只完整学习一个体系。如果还在初中,那么可以选择 D.J.音标,或者是 K.K 音标 —— 即,你的课本所使用的那种。如果已经是学英语多年了的人,那么就要选用自己正在使用、最常使用的词典的音标体系。
最好使用计算机上的有声版词典,这样就可以把所有例词都查出来,并录制成 mp3。反复跟读。
对照着音标表,抄写每一个例词的音标,反复若干遍(最好 7 遍以上)。
有必要花时间学习英文的拼读规则。忽略拼读规则是绝大多数英语学习失败的人犯下的错误。他们宁可去学好像更有短效、或者感觉更加 “高级” 的 “词根词缀”,也不去学最基本的,并且一生都用得到的拼读规则。

实际上,很多的人只不过是因为嫌麻烦才不去抄写音标的。尽管他们会不停地遇到 “咦,这个单词我查过,可是怎么读来着?” 的尴尬 —— 然而显然,这些尴尬并不足以他们下决心从此一丝不苟 —— 于是, “一丝不苟” 的成本越积越多,到最后高到绝大多数人不愿承受的地步。

而事实上,只要方法上稍加改造,就没那么麻烦了。比如,查到 “façade” 这个单词之后,不一定非要把音标完整地抄写为[fə’sɑːd] ,其实,只需要在 “ç” 这个字母上标记/s/,在第二个 “a” 字母上标记/ɑː/,而后再在/s/之前加上重音符号。反正,字母 “f” 只能读成/f/,字母 “d” 只能读成 /d/,最后一个字母 “e” 不发音,这是绝大多数英文单词的规则。再比如,查 “resumé” 之后,最重要的可能是在最后一个 “e” 字母上面标记带有重音符号的 /‘ei/就行。而那些完全符合拼读规则的单词(其实 96%以上的英文单词基本上符合拼读规则)就基本上无需标注音标了,比如 “ichthyosaur” 这个单词,“ch” 的读音是/k/,“yo” 的读音是/ɪə/,“aur” 的读音是/ɔː/,重音在第一个音节 —— 其实,好像只需要标记一下重音所在音节就可以了。当然,有些人觉得应该在 “ch” 处标记上/k/也未尝不可,但总之,无需写下这么一长串:[‘ɪkθɪəsɔː]。少数情况下,遇到某个单词里的某个字母是不发音的 ——比如 “debt” 这个单词里的 “b” —— 那我就会直接用铅笔在那个字母上划一道,以便提醒自己,那个字母不发音。



学习英式发音及其音标,可以用牛津大学出版社香港中文站的 Flash 教程《Guide to English Phonetc Symbols》
学习美式发音及其音标,可以使用爱荷华大学的美国音标在线学习程序《 Phonetics: The Sound of American English》

11. 音节的划分

大多单词的音节划分,基于单词拼写的和基于音标拼写的差不多,比如 “pri•ma•ry ”/ˈprai-mə-ri/,比如 “ich•thyo•saur”/ˈɪk-θɪə-sɔː/。但也有很多单词的音节划分,基于单词拼写的和基于音标拼写的很不相同,比如 “tax•i”/ˈtek-si/,比如 “cur•dling ”/ˈkər-də-liŋ/。


另外,如果学生只学习(假如真的学会了的话)基于单词拼写的划分,则很可能也很容易陷入想当然的陷阱之中。比如,“create” 这个单词,实际上是两个音节/kriː-ˈeɪt/,很多初学者(又因为他们刚刚学过一点拼读规则)一不小心就会把这个单词理解为单音节单词;我见过很多学生把这个单词读成/ kriːt /,大抵上就是这个原因了吧。


基于单词拼写的音节划分非常麻烦而又罗嗦。我不记得那个老师为我讲解清楚过 “移行法则”,倒是在什么书里看过,反复看了几遍之后觉得对英语学习者来说格外不实用,甚至干脆没用。而基于音标拼写的音节划分很简单,只需要一个最重要的原则:一个音节必须有、且只有一个元音。


元音:a /eɪ/, eye /aɪ/
辅音+元音:tea /tiː/, bay /beɪ/
辅音+辅音+元音:fly /flaɪ/, sky /skaɪ/
元音+辅音:ebb /eb/, odd /ɔd/
辅音+元音+辅音:beep /biːp/, big /bɪg/
元音+辅音+辅音:east /iːst/,axe /æks/
辅音+辅音+元音+辅音:stop /stɔp/, bleed /bliːd/
辅音+元音+辅音+辅音:last /læst/, lapse /læps/
辅音+辅音+元音+辅音+辅音:blast /blæst/, frost /frɔːst/

而多音节单词,就用以上的模式去套,看看能够划分出多少个合乎以上模式的音节出来 —— 辅助原则很简单:多音节的单词,除了最后一个音节之外,基本上是以上 9 种之中的前 5 种居多。

12. 自然语流中的强读与弱读现象

如前所述,很多英文单词是多音节的。一个英文单词如果由多个音节构成,那么其中至少有一个音节是重音;如果,音节足够多的话,那么可能还有次重音(比如 “archaeopteryx”),以及一个以上的重音(比如 “postmoernity”)。而同样的道理,一个句子里有多个单词,那么,其中将至少有一个单词被强读,而相对来看其它的单词会被弱读。(为了区分方便,单词内音节的强弱轻重用 “非重音”、“次重音”、“重音”,或者 “重读” 来表示;而句子内单词的强弱轻重用 “强读” 和 “弱读” 来表示。)

掌握强读弱读规律,是使自己的语流变得自然的关键。只要掌握了强读弱读的规律,哪怕某些音素的发音不够好,语流依然会显得很自然,也更容易被别人听懂。我们在美国惊悚电影里经常可以听到外国特工,比如俄国特工或者伊朗特工,所讲的英语。他们尽管讲话有着明显的口音,但不仅流利,并且沟通无障碍 —— 而对方讲一口 “地道标准” 的美式英语,却也并不因为这些外国特工有口音而听不懂他们在说什么。这样的情况能够说明的是,单独的音素发音尽管很重要,但显然有比这个更重要的东西需要关注,比如现在正在讲的强读弱读规律。

以下是 TOEFL 听力录音中第一篇中的前两个句子,请注意同一个单词 “community” 第一次出现和第二次出现时的具体不同:

Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. …

请仔细注意以上录音中的两处 “community”。第一处 “Community” 是被强读的,所以,其中的第二个音节/mju:/被读得非常饱满,且带着声调(tone)和更高的音高(pitch)。而第二处 “community” 没有被强读,于是,第二个音节/mju:/变得很短,并且没有明显的声调。


Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate.



重音所在的音节可能带着不同的音高(往往是 “高”、“中”、“低” 中的 “高”)……


整个单词所处的音高往往是 “高”、“中”、“低” 之中的 “低”,最多是 “中”……

其实,哪怕在单独读某一个单词的时候,其中元音的长短都会受到重音重读的影响。比如,“city” 这个单词,重音在第一个音节上,而两处的元音是一样的:/ˈsi-ti/;但是只要你把第一个音节读得足够重,自然而然就能感觉到第一个/i/要比第二个/i/长。


a: /eɪ/→/ə/
am: /æm/→/əm, m/
an: /æn/→/ən, n/
and: /ænd/→/ənd, nd, ən, n/
any: /‘eni/→/ni/
are: /a:/→/ə/
as: /æs/→/əz/
at: /æt/→/ət/
but: /bʌt/→/bət/
can: /kæn/→/kən, kn, kŋ/
could: /kud/→/kəd, kd/
do: /duː/→/du, də, d/
does: /dʌz/→/dəz, z, s/
for: /fɔː/→/fə/
from: /frɔm/→/frəm, frm/
had: /hæd/→/həd, əd, d/
has: /hæz/→/həz, əz, z, s/
have: /hæv/→/həv, əv, v/
he: /hiː/→/hi, iː, i/
her: /həː/→/hə, əː, ə/
him: /him/→/im/
his: /hiz/→/iz/
I: /ai/→/aː, ə/
is: /iz/→/s, z/
many: /‘meni/→/mni/
me: /miː/→/mi/
must: /mʌst/→/məst, məs/
my: /mai/→/mi/
of: /əv/→/əv, v, ə/
our: /ɑʊɚ/→/ar/
shall: /ʃæl/→/ʃəl, ʃl/
she: /ʃiː/→/ʃi/
should: /ʃud/→/ʃəd, ʃd, ʃt/
so: /səʊ/→/sə/
some: /sʌm/→/səm, sm/
such: /sʌʧ/→/səʧ/
than: /ðæn/→/ðən, ðn/
that: /ðæt/→/ðət/
the: /ði:/→/ði, ðə/
them: /ðem/→/ðəm, ðm, əm, m/
then: /ðen/→/ðən/
to: /tuː/→/tu, tə/
us: /us/→/əs/
was: /wɔz/→/wəz, wə/
we: /wiː/→/wi/
were: /wəː/→/wə/
when: /wen/→/wən/
will: /wil/→/əl, l/
would: /wud/→/wəd, əd, d/
you: /juː/→/ju/

这些词的弱读形式在托福听力中都特别常见,比如,“our” 这个单词,大多数情况下都被读成/ar/。比如在以下两句话中:

I hope you’ve all finished reading the assigned chapter on insurance – so that you’re prepared for our discussion today. (第 2 篇第 1 句)

One of our main jobs is to keep detailed records of the migration patterns of raptors. (第 90 篇第 3 句)

13. 精雕细琢/t/、/d/和/s/


英文中的/t/与中文拼音中的[t]是不一样的,尽管它们听起来非常接近。而/d/与/s/也是如此。不过,由于中文中的[t]、[d]、[s]和英文中的/t/、/d/、/s/相当接近,所以,中国学生基本上全都是干脆直接用[t]、[d]、[s]替代/t/、/d/、/s/。刚开始的时候,很难发现这种 “替换” 有什么大不了的,也看不出什么致命的影响。然而,坏习惯一旦养成,就会很难纠正,成为很多人进步的玻璃顶。



再多说两遍。请故意把 “踢” 字拉长一些,这样容易体会到中文中的[t]在发音的时候舌尖起始位置在哪里 —— 舌尖是先贴到牙齿上,然后离开,同时口腔中的气流振动。另外,也可以同时体会[d](说 “打” 的时候)和[s](说 “死” 的时候)在中文发音中的舌尖起始位置。在 IPA 国际音标标注法中,像中文中这样舌尖抵住牙齿作为发音起点的[t]和[d](dental t/d)有专门的标注方法:/t̪/、/d̪/(请注意 t/d 下小小的 “门” 字形符号)。
【注】该系列文章中所使用的口腔侧剖面图片摘自爱荷华大学的图解在线教程,Phonetics: The sounds of American English

如上图所示,而英文中的/t/,在发音的时候,舌尖起始位置并不是在牙齿上,而是在上牙龈上 —— 牙齿与牙龈交界处上方一点点。所以,英文中的/t/与中文中的 [t]音色是不同的 —— 中文中的[t]更多一些对气流的阻塞。而同样,英文中的/d/的舌尖起始位置也是在同样的位置上,如下图:


练习这几个辅音并不是很难,读者只需要反复练习一个词就够了,这个单词是:“student”。练习这个单词多遍之后,再练习 “students” —— 可想而知,英文中的/ts/,发音起始位置应该与/t/的发音起始位置相同,而/dz/也应该与/d/一样。

We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called “One On One” helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind.(第1篇第2~3句)

这里有两处 “students”,不妨反复模仿,反复体会。如果,已经熟悉这样的舌尖起始位置,那么以后读 “teacher”、“particular” 这样的单词的时候,都会感到其音色与过往未纠正时有很大的不同。

由于舌尖起始位置不同,相对于英文中的/t/、/d/、/s/来看,中文中的[t]、[d]、[s]在发音的时候,阻塞更多的气流;[t]和[d] 几乎是完全阻塞气流的,而尽管[s]无论如何都必须有气流通过舌尖才能发出,但也比/s/发音的时候舌尖对气流的阻塞更多。我们很多人在与老外讲话的时候,总是感觉他们讲话的时候 “送气更多”,有更多气流振动的感觉,就是这个原因了。

还有一个挺好玩的反向练习方法。就是把 “我踢死你” 和 “我打死你” 这两个中文短句中的[t]、[d]、[s]全都换成以上讲解过的英文的/t/、/d/、/s/,反复练习,最后这两个短句说得听起来感觉像是老外说中文一样就对了。

另外,这句话里面有一处非常清楚的连读,“helps_elementary…”,请反复体会,反复练习。回忆一下 “停顿” 那一节讲述的内容—— 练习这个连读的时候,关键在于先发出/hel/这个音节之后把嘴闭上(就等于已经把/p/这个音的口型做足了),然后停顿足够长的时间,而后再发出/s /的音的同时开始读后面的单词。并且要把 elementary 这个单词的重音音节重读(即,第一个音节),而后这个重读音节还带有升调。把这几个要点搞清楚之后,我们就会发现所谓的 “连读” 只不过是自然而然的事情而已。


14. 攻克所谓连读,从辅音/l/做起

先说说辅音/l/。这个音和中文中的[l] 没什么区别。只不过,英文中很多元音之后跟着/l/的音节,而中文中却只有[l]作为声母后面(必然)跟着一个韵母(即,相当于英文中的元音)。很可能是由于中文中不存在韵母之后跟着声母[l]的情况,所以,很多中国学生实际上说不好的只有/l/处于音节尾部的情况。(而有些南方同学分不清/l/和/n /,是他们使用母语时就存在的问题,跟英语无关。)

大多数学生读/l/位于音节首部的单词都是完全没问题的,比如 law,value,fly 等等。说出这些单词中的/l/的时候,和说 “你吃了吗?” 这句中文的时候说出的[l]几乎是一样的,当然不费什么劲。然而他们一读/l/位于音节尾部的单词就不对了。比如,“lawful”, “valuable”, “financial”, “still” 等等。这几个单词大多数学生会把它们分别读为/ˈlɔːfəu/、/ˈvæljəbəu/、/faɪˈnænʃəu/,和/ˈstɪəu/,每个词的结尾都会被他们读成字母 “o” 的发音。

出这种错的重要的原因在于/l/这个音的准确发出是靠舌头在口腔内持续移动完成的。由于一切重要动作都是在口腔内完成,而舌头的运动方式从外部无法观察得到,所以,很多人学这个音的时候,其实基本上与 “盲人摸象” 的效果差不多。


把刚刚提到的那几个单词反复朗读即便,体会一下舌尖滑动直至抵住牙龈的位置带来的发音变化:“lawful”, “valuable”, “financial”, “still”。


I’m sure you’ll enjoy this community service, and you’ll gain valuable experience at the same time.

现在然后再认真听这段文字的录音:第 1 篇倒数第 4 句。初学者马上就会发现自己读得与录音之中有明显的差别:录音中,有两个词末尾的/l/音与紧邻单词开头的元音连读了:

I’m sure you’ll_enjoy this community service, and you’ll gain valuable_experience at the same time.

先看看怎样才能把 “valuable experience” 读成录音中的样子。如果,valuable 这个单词词尾的/əl/结束的时候,舌尖位置不在牙龈上的话,那么为了读出录音中的 “连读” 效果,就需要重新启动舌尖的运动,于是听起来就非常笨拙。所以,读/əl/的时候,舌尖运动完整非常重要。进而,在运用前面讲过的关于 “停顿” 的知识,为了能够把重音所在的音节/ˈpɪ/读清楚,之前故意夸张点加进停顿。这样读:/ˌvæ-ljə-bə-liks-…-ˈpɪ-rɪəns/,在/liks/发音之后马上把嘴唇合上,稍等一会儿,然后稍微用点劲把/ˈpɪ/读出来,感觉就对了。多试几遍就肯定能够掌握。其实,上面句子中的 “you’ll enjoy” 也是一样的机理。



如果,以/l/结束的单词后面跟着的单词,第一个音节是被重读的,那么,就整个/l+元音/都会被重读,比如 “real audio”,会被读成/ri-ˈlɔ:-diəʊ/


Professor Dodge will_act as a mentor to the tutors…(第1篇第9句)

如果说 “连读” 需要注意什么的话,就是相连的两个词汇中,第二个单词的重音音节一定要讲清楚(事实上,如果后面的单词不强读的话,也就自然不会产生连读效果,抑或即便产生了连读效果也没那么明显)。而为了把重音音节讲清楚,重音音节之前还可能要多少有点停顿才可以。

看到了吧?所谓连读,其实并不是故意连起来的,而是之前辅音的口腔运动完整的话,那么就会自然而然地得到 “连读” 的效果。甚至包括之后要讲解的所谓 “音变”,也都是同样的机理,不是故意而为之,而是自然而然才对。连读根本没有很多老师所声称的以及很多学生所以为地那么重要,而解决方法也不能是为了 “连” 而 “连”,那只不过是治标不治本。


15. 掌握浊化,从/t/做起


在已经知道了/t/这个音的舌尖起始位置与中文的[t]不同之后,还要知道/t/这个辅音的另外一个重要特征:当/t/夹在两个元音之间的时候,/t/就会被浊化。最明显的例子 city 这个单词,/t/前后都是元音,所以,读出来的时候,不再是/t/而是/t̬/(请注意 t 下小小的 “v” 字形符号 )。再比如,meet 这个单词,读作/miːt/,而加上 ing 之后,就是/ˈmiːt̬ɪŋ/——/t/变成了/t̪/,听起来很接近/d/的一个音。/t/正是因为如此才被称为 “清辅音”,而/d/则是因为发音的时候有声带振动而被称为 “浊辅音”。


You education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching – that is, tutoring in math and English.(第1篇第4句)

这其中,“it offers” 两个词之间发生了连读现象,于是,/t/被夹在两个元音之间;而 “that is” 中的/t/也是一样的道理;被浊化的/t̬/与/d/非常接近,因为舌尖起始位置是相同的,并且不再像/t/那样只有气流振动没有声带振动——/t̪/不仅有气流振动还有比/d/相对轻微一点的声带振动。只不过,/t̪/相对更加短促一些,感觉上更加具有弹性 —— 而事实上,直接把/t̪/读成/d/也是可以的,因为差别实在不大。

严格意义上来讲,应该是这样的:当清辅音/t/夹在两个元音之间,前一个是重读元音,后一个是轻读元音时,/t/才会被浊化为/t̬/。比如,“writer” 和 “rider”、“latter” 和 “ladder”、“petal” 和 “pedal” 听起来都差不多。所以,前文中 “opportunity” 的 “第二个 t”,以及 “tutoring” 中的 “第二个 t”,都没有被浊化。

但平心而论,这确实很难分辨,尤其对把英语当作外语来学的中国学生来说,更是如此。所以,先去了解 “浊化” 现象,而后尽力模仿,但也没必要过分苛求。实际上,说多了之后,即便不刻意 “浊化”,也会自然而然地在该怎样就怎样。更何况,这只是发音中的小细节,在达成良好沟通的过程中,其作用仅占一个很小很小的比例。

另外,在自然语流中,落在重音上的音节中,位于/s/后面的清辅音/t/、/k/、/p/、/ʧ/往往被浊化。所以,“study” 读得像/sdʌdɪ/、“school” 读得像/sgu:l/、“experience” 读得像/ɪksˈbɪərəns/、“strive” 读得像/sʤaɪv/。

然而,有时这些清辅音之前尽管有/s/但,这些辅音与后面的元音并未构成重音音节的时候,就不会被浊化。所以,“distance”, “costume”, “biscuit” 这些单词中/s/后面的辅音就不被浊化。当然,“coast” 这个单词中的/t/肯定不会被浊化。

16. 掌握失爆,还是得从/t/做起



I hope you’ve all finished reading the assigned chapter on insurance — so that you’re prepared for our discussion today. (第2篇第1句)

其中,“finished” 这个词末尾的 “ed” 由于跟在清辅音/sh/后面,所以原本应该读成/t/ ,但又由于后面紧跟着的单词是辅音开头的(“reading”),所以/t/就 “失爆” 了,于是听不到了;后面还有总计三处/t/或/d/产生失爆现象而听不到的情况。

需要着重解释的是,所谓的 “失爆”,并不是省略。实际上说话者的口腔内舌头的运动是完整的,/t/或者/d/结束的时候,舌尖还是要顶到牙龈的位置上(如下图所示),只不过,没有气流振动,于是听不到而已。

最为关键的是,这些因失爆而无法听到的/t/、/d/在语流中依然占据它们原本该拥有的长度。于是,“might be” 并不是读成/maibi:/而是/mai(-)bi:/,(-)的位置上,舌尖定在牙龈上,略作停顿,再发出/bi:/的声音。一定不要忘了停顿,那感觉就好像弹吉他的时候扫弦切音一样。仔细听下面的录音,注意 “might be” 和 “interested in it”。

You education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching — that is, tutoring in math and English.(第1篇第4句)

可能产生失爆的辅音还有/p/、/b/、/k/、/g/。例如,下面的 “helps” 中的/p/,和 “looks” 中的/k/:

A new community program called “One On One” helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind. (第1篇第3句)

It looks good on your resume, too…(第1篇第倒数第3句)

通行的语音教程上还会更进一步讲解 “失去爆破” 与 “不完全爆破”,我个人认为,对大多数人来说,已经没必要再深究了、语言学习就是这样:先把握最基本的,而后通过大量的练习与应用就可自然学会很多自己都不知道怎么学会的东西。

一个旁通的例子是,在中文中,在某个层面上,“编” 这个字与 “织” 这个字是一样的意思 —— 乃至于 “编织” 还是同样的意思;然而,我们会说 “这个女孩织毛衣”,“那个男孩编故事”,但我们绝对不会说 “他们在织故事。” 最后一句话显然是错误的,至于为什么错误,而我们又是如何避免这个错误的 —— 我们不知道,也无需知道,反正我们就是不会犯那样的错误。哦,其实我们早就应该知道的,我们在第二章 “2.7 朗读训练可以提高语言文字模式识别能力” 中有清楚的解释。

17. 攻克所谓的 “同化”

/t + j/可能会变成/ʧ/。比如,下面例子中的 “want you…”

Then tonight I want you to go home and read a passage into a tape recorder and evaluate your own voice. (第16篇最后1句)

但并非总是如此,有些时候,说话者会把/t/后面的/j/当作辅音处理,这样的话,前面的/t/就 “失爆” 了。定义上,/j/是 “半辅音”,或者 “半元音”。我猜是这样,当/j/所在的音节是重音音节的时候,/j/被当作 “半辅音” 处理;而当/j/所在的音节是非重音音节的时候,/j/则被当作 “半元音” 处理。比如,下面这个已经听过的句子中(之前已经听过),that 中的/t/,后面尽管跟着/j/,但是,/t/是失爆了,而不是与/j/结合产生了同化。

I hope you’ve all finished reading the assigned chapter on insurance – so that you’re prepared for our discussion today. (第2篇第1句)

/d + j/也一样。很多的时候,/d/与/j/结合,会变成/ʤ/。但另外一些时候,并不产生音变。比如下面这个句子:

What should you do, then, on those sleepless nights?(第20篇第10句)

这句话里面,“what” 末尾的/t/与 “should” 前面的/ʃ/结合,变成了/ʧ/,而 “should” 末尾的/d/与后面的/ju:/结合成/djə/(因为 “you” 被弱读,后面的 “do” 被强读)。这句话里的/d + j/组合,并没因产生音变而成为 “ʤ”

/s + j/可能会变成/ʃ/。注意,都是 “可能” 而非 “必须。实际上,/s + j/的情况并不多,最常见的是这个短语 “this year”。其实,是否产生音变,实在是因人而异 —— 有些人在发/s/音的时候,舌面更靠上一些;而另外一些人在发/s/音的时候,舌面没有那么靠上。舌面更靠上的人(下面第一句话),读出来,感觉是变成/ðɪ-ˈʃɪə/了,而舌面没有那么靠上的人(下面第二句话),读出来就没有什么变化。(其实,即便是同一个人说话,也不一定总是一模一样的,比如,他也可能有时候舌面更靠上一点,而另外一些时候没那么靠上。)

As the committee in charge of this year’s tree-planting project, we have several items on our agenda. (第9篇第2句)

When you entered as first-year students this year, the school assigned you to a dorm and a roommate… (第40篇第2句)

能够自然而然地发出这些因 “同化” 而产生的声音的关键在于/t/、/d/、/s/的舌尖起始位置必须是正确的。比较一下/t/和/ʧ/的舌尖起始位置,就知道这两个音的舌尖起始位置是大致相同的。而如果把/t/读成中文的[t],那么舌尖起始位置就是在牙齿上而非牙龈上,那么,如论如何都发不出自然而然的 “同化” 了。

唉,怎么又是/t/和/d/?——这其实并不奇怪,知识分布总是这样,大量的重点往往只集中在某几个甚至某一个部分之上。例如,英文语法书中,差不多有 2/3 的内容是关于动词的 —— 也是同样的道理。

18. 总结一下/t/


  • 英文/t/的舌尖起始位置与中文[t]不同,英文/t/的舌尖起始位置在牙龈上;
  • /t/如果被夹在两个元音之间(且之前的元音所在的音节是重音音节的话),那么要轻微浊化;
  • /t/在后面接着一个辅音的情况下,往往会产生所谓的失爆现象;/d/也是如此;
  • 如果后面接的辅音是/s/,那么便要演化出/ts/的音;而/d/则演化出/dz/的音;
  • /d/在/p/和/sh/之后会被读成/t/;
  • /t + j/可能会变成/ʧ/;而/d + j/可能会变成/ʤ/(这就是所谓的同化现象)。

19. 技巧加重点:“声调”


Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called “One On One” helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind.(第1篇第1~3句)

请仔细揣摩一下上文中加重的 “component” 和 “program” 两个单词的读法。多听几遍,多尝试几次。


先回忆一下中文的 “声调”:轻声、一声、二声、三声,和四声。然后试试看

  • “component” 这个词,这样读就像了:com(轻声),po(四声),nent(二声);
  • 而 “program” 这个单词,这样读就像了:pro(四声),gram(一声);另,要把/æ/这个元音读得比短元音稍微长一点。注意:/æ/虽然后面没有长元音符号 “:”,但它是 “半长元音”,比短元音长一点,比长元音短一点。

——因为 “轻声”、“一声”、“二声”、“四声”,都是我们所熟悉的讲中文普通话的时候采用的声调,所以,一定会很容就搞定的。

英语语音教学的书籍里,从来没有提到过 “声调”,讲的全都是 “语调” —— 也许教学内容的设计者觉得学 “外” 语就得用 “新” 的方式罢;又也许是我孤陋寡闻,看得不够多。然而,这是没办法的事儿:我们了解未知事物必须依赖对已知事物的了解,因为类比思考几乎是跨越已知与未知之间的鸿沟的唯一手段。而如果我们能够找得到可以用来探索未知的已知信息,却不加以运用,是相当不合理、不划算的。


自然语流中被强读的单词,其中音节往往带着除了轻声之外的声调 —— 有 “一声”、“二声”、“四声”。对,“三声” 很少见。英文中的某个词如果让我们觉得出现了 “三声”,不是一个音节发出的,而是由两个音节拼起来的 —— 第一个音节 “四声”,第二个音节 “二声”。就好像前面我们练过的 “component” 一样。而有些组合,像刚才 “program” 那样的,在中文的声调里是不存在对应的。而弱读的单词,每个音节基本上都相当于 “轻声”。


我们自己不妨试一试。洋话连篇,这四个字,拼音是 “yáng huà lián piān”(平仄平平),现在把这四个字读成 “yāng huà liǎn piàn”(平仄仄仄)试试看。每个声母每个韵母都对,但声调却不对,即便我们是母语使用者(所以,声母、韵母都不可能读错的),说出来的也是一股浓浓的 “老外腔调”。

反过来,就算我们讲英语的时候每个辅音每个元音都读得非常 “标准”,但是,如果声调不正确(或者说不是人家说熟悉的模式),那么就肯定听起来带着非常浓重的 “外国腔”。

黄西的英文,最明显的 “中国腔” 基本上全都来自于声调的不协调(然而,请注意,黄西的 “外国腔” 完全没有影响听众对他的理解 —— 除了发音之外,还有很多其它更重要的因素决定沟通的成败):

比如 wife 这个词,他读成 “二声”,而他要是把双元音/aɪ/读成 “四声”,可能就没那么别扭了。(注意,这并不是在说所有的/aɪ/都要读成 “四声” 而不能读成 “二声”。)


  • 长元音,大多是 “一声”(没办法读成 “三声”);
  • 双元音,大多是 “四声” 或者 “二声”(很难读成 “一声”);
  • 短元音,几乎不可能是 “一声”(因为发成 “一声” 就成了长元音了)。

以上只是基本规律,而非指导原则。所以,在跟读的时候,只能靠细心揣摩,认真记录,(记录倒也简单,在元音上方标记 “1”、“2”、“4”、“0” 即可,其中 “0” 代表 “轻声”)而后反复练习。其实很容易适应的,我差不多花十几分钟就能把这事儿说明白,而我很多的学生差不多花一下午的时间就能做到彻底熟练,而后就感觉一下子 “脱胎换骨”……

搞定了这件事儿之后,我甚至觉得不用再刻意花时间教学生关于 “语调” 的内容了,他们不用专门学也很快能够把握 “升调”、“降调”(英语语音教程中的语调部分的概念)。

20. 元音/ʌ/和/æ/

/ʌ /的发音,在美式发音中与/ə/非常接近。相互之间甚至很难分辨。比如 encourage 这个单词,在国内常见的词典中音标都标注为/inˈkʌriʤ /,不过,在托福听力中,这个单词中的/ʌ/与/ə/非常接近。实际上,韦氏词典中干脆是这样标注的:/in-kər-ij/。下面这句话(当然)已经听过—— 以前曾听人说,练好一盘磁带就够;而事实上,我个人的经验是,练好那么几句话已经很是足够……

这次可以多注意一下 “encourage” 这个单词:

We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called “One On One” helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind.


  • abduct
  • above
  • brunt
  • brush
  • budget
  • bump
  • bunk
  • bus
  • but
  • chuck
  • club
  • come
  • cover
  • crush
  • cut
  • deluxe
  • discuss
  • dump
  • exult
  • glutton
  • hull
  • hunt
  • hush
  • hut
  • love
  • lunch
  • mumble
  • nothing
  • ruffle
  • rummage
  • rush
  • slumber
  • slush
  • some
  • son
  • struggle
  • stubborn
  • stucco
  • study
  • stump
  • such
  • supper
  • trouble
  • under
  • until
  • up
  • upper
  • us
  • usher
  • wonder

补充技巧:1) 可以使用读/ə/的方式读/ʌ/,只不过,/ʌ/要相对更加短促而已;2) 在读/ʌ/的时候,嘴唇张开的程度要比/ɑ/小很多。

/æ/的发音,原本就比较特殊,除了英语之外,很少有其他语言使用这个元音。另外,在美式英语中(托福听力中就是如此),很多/ɑ/的音,被读成/æ/,比如:“after”, “ask”, “glass”, “master”, “pass” 等等。


请仔细注意以下的 “ask” 和 “after”:

My recommendation is that we ask the administration to keep the center open after midnight for studying.(第86篇倒数第3句)


  • absolute
  • add
  • admiral
  • after
  • alcove
  • ambulance
  • ample
  • annual
  • answer
  • ant
  • anthem
  • apple
  • ask
  • baggage
  • bank
  • bashful
  • basket
  • bass
  • bat
  • bath
  • castle
  • cat
  • command
  • dance
  • disaster
  • fabric
  • frank
  • glass
  • grass
  • halfway
  • hand
  • handsome
  • lad
  • lamp
  • laugh
  • mad
  • man
  • mass
  • master
  • math
  • passage
  • pass
  • path
  • ram
  • rank
  • sad
  • sandwich
  • shatter
  • snack
  • tank
  • track
  • trap
  • wax

21. 双元音




  • 张开嘴唇(可以夸张一点,把嘴张得更大一些),读三遍/a/的音,每一遍都读得稍微长一点,升调,每一遍之间略微停顿;
  • 读三遍/a/之后,第四遍在嘴唇没有任何运动的情况下(即,依然保持张开的状态),仅靠小舌滑动读出/aɪ/,并且读成降调。感觉上,/a/要长一点,然后降调滑向/ɪ/

请反复跟读这段录音【这段录音摘自 DAVID ALAN STERN 的语音教程,《The Sound and Style of American English》】,认真体会。



除了上面提到的这些需要注意的地方之外,在托福听力朗读录音中,某个单词只要被重读,其中的双元音都一定会读的非常饱满,充满弹性,并且也是声调变换的(“二声”、“四声”、不大可能有 “一声”)地方;而长元音诸如/a:/、/i:/、/ə:/、/u:/、/ɔ:/(,以及所谓的 “短” 元音/æ/,都往往只有一种声调(“一声”),并且往往显得比双元音短一些。


Community service is an important component of education here at our university.(第1篇第1句)

22. 其它辅音/θ/、/ð/、/v/、/ʒ/

/θ/、/ð/这两个辅音,是许多中国的英语老师反复强调的 —— 但通常强调得并不一定正确。




只要把 “vision” 这个词读对了,就说明/v/和/ʒ/都过关了 —— 大不了再多练习一个 “revision”。(同时请注意练习以下句子中/ð/的读音 —— 当然,/θ/的读音方法使用的是同样的方式。)

They have a wide field of vision and, like most grazing animals, they are especially good at detecting movement.(第75篇倒数第5句)

Then you can make the necessary revisions and hand in your final outline, which is due two weeks from today.(第23篇第10句)




23. 音调(Pitch)

注意,这一节要讲的,不是 “语调”,不是 “声调”,而是 “音调”(pitch)。

按照 David Allen Stern 的理论,英语使用者最经常使用的自然语流模式是 “Step-up-and-step-down pattern”。简单点说,就是开头的那个被重读的音节音调会被提高,而随后音节的音调将逐步降低。而所谓的 “开头”,并不见得一定是句子的开头。当一个句子长到一定程度的时候,说话者会把这个句子按照意群划分为若干个单位,每个单位之间有或明显或不明显的停顿(起码要换换气才能接着说话吧?)—— 如果是这样的话,那每个意群都可能会有一个被提高音调的音节,而随后音节的音调将逐步降低。


Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called “One On One” helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind.

请细心分辨以上加重标记的词汇中的重音音节的音调(pitch):“Community”, “all”, “new”, “helps”。


  • 每个元音长短都要恰当
  • 语流中的强读弱读词汇要分清
  • 在合适的位置要停顿
  • 声调模式恰当
  • 位于意群之首的重音音节带有相对更高的音调


24. 第一次全面练习



  • 分辨被强读的词都有那些?
  • 被强读的单词里,每个音节的声调分别是什么?
  • 哪一个被强读的单词带着明显相对更高的音调?
  • 被弱读的单词,其中的那些元音发生了明显的变化,向/ə/靠拢?
  • 那些地方被连读了,前后各个音节的重音在哪儿
  • 有没有/t/、/k/、/p/之类的辅音失爆?另外,还有那些词尾的辅音(比如/d/、/g/、/b/等等)因后面跟着辅音开头的单词而只有停顿听不到声音?

拿来托福听力考试录音文件,借助软件反复听每一句话,尝试着回答以上的各个问题,而后在文本上作出相应的记号 —— 把手中的文本标记成乐谱一样的东西,而后就可以刻意地模仿。


Community service is an important component of education here at our university.

  • “Community” 被强读,并且/mju:/这个音节伴随着相对更高的音调;
  • “service is” 被连起来,听起来与 “service” 这个单词的复数 “services” 一样;
  • “an important component of” 中,“important” 与 “component” 都被强读,“important” 中的/pɔ:/读 “一声”,词尾/t/失爆;“component” 中的/pəu/读 “四声”、/nənt/“二声”;“of” 与前面的 “component” 连读,并弱读为/əf/;
  • “here at our university” 中,原本的语流应为/ˈhɪə-æt-auə-juniˈvə:siti/;最终,“here” 被强读了,“四声”;“university” 被强读,其中/və:/为 “一声”;at 被弱读为/ət/;“our” 也被弱读,变得很短,/auə/;而 “at” 中的 /ə/,由于前面被强读的单词 “here” 就是以/ə/结尾的,所以被同化了(或理解为 “被省略了” 也未尝不可),而 “at” 中的/t/,前面是元音(/ə/),后面跟着的也是元音(/auə/),于是这个/t/被浊化了。最终,整个气群听起来是这样的:/ˈhɪə-dauə-juniˈvə:siti/。

We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate.

  • “encourage” 读成/inˌkəˌri:ʤ/;其中/ri:ʤ/“一声”;
  • “all” 被强读,“二声”;
  • “to” 被弱读,几乎成了/t/;
  • “volunteer”,词尾的重音/tɪə/被拉得很长;
  • “for at least” 中的两个/t/都失爆了;“for” 被弱读成/fɚ/;
  • “one” 被强读,“四声”;
  • “community activity” 被弱读,所有长元音都变短了,两处词尾的/iti/都读成相当于/ədɪ/(这里的/d/代表浊化了的/t/)
  • “before” 被强读,“四声”;
  • “they” 被弱读成/ðɪ/,甚至都接近于/ð/;
  • “graduate” 被强调,“四声”。

A new community program called “One On One” helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind.

  • “new” 被强读,“二声”,并伴着相对更高的音调;
  • “program” 中,/pəu/为 “四声”,而/græm/为 “一声”,略微拖长;
  • “called” 强读,拉长,“一声”;
  • “One on One”,第二个 “One” 被强读,“四声”;之前的 “One on” 两个词连读;
  • “helps elementary students” 中的 “helps elementary” 连读的非常明显 —— 因为 “elementary” 的重音在第一个音节;“help” 中的 “p” 失爆;读的技巧在于,读到/help /时,读完/hel/之后就把嘴唇闭上,稍微停顿(练习的时候可以夸张地停顿长达两三秒),而后直接张开嘴唇读/ˈselɪ-men-təri/(第一个音节读成 “二声”);另外,help 这个词有相对更高的声调;
  • “who’ve fallen behind”,“who’ve” 中的/v/,由于后面跟着的是相同唇形的/f/,所以听不到发音,但只是没有气流振动而已,该音的长度依然保持,所以听起来 “who” 之后有点停顿,而后才读出出 “二声” 的 “fallen”;“behind” 强读,“四声”。

You education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching — that is, tutoring in math and English.

  • “You” 读成 “二声”;
  • “education” 中的重音音节/kei/伴随着更高的音调;
  • “might” 词尾的/t/失爆;
  • “especially” 强读,伴随着更高的音调;
  • “interested in it” 末尾的/t/,口腔动作完整,但没有气流振动,感觉像切音;
  • “it offers” 中的/t/夹在两个原因之间,所以,浊化;“offer”“二声”;
  • “teaching” 被强读,“一声”;
  • “that is“中的/t/浊化;
  • “tutoring” 强读,“四声”;
  • “and English” 连读,“English” 被强读,“四声”;

You’d have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester.

  • “You’d have to” 读成/ju-dæf-tu/
  • “volunteer” 尾音拉长,“一声”;
  • “two” 强读、“四声”;
  • “for” 弱读为/fɚ/
  • “one” 强读,“四声”;

You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both.

  • “can” 被弱读成/kən/
  • “choose”、“help”、“child”、“math”、“English”,全部为 “二声”;
  • “or” 与 “both” 都被强读、“or” 为 “二声”,“both” 为 “四声”;

Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week.

  • “Half”,/hæf/,被强读,“二声”;
  • “fine”,被强读,“四声”
  • “half” 与 “each” 都被强读、“二声”
  • “two” 被强读、“一声”
  • “week” 被强读、“四声”

Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors

  • “will act” 连读,“will” 弱读为/wəl/,“act” 强读,“一声”:/wə-ˈlæ(k)t/,其中的/k/失爆;
  • “mentor”,被强读
  • “tutors” 被强读、“四声”

– he’ll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities.

  • “with lesson plans”,“with” 弱读为/wəð/,由于后面紧跟辅音/l/,所以,/ð/听不到,但停顿依然存在;
  • “or to offer”,“to” 中的/t/浊化,听起来与/d/接近;

He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

  • 第一个意群到 “hours” 结束,“hours”,“二声”;
  • “Tuesday and Thursday afternoon”,除了 “and” 之外均被强读。

You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week.

  • “can” 被弱读成/kən/;
  • “sign up” 中的/p/,口型做完之后(即,把嘴唇闭上之后)不再张嘴送气,而是停顿一下之后,直接开始说后面的 “for”;
  • “with him”,大概读成/wɪ-zɪm/,“him” 中的/h/不发音。语音教程中说这是 “击穿” 现象;因为我看到学生太容易把握这一点,所以也就没有单独讲解/h/的这个特征。

I’m sure you’ll enjoy this community service and you’ll gain valuable experience at the same time.

  • 这句话读得很有弹性,“I’m”、“sure”、“enjoy”、“valuable”、“same”、“time”,均被强读
  • “you’ll enjoy”、“valuable experience”,两处/l + e/的连读。

It looks good on your resume, too — showing that you’ve had experience with children and that you care about your community.

  • “looks good” 中的/k/只有细微停顿没有声音;
  • “resume”,“re” 为 “四声”,/meɪ/为 “二声”;
  • “too”“四声”。
  • “children” 之后有个明显的停顿;这个词与之前曾经讲过的 “program” 一样,是第一个音节 “四声”,第二个音节 “一声”;
  • “and” 被强读,“四声”;
  • “care about” 连读。

If you’d like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge’s office this week.

  • “you’d like to” 中的/d/没有声音、甚至连停顿都没有;
  • “sign up”,读完/saɪ-nʌ/之后闭上嘴唇,略作停顿,直接开口读 “or if you have any question”(读得很快);
  • “Dodge” 加上所属格 “’s” 之后,整体读/dɔ-ʤɜs/

25. 关于口音和外教

在以上 “重塑自己的语音” 这个系列的文章中,我选择用托福听力考试的录音作为讲解材料。有些读者可能希望学的是 “标准的英音”,而非 “美音”,那就可以拿来雅思的官方教材(所谓的 “剑一” 到 “剑七”——Cambridge IELTS 1-7,各地新华书店大概都可以买得到,其中有很多带完整文本的录音)用作训练材料。

英音与美音的发声原理大致相同,细节差异实际上并不大 —— 英音和美音的差异多多少少被许多人夸大了,而英音美音之间差异对说话者的影响更是被夸大得过分玄乎。

首先,只要你不是从小就开始说英语的,那么十有八九最终你能说得必然不是标准美音,也不是标准英音,而是国际英音(international accent)。其次,究竟会有谁那么在乎你的口音呢?再说,沟通是否良好,语音的作用只占其中的很小一部分;而语音作用之中,口音作用所占的比例又是很小很小的一部分。于是,最终,仅仅口音本身几乎并不影响良好的沟通 —— 尽管谁也不否认口音越地道越好,起码自我感觉更加良好。


  • 思考能力 —— 你最好有能力从对方的角度考虑问题;
  • 组织能力 —— 先说什么后说什么效果可能全然不同;
  • 观察能力 —— 基本的情商总应该有吧?要看什么人说什么话,或者起码需要调整说话方式;
  • 文字理解能力 —— 不仅要听得清还要听得懂人家说的话究竟是什么意思,有没有什么言外之意;


  • 足够的知识储备 —— 就算你语音地道又怎么样?若是你缺乏基本常识,谁愿意跟你只是打打招呼聊聊天气,而后就不知所云?

英语只是表达媒介,很多人之所以练就一身 “哑巴英语”,其实并不像很多老师或者培训班说的那样缺乏英语训练(或者什么口语训练),而是缺乏刚刚提到的各种能力或者起码其中的一些能力。想想看吧,可怕的并不是 “不会说”,而是 “没什么可说”,发音再好,口音再地道,又怎么样呢?不一样没得说?不会说其实很好解决,查词典就完事儿了么(很奇怪为什么那么多人就是觉得查词典那么没用?——随后我就会证明查词典究竟有多么不可或缺的有用。);说得不好没关系,人家听得懂就好(语法错误怎么可能一下子就消灭掉?但大多数错误总是可以有机会慢慢纠正的)。然而,没得说怎么解决?那可不是交点钱上个什么培训班就可以搞定的。

很多人因为了解到 “英语重要”,而后就想 “只学英语”,这是学不好的最根本原因。因为英语很难独立存在,事实上,所有语言都没办法独立存在,因为任何语言都是用来表达思想传递信息的。单独的一个词放在那里(不成篇章),跟一块儿砖头(不是建筑)差不多 —— 某种意义上还不如砖头呢,因为砖头起码还可以用来打架;词呢?顶多可以用来骂人,弄不好还可能招来一顿暴打。很多人都不由自主地认为只学 “最重要的” 是合理的,这个想法本身没错,只不过他们把重要的和次要的搞混了,或者搞反了。想想看吧,之前提到的那些能力哪一个不比语音(哪怕语言)难学,哪一个不比语音难以积累?单单修炼自己的母语都不是很容易的事啊!

我一直觉得不一定非要有个老外陪练才行。很多人花了很多钱去上那种 “外教课堂”。去过的人都知道,作用并不像想象得那么大。道理也特别简单,外教也只能教最基本的。至于那些更为重要的、并且还要与语言文字综合运用的各项能力,他们也一样无能为力。外教只不过是外语的母语使用者而已,在他们那个群体里也有半数以上的人思考能力差、观察能力弱、组织能力困乏、文字理解能力欠佳、知识储备严重不足 —— 并不会因为他们来自西方国家,这方面就自动比我们强。

有些时候,有机会和老外逛街、聊天,可能还会给自己带来害处。因为老外也是人(很智能的!),他们又很礼貌,所以,很多时候,即便你说得不好(比如发音错了、重音位置不对,主谓不一致了等等)他们还是可以听得懂;哪怕云里雾里,也可以借助当时的场景、所谈论的话题、以及对方的肢体语言来猜个八九不离十。所以,一不小心你就产生了错觉,觉得 “我口语不错么!沟通非常良好!” —— “沟通良好” 确实是事实,然而,其原因真的并不见得是因为你的口语足够好。尤其是漂亮女生遇到男性老外的时候,更是如此。我见过很多人,因为觉得 “我跟老外沟通没问题”,就觉得自己无需刻意准备考试,而拿到托福成绩之后才发现自己的口语成绩低得惊人,而后又 “百思不得其解”。


26. 跟读训练具体步骤

拿来跟读材料之后,第一步是精读文本。不认识的词全部都要查过,然后确定该单词在当前句子中的确切含义,而后抄写在文本边上。当然,今天我们还有 MS Word,可以很方便地在文本上添加 “批注”。而在 Word 里,还有一个内建的词典,非常好用 …… 如果每个单词全都查过,却依然搞不懂句意,那么往往应该是有词组存在,再逐一查过。

查每一个生词的时候,都要记录重音和元音长度(必要时把整个音标写下来,也可以使用简化标记法)。我的做法是在重音音节前面添加重音标记(重音/ˈ/和次重音/ˌ/),而在构成长元音及双元音的字母之上划上一条横线 —— 没有画横线的就是短元音了。如果我们用的是 MS Word 之类的字处理器,那么就可以采用这样的标记:把重音音节用 “加重”(CTRL+B)标记,把构成长元音及双元音的字母 “下划线”(CTRL+U)标记。

第二步是反复听录音,做自然语流修正标记。刚刚查词典的时候,查出来的是单个单词的读音;它们在自然语流中的读音会发生这样那样的变化,根据之前讲过的机理,很容易识别这些变化。把强读的单词圈出来;在音调被提高的音节上划上标记(我一般用一个小三角);有些音节带着明显不一样的声调,用 “1”、“2”、“4” 标记出来;在停顿之处划上一条竖线;再留意一下哪里有失爆、哪里有浊化、哪里有连读 …… 标记的时候,需要跟着模仿一下,有的时候,必须通过模仿才能发现刚刚其实听错了。

现在,我们有了一张 “乐谱”。我们知道哪个音有多长 —— 哪个原来是长的现在却短了,哪个原来并不长现在却长了一点;我们知道每个音的强弱轻重;我们知道哪些音和任何音一样动作完整却没有气流振动或声带振动,或者两者都没有;我们知道哪里有停顿,哪一处的声调比较特殊,哪一处有扬起来的音调……

于是,我们可以开始第三步了。反复跟读。刚开始可以录音放一句,自己跟几遍,细心纠正自己的前提是大声朗读。熟悉了之后再录音放一句就跟一句,再熟悉一点之后就 “异步” 朗读。所谓的异步朗读,就是 “慢一拍跟读”。听到录音说了一个词之后我们再开始,嘴里重复的是录音里刚刚说完的那个词,而耳朵里同时听到的是自己的声音和录音里所说的下一个词,然后循环往复,在录音说完一句话的时候,我们再说一个词也就正好结束。这种训练可以很微妙地提高我们的英语瞬间记忆力。再熟悉到一定程度的时候,就可以 “同步” 朗读了。

第四步是录音矫正。每隔一段时间,可以把自己的朗读声音录下来存好,过上一个星期之后再翻出来听。很多人事倍功半的原因是录下来之后马上就去听,但这样的话,基本上没有什么矫正余地 —— 因为录音之后和录音之前的你还没有任何变化呢。当时你就觉得那么说是对的所以才那么说的,仅仅两三分钟之后,你不可能有什么巨大的或者哪怕是足够的进步;于是,没有变化的你,其实根本听不出自己哪儿不对了,也没有能力为自己进行矫正。但是,你一直在练,每天都在练,一个星期之后,你的进步就算不是巨大也是足够,于是你可能就会很容易地听出若干出过去出错的地方。

这样的时候,你的脑子里时常闪过的念头是这样的:“天哪,我怎么会犯这种(低级)错误!” 印象深刻往往只来自两个方向,1) 大量重复;2) 意外发现。而刚刚那样的念头,会让你 “觉得” 意外,所以,一旦这个念头闪出来的时候,你就获得巨大进步了 —— 因为你将来很难再犯同样的错误,因为你印象深刻。当然,还是要记录下来的,因为我们的记忆力不可靠。小学老师的陈词滥调里也有这里深刻的,比如这个:好记性不如烂笔头。

最后一步是背诵。经常有学生问我,一篇文章跟读多少遍才行?我的回答是至少 60 遍。一篇托福听力录音大约 90 秒左右,中等熟练程度的话,大约三五分钟连跟读带反复模仿地完成一遍。平均算作 5 分钟一遍的话,60 遍就是 5 个小时。每天 1 个小时,周一到周五就可以完事。很多学生听到这样的要求就直接放弃了,这样的人在这件事上不可能成功的,因为他们跟那些在此事上注定失败的人一样 “对短期收益要求太高,对长期收益要求太低。”

读了一星期,朗读了几十遍(期间还有细微的模仿纠正,所以其实是百十来遍),只要再划上几分钟就可以做到把该文章一字不差地背下来。既然做了,就请按照我的说法做足功课。一定要背,至于为什么要背,以后会有详细的解释。其实并不费事的。这样大概练习 10 篇左右(周六日还可以休息!)已经足够。算算也不过是十周时间。十周之后,你的语音、节奏、记忆力、理解能力等等都不一样了,所谓 “脱胎换骨” 其实也不过如此。

27. 浪费生命的重要原因 —— 要求过低

学生都想学好,只不过大都基于种种原因—— 内在的、外在的 —— 最终没学好而已。如果学好了,终生受益。某种意义上甚至可能世世代代受益 —— 尽管知识无法通过基因遗传,但如果父母是某一领域的专家,那么子女会因为成长过程中的耳闻目染而自然而然获得哪个领域中更多、更深的知识。反过来,如果学了却没学好,那么损失也是巨大的。因为学习过程消耗的不仅仅是金钱、精力,更重要的是那无情流逝、一去不复返的时间。时间总体上来看是排它性资源,用来做一件事就很难同时做好另外一件事。耗费了时间却没有收获,那就等于浪费生命。而在十几年的学校生活里,不学倒也罢了,可竟然使劲学了却没学好英语,那即意味着说,相当一部分的青春被浪费掉了。浪费生命已经很可怕了,浪费青春不仅可怕而且可怜。


英语学习这件事上,速成是不可能的。然而速成是大多数人的目标 —— 当然,大多数人并没有清楚地意识到这是他们的 “短期” 目标,但是由于一个 “速” 字,已经使他们的目标自动成为 “短期目标” —— 对短期收益要求高到不可能得到的地步。总体上来看,大多数人在承认耐心是成功的必要素质的同时却暗暗希望自己是个例外 —— 别人不行他们却能够速成。他们通常也并不愿承认自己的急功近利。然而,事实却很明显。看看社会上的英语培训机构的课程构成就知道了,短期培训十有八九,而有些机构就算设置了长期培训也实际上门可罗雀。事实上,连那些短期培训班也开始变得越来越短。十年前,TOEFL/GRE 考试培训班设置大约 40 课时,每课时 2.5 个小时,几年前被缩短为 32 课时,之后再缩短为 24 课时,现在有些培训机构的设置是 24 课时,每课时 2 小时。尽管商业培训机构降低成本的动力非常高,但总体上来看它们迎合顾客的动力更高。所以,从某种意义上来看,连短期培训班都越来越短,这是顾客用钞票投票的结果。

而从另外一个角度,好像又没有人认为自己可以通过长期积累把英语使用得像自己的母语一样熟练 —— 好像那是完全不可能的事情。其实,只要时机恰当,方法正确,积累到一定程度,同时熟练使用若干种语言都是有可能的。我自己是天生的双语使用者 —— 我是朝鲜族,韩语和汉语对我来讲都是母语 —— 所以我们从小就知道同等熟练地使用两种语言没什么值得大惊小怪的。事实上,地球上有很多地区(尤其是边境地区,比如卢森堡)的人都是天生的多语使用者,然而人们普遍认为必须从小生长在那样的环境才行。而事实上并非如此。最近的若干年里,我每年都要辅导很多高中生申请到美国名校。这些高中毕业生的 TOEFL/SAT 成绩可能让国内很多大学里的英语专业学生汗颜,动不动就能遇到某个高中生没有上过什么培训班、没有专门准备考试,满分 120 分的 TOEFL 考试随随便便就弄出个 110 分以上的成绩。然而,即便他们的英语标准化考试成绩再高,英语的熟练程度还是存在着很大的欠缺。不过,只要他们到美国读书一两年之后,英语就彻底 “ 母语化” 了。他们之中的大多数,在到美国读书的那一刻开始就开始学习另外一门外语,比如法语、德语或者西班牙语,一两年之内,他们就已经成为标准的 “Trilingual”(三语使用者)了。

第四章 朗读

1. 最古老最有效的训练方式



许多年来,我一直在进步,但从来没觉得自己英语学得好(至少不是人们普遍认为的那种 “好”),但在习得过程中确确实实没有觉得那么费劲。这要归功于我的父亲。我的父亲是个精通多种语言的人。毕业于黑龙江大学俄语系,文革没多久就被下放到海林县一中任英语教员,后被 “落实政策” 而调任延边医学院外语系主任直至退休。由于我的父亲是位英语教授,我一上初中就被老师任命为 “英语课代表”。我的班主任误以为我爸爸是英语教授,我的英语就自然会不错 —— 大错特错。

有句话说,“医不治己”。同样的道理,我老爸是个对学生无比耐心的好老师,可是回家教自己儿子,两句话之后就受不了了,不由得骂起来:“小崽子,是我儿子么?这么笨!” 当然,我也不示弱:“你不说我是你捡来的么!” 于是爷俩就不欢而散。那时,我觉得他英语好是他的事儿,我英语不好还是他的事儿。

可我已经成了 “英语课代表”。每天早上要站在全班同学面前领读课文,要是磕磕巴巴就很丢人。于是只好硬着头皮向老爸求助。那个年代(大约是 1984 年前后)的英语课本是没有配套磁带的(当然更没有现在这么方便的 mp3)。老爸是外语系主任,于是家里很早就有录音机,他又假公济私弄来两盘空白进口牌子 TDK 磁带,为我把所有课文朗读了一遍录了下来。此后,我事先在家里花几十分钟把课文跟着磁带读熟,然后再到学校领读,总算是不再丢脸。

初中课本很简单,从 “This is a book. That is a table. ” 开始。一册书总共也没有多少单元,而一个单元要一个星期(甚至更久)老师才能讲完。于是,课本上的每句话,我都不知道要带着全班同学读上多少次。很快我就发现领读三五遍之后,我就基本上能把课文背下来。我读完一句,等同学们跟读的时候,自然而然地就能想起来下一句是什么 —— 我甚至不用带书就可以站到前面领读。

此后的许多年里,英语课上我从来都没有认真听讲过,考试成绩却也从来没有差过。做选择题的时候,只是觉得哪一个选项填进去 “顺嘴” 就选哪个,正确率奇高无比,几乎从不出错。没多久,我就发现同学们问我哪一道题为什么只能选那一个选项的时候我要是如实回答往往招来怀疑的目光,于是就开始用从老师那里学来的行话胡说八道:“唉,语感呗……” 说来也怪,得到这种莫名其妙的答案的时候,提问者往往表情凝重,显得若有所思,然后缓缓点头,默默走开。


2. 朗读有助于提高文字理解能力

说来可惜,但大多数人确实并不重视朗读训练 —— 无论是母语还是外语的习得过程中都是如此。朗读训练既简单又有效,并且可以解决很多许多人花很多钱去各种各样的培训班解决不了的问题。


首先,每看到一个单词,你都要有能力识别。有些单词长得很像的,比如,“principle” 和 “principal”,“quite” 和 “quiet” —— 甚至有没有空格都是需要考虑的因素,比如 “some time” 和 “sometimes”,或者 “everyone” 和 “every one”……

其次,大多数单词有很多个意思,至于它究竟在当前这句话里是哪一个意思,要根据与它相邻的单词究竟是什么意思来决定。比如,“scale” 这个单词,就有很多个意思,如果后面跟着 “~ of the economy”,那它就是 “规模” 的意思;如果后面跟着 “~ of fish”,那么它应该是 “鱼鳞” 的意思……

再次,有些单词组合在一起之后表达的意思几乎完全不是字面的含义,比如 “strike home”、“even Steven”、“paint the town red” 等等。完全不明白倒也罢了,有时真实的意思与直观的感觉恰恰相反就很难办,比如,“birds of prey”,只认识 “prey” 这个单词的学生没有专门查过词典的话,很可能把这个词组理解为 “被捕食的鸟”,而正确的含义却是 “食肉鸟、猛禽”。(别惊讶,相信我,你并不孤独。)

之所以朗读是提高 “理解能力” 的最基本方法,是因为当一个人可以流利地朗读一个句子的时候,即意味着说他正在完成对这个句子的 “拆解” 与 “重组” 的过程 —— 这是个复杂的系统工程:



事实上,大多数人很难做到用母语流畅朗读任何句子 —— 尽管大多数人都认为自己可以做到。举例来说,也许大多数人能够在不作任何准备的情况下,能够比较流畅地朗读《读者》杂志中的任意句子 —— 因为那只不过是个扫盲类的杂志;但是,只有少数人(应该是极少数)能够做到在不作任何准备的情况下流畅地朗读《读书》杂志里的任意句子 —— 因为这种杂志所传递的才是真正需要智力才能理解的知识。即便是专业播音员,朗读任何材料之前也要首先花点时间熟悉一下内容,才能做到基本不出错地朗读出来。


“朗读” 甚至是一种能力,也就当然需要通过锻炼才能掌握。尽管不是每个人都需要做到极致(最终成为播音员或者演员的人除外),但是如果连这都不及格,那么很可能因此导致 “理解能力” 低下,乃至于各个科目都可能受到影响。读者不妨回想一下自己的成长过程,每个班级里都至少有那么一两个因朗读糟糕而被老师或者同学耻笑的学生,大抵上他们其他科目的成绩不大可能理想的 —— 因为学习任何学科都需要阅读文本,需要理解能力,但这些孩子连流利朗读都掌握不了,理解能力自然就差出许多,于是在各个科目都可能因此落后于他人。,这几乎是铁律:儿时的文字训练影响一个人一生的思考能力,进而影响一生的生活质量。

3. 朗读训练会潜移默化地提高阅读理解速度

平时,我们并不在意自己的阅读速度,尤其在读闲书的时候,“速度” 几乎是不被考虑的因素 —— 快与慢全凭个人喜好。有的人喜欢咬文嚼字,有的人就是喜欢囫囵吞枣 —— 当然更多的人干脆懒得读书,只看画报与影视。人们真正在意自己的阅读速度的时候,基本上都是在考试的时候,比如,在参加外语考试诸如国内的四六级考试或者国外的留学考试 TOEFL、SAT、GRE、GMAT、LSAT 的时候 —— 大多数人的直接感受是阅读速度太慢,乃至于时间不够用。而尽管考试从来都不是招人喜欢的东西,但优异的考试成绩,往往是一个人发展的通行证,不得不为之努力。当然,在工作中,输入至关重要,因为一个人的阅读理解速度不足够快,会在很大程度上限制一个人的能力 —— 因为他获取、过滤、筛选信息的速度,以及获取的信息量和质量都在不同程度上受到些限制。

为了解决阅读速度的限制,人们(包括老师与学生)给出了各种各样的解决方案和建议,同时也定义了很多所谓的 “恶习”,比如,“唇读”、“指读”、“回读”、“译读” 等等。很多学生在面临问题的时候也难免 “病急乱投医”,相信 “唇读”、“指读” 等等方式真的是所谓的恶习。事实上,无论多么荒谬的事情只要有人肯斩钉截铁地说出来就会有人(很多人)不假思索地相信。每天遇到的这种例子还少吗?

而这些 “快速阅读” 建议基本上都是治标不治本的,因为它们解决的都是输入速度问题而已,而不是输入之后的理解速度问题。输入的速度再快,理解速度跟不上,又于事何补?有的时候有点想不明白为什么那么多人脑子里明明想着要提高 “阅读理解速度”,而实际 “阅读” 中却只关心 “速度” 而干脆忽略 “理解” 的重要呢?(也许是 “跳读、略读” 的习惯造成的?一不小心就把 “理解” 两个字给跳过去了,干脆没看着 …… 这就是很好的一个出于好意的不严谨建议最终带来恶果的例子。)


“输入” 的方式至少有以下常见的三种:

  • 扫读:只用眼睛快速浏览文字(本质上来看是必然以遗漏一些信息为代价
  • 默读:在用眼睛浏览文字的同时脑子里有一个声音在 “说” 这些文字,并不实际发声
  • 唇读:在用眼睛浏览文字的同时嘴唇翕动 “说” 出这些文字
  • 朗读:大声把自己读到的文字说出来

现实生活中,没有人永远只用以上四种输入方式中的某一种 —— 无论是在读母语的时候,还是在读外语的时候;相反,大家都是在不自觉地根据需要选择输入方式。阅读内容对阅读者来说相对简单(即,阅读者的理解能力在这方面相对很强)的时候,更多的情况下都是采取 “扫读” 的方式;而内容难度高一点的时候,就会采用 “默读” 的方式;如果内容难度相对较高,那么就会自然地采取 “唇读” 的方式 —— 因为这样可以把速度放慢,以便有更多时间思考消化。所以说,“扫读” 也好, “默读”、“唇读” 也罢,都只是输入方式,且是各有用处的输入方式,根本不是什么恶习。如果学生相信 “唇读” 和 “默读” 都是恶习的话,他们实际上已经相当于 “三脚猫被砍掉了两条腿” —— 换句话讲,“雪上加霜”。

对于任何人都一样:阅读内容难度与阅读理解速度成反比,即,正在阅读的内容难度越高,阅读者的理解速度越低。而我们正在使用的输入手段(“扫读”、“默读”、与 “唇读”)必然会配合理解速度;于是,一旦阅读者开始使用 “唇读” 的时候,就说明此时正在阅读的内容难度已经达到一定程度,而在这样的难度之下,阅读者的 “理解速度” 已经小于等于 “唇读” 速度 —— 如果理解速度再差一些的话,阅读者还可能需要 “反复阅读” 若干次,甚至要返回之前的某一点(前一句、前一段、甚至前一页)才可能找到能让他迷途知返的线索。

而文字本身就是有声音的,只因为大多数人既不是聋子也不是哑巴。于是在理解文字的时候是不可能回避声音的。不妨自我审视一下自己的所谓 “扫读” 过程,就会发现脑子里的那个声音其实一直存在。本质上来看,“扫读” 的时候那个声音之所以有时 “断断续续”,其实只不过是因为在阅读的过程中 “跳” 过了一些 “即便不全读也能正确推测到的内容”;而那个声音只在 “读” 那些 “必须读到才不至于影响理解” 的内容 —— 也可能是句子、也可能是只言片语。再进一步,一个人但凡正常,那么他顶多可以刻意回避 “唇读”,但根本无法回避 “默读”。

大多数英语初学者在阅读一定难度的文本之时,他们的 “理解速度” 甚至赶不上 “朗读速度”。其实,类似 TOEFL 这种语言能力测试,应试者只需要做到 “理解速度” 与 “朗读速度” 相当,那么在考场上的时间就相当富裕了(而 SAT、GRE、GMAT 这几种考试对理解速度的要求相对来看就高出许多)。既然朗读训练能够提高文字理解能力,所以,朗读是提高阅读理解速度的最有效训练手段 —— 尽管从感觉上来看并不那么直观。

4. 不必专门练习听力,朗读就够了

大量的朗读训练,可以使学生不必专门练习 “听力”。某种意义上,很多学生花费时间去专门练习听力其实非常荒谬。不聋不哑的正常人是没必要专门训练什么听力的,事实上也没办法专门练 —— 大家的耳朵构造是相同的,怎么练耳廓也不会增大,耳膜也不会变得更薄……

其实道理很简单,只要说得出,就能听得懂 —— 不管是哪一种语言。所以,只需要练说,而没必要专门练听。很多人所谓的 “听力不好” 其实是说得不好造成的,然而,他们舍本求末,就是不说,而后专门练听,这不是荒唐是什么?事实上,哪怕说得不好,也一样能够听懂。举例来说,我国有很多地区的人普通话说得并不标准,讲话掺杂着浓重的本地口音,甚至使用大量的本地特有词汇,但是,你遇到过他们之中的哪一个向你抱怨说中央电视台的新闻联播听不懂么?

这一点上体系外的培训机构显得更加荒唐,它们往往为学生配备专门的 “听力” 老师。作为商业机构,这种做法一点都不奇怪,很容易理解 —— 投其所好就有钱赚。可事实上那完全是在浪费学生时间,当然,浪费掉的还有学生的金钱 —— 可从另外一个角度上来看同样也是学生自愿浪费时间和金钱,完全是周瑜打黄盖。在这些培训机构里,我们从来看不到哪一个听力老师主张学生通过练习说而提高所谓的 “听力” —— 因为如果那么做的话,岂不是在抢口语老师的饭碗么?

很多 “听力” 老师鼓吹甚至神话 “听写” 训练的好处 —— 尽管他们并非有意欺骗,事实上他们可能真的很相信自己的方法是最有效的。但是,听写训练几乎是最浪费时间最无效果的所谓方法了。经常遇到学生这样的提问:“老师,我已经听写三个月了,怎么没有提高呢?” 这样的时候我就很迷惑,心里想:“你都已经用三个月时间完美地证明这个方法无效了,怎么还来问我它为什么无效?”

英语教学领域中,荒唐的 “方法” 要比医学领域中被吹得神乎其神的 “灵丹妙药” 多得多。因为现代医学领域中起码还有个双盲测试的方法来判定一种药物是否真的有效,可是英语教学领域中,很难运用双盲测试(或者类似的其它什么方法)来做有效性判断。然而,关于 “听写” 训练为什么无效,其实只需要用两句话(尽管可能不雅)就可以解释清楚:1) 听不懂写个屁嘛!2) 听得懂写个屁嘛!这么简单的事实,根本不用 “争议”。

事实上,Listening Comprehension 和 Reading Comprehension 一样,重点更在于 Comprehension,而非仅仅在于 Listening 或者 Reading。用耳朵听进来的东西,最终要理解了才可以,否则就没有意义。而所谓的 “练听力” 本质上来看是治标不治本的手段。

5. 朗读训练可以提高语言文字记忆能力


学习任何一门外语,我们最终都要能够做到用那一门语言自如地记忆篇章、转述大意。而这些都需要一个基本的能力,记忆力。学英语的时候,那就是英文记忆力。我在面试英文教师的时候,基本上只要求他们做一件事:随便背诵一段曾经熟读的篇章。换你是我,很快就会发现这么简单的一个要求会迅速地过滤掉大多数应聘者 ——大多数人竟然背不出任何 100 词以上的篇章。这一点基本的英文记忆能力都没有,怎么可能自如地运用英文呢?

多年的特殊工作经验,使我变成了 “考试机器”。很多人惊讶于我做阅读题的速度。过去参加 TOEFL 考试的时候,要求 55 分钟之内做完的题目我们可以在大约 25 分钟内做完。为什么呢?事实上,我们的阅读速度并不快,只不过,看一遍就能看懂,并且大致都记得住。于是做题的时候就会很快。一道题拿过来,看到 A 选项,就知道这个肯定不对,因为明显跟刚才看到的恰恰相反;再看 B 选项,马上就知道不能选,因为刚才读过的文章中没提到这个;再看 C 选项,就是它了,看起来只不过是原文的一句同意改写而已;这时候 D 选项甚至不用看了,因为这是四选一题目,已经有个正确答案,那剩下的必然是错的……

让我来描述一下为什么很多考生会觉得时间怎么都不够。事实上他们读得并不慢,只不过,读完了并不全懂,更谈不上记得住。等做题的时候,看到 A 选项,心想,刚才我好像看到过这个的,可是在哪儿呢?于是回到文章中去找,找啊找,文章又扫了一遍,可是竟然没有找到!于是就慌了 …… 事实上,他们的阅读速度很快,就是无法找到完全理解,更谈不上有所记忆,于是,文章反复读了很多遍,竟然根本无从判断正确答案是哪一个。

TOEFL 考试是目前最权威的英语水平测试之一。现在的托福考试包括听说读写四个部分,无论是哪一个部分,都需要考试拥有足够的英语记忆能力才能够获得高分。很多人托福听力考试成绩差的原因并不是因为他们 “没有听懂”,而是因为他们 “其实听懂了,但等听到题目的时候,已经想不起来刚才听懂的内容了”。记忆力对阅读成绩的影响刚才已经说过,那我们再来看看记忆力对说和写两个部分的影响。无论是说,还是写,这两个部分的考题中都有所谓的 “综合测试部分”,即,在听或读(或先听后读,或先读后听)之后根据刚刚输入的内容再输出,即,说或写。所谓的 “综合测试” 考核的一项重要能力是 “准确、全面的细节复述能力”,没有基本的记忆力,复述从何谈起?

如果参加的是 GMAT 之类的考试(这些考试本质上来看不是英语考试,而是逻辑考试,只不过用英语考而已),记忆力差的考生就更惨了。那些题目都有五个选项(而不是四个),每个选项都可能是长达三四行的复杂句,然后题目可能是这么问的:“请问以下 A、B、C、D、E 五个选项中,哪一个选项的陈述如果成立的话,那么文章中的观点会遭到严重削弱?” 没有起码的记忆力,这种题目如何才能做对呢?——想都别想。

我们很难记忆无意义、无关联的信息。比如,背下圆周率小数点后面的 100 位以上很难,相对来看很可能要比背一篇 200 字的文章难多了。一个人的文字记忆能力,很大程度上依赖他的文字理解能力。朗读的过程中,除了文字理解能力会潜移默化地提高之外,文字记忆能力也会大幅度提高。我们都有这样的经历,同一文章反复朗读很多遍,我们就会自然而然地把它背下来。这是因为 “读书千遍其义自现” —— 理解了之后就很容易记忆。而大量朗读不同的文章,实际上会有很多类似的 “模式” 在反复重复,于是,我们也相当于在不停地往我们的记忆库里潜移默化地保存信息。


6. 朗读训练能够提高表达能力

朗读训练会提高一个人的表达能力,无论是说还是写。大量的朗读会使你不知不觉记住大量的表达法。越是常用的、越是必要的表达法,在各种文章中重复出现的频率越高,而通过大量地重复,这些表达法会慢慢刻在脑海中。按照心理学家的说法就是这些信息会慢慢从短期记忆区域移动到长期记忆区域,即,这些表达法会渐渐成为你的 “内嵌”(build-in)表达手段。

学习外语的时候,语法总是最大难点之一。英语中,有些名词单复数形式相同,而另外一些名词有特殊的复数形式;有些动词可能是及物动词也可能是非及物动词,如若它被当作非及物动词使用的时候,那么就要搭配一个恰当的介词;有些动词后面只能接 “ing” 形式,而另外一些动词后面只能接 “to do” 形式 …… 这些规则尽管在语法书中都被整理的一清二楚,但想通过阅读语法书记住这些实在是太难 —— 要不然怎么会有那么多人反复参加英语考试之后依然得不了满分,依然反复出错?而如若朗读过那些语法考点的类似例句,那么做题的时候就会感觉 “正确答案顺嘴”,“错误答案拗口”…… 而在平时说或者写的时候,就会自然而然地使用正确的方式,而非在自己都并不知晓的情况下 “发明了一种新的英语”。

朗读训练还会在不知不觉中培养练习者的语言文字韵律感。这方面,即便在我们母语的正规语文教育体系中,都强调得太少。我们所拥有的对母语文字韵律的了解,几乎全部不是从学校里刻意学来的(因为学校里很少刻意去教),而是在朗读中不知不觉习得的。我们在成长过程中,或主动或被动地朗读过许多的课文(通常文字确实比较隽永),许多的诗歌(现代诗、唐诗、宋词等等),很多人就算没有朗读过太多的文章、诗歌,但起码会唱许多流行歌曲(某种意义上,大多数流行歌曲的歌词为了能够朗朗上口,也相当追求韵律),所以,人们在使用母语的时候,好像 “不用教、不用学、不用练” 就 “自然地” 拥有一定的语言文字韵律感。

如果你在出版社做过哪怕一两天文字编辑就知道有很多人写出来的文字根本没法读,全然缺乏文字的哪怕最基本的韵律感,而作者显然并不知道自己的文字究竟有多么地拗口 —— 能给出版社投稿的作者往往都自认为自己的文字写得相当不错 …… 这就是母语朗读训练太少而造成的恶果。而朗读训练会使一个人不知不觉避免这种尴尬,俗话说,“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,某种意义上说的也是这个道理。

7. 朗读训练可以提高语言文字模式识别能力

朗读训练会提高一个人的语言文字模式识别能力。正常人在各方面都有很强的模式识别(pattern recognition)能力。比如,能在几十张脸中迅速识别出哪些是陌生的哪些是熟悉的 —— 哪怕看到的并不是百分之百清楚、甚至可能是多少有点扭曲的图像。心理学家们早就注意到英语使用者可以瞬间分辨出 “indicate” 和 “intricate” 这两个词,尽管这两个词只有一两个字母不相同(第一个单词由八个字母组成,第二个单词由九个字母组成)—— 能够做到这一点就是因为他们在不由自主地运用他们的模式识别能力。

当我们使用语言的时候,无论是听说读写,都不是一个字一个字单个输入而后再组合而后再进行处理的;实际上,我们往往是 “整块处理”,即,只要能用模式识别就用模式识别。

为什么我们听到 [le – m – gəu] 能明白那是在说 [let him gəu]?那不是我们一个词一个词识别(let + him + go)之后才进行理解而后得到结论的。那是日常生活中我们自己就说过很多遍,也听过很多遍,所以 “Let him go” 早成为一整个 “模块”,并且,在听到这个音流的过程中,还有可供辅助理解的场景存在,所以才显得我们瞬间已经领会。

再比如,当我们说 “I’ve lost my key!”(“我把钥匙弄丢了!”)的时候,我们不是用这种这样处理的:

  • I(我……)
  • ‘ve(“have” 要和 “I” 连起来,于是 have 就要缩略为 ‘’ve’…… 钥匙是刚刚丢的,所以应该用现在完成时……)
  • lost(“lose” 是个不规则动词…… “lose” 的过去式和过去分词都是 “lost”……
  • my(那个要是是我的,而不是别人的……)
  • key(我丢的是钥匙,不是别的……)


I’ve lost my(刚发现钥匙不见了;之所以这里可能有停顿,是因为正在找钥匙……)key!

也就是说,“I’ve lost my” 被当作一个单元,而 “key” 是另外一个单元。日常生活中,“I’ve lost my…” 其实不知道已经说过多少遍,比如:

  • I’ve lost my key.
  • I’ve lost my money.
  • I’ve lost my wallet.
  • I’ve lost my ticket.
  • I’ve lost my job.

而我们其实也不知道听别人说过多少次类似的话:“I’ve lost my…”。所以,当我们听到别人说 “I’ve lost my…” 的时候,脑子里的反应是 “What did you lose?”,而不是:

  • 听到 “I” 而后想,“你 …… 怎么了?”
  • 听到 “’ve” 而后想,“哦,你说的现在完成时的什么动作呢?还是你 ‘有’ 什么?”
  • 听到 “lost” 之后想,“哦,原来是丢东西了啊,这个不规则动词你居然用对了……”
  • 听到 “my” 之后想,“知道,你丢了你的什么东西啊,我还以为是把我的什么东西弄丢了呢……”
  • 而听到 “key” 之后想,“哦,原来是你刚刚把钥匙弄丢了啊!”



绝大多数中国人其实无法详细地解释出 “编” 和 “织” 这两个汉字的异同之处。某一个层面上,这两个字的意思是如此相同,乃至于拼起来 “编织” 还是那个意思。可是这两个字的用法上并不完全相同。我们可以说某个女孩子 “她编毛衣”,也可以说 “她织毛衣”;我们可能说某个男孩子 “他编故事”,但是我们却绝对不会说 “ 他织故事”!——换言之,哪怕做不到详细地解释出 “编” 和 “织” 这两个字的异同之处,但是却绝对不会用错。合理的解释是,母语使用者在过去曾经遇到过大量的 “编毛衣”、“织毛衣”、“编故事” 之类的组合,但是却从未遇到过 “织故事” 的组合,于是潜意识里就不存在这个 “模式”。

以英语为母语的人也是如此 —— 事实上所有人使用语言的时候都应该如此。大多数人(少数语言学教授除外)只能清楚地说出 “important” 与 “essential” 之间的区别是程度上的差异,即,“essential” 相当于 “very important”。“essential” 这个单词有个特征 —— 它所修饰的通常不是人 —— 就是大多数人说不出来的了。但是,以英语为母语的人可能会说 “He is an important teacher in my life.”,但轻易不会说 “He is an essential teacher in my life.” 以英语为第二语言的人却常常犯这样的 “错误”。

母语使用者知道关于自己母语的很多自己并不知道自己知道的知识 —— 往往被不知所以然的人称之为 “母语直觉”。而这样的知识获得某种意义上只能靠 “大量应用” 以及 “日积月累”。而朗读对第二语言习得者来说,更可能只能在缺乏环境的情况下训练自己的语言模式识别能力。于是,朗读就几乎成了唯一可依赖的手段。反复朗读的过程中,很多 “模式” 就会不由自主地刻在脑子里,慢慢转化为自己都不知道自己知道的知识 —— 那种我们的英语老师常常闪烁其词的 “语感” 就自然而然地养成了。

第五章 词典

1. 拿起词典独自上路


假设我们遇到一个 20 个词构成的句子,其中有 1 个生词。这个时候,我们应当去查词典,而不是乱猜 —— 尽管有时会猜中。假设我们在字典里查到之后发现这个单词有 3 个意思,那我们所面临的任务是怎样的呢?——我们要把已知的 19 个单词构成的含义弄明白,然后才能确定 “究竟那生词的 3 个意思究竟哪一个放到句子里才是恰当准确的?” 当然,更多的时候,我们运气没那么好。比如,这个句子里有 2 个单词不认识,于是我们去查词典,发现第一个单词有 3 个意思,而第二个单词有 7 个意思,那即意味着说,我们要在 21 种可能性中选且只能选择 1 种(能够使当前句子句意通畅的)组合。

这不就是 “阅读理解” 过程么?有什么比频繁参与阅读理解过程更有助于锻炼自己阅读理解能力的方法呢?有的时候我非常奇怪为什么那么多(好像至少超过 90%)的人放着最有效却无成本的学习方法(朗读、查词典)不用,一次又一次地浪费大块的时间和大把的金钱却又义无反顾地再去报另外一个所谓的培训班呢?倒也不是说所有的培训班都一点用没有,只是说总体上来看就算那些有用的培训班最终也不过作用有限而已。

2. 不查词典者死

我们身体的每一个器官都或多或少拥有一定的 “进化能力”。弹琴弹久了,手指就会变得更加灵活;长期坚持锻炼,心肺功能就会更加强大;话说得比别人更多,舌头就比别人更灵活 …… 而我们身上所拥有的进化能力最强的就是我们的大脑了。大脑进化能力最强,是因为它适应能力最强,但也恰恰因为如此,大脑的进化空间却不一定最大。这话听起来好像有点违背逻辑,但让我们看看适应能力太强会出现什么情况。


“用进废退”。这种蝾螈的适应能力太强,乃至于亿万年来它根本就没有进化过,因为无需进化,因为环境的变化对它来说实在算不了什么。而某种意义上来讲,说得生动点,我们的大脑适应能力之强大就和这种蝾螈差不多,所以它会最大程度上最快地 “用进废退”。这也解释了为什么很多人 “不进步” 却也不觉得有什么不好,因为我们的大脑会迅速地适应当时的周遭环境 —— 不管那究竟是好还是坏。

英语老师与学生最大的不同可能只有一个,英语老师必须查词典(如果还有别的话,就是语法书之类的参考书),而学生却有除了查词典之外的另外一个选择 ——参加各种各样的课程。英语课上老师做什么呢?其实大抵上只不过是把昨天晚上他查过的单词、词组,以及他通过查词典(以及其它的工具书)再动脑才搞明白的句子给学生们讲一遍。而学生呢?做在下面听。学生们倒是听了,然而,本质上却没有参与阅读理解的过程 —— 那个过程里应该有苦恼、迷失、无助、慌张(人人都讨厌这些)和恍然大悟(人人都想只要这个);所以大多学生根本就没有动脑,于是顶多是以为自己搞懂了(事实上,没有之前的两个境界的铺垫,“蓦然回首” 根本看不见 “那人站在灯火阑珊处” 的。)

于是很多培训课程只不过是这样的:英语老师的大脑在迅速进化,因为他在不停地用着它,同时还赚着钱;而学生的大脑在迅速退化,因为他们根本不用它,并且(又一次)花着钱。——谁都不是故意的。这也是为什么我总是告诉学生,“你们要尽快摆脱对老师的依赖” 的重要原因,你必须做你自己的 “明师”,否则就做一辈子蝾螈吧 —— 弄不好下辈子还是,因为尽管智商并不一定遗传,但习惯几乎必然会被下一代继承。对于人来讲,

其实,词典不用一辈子每天都要查的 —— 查着查着就不用再查了,因为绝大多数已经搞定了。小的时候大家都背着《新华字典》上过学吧?当然,再后来是《现代汉语大词典》——没有谁到了初中以后还得必须天天背着它们吧?英文词典也一样,早晚有一天把它扔到书架上。只不过是最近一段时间(两三年?)需要它随时在手边而已。

3. 多一点点细心和耐心就能超凡脱俗


It was attempting to suggest that every disease and condition for which there had been no previous effective treatments might be responsive to vitamin therapies.

事实上,ETS 从来不自己创作文章,这句话是 Child Psychiatry and Human Development 杂志 1998 年第 3 期,Orthomolecular therapy: Its history and applicability to psychiatric disorders中的一段话。设计 SAT 考试的 Colledge Board 也是如此,SAT 考试中的阅读文章几乎篇篇都可以在互联网上找到原文。

也许读者会去词典里查 “attempting”、“responsive”、或者 “therapy” 是什么意思,但我见过的学生中几乎就没有人去查 “condition” 在这句话里究竟应该是什么意思。他们之所以没有想到去查 “condition”,是因为他们 “认识” 这个词,“condition:n. 条件、情况”。然而,就算除了 “condition” 之外的所有词汇都认识、并且每一个词在当前句子中的确切含义都完全了解的情况下,这句话如此理解难道就不觉得别扭么?

“and” 究竟是什么意思、应该怎么用,没有人不知道吧?“and” 前后的往往应该属于同一范畴 —— 这是基本的逻辑。现在 “and” 前面是 “disease”,这个单词的含义是 “疾病”,那么 “every disease and condition” 究竟应该是 “每一种疾病和条件”?还是 “每一种疾病和情况”?——其实无论哪一个都说不过去啊。只要在这里稍作一下思考,就会产生疑问,而后打开词典查 “condition” 原本应该是再自然不过的事情了。

查查词典就知道了,“condition” 这个单词作为名词还有另外一个含义,字典里说的是 “(口语)病”。在查查同义词词典就知道了,“disease” 是用来表达 “疾病” 最常用的词;而 “condition” 之所以经常在口语里使用,是因为 “condition” 通常指那些平日里常得也因此常常被提及的并不太严重的疾病。“She had a condition this morning. ” 相当于在说 “她今早上有点难受。” 所以,“every disease and condition” 相当于说 “不管大病小病”。

还有个特别经典的例子是在中文互联网上能搜索出几千个搜索结果的译文:“烙牛肉饼并不损害你的尊严”。这句话的原文是:“Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.” 我很不理解这句话的译者以及转载这篇文章的几千个人,难道他们看不出这句话这样理解狗屁不通么?事实上,很多人真的如此,他们只顾输入不顾处理,甚至并不知道自己全然没有处理 —— 他们阅读(甚至读不全)却不去尝试着理解,所以就没理解,于是甚至不知道自己并没有理解。

查查词典就知道了,“flip burgers” 是个短语,意思是 “to do work that does not pay well, esp. at a cheap restaurant. Instead of playing baseball, the boys might be flipping burgers and earning a little cash.”。于是,那句话应该这样理解(或翻译):“所做的工作薪水低一点并不有损你的尊严。你的祖父母对这样的工作可有不同的定义;他们称它为机遇。”

望文生义是最大的阅读理解障碍,甚至可以算作是一种总有一天会变成 “disease” 的 “condition”。望文生义的根源第一个是懒,第二个是自以为是,第三个是既懒又自以为是而产生、又恰恰因为既懒又自以为是而难以克服的自我局限。

类似的例子特别多。“journeyman” 这个单词,在中文世界里就被无数次望文生义。好多年前,有个著名的角色扮演游戏,叫做 “Journeyman”,被翻译成 “游侠”。Eric Clapton(就是唱 “tears in heaven” 那哥们)的专辑《Journeyman》曾被国内唱片公司翻译成 “跋涉者” —— 因为译者以为 “journeyman” 是 “走路的人”,又因为那两年 Eric Clapton 的经历坎坷,所以,译者很有文采地采用了 “跋涉” 而不是 “旅行”。其实,“journeyman” 的意思是 “学徒期满的职工, 熟练工人”。有一个 20 世纪福克斯拍摄的剧集 “Journeyman (2007)” 被译作 “时间旅者” 勉强凑合,因为故事是讲时间旅行的,但是也不太算太恰当 —— 因为其实那剧集的名字是个双关,“journeyman” 的另外一个意思是 “熟手:有经历、有能力但很普通的工人”,暗指主人公很有能力。

2008 年还有个互联网上传看得比较多的一个片子叫叫《Man from Earth (2007)》,被中译为《这个男人来自地球》。这也是不查词典带来的结果。“Earth” 要是表示 “地球” 的意思,前面应该有一个定冠词 “the” 才对,所以,这里的 “earth” 肯定不是指 “地球”,那是什么呢?查查词典就知道,“earth” 还有一个意思是 “洞、穴”。根据剧情来看,“Man from Earth” 大致应该等同于 “Cave Man”。至于应该翻译成什么,无所谓,反正,不应该是 “这个男人来自地球”

在其他领域里,生活也好、学习也罢,想要超凡脱俗真的不是很容易。然而在学英语这件事上,只要肯拿起词典,而后在偶尔的情况下动动脑筋,发现问题并解决问题,就可以做到 “超凡脱俗” —— 唉,到哪里再找这样的好事儿呢?

4. 搞定词组 —— 金山词霸的可取之处

中文的最基本单位是 “字”,多个字组合起来叫做 “词”。而英文的基本单位是 “word”,被翻译成中文的 “词”,而由多个 “word” 构成的东西 “phrase”,就只好翻译成中文 “词组”。

我们用中文的时候,最初带着 “字典”,常用汉字学完之后,就开始更加依赖 “词典”。在中文世界里确实是这样,“顶多就是查词” —— 成语(生搬硬套)、俗语(不到黄河不死心)、典故(水至清则无鱼)、术语(氢离子浓度指数)等等,在《现代汉语大词典》里都是 “词条”。

因为把 “word” 翻译成 “词” 而不是 “字”(还真搞不清楚究竟是谁那么自以为是这样翻译的。但肯定是 “出于好意”。这就是 “好的意图不一定带来好的结果” 的又一绝佳例子),于是中国学生不小心就在脑子里把英文的 “字”(“word”)与中文的 “词” 两个原本并不对等的概念等同起来,于是查英文词典的时候,心里觉得 “顶多就是查词” 么,而从来不在意那些 “words” 还会拼起来成为 “phrases”,大概这就是中国学生为什么总是疏于去查 “phrasal verb dictionary” 或者 “dictionary of idioms” 的原因了罢。事实上,大多数英文词典也包含有足够多的 phrasal verbs 和 idioms 的解释,但是,大多数学生总是以为只要认识一个句子里的每个单词就可以了,于是总是出现理解上的漏洞。


But this increased protection is partially counteracted by the fact that mass roosts attract predators and are especially vulnerable if they are on the ground. Even those in trees can be attacked by birds of prey.

学生可能会去查 counteracted(查过之后会懊悔 “怎么这么简单的组合词竟然没有一眼看出来?”),也会去查 roost、predator、vulnerable,以及 prey。然后就觉得 “尽心尽力” 了。可是,“birds of prey” 并不是很多人想当然地以为的 “被捕食的鸟” 而是 “食肉鸟、猛禽”。

如果你没有在前面的章节“2.1 朗读有助于提高文字理解能力”里看到过“birds of prey”的解释,并且之前确实不知道这个词组的含义,请问你自己会主动去查词典吗?

再看一段文字(这是 Collegeboard 网上提供的 Online Course 中阅读练习文章中的一句话):

I would rather chance my personal vision of the truth striking home here and there in the chaos of publication that exists than attempt to filter it through a few sets of official, honorable, and public-spirited scrutinizers.



我的这位同事是位非常认真的人,其他同事甚至认为他有时认真到神经质的地步。但这一次他还是出错了。这句话里的 “striking home here and there” 肯定不是 “惊扰各地的家庭”,因为 “strike home” 是个词组,意思是 ““击中要害”。他没有去查,所以犯了 “低级错误”。

《金山词霸》应该是国产软件中使用率最高的软件之一,能排在《金山词霸》之前的恐怕只有腾讯的 QQ 和少数几个诸如迅雷之类下载工具而已了。IM 工具除了 QQ 之外还有很多选择比如 MSN、GTALK,下载工具除了迅雷之外还有快车、电雷等等,但是英汉词典软件里,十年来几乎一直都是《金山词霸》独占鳌头。


  • 单词朗读大多不是真人发音,而是微软的机器引擎,含混不清,真正的 “鬼话”。而少数单词确实是真人发音,但也不知道哪里找来的人朗读的,既不标准也不悦耳 —— 所以完全没用。
  • 音标标注有 AHD、D.J.、K.K.三种,但错误百出,所以根本不能看。
  • 包括无数的垃圾字典。有用的就那么两个:a) 简明英汉词典(收录单词数量最多,释义简明)b) 美国传统词典[双解],一定要用双解的版本,因为英汉单解版本中的中文释义,也不知道是找谁翻译的,不堪入目。

尽管《金山词霸》从来都不是令人满意的产品,但确实还是有可取之处的。其中最受用的是它的 “词组自动识别” —— 金山公司自己并未大张旗鼓地宣传的一个功能。看看下面的图片就知道这个功能有什么用了。

学习英语的时候,常遇到的苦恼之一是 “每个单词都认识,但是拼起来就不明白……”。可是有比这个还可怕的,就是 “以为自己看懂了,而实际上并没有看懂……” —— 我经常说 “你不知道并不可怕,可怕的是你不知道你不知道。” 指的就是这种情况。比如 “purple passage” 这个词组,“purple” 谁都认识,“passage” 谁都认识,于是,如果没有一个像《金山词霸》这样 “智能” 的鼠标辞典(当然前提是在阅读的文本是电子文本而不是印刷版),绝大多数人可能就把自己糊弄过去了,而全然不知 “purple passage” 是一个词组,这个词组的意思是 “词藻华丽的段落”,而不是 “紫色的篇章”。

印象中我第一次被《金山词霸》的这个功能震动,是很多年前某次随手用鼠标划过一篇文章,得知 “birds of prey” 的意思原来是 “食肉鸟,猛禽”,而不是我原来想当然以为的 “被捕食的鸟”(就是本文最初提到的那段文字。后来讲课的时候,把这个当作一个重要的例子,结果发现绝大多数学生与当初的我一样)—— 那一瞬间头皮发麻后背发凉,于是养成了经常用鼠标扫一遍读过的文章的习惯;这些年,因此受益无穷。

5. 把 Word 打造成英语学习利器

  1. MS Word 2007 的 “鼠标取词” 功能
  2. MS Word 2007 的 “词典面板”
  3. MS Word 2007 的 “同近义辞典”(Thesaurus)
  4. MS Word 2007 的 “英语助手”
  5. 为 MS Word 2007 设置单词朗读功能
  6. 用 Word 2007 为自己定制阅读文章词汇列表
  7. 附录:我的常用宏代码

在结绳记事的年代,人类还跟其它动物其实没有太大差异,只有文字出现之后,人类才开始拥有可(跨代)传播、可修正、可积累的所谓 “知识”。所以,书 写工具对人类来实在是太重要。毛笔、鹅毛笔、铅笔、钢笔、圆珠笔 …… 直到今天的各种各样的输入法以及字处理软件(MS Word 就是其中的一种),书写工具的每一次变革都伴随着人类巨大的进步。
对中国学生来说,MS Word 不仅仅是 “字处理工具”,更是一个非常强大的学习利器。

5.1 MS Word 2007 的 “鼠标取词” 功能

MS Word 从 2007 版本开始内嵌了 “鼠标取词” 功能。其所采用的词典是权威的《美国传统词典》的英汉版本,释义详实,例句丰富。“默认安装” 的情况下,鼠 标取词功能并未设置为开启状态,需要用户手动开启 —— 在鼠标右键的快捷菜单中选择 “翻译”,而后选定 “中文(中国)”:


5.2 MS Word 2007 的 “词典面板”

在默认情况下,MS Word 有一个快捷键:“Alt + Left Mouse”:先按住 Alt 键,然后在任何一个英文单词上点击鼠标左键,MS Word 的侧边栏里就会显示这个单词的检索结果(这也相当于在该英文单词上点击鼠标右键,而后在快捷菜单中选择 “翻译”->“翻译”):

如果用户安装的是 MS Office 中文版,那就可能需要设置一下才可以在文档中通过鼠标左键双击自动选中整个英文单词(“Word 选项”->“高级”->“选定时自动选定整个单词(W)”):

这个词典是英汉、汉英双向的。在文档中选定一个中文词汇,而后在选中的区域使用 “Alt + Left Mouse” 快捷键,右侧就将显示该中文词汇的英文释义。

5.3 MS Word 2007 的 “同近义辞典”(Thesaurus)

在任一英文单词上点击鼠标右键,都可以看到一个 “同义词” 快捷菜单。可以通过选中菜单子项而将文档中的词换为该同义词:

如果想看到更加完整的 “同近义词辞典” 内容,则要在光标移动到某个单词所在的位置之后,按下快捷键 “Shift + F7”;随后就可以在右侧边栏中看到 “同近义词辞典” 的详细内容。
而 MS Word 中还有一个用起来非常方便的 “同近义词查询对话框”,但由于默认情况下没有为它设置相应的呼出快捷键,所以很多用户根本就没有见过它:

为 “同近义词查询对话框” 添加快捷键的方法如下:

  • “Word 选项”->“自定义”->“键盘快捷方式自定义”;
  • 在 “自定义键盘” 对话框中选定:“指定命令”->“类别(C):” 中选择 “所有命令”
  • 在 “命令(O)” 中选择 ToolsThesaurus,
  • 在 “请按快捷键(N)” 之下的输入框里点一下鼠标左键,然后同时按下 “Ctrl+Shift+F7”,而后点击左下角的 “指定” 按钮,而后关闭该对话框。(当然,读者可以根据自己的喜好选择快捷键的组合方式……)

5.4 MS Word 2007 的 “英语助手”

事实上,读者可能早就注意到右侧边栏的词典工具中最好的应该是 “英语助手”(而非 “翻译” 命令所呼出的 “双语词典”)。“英语助手” 包括几乎所有的 好东西:“中文释义”(相当于英汉词典)、“英文释义”(相当于英英词典)、“常用搭配”(相当于搭配辞典)和 “同义词”(相当于 Thesaurus)。 如何才能直接呼出 “英语助手” 呢?

其实很简单,方法与上文中 “为同近义词查询对话框添加快捷键” 是一样的。只不过,这次要为 “EngWritingAssistant” 命令添加快捷键。我一般习惯于使用 “Alt+X” 这个在 MS Word 尚未被定义的键盘组合。

另,MS Word 中的这个 “英语助手”,是必须联网才能使用的,因为它实际上是在查询微软的服务器之后再返回查询结果。服务查询地址是:


有编程能力的读者,不妨看看其中的 “Basci Query Option”……

有些人的计算机上的 Office 可能并未安装 “英语助手” 服务,需要用户自己手动添加。在文档任意处 “Alt+鼠标右键” 呼出右侧的工具框,而后点击工具框底部的 “信息检索选项”:

点击左下角的 “添加服务(A)” 按钮,得到以下对话框:

而后在底部 “地址(A)” 之后的文字输入框里输入:“http://office.microsoft.com/Research/query.asmx”而后按“添加”按钮:

点击这个对话框里的 “安装(I)” 按钮即可。

5.5 为 MS Word 2007 设置单词朗读功能

这一步稍微复杂一点,因为要为 Word 添加宏代码。
在 Word 程序中,先关闭所有文档,之后按快捷键 “Alt+F11” 呼出 VBA 编辑器。
从菜单 “工具(T)” 中选择 “引用(R)”,在随之跳出的对话框中选中 “Microsoft Speech Object Library”,而后在之前的复选框里打勾:

之后再 VBA 编辑器的左侧 “工程” 面板里鼠标双击选定 “Normal – Microsoft Word 对象-ThisDocument”,程序主面板里输入以下 VBA 代码:

Sub SpeakText() 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Set speech = New SpVoice 
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1 
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend 
    If Len(Selection.Text) > 1 Then
        speech.Speak Trim(Selection.Text), SVSFlagsAsync + SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak 
    End If 
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1 
    Loop Until speech.WaitUntilDone(10) 
    Set speech = Nothing 
End Sub 

按快捷键 “CTRL+S” 保存之后关闭 VBA 编辑器。而后,就可以为这个宏设置快捷键了 —— 我个人选择是 “CTRL+SHIFT+S”。

其实,为 Word 编写宏代码非常简单,VBA 的程序代码也比较易读。在当前文档最后的部分,我附加上了我自己最常用的宏代码。

5.6 用 Word 2007 为自己定制阅读文章词汇列表

MS Word 还有个很好的功能:“选择格式相似的文本(S)”。这样的话,就可以在阅读一篇英文文章的时候,顺手把生词都标记出来,而后可以通过 “选择格式相似的文本(S)” 把那些已经做了记号的文本单独拷贝出来。

选择之后,按 “Ctrl+C”:

而后,再找个地方 “Ctrl+V”,就可以得到以下的列表:

  • neonatal
  • burgeoning
  • endoscopic
  • snaking
  • gallbladders
  • jabbed
  • sales pitch
  • laparoscopic
  • lickety-split

用之前讲过的同样的方式,也可以为 “选择格式相似的文本(S)” 这个命令设置快捷键 —— 这个功能的命令名称是 “SelectSimilarFormatting”;我一般设定为 “Alt+S”。

在阅读的过程中使用什么格式为文本做标记呢?“加重” 和 “倾斜” 可能并不是好的选择,因为文本中原本就可能有一些这样格式的文字;加高亮底色也不是 好的选择,不知道为什么 Word 的 “选择格式相似的文本(S)” 竟然不支持这种格式。我一般使用 “双下划线”。就象上面的图示里能看到的那样。这次不用自 定义,因为双下划线有 Word 默认设置好的快捷键 “Ctrl+Shift+D”。
去掉所有记号的方法是,在某一个标记了 “双下划线” 的单词上点一下鼠标左键,然后,按刚刚设置好的快捷键 “Alt+S”,而后再按 “Ctrl+Shift+D” 就可以了。

5.7 附录


'要使用该宏,需事先安装Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary 
Sub LookUpMerriamWebsterDictionary() 
'MWDictionary Macro 
     Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1 
     Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend 
     Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1 
     If Tasks.Exists("Merriam-Webster") = True Then 
        With Tasks("Merriam-Webster") 
            .WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal 
        End With 
         SendKeys "%ep{ENTER}", 1 
        Response = MsgBox("Task Merriam-Webster doesn't exist! Run the application before use this Macro, please.", vbExclamation, "WARNING!") 
    End If 
End Sub 

Sub SpeakTheWord() 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Set speech = New SpVoice 
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1 
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend 
    If Len(Selection.Text) > 1 Then 'speak selection 
        speech.Speak Trim(Selection.Text), _ 
        SVSFlagsAsync + SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak 
    End If 
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1 
    Loop Until speech.WaitUntilDone(10) 
    Set speech = Nothing 
End Sub 

' 为选中的文本加上双引号 
Sub AddDoubleQuotationMarks() 
    Selection.InsertBefore ("“") 
    Selection.InsertAfter ("”") 
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1 
End Sub 

' 指定选中文本的字体 
Sub ChangeFontNameTo() 
    Selection.Font.Name = "Georgia" 
End Sub 

' 指定选中文本的字号大小 
Sub ChangeFontSizeTo() 
    Selection.Font.Size = 28 
End Sub 

' 将选中文本的字号放大 
Sub FontSizeGrow() 
End Sub 

' 将选中文本的字号缩小 
Sub FontSizeShrink() 
End Sub 

' 将双标所在的词汇首字母变成大写 
Sub FirstLetterToUppercase() 
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1 
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend 
    Selection.Text = UCase(Selection.Text) 
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1 
End Sub 

6 .关于韦氏词典

美国有很多种韦氏(Webster)词典,比如兰登屋就有一种 “Random House Webster Unabridged Dictionary”。国内学生常提的《韦氏词典》,指的是 “Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus”。

关于 Merriam-Webster 的权威性,基本上不容置疑 —— 事实上,权威的词典很多,并且都同样权威,比如,牛津的、剑桥的、甚至微软的也都很权威。然而,中国学生常常被告知的 “ GRE 考试的词汇主要依据就是美国韦氏学院辞典!根据统计比较,GRE 反义词所考短语用词大多是 Merriam-Webster 词典中的原话。” 基本上属于以讹传讹。首先,GRE 考试当年的类反题目(现在的 GRE 考试中已经剔除了单纯的词汇题目)中几乎没有考过 “短语用词”。其次,ETS 在设计考试的时候,基本上不会用哪一本词典里的 “原话”。事实上,GRE 考试从来没有把哪一本词典当作唯一的参照物。

Merriam-Webster 的电子版,目前在网上可以找得到的有两种版本:2.5 版和 3.0 版。我个人认为 3.0 版并没有什么真正有意义的改进。2.5 版反倒相对更好用一些。在 emule 上,往往还有很多 50M 左右大小的版本,不要用。首先现在的硬盘都很大,几百兆的空间不值得节省。其次,那 50M 的版本之所以体积小,实际上是因为去除了 Merriam-Webster 的一个最重要的功能 —— “真人发音”。这个词典最好这样安装到电脑上:把光盘里的所有文件拷贝到硬盘的某个目录里面,然后从硬盘上开始安装(否则,以后想听真人发音,就需要光盘总是在光驱里)。

Merriam-Webster 电子版的 “真人发音”,是我个人认为目前可以找到的所有电子版词典中制作最为精良的 —— 发音最清晰(准确当然不用提),音量最稳定。音标,向来被认为是英语学习的重要难点之一,可是,有了 “真人发音” 的电子词典之后,哪怕不懂音标也无所谓了。另外,国内太多的印刷版 “英汉词典” 印表标注都是错误百出的,很误事。比如,recognize,这个单词,其中 “co” 这个音节常被读为[ki]:

再比如,fortunate 这个单词,很多英汉词典中就多了一个元音/ə/——相当于多了一个音节!

在 Merriam-Webster 查询任何一个单词之后,如果词条是蓝色字体,即意味着说,双击那个蓝色的单词,就可以听到标准发音。

另外,Merriam-Webster 还支持多种检索方法,这是其它词典无法做到的。

  • Entry word is…
  • Defining text contains…
  • Rhymes with…
  • Forms a crossword of…
  • Is a cryptogram of…
  • Is a jumble of…
  • Homophones are…
  • Etymology includes…
  • Date is…
  • Verbal illustration contains…
  • Author quoted is…
  • Function label is…
  • Synonymy paragraph contains…
  • Usage paragraph contains…
  • Usage note contains…

Advanced Searches 内还可以使用 “与(AND)、或(OR)、非(NOT)” 构建比较复杂的搜索表达式。而在 Browse 内,可以搜索 “Entry Word starts with” 和 “Entry Word ends with”……

另外,Merriam-Webster 还有很多图释,比如 sloth 这个词


最后,Merriam-Webster 最牛的地方在于它有一个 “Spelling Help”。查找英文单词的时候,一个常见的窘境是,我们只知道某个单词的发音却不知道拼写,于是无法查到那个单词。然而,有了 “Spelling Help”,就非常方便了。比如,我输入 corisbondant 这个显然不是单词的字符串,那么,“Spelling Help” 就根据这个字符串可能的发音给我几个可能的建议 —— 通常情况下,都可以找到我们需要的单词(这个例子中,就是 correspondent)。金山词霸也有类似功能,但不如这个完善。(在金山词霸里面输入 corisbondant,会告诉你:抱歉!本地没有该词条解释,您可以选择以下方式:请到网络查询、给出拼写近似的单词、加入用户词典)

7. Collins Cobuild – Lexicon on CD-ROM


注意:我所推荐使用的是这部词典电子版的第三版,而非最新的第五版。柯林斯 (Collins)的第五版除了外观花哨一点之外几乎一无是处,大量原本在第三版相当实用的功能被 “砍” 掉了。总是有些软件经过升级之后变得比原来差,类似的例子数不胜数。Office 升级到 2007 之后,其内嵌词典内容竟然没办法 “全部选择”;金山词霸 2005 版之后的版本中竟然 “砍” 掉了它最有用的功能 “全文检索”;Merriam-Webster 的 2.5 版无论如何看不出相对于 3.0 版改进的地方在哪里 …… 朗文(Longman)的新版改进倒是相当明显,可是对我来说用处不大,因为那些实用的功能在 Word 里已经几乎全有了。

柯林斯的释义方式是最适合英语学习者使用的。比如,“plug” 这个词的第六个释义是这样的:

6 plug plugs plugging plugged

If someone plugs a commercial product, especially a book or a film, they praise it in order to encourage people to buy it or see it because they have an interest in it doing well.

We did not want people on the show who are purely interested in plugging a book or film.


= promote

顺带说,想要知道一个词典释义是否完整,通常去翻翻 plug 的释义就可以了,找到这个 “v. 插播广告;n. 小广告” 的释义的话就说明那个词典的释义收录相当完整。

朗文(Longman)曾因设计了一个含有 2200 个词汇的 “Defining Vocabulary” 成为 “Learner’s Dictionary” 的领头羊,牛津(Oxford)随后效仿,最终也有了自己的 “Oxford 3000”;而柯林斯(Collins)本质上来看是更进一步,这种 “if … , …” 的简单句型,实际上恰恰是设计得最妥帖的,最适合第二语言习得者使用的解释方式 —— 当然,柯林斯(Collins)也有自己的 “基础定义词汇集”,只不过名称为 “Most Frequently Used Vocabulary”,分为 1~5 个级别。

柯林斯(Collins)词典也是市面上唯一一个自带可查询语料库的词典。查每个单词的时候,释义中有相应的例句之外,在 “Full text” 标签里有个 “Examples”,通常都有几十个甚至几百个例句,其中的例词被红色高亮,并且在例句之前标注了究竟是 UK written、 UK spoken、US written、US spoken 之中的哪一种。“Example” 之下有若干个图标,其中:

  • “D” 图标指的是 “词典释义”(Dictionary)
  • “T” 图标指的是 “辞典条目”(Thesaurus)
  • “U” 图标指的是 “用法注释”(Usage)
  • “G” 图标指的是 “语法讲解”(Grammar)(这是柯林斯词典的一个 “秘密功能”,一会儿有具体讲解)
  • “W” 图标指的是 “例句语料库”(WordBank)

所谓的 “WordBank” 就是柯林斯(Collins)的例句语料库,该词典中包含了这个语料库中含有 50 亿词的有效部分。在柯林斯的网站上,还有这个语料库的一个在线查询工具——只不过对大多数非专业人士来说,这个工具没什么太大的用处。

最好玩的是柯林斯(Collins)第三版中有个未开放的内容,Collins Cobuild English Grammar 的全文电子版。这本书的中译本由商务印书馆出版发行;也是我最推崇的语法书之一。(发现这个功能纯属偶然,是某次敲错了键盘却最终找到了宝。)

在柯林斯(Collins)词典的输入框里输入”1.1″而后回车,就可以看到词典的第一章第一节。而后可以通过工具栏上的 “A←” 和 “→Z” 图标 “前翻” 和 “后翻”。如果手中有印刷版,想要查看电子版,只需要输入相应章节号码而后回车即可。(这么好的功能在柯林斯第五版里被砍掉了……)

8. Oxford Collocation Dictionary

Oxford Collocation Dictionary for Students of English 是一本具有划时代意义的词典。Oxford Phrasebuilder Genie 这个软件包含两个重要的词典,一个是《牛津高级词典》(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary),另外一个则是目前几乎找不到任何其它替代的这本《牛津搭配词典》(Oxford Collocation Dictionary for Students of English)—— 国内的书店里,我只在北京王府井外文书店的四楼看到过有卖这部词典的原版(大约 380 元人民币,含印刷版与 CDROM;另外,一楼有卖 “影印版”,很便宜,几十块钱而已)。2009 年,这本伟大的词典终于出了第二版:

《牛津搭配词典》包含 1 万 5 千个搭配词条。比如,你搜索 “house”,那么就可以看到作为一个名词的 “house” 经常做 “live in, occupy, share, buy, rent, sell……” 等等动词的宾语(VERB+HOUSE)

拥有这个词典的好处是,我们可以不再必须依赖外教(实际上从来就依赖不上,也靠不住)学习英语了。想表达什么,就去查。语言的所谓 “地道” 使用,更为关键的是在搭配上 —— 发音、语法等等固然重要,但没有搭配重要。可以试想一下

I hate purple passage with no essential content. (我讨厌金玉其外败絮其中的文章)(passage与purple搭配,或说passage被purple修饰,即构成一个词组,“词藻华丽的文字、段落”)

这句话里面,多少有些语法错误,purple passage,应该是 purple passages[复数];而 content 也应该是 contents[复数]。但是,即便语法有些错误,一个外国人,把这句有点语法错误的话用不太标准的发音读出来,那么作为交谈对象的以英语为母语的人还是可以一下子完全听懂,沟通即可顺畅完成。这就是搭配的作用。

第二版的界面更加友好,使用起来相对更加方便,查阅时可以随时鼠标左键双击其中的任一单词,而后会跳出一个小对话框,其中是这个单词的释义,并配有真人发音。这是唯一一本我个人认为值得平时闲着没事就拿着印刷版翻翻看的词典 —— 当然电子版也一样。

9. WordNet 和 WordWeb

WordNet,是普林斯顿大学的心理学教授乔治•米勒(George A. Miller)于 1985 年开始领导开发维护的一套英语词汇数据库(English lexical database)。截至 2006 年,WordNet 数据库中大小已经超过 12M,包括 15 万词,总计 11.5 万个同义集合,含有 20.7 万个词义条目。这个数据库里的词主要分为四种:名词(nouns)、动词(verbs)、形容词(adjectives)、和副词(adverbs)。数据库的主要结构是以词义(而非以词汇本身为线索)为线索的关系数据库。

1985 年这个项目刚刚启动的时候,获得了 300 万美元的资助。米勒教授后来的职业生涯大多都与 WordNet 有关。1998 年前后,布朗大学(Brown University)的一群教授和学生,用 WordNet 创建了一个 “disambiguator”(用来消除语义分析使所遇到的模棱两可的情况)。以 Jeff Stibel 为首的这群人聘用米勒教授作为董事会顾问,创建了 Simpli 搜索引擎。2000 年,Simpli 被 NetZero 公司以 2350 万美元的价格收购。2003 年,另外一家基于 WordNet 技术而创建的公司 Applied Semantics(这家公司 1998 年的时候叫做 “Oingo”)被 Google 以 1 亿零 200 万美元的价格收购。而后 Google 就拥有了今天它赖以生存的 AdSence 广告业务……

以下是 Wikipedia 上对该数据库结构的简要描述:

  • Nouns
    • hypernyms: Y is a hypernym of X if every X is a (kind of) Y (canine is a hypernym of dog) (这个相当于中文中所说的 “上义词”)
    • hyponyms: Y is a hyponym of X if every Y is a (kind of) X (dog is a hyponym of canine)(这个相当于中文中所说的 “下义词”)
    • coordinate terms: Y is a coordinate term of X if X and Y share a hypernym (wolf is a coordinate term of dog, and dog is a coordinate term of wolf)
    • holonym: Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y (building is a holonym of window)
    • meronym: Y is a meronym of X if Y is a part of X (window is a meronym of building)
  • Verbs
    • hypernym: the verb Y is a hypernym of the verb X if the activity X is a (kind of) Y (to perceive is an hypernym of to listen)
    • troponym: the verb Y is a troponym of the verb X if the activity Y is doing X in some manner (to lisp is a troponym of to talk)
    • entailment: the verb Y is entailed by X if by doing X you must be doing Y (to sleep is entailed by to snore)
    • coordinate terms: those verbs sharing a common hypernym (to lisp and to yell)
  • Adjectives
    • related nouns
    • similar to
    • participle of verb
  • Adverbs
    • root adjectives

对于英语学习者来说,这个数据库并不是很容易直观理解。因为它不是传统意义上的 “词典”(dictionary),也非传统意义上的 “辞典”(Thesaurus),准确地来说,原本是为了英语自动语义识别而打造的一个巨型词义关联数据库。

网上还能找到一个操作界面非常酷、非常炫的 “Thinkmap® Visual Thesaurus”,也是基于 WordNet 数据库的。

不过,这个 TVT 除了酷和炫之外,我个人认为对大多数英语学习者来说并不实用,不方便,没效率。

10. 词汇量不是问题,概念量才是瓶颈

总有一天,学生会发现 “词汇量” 实在是最为初级的东西。读文章读不懂的时候,其实更大的障碍是 “概念量”。不知道什么叫做 “double blind test”(“双盲测试”)的人,并不是因为 double、blind、test 这三个词不认识,而是因为不了解这概念究竟指的是什么 —— 当然,一本书里介绍这个概念的章节可能要超过几千字,即,要读懂那几千字之后才能彻底明白 “double blind test” 究竟是什么东西,为什么要依赖它,依赖它的时候又有什么样的限制,等等。再比如说,当一位读者在阅读过程中读到 “unintended consequences” 的时候,如果他不知道这个概念的来历、意味以及在现实生活中、学术界中常常被因之而提及的事例,那么这位读者就不一定会因为他认识 “unintended”、也认识 “consequences” 而必然彻底理解文本的含义。

高级思维活动依赖概念(而非词汇本身)的理解、组织、扩展、应用、重新理解、重新组织、进一步扩展和进一步运用。词汇量等同的人之间概念量却可能存在巨大的差异。不仅概念量有差异,每个人对每一个概念的理解程度也同样存在着各式各样的差异。人与人之间概念量差异大到一定程度之时,哪怕在使用同一种语言的情况下都全然无法沟通 —— 父母与孩子之间、老师与学生之间、作者于读者之间、领导与下属之间、南方人与北方人之间、学者与公众之间都可能如此。

不知道 “double blind test” 这个概念的人,可能被庸医误诊却不自知,不知道 “unintended consequences” 的人,很难摆脱自以为是的习惯,总是因 “我是出于好意” 而好心办坏事……

  • 遇到弄不明白 “爱情” 与 “婚姻” 不是一回事儿的异性,最好敬而远之,否则痛苦的一生 “就在不远处等着你”……
  • 遇到搞不清 “政府” 与 “国家” 之间区别的人,轻易不要与之沟通,否则你可能会因此发现麻烦不断祸患无穷……
  • 不知道 “目标” 与 “计划” 并非一回事的人,并不知道他们自己可能会因为 “死守计划”(Stick to the plan)而最终无法达成目标……
  • 没搞清楚 “科学” 与 “科普” 与 “科普作者” 之间相去甚远的人们会骂来骂去 —— 手段比泼妇还不科学……
  • 不知道 “上学” 和 “学习” 不是一回事儿的人,其中一些可能会因为自己有博士学位就瞧不起中专毕业的人;反过来,另外一些可能会因为自己只有中专文凭而憎恨那些有博士学位的人……
  • 不知道 “一个人” 和 “一个人的看法” 之间的区别的人,要么可能迷信权威,要么可能把自己当作绝对权威……
  • 不知道 “Action” 和 “Reaction” 之间的差异的人,弄不好一辈子都是周遭环境的奴隶而已却又完全处于无意识状态……
  • 很多学生讨厌历史课,其实只不过是没弄明白 “历史” 与 “历史书” 之间的重要差异……

这就是为什么我们经常听到人们这样形容那些不懂事的人 —— “呀!这人完全没概念!” 这句话也同样可以形容那些逻辑混乱的人。最终,永远是那些能够把概念区分清楚、定义清楚的人才能够想清楚,进而改变整个世界:

  • 伽利略想明白了 “运动” 和 “运动的媒介” 是两个概念,应该分别处理,仅此一点本身已经是对现代科学的巨大贡献 2 ;
  • 华盛顿他们一帮人想明白了 “三权” 是可以分开的,于是造就了今天的美国
  • 邓小平弄清楚了 “政治” 与 “经济” 是可以分开的,于是造就了今天的中国;
  • 有程序员想明白原来 “内容” 与 “表现形式” 是可以分开的,于是,“html” 之外分离出来一个 “css” —— 这个互联网都变了……



经常有人对维基百科的权威性抱有顾虑;实际上,2005 年的时候,全球最权威的科学期刊《自然》杂志把 Wikipedia 与《大不列颠百科》的内容精心了一番测试对比,考察了上百个指标,最终得出的结论是双方内容的准确度旗鼓相当;在某些方面 Wikipedia 甚至更胜一筹。

11. 是否一定要用 “英英词典”?

很多老师向学生们强调,“为了学好英文,一定要使用英英词典”。我个人对这样的建议并不以为然。事实上,很多学生都是在听到这样的建议之后就那么去做了,最终都 “出师未捷身先死” —— 因为查到的释义之中有更多的生词,“刚刚决心重新做人” 没多久就放弃了。

对一个第二语言习得者来说,很可能一辈子都不用抛弃英汉词典。因为相当数量的概念是任何一种语言里都是对应存在的。比如,apple、cockroach、fool、rock、ticket 等等。在 Merriam-Webster 里这些词汇的释义是这样的:

  • apple: the fleshy usually rounded and red, yellow, or green edible pome fruit of a tree
  • cockroach: any of an order or suborder (Blattodea syn. Blattaria) of chiefly nocturnal insects including some that are domestic pests
  • fool: a person lacking in judgment or prudence
  • rock: a concreted mass of stony material; also: broken pieces of such masses
  • ticket: a document that serves as a certificate, license, or permit


  • apple: 苹果
  • cockroach: 蟑螂
  • fool: 傻瓜
  • rock: 岩石
  • ticket: 票


确实有一些词,在一种语言中存在,而在另外一种语言中却不存在。比如,hooligan 这个词,这样的时候,解决方法还不是只有看英英词典。Merriam-Webster 的解释是:



RUFFIAN: a brutal person : BULLY
HOODLUM: THUG; especially: one who commits acts of violence


THUG: a brutal ruffian or assassin : GANGSTER, KILLER



hooligan: [俚]阿飞, 无赖, 小流氓

如果不甘心,想知道 hooligan 究竟什么来历,那就不妨wikipedia一下好了


There are several theories about the origin of the word hooliganism. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary states that word may originate from the surname of a fictional rowdy Irish family in a music hall song of the 1890s. Clarence Rooks, in his 1899 book, Hooligan Nights, claimed that the word came from Patrick Hoolihan (or Hooligan), an Irish bouncer and thief who lived in the London borough of Southwark. Another writer, Earnest Weekley, wrote in his 1912 book Romance of Words, “The original hooligans were a spirited Irish family of that name whose proceedings enlivened the drab monotony of life in Southwark about fourteen years ago”. There have also been references made to a 19th century rural Irish family with the surname Houlihan who were known for their wild lifestyle. Another theory is that the term came from a street gang in Islington named Hooley. Yet another theory is that the term is based on an Irish word, houlie, which means a wild, spirited party.


另外还有个经典例子就是法语里的 déjà vu;这个含义英文中没有,所以只好直接借用;而中文中我还找不到确切的完整对应的词汇。


确实,有些时候我们仅看中文解释无法确定那个单词的确切含义,比如说 “different”、“diverse”、“divergent”、“distinct”、“various” 都是 “不同” 的意思,可是什么时候该用哪个,区别究竟是什么,又应该怎么用呢?可是问题的解决方案并不是去查 “英英词典”,而是去查 “用法词典”、“同义词词典” 和 “搭配词典” —— 而这些词典通常都有英汉版或者英汉双解版。

比如,金山词霸里有《新牛津英汉双解大词典》,用它查询 “different” 这个词结果如下:

而《现代英汉综合大辞典》中有叫做 “参考词汇”(其实就相当于同义词词典),如下图所示:

而 Oxford Collocation Dictionary(搭配词典)的查询结果如下图所示:

我个人认为这之中搭配辞典最为重要,因为词汇与词汇之间的重要差异实际上就表现为搭配的不同(回顾一下中文 “编” 和 “织” 这两个字的不同是如何体现在搭配上的)。

另外,还要提醒学生不要过分迷信词典。任何语言的词典编纂,某种意义上来看都是 “不得已而为之” 的 —— 因为很多词其实根本不可能用其它词去解释清楚。 举一个反过来证明的例子。《现代汉语大词典》中对 “清秀” 这个词的解释是这样的:“美丽而不俗气”。作为母语使用者,你觉得这样的解释能够让一个学中文的美国人(他听从了中文老师的建议,说 “为了学好中文,一定要使用汉汉词典,而不能使用汉英词典……”)理解么?如果我们遇到一个老外搞不清楚 “清秀” 是什么意思,我们往往并不是让他去查词典,而是使用 “例证法” 向他说明:“对了,那谁谁就挺清秀的……”。


所以说,想单纯靠 “使用英英词典” 而提高水平的想法其实非常幼稚。而很多的时候,使用英汉版,或者英汉双解版,才是真正有效率的方法。其实,英英词典也好,英汉词典也罢、抑或英汉双解又如何?要查才行。无论哪一个,查了就会有收获,不同的词典对照着查就会有意外收获,查了认真记录就会有终生收获。然而不查就没用。绝大多数人水平不高的原因并非是用的工具不好,而是不会用工具,甚至干脆只拥有工具而从不使用工具。

第六章 语法

1. 没文化的人才讨厌语法

没文化的人才讨厌语法 —— 这话好像说得重了一点,但却只不过是事实。经常有人以各种各样的理由宣扬 “不学语法也可以”,并且常常能因此获得追捧,但这只不过是疯子骗傻子而已,本质上来看一群没文化的人在集体意淫。去市场买菜,确实不需要懂语法,因为说的全都是短句、断句:











可这只是我们学习语言文字的目的不仅仅是为了在这种场合说说话而已吧?稍微复杂一点的思考结果就面临一定的表达难度 —— 连语法都不过关,又如何清楚表达?而那些有思想的人用语言表达他们的思想之时,阅读者语法不过关,理解上就必然南辕北辙。

商务印书馆是个相当不错的出版社,然而也经常令人难过。比如,米尔顿•弗里德曼的(Milton Friedman)的《货币的祸害:货币史片段》一书中有一句译文是这样的:



可原文是这样的(这是 Friedman 引用 Georges Clemenceau 的话):

– image extracted from Google Books search results

仅仅是因为 “too…to” 的结构前面多了一个 “much” 译者就给翻译错了,语法功底太差。而事实上,译者翻译完了一本书(为了翻译,必须 “研读” —— 比 “精读”、“通读”、“泛读” 都要仔细),可是竟然完全没看懂书的内容。所以,根本就没看出这句话和整本书的内容之间的矛盾 …… 这不是没文化是什么?

原本这世界应该有所分工,据说,社会大分工带来了前所未有的生产力提升。要是让那些有天分学习外语的人学好外语专职做好翻译,那么另外一些没有学习外语天分、却有其他天分的人就可以做一些他们擅长干的事情 —— 然后大家相互使用货币进行交换活动,社会效益会大幅度增加。可惜啊可惜。很多的时候,我们即便没有天分,也要咬着牙学好外语,要么实在是太吃亏了。

如果有机会接触各个文化的人就都知道了:其实,地球上任何一个文化的人群都一样,大部分的人讨厌甚至憎恨语法学习。许多年前,英国人在他们的语文课上要花费大量的时间精力教学生所谓 “Parsing” 的语法分析方法,可是现在却因所谓 “现代教育改革”(其实只不过是和过往任何一次该领域中的改革一样 “过大于功” 的另外一次 “改变” 而已)而被弃用:

Parsing: Lost art of identifying all the components of a text, and once one of the fundamental exercises that tested and informed pupils in English. To parse a phrase such as ‘man bites dog’ involves noting that the singular noun ‘man’ is the subject of the sentence, the verb ‘bites’ is the third person singular of the present tense of the verb to bite, and the singular noun ‘dog’ is the object of the sentence.

– Dictionary of Modern English Grammar, by Ned Halley, Wordsworth, 2005

这种基础语言训练是否像那些 “新锐改革派” 们所认为的那样一无是处乃至于必须废弃呢?才不是呢。事实上,这些所谓的改革者尽管愚蠢但在历史进程中却属于 “成功者”,因为他们 “竟然” 用不合理战胜了合理。其实也没啥可奇怪的,傻蛋总是可以 “成功” 地把世界变坏,这种例子随处可见,因为傻蛋最容易找到(众多)同伴,也因此在投票活动中最可能成为大多数 …… 他们最常挂在嘴边上的话是套用这个句型的:“……要不然怎么大家都……?” —— 尽管使用这个句型的句子有时候也确实有道理。

2. 无论如何都要学语法

于 1953 年获得诺贝尔文学奖的英国首相Winston Churchill曾如此描述他儿时的这种语言训练对他来讲究竟有多么重要:

By being so long in the lowest form I gained an immense advantage over the cleverer boys. They all went on to learn Latin and Greek and splendid things like that. But I was taught English. We were considered such dunces that we could learn only English. Mr. Somervell — a most delightful man, to whom my debt is great — was charged with the duty of teaching the stupidest boys the most disregarded thing–namely, to write mere English. He knew how to do it. He taught it as no one else has ever taught it. Not only did we learn English parsing thoroughly, but we also practised continually English analysis. Mr. Somervell had a system of his own. He took a fairly long sentence and broke it up into its components by means of black, red, blue, and green inks. Subject, verb, object: Relative Clauses, Conditional Clauses, Conjunctive and Disjunctive Clauses! Each had its colour and its bracket. It was a kind of drill. We did it almost daily. As I remained in the Third Form three times as long as anyone else, I had three times as much of it. I learned it thoroughly. Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary British sentence — which is a noble thing. And when in after years my schoolfellows who had won prizes and distinction for writing such beautiful Latin poetry and pithy Greek epigrams had to come down again to common English, to earn their living or make their way, I did not feel myself at any disadvantage. Naturally I am biased in favor of boys learning English. I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honour, and Greek as a treat. But the only thing I would whip them for is not knowing English, I would whip them hard for that.

– My Early Life: A Roving Commission, Thornton Butterworth [UK] and Charles Scribner’s Sons [US], 1930)

而美国总统 Abraham Lincoln 也非常重视语法。 林肯没上过几年学,然而却深信上帝给了他一个使命要他完成。(人群中总是有一些人 —— 绝非多数 —— 存在这种古怪的直觉,不管他们有没有宗教信仰。比如中文作家王朔就曾经如此写道:“我知道我是有来历的,走在芸芸众生中这种感觉尤为强烈……” 我猜这不是王朔在装蛋,他只是很多拥有这种古怪直觉的人之一而已。)

为了成为一个有影响力的公众人物,林肯经常要步行很久去参加 William Mentor Graham 的演讲培训。可是林肯却长期进步缓慢,表现欠佳。还好林肯悟性不错,意识到语法的重要:

“Spoke to me one day and said: ‘I had a notion of studying grammar‘, recalled Graham. “There was none in the village and I said to him: ‘I know of a grammar at one Vance’s (a man named John Vance), about six miles. Got up and went on foot to Vance’s and got the book. He soon came back and told me he had it. He then turned his immediate and almost undivided attention to English grammar. The book was Kirkham’s Grammar, an old (1826) volume.”

– “My Childhood’s Home” Growing Up With Young Abe Lincoln, by Richard Kigel

– image from American Treasures of the Library of Congress


Monday, [April] 24th

On Saturday last we had General Rosecrans before our committee, and his account of the campaign of Western Virginia makes McClellan look meaner than ever. On last Friday went with Indianans to call on President Johnson. Governor Morton transgressed the proprieties by reading a carefully prepared essay on the subject of reconstruction. Johnson entered upon the same theme, indulging in bad grammar, bad pronunciation and much incoherency of thought. In common with many I was mortified.

– Lincoln the Lover: III. The Tragedy, Wilma Frances Minor


the evolutionary costs and benefits of innovations work like the economics of pharmaceutical research. The Pfizer Corporation spent over $I00 million and many years developing the drug Viagra before the drug made a single cent of profit. The costs accumulated early, and the benefits came only later. Drug companies can cope with this delayed gratification, and have the foresight to undertake the research that leads to such profitable innovations. But evolution has no foresight. It lacks the long-term vision of drug company management. A species can’t raise venture capital to pay its bills while its research team tries to turn an innovative idea into a market-dominating biological product. Each species has to stay biologically profitable every generation, or else it goes extinct.

– The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature, by Geoffrey Miller, ANCHOR BOOKS 2000

因为短视其实是人类的本性,所以,我们总是不由自主地被它所左右。人们学骑自行车比学语法快,并不仅仅是因为语法更为复杂,还可能更是因为骑自行车很快就能学会,而后就可以马上体会到各种便捷;而学习语法不仅单调枯燥、耗时费力,而且最要命的是总是觉得 “不知道学它究竟有什么用?” 这个问题,是很多人放弃学习的根本原因 —— 我在《把时间当作朋友》里有详尽的论述。


If one were looking for an iconic image of the Second World War that summed up Allied pluck and derring-do it would have to be that of Winston Churchill with index and middle finger raised in a defiant ‘V’ for “Victory” sign. Revered for his strength of character and his willful defiance of Nazi Germany when Britain stood alone against the Third Reich, Winston Churchill is cherished throughout the world as one of the war’s most heroic figures. His legacy during one of the darkest eras in human history paints a portrait of the man as a wonderful, larger-than-life personality—a characterization that overshadows his faults and shortcomings in those crucial years. But those faults and shortcomings had a devastating legacy of their own. Winston Churchill: The Flawed Genius of World War II examines the decisions and policies Churchill made in the vital months between June 1940 and December 1941 that prolonged the war, allowed for millions of casualties, and left half of Europe behind the Iron Curtain. In 1941 Britain was waging a successful campaign against Italy in North Africa. General O’Connor could in fact have beaten them altogether and thereby prevented Rommel and his army from even landing. However, Churchill made the fatal decision to switch key British and Commonwealth divisions from North Africa to Greece in order to defend that country from German invasion, a heroic but guaranteed-to-fail gesture, and fail it did. When the United States entered the war, George Marshall’s victory plan was to launch an invasion of the Continent—what would become operation Overlord—early in 1943 and force a direct engagement of the enemy. But Churchill’s decision to remove troops to Greece stalled Britain’s victory in North Africa and enabled Rommel and his crack Afrika Korps to gain a foothold. Now Churchill urged Roosevelt to help beleaguered British troops in the African desert and that meant diverting troops from Marshall’s victory plan. It made landing in northwestern Europe entirely impossible, and D-day, the main objective of attacking Germany directly, through France, was postponed until June 1944. As a result, by the time the Allies landed in Normandy, Soviet troops were further west than they would have been in 1943. In that crucial year, millions of civilians—Jewish, Russian, Polish, and German—died who might have lived. By the war’s end Stalin had already eclipsed half of Europe. Had D-day been earlier the Iron Curtain may have fallen with very different and diminished borders and millions of Central Europeans could have lived in freedom from 1945-1989. While Churchill’s was only one player in the drama that allowed this calamity to happen, Christopher Catherwood contends that it certainly tarnished the legacy of his “finest hour.”

– Winston Churchill: The Flawed Genius of WWII by Christopher Catherwood


In August 1908, Hitler wrote a letter to Gustl that makes plain his mediocre success in mastering the most elementary usages of German spelling and grammar, not to mention any coherent subject matter. The handwriting is childish, two words are scratched out and written over, other words are misspelled, punctuation is haphazard, and the style is rambling and disconnected. German spelling does not present the same kind of difficulty to the young student that English does. No vestigial spellings like though, touch, read, colonel, psalm, and such exist in German, which is spelled with dependable regularity. For young Hitler, however, the German language was mined with booby traps. The spelling in his letter is often erratic: dann becomes dan, sofort becomes soffort, Katarrh is spelled chartar, dies is spelled with two s’s, and so on. His use of capitals in this correspondence is also unpredictable.* Punctuation is omitted. In the August letter, as in others, he never used a question mark. He asks “Who really published the newspaper I sent you last time” without a question mark. In the sentence “Have you read the last decisions of the municipal council in connection with the new Teater,” Theater is spelled without the h, which is part of the German as well as the English word, and again the sentence ends without a question mark. So does the following sentence: “Do you know any details.” The pronoun sie, meaning either “they” or “she,” is not capitalized in German usage, although Sie, the formal pronoun meaning “you,” is. Hitler, however, capitalizes sie for “they” and for “she,” just as he haphazardly capitalizes other pronouns that should be lowereased. Words are hopelessly run togetherin one case seven of them, to make one long misspelled and inchoate formulation.

– The Making of Adolf Hitler: The Birth and Rise of Nazism by Davidson, Eugene.

正如有人就是五音不全唱歌跑调一样,我想肯定有些人对语法也存在类似的障碍吧?正如五音不全的人无论怎么努力也不可能唱出天籁之音,我们却不能因此不允许他 K 歌一样,有些人认真学习语法了却总也不能学的很好,那又怎么样呢?我们不应该因此就嘲弄他,也没什么权利因此就禁止他说话写字吧?某种意义上,使用文字跟 K 歌也差不多,有些时候关键并不在于说得写得多好,而在于说得写得究竟有多投入。

3. 阻碍语法学习的幻觉 —— “那我没学中文语法不一样样能用好中文么?”




其实,还有比这更为夸张的例子他们没有想到:哪怕不识字的文盲(他们当然没有学过语法)在使用母语的时候也几乎没有病句。然而这并不能证明语法没用。即便是不识字的文盲,也身处一个母语环境,身边的人都在说正确的句子。语言学习的最基本手段就是模仿,你说什么,我就跟着说什么,准没错 —— 而事实上,我们说的话之中,几乎 99.9%是在重复我们曾经听到的、看到的句子。所以,即便是文盲,也不可能每一句话都是病句。不过,显而易见的另外一个事实是文盲通常说的话都是表达简单思想的,用得都是简单词汇、简单句型,这也从另外一个方面降低了他们犯错的可能性。

顺带说,这也是我为什么极力反对学生跑到所谓的 “英语角” 去 “学英语” 的根本原因。因为在英语角里,大多数人所说的并不是真正正确的英文,而更可能是 “原创英文”。一方面身边的人都在说不正确的句子,另外一方面自己又坚决不学语法,不是找死是什么?有人孤独求败,英语角里可好,是集体自杀 —— 竟然还都以为在联欢……

很多人认为自己 “没学过语法不也一样可以熟练使用母语么?”,实际上主要是因为他们不由自主地高估了自己。


大多数人的母语语法实际上并不及格,只不过他们已经从学校毕业,就因此认为自己已经 “过关” 了。教育体系注定失败的重要原因之一就在于每一个科目都要人为地设置一个 100 分的标准之后再设定个 60 分的及格线,而完全不顾那标准事实上有多么荒唐。数学 100 分的学生真的就 100%掌握了数学知识么?英语 60 分的学生真的就掌握了所有英语知识的 60%么?满分 100 分的语文考试一贯只能得个八九十分的大多数人,难道就真的一毕业就 “自动合格” 了么?

而另外一方面,他们在高估了自己的同时,又降低了标准。他们一不小心就把 “熟练使用母语” 自动降低到 “能够用母语熟练地进行日常交流” 的水平上 —— 菜市场上的流利与熟练和正式场合中的流利与熟练根本不是一回事。一旦想写文章给别人读、或者当众讲话给很多人听的时候,大多数人就会瞬间体会到自己的语法有多么糟糕,进而迅速放弃,而后开始对讲演、写文章产生抗拒情绪。调查表明,在任何文化中,人们最为恐惧的第一件事儿是死亡,而紧随其后的就是当众讲话。不过,能够意识到自己的语法差还算是清醒的,绝大多数人把自己的糟糕表现归咎于诸如心理素质不好、发挥太差、准备不充分之类听起来相对 “冠冕堂皇” 得多的理由,而回避自己在两个最重要的方面彻底不及格的事实:语法和思维能力。为了能够有效表达,就算是林肯不也老老实实地去钻研了好几年的语法才放心大胆参加竞选的么?

另外,很多人所谓的 “我从来没学过语法” 干脆就是彻头彻尾的幻觉 —— 从小到大上了那么多语文课,考过那么多次的语文考试,怎么可能是一点都没学?这还不算平时潜移默化通过各种输入手段获得的语法知识,以及对正确语法的所谓 “母语直觉”。如果说 “从来没认真学过”,这倒是真的 —— 而又恰恰因为如此,才导致大多数人语文表达能力并不良好(甚至不及格)。我无意劝每一个人都去认真学习语法(无论是中文还是英文),我只是把道理讲清楚。之后就是读者自己的选择了,你觉得自己是个有知识有文化的人呢?还是一个一生只需要短句断句就可以生存了的人呢?各取所需好了。

4. 了解语法书的结构和查询方法


拿来一张地图的时候,我们已经知道个大概:那地图是上北下南左西右东,什么样的线条是公路,什么样的线条是地铁,什么样的标志是公交站 …… 我们有这样的常识,是因为过去看过一些地图。拿来语法书也一样,大多数语法书的结构都差不多,从 “冠词” 开始讲起,而后名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词、连词等等,而其中关于动词的那一章几乎占语法书的 2/3 篇幅(因为有时态、语态、语气等等诸多细节要讲解)……


语法书当然要比一般的地图更为复杂一些。除了告诉我们该书的基本结构的目录之外,重要的还有书尾的 “索引”(index)。通过索引,我们可以查得到重要的关键词都在哪些页面出现过。当我们遇到一个没有生词却读不懂的句子之时,我们就可能会猜 “究竟是哪个语法点我没弄清楚才导致这句话我看不懂呢?” 首先要锁定 “功能词”。所谓功能词是指语法书里面专门讲解过的那些词,比如 “that”、“and”、“as”、“of” 等等。

很久之前,我读到过这么一句话,“Woman as she is, she’s very brave.” 全都是最基础词汇构成的句子,我竟然一头雾水。这种情况下,就只好去查语法书了。查什么呢?这个句子有个功能词 “as”。于是,拿来《朗文英语语法》,翻到索引页(595 页),看到 as 后面的数字标记,告诉我说,关于 “as” 的讲解曾经在以下章节中出现过:

as: conjunction in clauses concession 1.50, manner 1.47.1 reason 1.48.1, time 1.45.1, as and because 1.48.2; not so much … as 5.13; with past progressive 9.20.2; preposition 8.4.4. the same as 6.30.4 as like, such as App 25.25

III. 让步状语从句连词as 虽然,尽管,无论。

  1. Busy as he is, he studies English very hard. 尽管他很忙,他还是努力学习英语。
  2. Much as I should like to see you, I am afraid you could not have any free time. 虽然我特别愿意见你,但恐怕你不可能有空余时间。
  3. Study as he may, he won’t get good marks, because his method of studying is not scientific. 虽然可以学习,但他得不了好分数,因为他的学习方法不科学。

    7.a Old as he is, he dares the danger of icy North. 虽然他老了,但仍敢于冒北方冰寒的危险。

    7.b Old as he is, he has to go to bed early. 因为他老了,他不得不早去睡觉。
    这下我彻底明白“Woman as she is, she’s very brave.”究竟是什么意思了。又过了些日子,读到这么一句:“Isolated as it is, the house is very quiet.”——再也没有什么疑惑了。
  1. 锁定功能词,
  2. 检索索引,
  3. 逐一翻阅相应内容,看看能否找到合适的解答。


5. 很多中国学生学的是数学式语法而不是英语语法


初等数学其实没什么意思,因为太简单。一切都是确定的,无懈可击的。了解一些无须理解争论的 “公理”,然后再推演或者干脆记忆一堆 “定理” 和 “公式”,而后就可以做到 “无懈可击” 的证明,或者 “正确无误” 的结果。英语语法(事实上所有语言的语法都如此)则很复杂。语法里面很少有公理、定理,更多的是带有众多例外的 “规则”。从这个意义上来说,学好语法显然要比学好初等数学难出许多,干脆不是同一个层面上的事情。

我读高中的时候按照我们国家的习惯被分到所谓的 “理科班”。仅凭直觉就知道大多 “理科生” 的所谓优越感是自以为是的幻觉而已。到了微积分和概率统计,数学才真正妙趣横生。因为这个时候,数学已经开始处理复杂性与不确定性 —— 生活的关键本质就在于其复杂性与不确定性。然而那些当初 “充满优越感幻觉的理科生” 早就不再对数学 “感兴趣” 了。

数学也好,英语也罢(或者说任何其他一种语言),其实各自都是描述这个世界的众多方式之一。初等数学(例如算术、代数、几何等等)只是被用来描述这个世界的某一部分,而语言则担负着 “尽量描述整个世界” 的任务,所以显然要比初等数学复杂得多,并且无法做到 “完美” 或者 “相对完美”。

要了解语法的本质。本质上来看,语法并不是 “规定你应该怎么说”,而是 “尽量”“系统地” 解释 “人们为什么普遍这么说”。所以,不能把语法规则当作数学公式,语法规则并不保证按照它拼凑出来的句子一定有意义并且正确。“I saw blue and red snowflakes flying in the river.” 这样的句子,其实没有什么语法规则上的错误,但通常会被认为是明显荒谬的并且毫无意义的。

任何自然语言的语法总是由许多的充满例外的规则构成。这个事实是造成许多第二语言习得者对语法憎恨或者厌恶的重要原因之一。但是,这种憎恨和厌恶,实际上是 “头脑简单”、“思考粗暴”、“天真幼稚” 的表现。想想吧,我们所生活的这个世界,“有例外的规则” 无处不在,而相反的 “没有任何例外的规则” 相对要少很多,甚至几乎到了现实中很多存在的地步。杀人肯定是犯罪,要判以重刑,但是,如果杀人者是未成年人,刑罚肯定是不一样的;两厢情愿的性爱是无罪的,但是,如果其中一方小于 14 岁而另外一方大于 18 岁,情况就非常不同了。

不要对语法规则感到不耐烦。恰恰是这种不耐烦使得很多人失去了原本可以掌握最重要的工具之一,英语。学英语或者干脆直接用英语没有什么捷径,但肯定有窍门。重要的窍门之一就是保持耐心。这么说太笼统。重要的是,凭什么保持耐心呢?凭了解,透彻的了解。刚刚提到语法的本质只是解释 “人们为什么普遍这么说”,如此看来,就真没有什么理由去 “背” 语法规则了;应该做的是去尝试着 “理解” 语法规则,理解了,就等于记住了。采用 “理解” 这个动作的人,显然比采用 “背” 这个动作的人更容易拥有耐心。再比如,了解到语法不过是 “尽量地系统化了的有例外的规则之集合”,就更容易保持耐心了。不再会觉得那些例外可恨了,只觉得那些例外只是自然存在的而已。不再为语法书的体系而感到困惑了,而是清楚能做到这样 “颇有体系” 已经非常不容易了。

6. 应该给自己买一本以上的语法书

6.1 《朗文英语语法》和《朗文高级英语语法参考及练习》


很多人并不知道的是这本书其实还有一个配套的练习册,书名是《朗文高级英语语法参考及练习》L.G. 亚历山大(外语教学与研究出版社)。很少有人在买《朗文英语语法》的时候同时把《朗文高级英语语法参考及练习》一并买回去 —— 实际上却是必须的!

《朗文高级英语语法参考及练习》里总计有 60 个单元,每个单元都配备一片阅读文章,随后附加上相应的语法练习题。而每道题的答案之后,都附有诸如 “5.32.1” 之类的索引号 —— 这是在告诉你,这道题所涉及的语法知识,在《朗文英语语法》的 5.32.1 章节中有所论述,至于 5.32.1 章节的页码,到《朗文英语语法》的索引页去查就是了。

6.2 《剑桥中级英语语法》


第一本要介绍的书是《剑桥中级英语语法》,作者 Raymond Murphy(外语教学与研究出版社)。外语教学与研究出版社出版。这本书的原版书名叫《English Grammar in Use》,天知道怎么弄的,外研社可以把 “English in Use”(实用英语)翻译成 “英语在用”。很多年以前,父亲不知道从哪里给我找来第一版的影印版。后来,我买过好多本送给一些认识的人,已经是第二版了。现在书店里有若干种版本。牛津最近出版了该书的第三版。在 verycd.com 上已经有下载了。中译书名中的 “中级” 两个字,大概是因为 Raymond Murphy 除了这本书之外还写过《Basic Grammar in Use》;而牛津还以系列的方式出版过另外一本《Advanced Grammar in Use》(作者是 Martin Hewings)。

在此之前的很多语法书里,充斥着各种仅仅为了演示语法规则而凭空杜撰的句子,比如 “Birds sing.”。这本书不一样。这本书的好处在于它里面的所有例句,都是真实的、最常用的、精心选自日常生活中的句子。所以,实际上这本书不仅是语法练习册,读者甚至可以把这本书当作很好的口语教材。里面的每个句子都值得背下来。

做替换练习是掌握语法知识的最有效方法。比如,你在书里看到这样一个句子:“I’ve lost my key.” 你可能会发现,同样意思的话,让你说,你可能就会说成 “I lost my key”,甚至,如果语法知识不扎实的话,可能会说成 “I lose my key.” —— 即,这是个你需要学习的语法点。这时候,“现在完成时” 这个中文词组对你实际上没有什么意义。就算你理解并记住了这个词组又怎么样呢?说英语的时候,可不能在脑子里随时盘算 “我应该用哪一个时态才对呢?” —— 总计有 16 种时态呢!所以,反复做替换练习才是有效的:“I’ve lost my ____.” 往里填词吧,比如:“job”,“money”,“house”,“bike”,“girl friend”…… 连续把这个句子替换六七遍之后,“I’ve lost my” 在你的脑子里已经成为一个整个的字串,以后你想表达你自己的时候,你能顺嘴说出来的是,“I’ve lost my…” 脑子里需要想的是你丢掉的那个东西究竟是什么 —— 而不是,我应该用哪一个时态?

这本书介绍 100 多个重要语法点,单数页介绍一个小节,双数页是针对前一页的填空练习。如果每天读上 2~3 个小节,并完成随后的练习,大约两个月多一点点可以完成一遍。绝大多数人即便下了决心,这一辈子都做不完哪怕一遍。坚持两个月不是件容易的事情。事实上,做一遍是不够用的。要逼着自己反复做上至少三遍 —— 总计大约需要半年时间。相信我,这半年的时间并不长。如果你真的做了三遍以上,什么都赚回来了。相信我,绝大多数人就是这一点东西没弄明白,才反复去读什么培训班,花了不知道多少钱,最终还是要解决从前没解决的问题 —— 还是需要半年时间,还是做不到。当然,我见过最多的,也最可悲的是那些人—— 他们永远不相信自己所有的问题就出在自己从来都不肯耐心把最基础的东西弄清楚弄明白。

6.3 《Collins COBUILD 英语语法大全》

其实原本这本书的英文名字非常朴素,叫《Collins COBUILD English Grammar》(商务印书馆)。不知道为什么商务印书馆在出版这本书的时候加上了个非常没有必要的字眼 “大全” —— 就好像美女不小心身上沾上了廉价香水一样让人无可奈何。

这本于 1999 年引进的英语语法书尽管用的人很少,但实际上却是一个里程碑式的著作。国内读者最早接触的语法书大抵上出自张道真、许国璋之手,可以算作第一代语法书。再后来国人才有机会买到下一代的语法书,诸如比较经典的《朗文英语语法》——出自《新概念英语》的作者路易斯•亚历山大。而到了柯林斯(Collins)的这一本《英语语法》,已经可以算作第三代了。这本语法书最大的特色在于:

  • 所有的例句全部来自基于真实世界的语料而搭建的数据库。不再像之前的语法书那样,充满了类似 “Birds sing.” 之类的仅仅为了演示语法规则而杜撰的、真实世界里其实根本不存在的句子。
  • 更加关注 “语用”。这本语法书是 “以功能为导向” 的,而不仅仅是过去那种 “以规则为导向” 的。不再像过去的语法书一样 “从负面定义正面”。过去的语法书总是不得已地更加关注 “你不能怎么怎么样”;而在这本语法书中,读者更多地看到这样的建议 —— “如果你要 …… 那么你可以……”。即,这本语法书更多地从正面定义正面 —— 这是语法学界一个重要的进步(要有海量语料库作为根基才能如此发展)。



analysis, assessment, assumption, attitude, belief, conclusion, conjecture, concept, deduction, delusion, diagnosis, doctrine, doubt, estimate, evaluation, fear, finding, guess, hope, idea, illusion, inference, insight, interpretation, misinterpretation, notion, opinion, picture, plan, position, reasoning, supposition, theory, thinking, view, viewpoint, vision, wish
基于语料库的语法书,在国内可以买到的,目前好像仅此一本。基于语料库的英语词典,现在有很多种,其中最有用的可能是《Oxford Collocation Dictionary for Students of English》,当然还有另外一个就是柯林斯的《Collins COBUILD Dictionary on CD-ROM 2006》(现在已经有Lingoes版本)。而柯林斯电子辞典更老一点的版本中,含有《Collins COBUILD英语语法大全》的英文原版内容。

商务印书馆引进的这本《Collins COBUILD 英语语法大全》其实并不畅销 —— 仅因为大多数读者不知道这本语法书的好处(也许另外一个原因是这本书 “显得有点贵” —— 定价 65 元人民币)。商务印书馆几乎同时引进的还有一套总计十本的分类语法书,叫《COLLINS COBUILD 英语语法系列》,包括:

  1. 介词
  2. 构词法
  3. 冠词
  4. 易混淆词
  5. 转述法
  6. 同音异义词
  7. 隐喻
  8. 拼写法
  9. 连词
  10. 限定词及数量词


6.4 《新编英语阅读手册》

最后要提及的这本语法书,是叶永昌先生的《新编英语阅读手册》。知道叶永昌,是从我父亲的书桌上。对我来说,父亲的书架就是宝藏;但是有几本书却一直在书桌上而不是书架上,在书桌上的是他的宝贝。其中有一本就是《实用科技英语阅读手册》。后来才知道,这本书累计发行册数高达 130 万册 —— 在中国境内,知识分子专著能够达到这个印数的应该寥寥无几。

那本《实用科技英语阅读手册》父亲其实有两本 —— 书架上还有干干净净的一本;而书桌上的那本几乎每一页的页边都密密麻麻的笔记,父亲能用圆珠笔写特别小又及其工整的字体。后来上大学的时候,父亲说送你几本书吧;于是就从书架上把那本干净的《实用科技英语阅读手册》拿下来;我说,“爸,我要你桌子上的那本。” 后来大三的时候,在图书馆把这本书弄丢了是我这辈子最懊恼的事情之一;我也一直没再跟父亲提这件事情。

许多年之后,在书店里看到叶永昌先生此书的改进版《新编英语阅读手册》,当场买下(多买下好几本送给几个朋友)。几年过去,这书已经几乎被翻烂,只是没有那么多的笔记 —— 因为我写字太不工整且多年来记笔记已经习惯记在电脑上。我常想,当年图书馆里拿走那本书的人是不是真的懂得那些笔记的重要?要是懂得,倒也无憾。

《新编英语阅读手册》由上海科学技术文献出版社于 2001 年出版,第一版小心翼翼只印了 5000 册。我在课堂上经常提及这本书,学生们却说 “在哪儿都找不到”。有个时期在当当网上还可以看到此书的简介,可一直缺货。

2008 年下半年,我托人与上海科学技术文献出版社联系,打听是否可以要求加印。隔了很久,出版社终于答复,说两千册以上才能起印,且需全额购买、无退货可能。于是我就索印了 2500 册;而 2009 年又补印了 2500 册 —— 我的学生终于都有机会用这本语法书了。

2009 年 6 月 10 日,我终于有机会见到叶永昌先生。见到叶先生第一句话是:“叶老师,您的书我用了 20 年……”,第二句话是:“我父亲也是您的读者……” 见到偶像,多少有些语无伦次,前前后后聊了两个多小时,从叶先生家里出来,幸福得一塌糊涂。


期间,我告诉他,这一年里,我自己出资向上海科学技术文献出版社联系,前后印了 5000 册《新编英语阅读手册》,叶先生很开心。不过,接下来我才知道,叶先生的《实用科技英语阅读手册》卖了 130 万册,而作者却一分钱稿费没要 —— 特殊的时代,特殊的决定。而这次加印 5000 册的事情,叶先生也并不知道……

我把这件事情讲给周筠老师听。周筠老师是博文视点的出版人,我的书《把时间当作朋友》就是她制作的。周老师认为《新编英语阅读手册》是本好书,绝对不应该就这样消失。于是带着助手夏青几次奔赴天津,与叶先生确定重版事宜。读者们有福了,从 2010 年 3 月份起,可以买到武汉博文视点重新出版的《新编英语阅读手册》了 —— 它终于重见天日!

7. 反复通读至少一本语法书

如果一个人学会查词典,学会查语法书,再肯于多查几部词典、多查几本语法书,他基本上就具备在中国的任何一所民办英语培训机构做老师的基本素质了。在大多数短期英语培训机构里,英语老师所谓的备课,90%以上的工作只不过是查查词典、翻翻语法书而已。这样的老师都算是敬业的,更多的所谓 “老师” 能不查就不查词典,能不翻就不翻语法书,因为他们把自己的 90%时间精力放在琢磨如何才能使课堂气氛更加活跃 —— 唱唱歌啊,跳跳舞啊,讲讲笑话啊什么的。当然更多的人连这些都做不好,于是只好吹牛,(并且只能)往死了吹……

如果读者爱惜自己的时间精力(“视金钱如粪土” 确实颇有些气势),那最好还是靠自己吧。只有尽早反复通读一本语法书,才可能快速摆脱对老师的依赖,而后做自己的明师。尽管语法知识看起来非常枯燥,但是只要换一种读法,就可能会有很大的改观。

学习外语的真正难点在于母语和外语这两种语言之间的非一一对应之处。两种语言重合、一一对应的部分,是容易学会的。“apple-苹果”、“table-桌子”、“fatigue-疲乏”、“sophisticated-精细的” 之类的单词,由于其所表达的概念在两种语言中都存在,并一一对应,记忆起来并不难。然而,像英文的 “vary”,在中文中就很难找到对应的词汇,比如这个例句中的 vary 这个词:“People’s opinions vary from individual to individual.”,用英汉词典的释义 “变化” 来理解好像并不那么准确,这句话的意思是 “人们的看法各不相同。” 再比如,中文中的 “确实” 这个副词,在英文中其实没有一个同等作用同等用法的对应,比如这个例句中 “I do hate going out alone.”,是用附加一个助动词 “do” 的结构来表示中文 “确实” 这个含义;再比如,“Who could’ve considered such a possibility?” 这个英文句子中,是用 “could have done” 的形式在疑问句中表达中文副词 “居然” 的含义的 —— 而非汉英辞典里给出的 “actually” 和 “virtually”。

“This is a table.” 或者 “That’s a book.” 之类的句子,不仅容易理解,并且容易运用。其实只不过是因为它们的结构与逻辑与我们的母语几乎一一对应。日常使用中,近乎 “一一对应” 的文字其实占大多数,比如之前我们曾读过的 “Evolution itself has no foresight.” 之类的句子。(读者应该在 “5.2 无论如何都要学语法” 中读到过这个句子 —— 如果没有的话,说明您读书太不认真了。)

然而,句子结构、表达方法在两种语言之间也有很多并非一一对应的情况,尽管数量上是少数,却给语言的熟练运用带来很多的麻烦。比如,“请问,这个座位有人么?” 对应的不是 “Please ask, is there anyone at this seat?”,而是 “Excuse me, is this seat taken?”;“如果我没有记错的话……” 不是 “If I didn’t remember wrong, …”,而可能是 “If my memory serves, …”

有这么一个句子我曾印象深刻:“The impact that technologies have had on our daily life and society in general, is undeniable.” 这是大学英语精读教材里某一篇文章中的句子。我当时愣了一下,想,要是让我来表达 “什么什么的影响”,很可能用的就是 “the influence of 什么什么”,而不是用 “impact” 这个词,也不会用一个从句,更不会用那么个时态 —— 想想是有道理的,这位作者在表达的是:“一直以来,技术对 …… 的影响”,其中的 “一直以来”,是用现在完成时表达的。也就是说,这句话里有很多对于我来说,英语与母语非一一对应的地方。


  1. 把这个于我来讲 “非一一对应” 的句子做个标记;
  2. 把它摘抄到笔记本上;
  3. 再想想这个句子能否当作替换练习模板 —— 即,看看我能不能把这个句子变成这样一个 “填空” 句型:

The impact that _ have/has had on _ , is undeniable.

  • The impact that the internet has had on every respect of our daily life, is undeniable.
  • The impact that parents and their attitudes have had on their children’s personality development, is undeniable.
  • The impact that one’s early education has had on his or her later life, is undeniable.

造上几个句子之后,这种表达法就已经牢牢刻在我的脑子里,可以不加思索地运用了(其实,所谓 “地道” 也不过就是应该这样学的吧?)。而不再用考虑 “我究竟应该用从句呢?还是要用介词结构?” 或者 “我究竟是不是应该使用现在完成时呢?” 之类必须用各种语法概念才能理顺的问题。其实,类似的手段我曾经在之前的文中演示过:“I have lost my key.” 这句话,就可以当作一个模板:“I have lost my _.”;而后反复造句,直至把这种表达法谙熟于心。


  1. 逐页浏览;
  2. 仔细阅读每一个例句(而那些语法概念能不能完全理解,能不能一次就记住倒在其次);
  3. 判断这个例句的英文表达与中文表达是否相当地 “非一一对应”?如果是,则做出标记(要是有 “呀,让我用英语表达这个意思,可能说出来的就不是这样了!” 的念头的话,就应该做标记了);
  4. 积累到一定数量,就把这类句子摘录出来,做成替换练习模板,反复造句并朗读,直至熟练;
  5. 继续浏览;
  6. 通读一遍之后,如此这般再反复几次……

那些语法概念并非不重要,只不过我们并不需要像患了强迫症一般非要一次就把它们全部彻底搞定。在反复的浏览过程中,那些曾经艰涩的概念大多都会潜移默化地被吸收,不再那么难缠。并且,有些概念就算搞不清,其实也无所谓。例如 “独立主格结构” 这个概念,不了解又怎么样呢?只要遇到那样的句子之时能够正确理解其意(因为做过好几遍那么多例句的替换练习)不就可以了么?有些人好不容易搞清楚了 “独立主格结构” 这个概念,换一本语法书(比如 Collins Cobuild 的《英语语法大全》)之后,才发现那个概念在这些书里叫另外一个名字,于是就痛苦不堪……


第七章 精读

1. 不老实就肯定吃亏

我的父母从来不吝惜给我买书的钱,于是几乎从记事儿开始,我的主要花销就是买书,直到今天。而在我八九岁的时候,母亲随父亲平反落实政策调动工作,不再做兽医,调到某大学的图书馆工作 —— 于是家里便省下了很多很多买书的钱。从小泡在图书馆里长大,实在是我这一辈子最幸运的事情。



“那么翻,你能看懂什么呀?” 母亲好像很随意。

我说,“这种书 …… 随便翻翻就行了……”


我愣了一下,却很快明白了母亲的意思。这句话一下在就刻在我的脑子里,从来不曾忘记。读书,就要读好书。读好书,就不能随便翻翻。所以,这么多年里,无论我读什么,只要认定那是一本值得读的书,我就会精读,并且往往要精读许多遍。后来我也常常跟学生说,好书,不是翻的,是读的 —— 精读(当然,更为文绉绉一点的叫法是 “研读”)。

2. 读好书一定要慢



甚至你根本不用上什么学习班,找来好书硬啃,是我能想到的最好、最快、最见成效的英语学习方法 —— 尤其在 audiobook 如此丰富的今天,因为我坚信朗读是获得一切语言能力的最根本手段。

身边的朋友总觉得我读书很快,事实上我读书很慢。我从不 “泛读”,因为我觉得一本 “翻翻” 就可以了的书是不值得去读的。我总觉得 “泛读” 只有一种用处:用来粗略地判断拿在手中的书质量如何。二十多岁之后,我发现自己甚至在读小说的时候都喜欢一个字都不放过。遇到措辞考究的作者,阅读过程就更是充满了乐趣。尽管自己写字不喜欢太过考究,但是欣赏他人的精心却很容易让自己产生自己其实也挺考究的幻觉 —— 心知肚明那就是幻觉,然而也知道那是有趣而无害的幻觉。

之所以读书慢,也乐于慢,是因为当前的大环境可以给我一个 “极端八卦” 的机会。我总是慨叹 “Google + Wikipedia + English = Almost Everything”。看到作者提到某一作品或者另外一个他所敬佩的作者,马上就可以查得到相关信息,一头扎进去给它翻个底朝天才叫一个爽。看到 George Cooper 在 The Origin of Financial Crises: Central Banks, Credit Bubbles, and the Efficient Market Fallacy (Vintage)里提到 Hyman Minsky,马上跑到 Gigapedia 上查,很快就找到 Hyman Minsky 的《John Maynard Keynes》(这本原本已经绝版的书,因为 George Cooper 等人的引用,而由 McGraw-Hill 出版公司于 2008 年 4 月重新出版)。再把前前后后的八卦挖掘一番,已经是三五个小时,却也乐此不疲。

读书慢的另外一个重要原因是因为我用很啰嗦的方式记笔记。多年的经验使得我不再相信自己的记忆力,常言道 “好记性不如烂笔头”,笑来说 “记笔记一定用 Google”。摘录原文不再耗费力气(伟大的 Copy/Paste),写下批注,甚至干脆写一整篇文章,加以分类关键字(以便将来搜索),相当耗费时间。但这个时间耗费的值当,不记笔记的人无法理解这种时间精力耗费的合理性,正如不成事儿的人永远不知道事无巨细的道理一样。

好书读一遍是不够的。读书的最大惊喜往往来自反复阅读中的 “偶然” 发现。阅读会刺激思考,思考进而会改变阅读的质量,两者会相辅相成,相生却永不相克。这个过程中几乎可以清楚地体会到多巴胺的分泌,难怪中国古人说 “书中自有颜如玉”,外国人说 “Reading is better than sex”。

3. 人们为什么讨厌精读


  1. 先识字,并识足够多的字(显然常用三千汉字肯定是不够的 —— 对那些了与追求知识的人来说);
  2. 习得足够多的词汇量;
  3. 学习更多、更复杂的是概念 —— 每一个重要的概念都需要大量的篇幅阐述;
  4. 与此同时习得基本的逻辑运用能力,以便能够更有效地理解组织已知概念及其相关信息;
  5. 通过不断的精读习得更多的概念理念;
  6. 通过大量的泛读扩充补充自己的概念和理念;
  7. 通过实践重新理解重要概念,修正对重要理念的理解;
  8. 精读与泛读相互补充、交互运用……


首先很多人其实并没有识足够多的字(其实对于不断追求知识的人来说,只认得却不会用是相当尴尬的一件事情);其次很多人也没有习得足够的词汇量—— 尤其是那些貌似简单却随时可能形成各种逻辑陷阱的词汇(比如 “所有”,“任何”,“不是 …… 就是……” 等等);更可怕的并不是哪一个环节出了差错,而是每个环节都多多少少存在缺陷。

很多的时候,整个扭曲的世界观其实只不过是根植于一两个概念的欠缺或者错误理解 —— 比如 “双盲测试” 或者 “斯德哥尔摩综合症” 就是这样的概念。而其实相当简单的逻辑却是许多人一生搞不懂的东西,“害怕犯错” 进而 “担心受到可怕的惩罚” 是大多数人最终未能掌握逻辑思考能力的唯一根源 —— 教育有时不得不依赖 “强制” 而使得 “恐惧” 占据了很多人的心神乃至于永远无法摆脱它的阴影。

所以,某种意义上来说,很多人从未有能力去 “精读” —— 识字不够多,词汇量不够大,概念量不够丰富,逻辑不够严谨 …… 一句话,不具备 “精读” 的资格。然而人们总是假定自己的能力会随着年龄自动增加,于是,根本站不住脚的假定开始显得极端自然:每个人从学校毕业之后都假定自己识足够多的字、有足够大的词汇量、足够丰富的概念量、足够严谨强大的逻辑思考能力 …… 最要命的是,自以为是地认为自己已经不再需要 “精读” —— 那是中小学生被逼才愿意做的事情 ——“泛读” 才是配得上自己年龄的活动……

他们就好像是股票市场里胡搞瞎搞的投资者一样,时而凭着运气发了点财,甚至是大财,越发地以为自己的成功绝非偶然 —— 心里想着 “我是有来历的,走在芸芸众生中这种感觉尤为强烈……” 但是只要时间足够久(人们越来越长寿这个事实最大的效用就是使得某些幻觉终将不得不面对现实),爬得越高就摔得越惨—— 事后却已经没有机会重新来过。

循序渐进扎扎实实地走到最后一个环节的人所掌握的 “泛读” 能力,和大多数人以为的 “泛读” 其实有着天壤之别。前者尽管在 “泛泛而读”,却拥有足够能力 “不漏过任何重要信息”,并且常常还可以做到 “在字里行间读到言外之意”;后者是真的 “泛泛而已”,从未获得过完整的信息,在千疮百孔的零碎信息中获得属于自己的特有幻觉(且不自知)。

到了一定岁数之后再想重新培养自己的 “精读” 能力就已经是几乎不可能的事情了,因为有太多错误的 “模式” 已经养成,各种各样的错误的理解早已错综盘杂,理不清任何头绪。可惜。

4. 为什么全都读懂了可是题目就是做不对?

高中毕业之后,就不用再参加语文考试了。于是,很多人开始误以为自己的语言文字能力已经足够好了 —— 殊不知那只不过是不再参加考试所以缺点不会被暴露而已。到了大学,很多人是不再参加语文考试了,可是必须参加英语考试(还是语文,只不过是外语语文),于是就开始遇到让他们极度恼火的尴尬:


我教了许多年的 TOEFL 阅读。刚开始的时候也很奇怪,这些学生怎么可能在看懂文章的前提下做错这么直观的题目呢?我大约花费了两三年时间才彻底弄清楚所谓的 “读懂了” 其实只不过是这些做错题目的考生的幻觉而已。


原来,人类的大脑有一种特殊且有强大的功能,叫做 “模式识别”(Pattern Recognization)。比如,我们可以在一张很多人的合影中迅速识别出某个特定的人,即便照片上的那个人可能与现在看起来很不一样(比如比现在年轻 20 岁),这样的时候,我们运用的就是模式识别能力。

人类太依赖这种能力了,乃至于模式识别还有一种模糊处理的变体,叫做 “模式拼接”。当我们在处理零散信息的时候,会不由自主地将它们按照某种之前曾经遇到过的模式拼接起来 —— 并且还总是以一种我们自以为有意义的模式。
有些时候,我们会下意识地使用这种功能。比如,你躺在床上,盯着天花板发呆。过一会儿,大脑的模式识别功能就开始自动启动了:天花板上原本毫无关联、毫无意义的几个斑点、纹理开始变得 “有意义” 起来,比如,你好像看到了一张人脸,或者别的图案什么的……

– Devil’s face in the smoke. A famous photo on 9-11 attack.

上面一张照片,是美国 2001nm 年 911 恐怖袭击事件发生时现场拍摄的一张照片,后来在互联网上广泛流传。人们在双塔大厦被撞之后的漫天烟雾中看到了一张 “栩栩如生” 的撒旦面孔。

问题在于,如果一个人在此之前从来没有在任何地方任何时刻见到过撒旦面孔的话,那烟雾的形状再怎么像撒旦或者完全与撒旦一模一样(假设撒旦真的存在的话),此人也无论如何不可能认出来 —— 因为他之前根本就没见过撒旦么!

合理的解释是,人们在此之前在很多地方都见过撒旦的面孔 —— 戏剧、电影、动漫、插画等等,所以在看到原本毫无意义的烟雾形状之时,迅速调用了大脑中曾经存储过得 “模式”(Pattern),而后用来 “理解” 当时所看到的东西 —— 于是,他们 “看” 到了并不存在的撒旦面孔。

这就解释了为什么那么多做错题目(实际上那些题目非常直观,只要真的读懂了文章,那题目不可能做错)的学生坚信自己读懂了文章。他们实际上根本没有读懂,他们只能读懂文章中的某些部分,而另外一些部分他们读不懂。然而,那些读懂了的部分就好像是天花板上原本无意义的斑点一样,在这些学生不知不觉启动自己的 “模式拼接” 能力之后,变成了貌似有意义的模式 —— 其实是在调用这些学生过往曾经存储过的某些模式;而这些模式实际上他们正在阅读的文章的真实内容无关,甚至干脆相左。于是,他们 “觉得看懂了文章”,实际上看到的却是 “另外一个鬼才知道是什么的东西”,在这种情况下怎么可能做对题目?!

5. 精读的方法


当我们读进来第一句话(标识为 S1)的时候,任务只有一个,“这句话在再说什么?”(What does S1 mean?表示为 M1)其实,有些时候,这并不是一个简单任务。需要两样东西支撑:1)语法知识;2)概念体系。但是,很多人竟然以为只需要单词就够了。

然而,读进来第二句话(S2)的时候,任务就多了一个:不仅要搞清楚 M2,还要搞清楚 M1 和 M2 之间的关系(标识为 R1&2)—— 这是竟然有很多人从来不做的事情。

M1 和 M2 之间的关系,大抵上分为两种:

  1. M1 被 M2 支持。这时,M2 往往可能从三个角度之一(或者三个角度组合使用)去解释 M1——What?(举例、阐述)Why?(因果、比较、分类、目的) How?(方式、手段、步骤)
  2. M1 与 M2 共同支持另外一个句子。这时,M1 与 M2 之间可能的关系分别是:并列、递进、转折。

如果,M1、M2、R1~2 都已知,那么即意味着说真正的 “阅读理解” 就已经全部完成。


  1. M1 未知、M2 已知、R1~2 已知;
  2. M1 已知、M2 未知、R1~2 已知;
  3. M1 已知、M2 已知、R1~2 未知;

这与简单数学没什么两样(就好像 “x+y=z”)—— 一个方程式里面有三个变量,其中两个已知,就很容易推导出第三个变量的值。如果三个变量都是已知的,那也不算是什么考试了。

要知道,设计得严谨科学的阅读理解考试中,是不会出现一个方程式里有三个变量其中却竟然有两个未知的情况的 —— 那不叫考试,那叫 “刁难”。这也是我为什么总是劝诫考生,轻易不要相信什么 “模拟题” —— 反正,我研读过的所有非 ETS 官方的题目,大抵上都不严谨、不科学,不管作者和出版机构是多么地权威 ——不信,谁都可以用刚刚说的简单道理去自己做个判断。

同样的道理,段落与段落之间的关系也是如此。不仅要能够概括出第一段的大意(标记为 MP1 ),然后还要再概括出第二段的大意(标记为 MP2),最后还一定要弄清楚二段之间的关系(标记为 RP1~2)—— 这就是更多人坚决不做的事情了 —— 而后又是解方程式了……


  1. 挣扎着搞清楚每一句话的确切含义。运用一切可以运用的手段 —— 查词典,查语法书,甚至去查 Google。“自己动手” 比 “花钱让别人替自己干活”(比如,报班上课听讲)在这方面不知道要有效多少倍。
  2. 理解每句话之间、每个段落之间的关系。处理段落还有另外一个任务 —— 概括。
  3. 整理词汇。要知道,读完一篇文章之后,自己动手整理词汇,远比背单词书效率高出许多 —— 可惜,大多数人并不相信。
  4. 反复阅读若干遍。读着读着就可能发现很多第一次读并没有注意到的东西。
  5. 复述文章。能够书面或者口头复述刚刚读过的文章,实际上需要很多综合能力:记忆力、逻辑能力、转述能力、重新组织能力、再理解能力等等。
  6. 养成相隔若干天后复习的习惯。

(其实,无论哪一种考试,拿来真题,如此处理 50 篇左右的文章,就基本上所向披靡了。)

鉴于大多数人学英语只是为了应付考试,所以,以上的文字里,是拿着考试文章作为示范的。事实上,读任何文字都可以这样 “品”,只不过,不同类型的文章,“品” 的要点不同而已。读诗品意境,读散文品心境,读小说品情节,读报纸品现实。为了学而读,还要在读与品之外考虑很多事情,作者为什么这么写,这么写好的话好在哪儿,差的话差在哪儿,要是我去写应该怎么写才能更好 …… 等等等等。

6. 快速阅读往往并不靠谱

市面上各种各样关于 “快速阅读” 的神话,其实都非常不靠谱。我不相信那种靠改变眼球运动方式提高阅读速度的理论,因为速度的瓶颈根本就不在于 “输入方式”,而在于 “理解能力”。我也绝不相信 “快速阅读” 能靠一个什么 “补习班” 就可以解决 —— 我相信阅读理解速度只能通过积累提高。

各种快速阅读理论都有一个共同的缺陷,它们假定所有的文字都是格式化的 —— 事实上这绝对不可能。只有格式化的数据才能批处理,这是每一个程序员都懂的道理。可问题在于,知识不可能是格式化的,有的简单,有的复杂,有的恰恰因为简单而难以理解并加以应用,而它们之间又相互关联,有着复杂的依存关系。想用一套简单的模式处理所有的数据,这愚昧的痴心妄想。

积累阅读量是提高阅读理解速度唯一方法。读书多的人读书快。尽管好像人们更愿意相信这句话的反方向:那是 “因为读书快所以才读书多”。


心理学家 Blachowicz 博士曾经做过的调查结果可以给我们一个更清楚地解释这个道理的依据:


这个数据告诉我们,一个五年级的孩子,差不多一分钟阅读大约 170 个英文单词。而实际上,中国学生如果在阅读中文的时候,可以做到差不多一分钟 200 字以上(因为中文的字都是单音节的,而英文词汇往往不止一个音节)。

如果我们按照 200 字/分钟的阅读速度计算,不算小学时代,仅仅初中三年,平均来看每个孩子每天的阅读量大约是 1.5 万字(仅相当于 75 分钟的阅读量)。换言之,初中时代,一个普通的学生,三年总计阅读量会超过 1600 万字 —— 如果假设平均一本书 20 万字的话,就相当于 80 本书。

到了高中时代,喜好读书的孩子阅读量增长会超乎普通人想象 —— 他们的阅读速度会很自然地提高 2~3 倍,又由于理解能力大幅度提升,他们往往并不需要 “速读”,而是通过 “略读” 获取更多的信息。比如说,作者为了证明一个道理提供了三个例子 —— 体现为三个段落,那么,有理解能力的人会扫过第一个例子,跳过其它两个例子而去继续阅读下一个章节。因为这样的时候,他们的阅读速读看起来就比其他人快出许多。所以,通常情况下,在初中时代积累了大量阅读量的学生,在高中时代的阅读速度大约会提高 10 倍左右。这样算下来,整个高中三年,喜好阅读的孩子通常会在这个时期保守估计积累超过 1 亿字的阅读量。

这就好像飞行员也好、汽车司机也罢,夸耀自己驾驶水平时会 “很客观” 地强调自己的驾龄或者里程数一样,一个人的阅读量积累越多,他的阅读理解能力就越强,进而阅读速度就越快,进而阅读量更容易积累,从而形成良性循环。


7. 给自己种一棵读书种子

经常听人们这样说:“我对英语非常感兴趣”,却很少听到有人这么说:“文字太美了!” 很多人对英语感兴趣,却对母语没兴趣,这只能说明他们不了解文字的意义,只不过是肤浅的实用主义者而已。他们看到的只不过是 “英语好的话薪水高,机会多……” 而已。要不然他们怎么会对越南语、缅甸语不感兴趣?人大多都如此,都想要自己配不上的东西 —— 这是他们的本质,也是他们最终不快乐的根源。当然,他们把这种莫名其妙的行为称之为 “追求”,并且对这个词有着特殊而又浓厚的情感。肤浅的实用主义者对英语的兴趣,就好像是一个不懂工程的人对工具的兴趣一样无聊。

英语不过是一种文字,这一点上来看,它并不比其它的文字更好、更高级、更优美。自认为自己的母语是全天下最美的语言,是最为幼稚的想法(都懒得加上之一)。印象中第一次意识到这种幼稚的存在,是读中学的时候,语文课本里有篇文章叫《最后一课》,作者都德激情地写道,“法语是世界上最美的语言!” 而在另外一个国度(这个国度里所使用的语言是地球上使用者最多的语言:汉语),(中文)语文老师激动地(某种意义上也避重就轻地)讲述着作者都德的爱国热情,一遍一遍地复述着都德那个狭隘民族主义的弱智句子 “法语是世界上最美的语言!” —— 有比这个更为荒唐的场景么?(当然,都德在那个特殊的时代拥有这种(狭隘)民主主义情绪,从另外一个意义上来说更可能应该被理解为 “英雄的”……)

任何语言文字都有它自己固有的独特之处,都有它独特美丽的根源。然而最终,语言文字是用来表述、记录、交流思想的。如果有什么真正美丽或者更加美丽的话,是思想,而不是语言文字本身。美丽的思想,用任何语言表达都美丽,用一种语言表达光芒四射,用另外一种语言表达四射光芒。电影V for Vendetta)中,主角 V 身中无数枪却不死,缓步逼近 Creedy,而 Creedy 的手枪里已经没有了子弹,于是绝望地大喊,“Why won’t you die?!” V 淡然地说,“Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy. And ideas are bulletproof.”

印象里第一次深刻体会到多懂一门语言的好处,是终于读到Animal Farm这本书的时候。这本书在国内许多年前曾经是禁书。经常可以在一些牛人的文章里看到这本书被提及,我却遍寻不得之,极为痛苦。终于有一天,搞到一本 Animal Farm 的英法对照本,于是一口气读完。当时的我当然看不懂法文了,而英文要靠不停地查词典才可以。那所谓的 “一口气” 大约是两个星期 —— 那书其实只不过是薄薄的一个小册子而已。Animal Farm 被誉为 20 世纪最伟大的小说之一。作者乔治•奥威尔(Geroge Orwell)用他不留情的笔触讲了个让人毛骨悚然的寓言故事。

在英格兰有这么一个农场。农场的主人常常酗酒,也不懂得善待农场里的动物们。有一天,主人不在,有一头老猪把大伙召集到谷仓里开了个会。就看它颤颤巍巍爬上台,对台下的动物们说,“I had a dream……”还没讲完,农场主就回来了,动物们吓得赶紧散会。第二天,老猪就去世了。可是那天老猪的讲演却深刻而又顽固地留在动物们的脑海里,尽管大多数的动物并不是很懂老猪说的究竟是什么……后来有一天,有两头猪(猪是所有动物里智商最高的),一头叫Snowball,另外一头叫Napoleon,带着大伙起义了,把农场主赶了出去,占领了农场,建立了Animal Republic…农场里还有很多其它动物,比如,无论谁说什么都点头称是的鸭子们,无私奉献自己的蛋的鸡们,充当警察角色的狗们,一匹为首是瞻兢兢业业的低智商的马Boxer,一个只喜欢花丝带的小母马Mollie,一头什么都看不上愤世嫉俗的老驴Benjamin,还有一只说话不中听的乌鸦 Moses……Animal Republic有七戒,最后一条是“All animals are equal.”

这本书读过很久之后的某一天,我突然意识到,多懂一门语言就相当于多出了一片天空。英语对我来说,不再是要 “学” 那么简单了,而是要用它获得自由,哪怕仅仅是精神上的自由 —— 再说还有什么比精神上的自由更为宝贵的东西呢?

从某种意义上,我一直感激那个把 Animal Farm 禁掉的那个人(或 “那些” 我永远也不会知道是谁的人),如若他(们)未曾设置那样一道貌似不可逾越的障碍,我可能永远不会有这种特殊的体会。再后来,有一天听Randy Pausch博士在他的 “The Last Lecture” 中说 “The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something…” —— 瞬间,热泪盈眶。

8. 只有人类才善于阅读

人类正是因为有了文字才与其它物种有了本质上的不同。而阅读,对于任何一个正常人类来说都具有非凡的意义。人类之外的物种只能依赖最落后但被称为神奇的方式积累经验:基因遗传。Terry Burnham 和 Jay Phelan 在 MEAN GENE 一书中提到,啄木鸟可以本能地采用最优算法获取食物 —— 而一个 MIT 的数学博士面对同样的问题却不见得可以迅速解决;而啄木鸟的小脑袋在没有受过高等教育的情况下,是如何得到结果的呢?答案是:通过基因遗传。

人类当然可以通过基因遗传积累经验。婴儿尽管没有见过蛇,但只要见到蛇就会嚎啕大哭;婴儿也没有见过枪,但他们却不怕这个比蛇要可怕不知道多少倍的东西 —— 人类祖祖辈辈被蛇咬过不知道多少次;然而,人们认识到枪的危险至今只不过两百年不到,还没来得及形成可以通过基因遗传的 “天生” 的恐惧。

文字的出现,使人类与其他动物区分开来。文字的出现,使得人类的经验积累不再仅仅依赖基因遗传。人类开始使用文字记录并积累信息、获得知识、传播经验 …… 信息爆炸使得我们处于人类史上进步最为惊人的时代,日新月异这个词已经不够 —— 用 “分新秒异” 都并不过分。


然而,今天,文字传播的便易也已经到达前所未有的高度。可以说是互联网改变了一切。字处理程序、博客程序(blog engine)、微博客(比如 twitter)以及搜索引擎使得文字的书写、经验知识的记录、传播、共享、检索变得前所未有地容易。任何人只要稍有常识,就可以 “出版” 自己 “体验”、“试错”、“观察” 的文字记。搜索引擎简单而又清爽的界面背后几乎是宇宙量级的信息(用 “海量” 这个词已经不够)。知识共享的精神被前所未有地发扬光大,最直接的也是意义最重大的产物就是免费的维基百科(Wikipedia)。今天,只要拥有足够的阅读能力,任何人都可以获得过去难以获得的 “博士” 级的知识。

在这样的时代里,“阅读” 突破了个体的 “体验” 或者单纯的 “试错” 的种种局限。“体验” 往往只能局限于自己,而 “试错” 局限于自己的阅历。然而,通过 “阅读”,我们可以得知他人的 “体验” 和 “试错” 结果(即所谓的 “经验”)。可以跨越时间、空间,不用说可以跨越种族和国度 —— 文字翻译工具越来越先进,而掌握两种或者两种以上语言的人数也在不停地增加。

“阅读” 的前提是使用文字记载的前人经验已经存在。而文字使得快速的经验积累成为可能 —— “对蛇(爬行动物)的恐惧” 可能需要几百代才能通过记忆遗传变成 “天生的知识”,但是,有了文字之后,一代之间,就有可能积累并获得千百年来积累的知识。现代人只需要通过小学、中学、大学总计差不多十五年左右的时间里,就有机会在学校里把哥白尼、伽利略、牛顿,或者达尔文、门捷列夫,甚至爱因斯坦等历史上的巨人们所拥有的全部知识囊括在自己的脑中。

文字太重要了。但是,明显的另外一个事实是,小学、中学、大学总计差不多十五年左右的时间貌似并不可能,也没有做到 “教育” 出另外一个哥白尼、另外一个伽利略、另外一个牛顿,或者另外一个达尔文、另外一个门捷列夫,甚至另外一个爱因斯坦。显然,还应该有更重要的获取知识的方法,其使用以及传授的难度之高甚至连世世代代的精英们前仆后继呕心沥血精心设计的 “正规教育” 体系都往往以失败告终。

而习得第二语言(甚至更多语言)之后,就多出另外一片天空。而英文目前又是地球上文库信息量最大最高质的文字,而 Wikipedia 的出现,又进一步强化了英语在这方面的地位。尽管有些时候,部分英文书籍有相应的中译版,但,读译本有时很令人头痛,令人不痛快,因为

  1. 译文质量差;
  2. 译文也许经过裁剪 (censorship);
  3. 译文也必然来得太晚……

也许有些人认为读译文更省时间,然而,从另外一个角度来说,习得第二语言才是真正节省时间提高效率的方法。习得第二语言根本没有那些失败者想像得那么难,相反可能很简单。那些人之所以觉得 “那么难”,其实无非是因为他们在这方面没有成功过而已。做得好的人也知道难,并且真的知道真的有多难,但他们好像并不怕难。其实也对,想想看吧,做什么事不难呢?怕又有什么用呢?

9. 如何拥一个像 Umberto Eco 教授的私人图书馆一样的甚至更好的图书馆

自古以来,想要读书,家底就要足够殷实。想想看吧,一年四季都不用下地干活,竟然还有饭吃,这是一般人能够拥有的条件么?我们读古诗,看马致远(约 1250~1324)慨叹 “枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。” 说得那个凄凉。但是,细想想,管它瘦还是不瘦,毕竟他还有一匹马(今天有多少比例的人有车开?),跟这个书童(今天有多少人雇得起私人秘书?),纸墨笔砚文房四宝(多贵的东西才叫 “宝”?其实成本价格可能要比今天最多只有 1/3 的人可以随身携带的笔记本电脑要高多了……)要随身携带 …… 很多人家并没有很丰裕的家底,不小心出了个读书人,好不容易几代人攒出来的家底就被他给 “败” 了。马致远仕途不畅,后隐居杭州。


十七世纪末、十八世纪初的时候,法国有位哲学家,Pierre Daniel Huet,被认为是那个时代最为博学(erudite)的人。据说他为了不浪费时间,给自己配了个识字的仆人,随时带着书跟着他,一旦他闲下来的时候 —— 比如吃饭、如厕,或者在谁谁的客厅里等人的时候 —— 就读书给他听(我猜这位仆人也比大多数人博学);而绝大多数人在大约两百年之后才有机会、有支付能力购买可以随身携带的 mp3 播放器用来随时听买来的 audiobook……于是他在二十岁的时候,就已经被认为是那个时代里最有前途的学者。

Umberto Eco教授,一位意大利学者,也许是当今世界最博学的人之一(对了,他还是 007 邦德的粉丝)。他最有形有款的事情是他拥有一个藏书多达三万册的私人图书馆 —— 以他的渊博,选书也肯定一流,所以那可是三万本精品呢。他最看不起问他 “哇!Umberto Eco,这么多的书里你究竟读过多少本?” 的人 —— 因为,他认为藏书并非为了显摆自己的身份,并且,更深刻的是,他认为没读过的书要比读过的书更加重要,更具不可估量的价值。

对于绝大多数人来讲,读书本质上来看是很奢侈的爱好,如果考虑时间精力成本的话,读书比吸毒昂贵多了 —— 另外一方面,吸毒会严重缩短寿命,而读书基本上不会有这样的副作用,于是,读书的累计成本无疑要比吸毒高出不只一个量级 。不妨想象一下仅仅这三万册书本身的总价就不会低于 100 万美元……

然而,互联网改变了一切。以下我将告诉读者一个为自己建一个电子图书馆的方法。读者只需要一台电脑(两三千块钱而已的成本),有互联网连接,就可以拥有一个无限容量的私人图书馆,占地小,花钱少,成本低,效率高 —— 因为是藏电子书,所以还可以全文检索,这可是马致远、周永年也好,Pierre Daniel Huet 也罢,不敢想象、不曾体会的好处。Umberto Eco 最看不起问他 “哇!Umberto Eco,这么多的书里你究竟读过多少本?” 的人 —— 因为,他认为没读过的书要比读过的书更加重要,更具不可估量的价值。而终于,我们现在有机会为自己建一个读不完但可以随时检索的巨型图书馆!

自从 Windows Vista 开始,Windows 就内建了已经羽翼丰满、性能良好、界面友好、使用方便的 “索引服务”。而在新推出的 Windows 7 上,索引服务的性能更令人满意 —— 尤其只是用来搜索自己的电子书的时候。

因为 pdf 是最常用的电子书格式,所以要现在计算机上下载并安装 Acrobat Reader。

首先要确定 Windows 上已经启用了 “索引服务”:依次选择 “控制面板”>“程序”>“程序和功能”>“打开或关闭 Windows 功能”。

另外一个方法是:先按一下 “Windows 键”,然后输入 “打开或者关闭 Windows 功能”;事实上,只要输入 “打开或” 这三个字的时候,已经可以在 Windows 的 “开始菜单” 中看到 “打开或关闭 Windows 功能” 的链接了:

默认 Indexing Service 之前是没有打勾的,现在打上勾,然后按确定按钮。

而后要配置 “索引选项”。在控制面板中找到 “索引选项” 并点击,会跳出 “索引选项” 对话框:

点对话框中的 “高级” 按钮,开始配置高级选项:1) 把 “将发音符号不同的相似单词当作不同的单词 (T)” 之前的勾去掉。因为我们用来索引的是英文电子书,所以并不希望计算机把 “resume” 和 “resumè” 当作两个词处理。2) 而后点击 “选择新位置” 按钮,更改 Windows 索引服务所生成的数据库存放位置。下面的图片是在虚拟机里截取的,所以显示的是 “C:\eLibrary Index Files”。事实上,我是用一块儿单独的硬盘(或者起码一个单独的分区)来存放电子书的。那块儿硬盘下只有三个目录:“x:\eLibrary”(用来存放 pdf、html、doc、rtf、txt 之类的电子书)、“x:\eLibrary Index Files”(用来存放索引文件),和 “Audios and Videos”(用来存放有声书和视频讲座)。

而后还要配置索引服务所要索引的文件类型。默认情况下,已经在 Windows 中注册过的所有类型都会被索引,但是,我们只需要它去索引一个目录中的几种特定文件类型就可以了,包括:doc、docs、rtf、txt、html、和 pdf……

另外,要在 “应该如何索引此文件?” 下选择 “为属性和文件内容添加索引(C)” —— 以便将来我们可以对书库里的书籍进行 “全文检索”。

现在我们要选择 “索引位置”。在此之前,我们要先修改一下 Windows 的文件夹显示选项。在开始菜单中点击 “计算机”,按一下 “Alt” 键,就可以看到菜单栏,选择 “工具”“文件夹选项”,然后在 “查看” 标签中,找到 “隐藏文件和文件夹”,选中第二个选项:“显示隐藏的文件、文件夹和驱动器”。

现在,回到 “索引选项” 对话框中,点击 “修改(M)” 按钮。而后在 “索引位置” 对话框中选中 “eLibrary” 目录。

如此配置之后,Windows 就会在计算机空闲的时候,就会为 “eLibrary” 目录中的所有电子书进行全文索引;而以后可以随时把新的电子书放到 “eLibrary” 目录中,Windows 会自动更新索引数据库。

想要在自己的书库里找点什么的时候,只需要用 “资源管理器” 找到存放电子书的目录,而后在右上角的搜索输入框中填写所要搜索的关键字,即可看到搜索结果。更快捷一点的方法是,按一下 Windows 键,而后直接输入想要搜索的字符串。

5.8 轻松搜索电子书



1. 在 Google 上直接搜索书名或者作者名。

有些作者可能会直接提供全文下载。比如,诺贝尔经济学奖得主米尔顿弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)的 “Free to Choose” 不仅有文本,还有 PBS 为其制作的 15 集视频。《自私的基因》的作者;理查德道金斯(Richard Dawkins)的个人网站上提供他的大部分著作的下载。

2. 在 Google 搜索里指定文件格式

电子书的最常用格式包括这么几个:chm, pdf, djvu。chm 格式无需特殊的阅读器,pdf 需要安装 Adobe Reader;而 djvu 也有自己的阅读器。而很多的时候,网络上这些电子书往往会被压缩成 rar、zip 或其它格式;最好安装一个 WinRAR 或者 7-Zip 解压程序。

搜索时,在 Google 的输入框里输入作者名或者书名,之后填上 “filetype:pdf”。比如:

Tipping Point filetype:pdf

总之,可以尝试的文件类型有:chm, pdf, djvu, doc, rtf, txt, rar, zip…

3. 到 Google Books 上看看有没有可以直接浏览的版本

Google Books 做的非常好,访问地址是http://books.google.com/。很多书籍都可以直接在线阅读;就算没有“Preview”的书籍,也提供检索功能。

4. 干脆自定义一个专门的搜索引擎

Google 的自定义搜索引擎(Google CSE)功能非常强大。我专门做了一个搜索电子书的 CSE,在这个页面上可以找到:http://is.gd/6nUgW

5. 到 WikiPedia 上搜索一下作者和书名

在 WikiPedia 上往往可以找到很多相关信息;作者越著名,书籍越畅销,相关信息就越多。往往会顺藤摸瓜找到更多资源。

10. 如何收集好书

如果说好书多得像大海一般汪洋,那么烂书就好像太空一样苍茫。周永年之所以见书必得,是因为那个年代成书太难,传书不易。而今却不一样,出版越来越容易,传播越来越便捷。人们总是说这是个信息爆炸的年代,但是我却深不以为然。要真的是有效信息爆炸就好了 —— 因为它爆炸了,我们就开心死了,爆炸了的有效信息不仅好找,而且好用。可事实上,爆炸的更可能是垃圾信息而已。互联网的出现,某种意义上只是加快了信息流动的速度而已,在有效信息创造方面的提升尽管很明显但效用从目前来看却依然有限。于是,更得益于传播速度增加的是垃圾信息、无效信息。而相对来看,有效信息却前所未有地更加难以寻找、筛选。

所以,花时间选书不仅一点都不浪费时间,更重要的是这个过程等同于在提高自己的生活质量。我个人对各种时间管理技巧都抱有一定程度的狐疑,只相信 “用正确的方法做正确的事情” 才能不虚度光阴。读书时需要消耗时间的,消耗时间等同于消耗生命,只要意识清醒,有谁愿意无谓地浪费生命呢?

最先可以从作者入手,买牛人写的书,尝试着去理解牛人的看法和想法。想了解任何一个学科,都可以先去看看那个学科里当前最著名的人写过哪些书。最著名的人不一定是最好的作者,但,总体上来看,他还是最靠谱一些。我读宏观经济学的时候,第一本教课书读的是 MIT 的经济学教授 Paul Krugman 与 Maurice Obstfeld 合著的那本 International Economics: Theory and Policy;此书 1998 年第一版,到 2008 年已经是第八版了;同一年,Paul Krugman 获得诺贝尔经济科学奖。这样的作者所写的书,读起来相对更加放心一些 —— 尽管,时时刻刻保留一点怀疑态度没什么不对,也确实应该。再后来,想去认真读一下心理学的时候,我选的第一本书是宾夕法尼亚大学心理学教授 Martin E. P. Seligman 的 What You Can Change and What You Can’t: The Complete Guide to Successful Self-Improvement。

有些时候,我们需要去了解一个之前全无了解的领域,这样的时候,我们可能几乎没办法知道那个领域里究竟有哪些牛人。那还有另外一个方法,从版次入手。一般来说,我只买第二版以后的书。大约在 1997 年前后,二十五六岁的我,突然有一天发现自己竟然缺乏足够的逻辑思维能力,于是只好跑到图书馆里找答案。从 “thinking” 这个词入手开始检索,发现有很多书的名字都以 “critical thinking” 为关键字 —— 那之前我都不知道还有这样一个词组(可见我有多么孤陋寡闻)。于是,在一大堆名字里有 “critical thinking” 的书籍里,选择了一本五六年前第一版、当时已经再版四次的书,Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking,作者是 Vincent Ruggiero,此书于 2007 年发行第八版。一点都不夸张地讲,这本书成了我那次重生的起点。直到今天,我都会时不时拿出这本书翻一翻。反复读过这本书之后,顺藤摸瓜又找到一批相关的好书,于是就不停地有着暗爽的机会……

也是用同样的方法找到了 Joseph M. Williams 教授。当时在我需要的时候,找到了他那本在 1981 年首版、2000 年已经第六版的 Style: Ten Lessons In Clarity and Grace(此书于 2006 年发行第九版),然后一口气买了他的好几本:Style: Toward Clarity and Grace,The Craft of Argument(这本书我买的是第一版,2007 年此书发行第三版),The Craft of Research。

还有一个淘宝的好地方是好书的 “参考文献” 部分。老外写书是非常严谨的,他们从来不会隐藏自己的想法的来源和根据,这些都要清清楚楚地罗列在 “参考文献” 之中。那么牛的人物写书所参考的书籍一般都是好书,而那些被参考的文献的作者,也往往都是骨灰级的大牛。而好书的内容中提到的、甚至给予极高评价的书籍,当然也同样值得找来一睹为快。


第八章 叮嘱

1. 速成绝不可能

中国学生总觉得自己已经 “学” 了十多年英语,一想到这么多青春年华的逝去,就觉得自己特别可怜;转念一想,“可怜” 这个词是贬义,于是开始用 “悲壮” 形容自己。可事实上,真的学了那么多年吗?那么多年里真的学了吗?不问倒罢了,一旦正视这个问题,就知道过往许多年里的所谓 “学” 相当禁不住推敲。

其实大多数学生每天投入到英语学习的时间并没有多少。也许某段时间昏天暗地地突击,可是从未有过长期持续的努力 —— 如果有的话,哪怕很差的方法都会发生一定的甚至是很大的正面作用,早就不再为英语苦恼了。

许多年前,我在网上读到 Peter Norvig 的一篇文章,“Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years”。这位作者认为人们去买那种诸如 “7 天自学 Java 语言” 之类名字的书是很无知的表现。他认为用十年时间学会程序设计非常值当。

再看另一种类型的领域。披头士乐团似乎是在1964的Ed Sullivan 剧场表演突然地火起来并成为第一乐队的。但其实他们从 1957 年开始,就在利物浦、汉堡等地的小型俱乐部表演。虽然他们很早就显现强大的吸引力,但他们决定性的成功作品 Sgt Pepper 也到1967年才发行。Samuel Johnson 则认为或许还不止十年才行,他说:任何领域的卓越成就都必须用一生的努力才能取得; 稍微低一点的代价都是换不到的。Chaucer 则感叹道: “生命如此短促,学习技艺却要这么地长”


Peter Norvig 写这篇文章(2001)的几年后,2008 年 11 月,Malcolm Gladwell 出版了他那本畅销书《Outliers》,在这本书中 Malcolm Gladwell 把这 “十年” 换算成了更为精确的 “10000 小时” —— 想要出类拔萃,就要努力至少一万小时。让我们来算一下,一年三百六十五天,如果每天花在学英语的时间持续保持在三个小时,那么九年多一点点就能够积累 10000 小时的 “驾驶里程”;如果每天 4 个小时,则七年不到的时间就够了。如果每天 6 个小时,大约四年半就够了。

如果你自己正在为英语学习所苦恼,不妨扪心自问,自己在过去的许多年里,持续努力的时间究竟有多久呢?病根就在这里。另外,请格外注意 “持续” 两个字。突击一个月不到,然后半年无消息,则相当于前功尽弃,毫无累积。

最近几年,我的学生中有很多高中生在托福考试中获得极高的成绩 —— 很多都在 110 分以上。按照ETS的官方数据,110 分的百分比等级(Percentile Rank)是 96.8%,即,每次考试中大约只有 3.2%的人成绩在 110 分以上。以我的经验,在大学生中获得 110 分以上托福成绩的人数感觉上要比高中生少很多。某种程度上我只能用我自己的经验去审视这个现象。我问自己的问题是,为什么我教的东西是一样的,但高中生却能获得比大学生更高的成绩呢?

想来想去,最合理的解释也许是这个:高中生学习的时间更长。高中生还非常习惯上午上四节课,下午上四节课,晚上回家再做两个小时的作业。而反过来,大学生却不是如此,很多大学生一天要是学上两个半小时,就觉得自己已经很刻苦了!大学生可做的事情太多,要参加朋友的生日聚会,要谈恋爱,要参加各种活动,等等等等 —— 他们太 “忙”,像李宗盛描述的那样 “忙忙忙,忙是为了自己的理想还是为了不让别人失望?” 某种意义上,高中生能够获得比大学生更高的托福考试成绩 —— 这个现象本身就在证明托福这种考试考的不是智商,当然也不是智慧(生活经验在这里没有任何用处)。最终,在这样的考试上,谁花费的时间越多,谁就可能具备更多的优势。

正如之前所说的那样,想要改变生活,就要改变观念。从现在开始,请牢牢记住,“速成不绝可能”。如若真的相信这个简单的道理,就不大可能懈怠,因为相信这个道理就等于相信 “一切都靠积累”,而笃信这种简单道理的人怎么可能偷懒,怎么可能懈怠?

而真正的关键又在于,用英语还真是几乎所有技能中最简单的 —— 因为它真的根本就不需要 10 年时间。实际情况是,只要坚持 6 个月,就肯定渐入佳境。这些年我教过的无数高中生向我清楚地证明了这点 —— 而后面的文字里,我还有进一步的说明。

2. 英语不能只学不用

大多数中国学生学不好英语的关键在于他们 “学得太久,用得太少。” 对大多数普通人来说,英语只不过是一种工具,或者说复杂点,英语是一种技能。如果再严格点,对大多数普通人来说,英语只能是一种工具,最多 只能是一种技能。毕竟只有少数人会成为语言学家或者文学家(竟然使用第二语言)—— 因为很多人尽管梦想成为语言学家但最终大多无疾而终,就好像很多梦想成为画家的人最终会沦落为画匠一样。

人们常常假定所谓的技能都必须熟练到一定程度才可以安全应用。这个假定在很多情况下确实是正确的。比如,如果你想以医生为职业,那么你必须通过考试获得行医资格之后被允许救死扶伤;如果你想以律师为职业,那么你也必须通过考试获得律师资格之后才可以去匡扶正义。哪怕再简单一些的技能也可能如此,比如,你买了一辆车想将其作为代步工具,那么就必须通过考试获得驾照之后才被允许开车上路 —— 无证驾驶是违法的。

然而这个假定并不适用于英语(或者说,其他的第二语言)这项技能的习得以及应用。司机、医生、律师需要通过考试才能应用所需技能的重要原因在于这些技能的应用如若出现差错很有可能会对他人造成伤害 —— 甚至可能是无可挽回的。但是, 英语这项技能的应用在大多数情况下很难对他人造成伤害。你英文发音再难听,听的人也不会因此晕死;你英文语法错误再多,读的人也不会因此疼痛;别人对你说英文你没听懂或者给你看英文你没读懂,若非极端情况,你也不会因此就从此真的无颜见人。

英语这项技能并不是一定要学好到一定程度才可以使用的。甚至,从一开始就可以,也应该直接使用。但我们并没有。对很多中国学生来讲,其实学了这么多年英语,倒也不是从来都没用过,只不过,用在一个比较荒谬、离语言的真正应用八杆子打不着的一样东西上 —— 考试。原本世上从来就不曾存在过任何一个真正 “公平、合理、准确” 的考试,所有的考试都有一定程度的荒谬成分存在。而国内的英语考试更是如此 —— 这事实几近于公理,谁都知道,乃至于无需进一步证明。

第二语言习得与母语习得有很大的不同。母语习得过程中,我们是先会 “听”,之后才会 “说”,听说都已经很熟练了才开始 “读”,而 “写” 是最后习得的。由于 “写” 本质上最需要思考能力(另外一个更加难以学会使用的东西),所以事实上,很多人(比例可能高得惊人)致死都没有真正学会 “写” ——他们顶多 “识字” 而已。第二语言习得过程中,不仅这种自然的顺序被打乱了,对很多人来讲,听说读写哪一个都从来没有真正习得。

对第二语言来讲,大多数人会很自然地先会 “读”,再会 “听”,之后很难会 “说”。至于 “写”,母语的都没弄明白呢,第二语言就不用提了。但是,事实上, “读” 已经是语言作为一种工具最为重要的功能了(关于过分强调口语的重要性,嘲笑 “哑巴英语” 的做法究竟为什么多少有些荒谬,我会写另外一篇文章),在第二语言是,“识字” 本身已经足够,“能言善辩” 当然很好,不过也算 “锦上添花” —— 就算没有花,也已经相当锦绣了。我们常说,大量的机会本质上都来自于信息不对称 —— “你知道的我不知道,所以我只好付费给你换取信息。” 那么,如果用英文可以获得更多的信息的话,是不是已经格外划算了呢?(还记得之前说过的 “其实连哑巴英语都并不那么坏” 么?)

3. 背单词不是学英语

一不小心就把 “背单词” 当作英语学习的全部,这是中国学生学英语最常见的缪误。背单词并不等同于学英语,它原本只应该是英语学习的一小部分内容而已。在国内,几乎每个学生都买过若干本词汇书。我常常见到学生的书架上有高考词汇书、四级词汇书、六级词汇书、考研词汇书、TOEFL 词汇书、SAT 词汇书、GRE 词汇书 …… 有时候我禁不住问,“咦?你怎么就不买一本好词典呢?” 得到的回答竟然是 “哦,太贵了……” 很难弄明白这些学生究竟是怎么想的。

其实倒也不是猜不出来。当学生看不懂一篇英语文章之时,他所能体会到的最直接的尴尬来自于让他们无能为力的 “大量生词”。于是就自然而然地认为自己的最大问题在于 “没有足够的词汇量”,于是希望通过背一本词汇书迅速提高词汇量(请注意这再次出现的急于求成之心理)。可问题真的就如看起来的那样吗?

如果我们把每个单词比喻成一块的砖头,而把一篇文章比喻成一栋的房子的话,那么就很容易明白文章并不只由词汇构成 —— 除了砖头之外,还要有很多其他材料,最容易想到的起码还有钢筋和水泥。并不是你比别的人拥有更多的砖头就意味着说你肯定能够盖出比别人更大的房子;如果你只有砖头而没有钢筋水泥的话,你有的只不过是砖堆而已。实际上,我们都宁可砖头少一点,但一定要有足够的钢筋和水泥 —— 这样的话我们就能造出房子。哪怕因为砖头没那么多所以房子小了一点,但是,毕竟还有房子可住,比既不中看又不中用的砖堆好多了吧?我真的很喜欢这个类比,可以把事情讲得特别清楚:

An essay is written with words just as a house is built with bricks, but merely a collection of words cannot be called an essay any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house.

在分辨哪一种背单词方法最好(后文会有详细论述)之前,首先要明白仅仅背单词肯定是不够用的,甚至是全然没用的 —— 只有砖头没有钢筋水泥等材料还不如什么都没有,因为既盖不了房子又干着急。

其实,各种各样背单词的 “神技” 几乎都没有多大用处。最好的、最有效的是最朴素的方法:通过大量阅读积累词汇,通过频繁使用消化词汇 —— 这也是不二法门。

4. 为了学好外语,绝不能忽视母语

先请读者做一道 TOEFL 词汇题,然后再讲道理。

The second possible benefit of communal roots is that they act as “information centers.” During the day, parties of birds will have spread out to forage over a very large area. When they return in the evening some will have fed well, but others may have found little to eat.

The word “forage” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) fly
(B) assemble
(C) feed
(D) rest

一个人的外语能力往往受限于自己的母语能力。第二语言学得再好,也很难比母语更好。即便是那些 “天生” 的多语使用者,在生活过程中必然会出现某一种语言使用得比其它语言更多的情况;于是,最终那个被使用得最多的语言将成为他们的 “主导语言”(The dominant language);而其后,这些人再去学习其它语言的时候,能够达到的程度基本上会受限于他们 “主导语言” 的水平。其实,更加准确地来说,之所以一个人能够使用的众多语言之中母语使用能力总是处于最高水平,本质上是因为母语被使用的机会最多,套用司机的术语就是,母语的 “驾龄” 最久。语言与任何其他技能一样,越用越熟,孰能生巧,巧则可夺天工。

甚至语言应用的各个方面(听、说、读、写)都是如此。我个人的经历来就是很好的例子。我是朝鲜族。小学二年级之前,我读的是全韩语授课的学校,那时候,尽管我能同时说汉语和韩语两种语言,但显然韩语的读与写要强过汉语的读与写,而听与说的能力在两种语言上很难看出太大差异。后来转学到全汉语授课的学校,没多久情况就逆转了过来,汉语的读写能力远远强过韩语的读写能力。原因很简单,用汉语读写的东西远远超过韩语读写。在全汉语授课的环境中不到两年的时间,由于长时间不说韩语,我甚至出现了相当长一段时间的韩语 “失语” 现象 —— 尽管依然能够听懂韩语,但就是说不出来(这种现象在双语使用地区往往非常普遍)。直到初中的时候全家随父母调动工作搬迁到延边朝鲜族自治州之后,由于必须说韩语的场合多了起来,几个月之内开始慢慢恢复,直至可以像过去一样流利地说韩语。许多年后在新东方教书七年,由于工作的需要,几乎每天都在长时间大量阅读英文资料。三五年下来,可以明显感到的是英文阅读能力开始慢慢超过中文阅读能力,但是说与写的能力还是英文远不如中文,道理也很明显,就是各方面的使用量各不相同而已。在离开新东方之前的几年里,教授的是作文,每天讲啊讲的同时也在写啊写,英文写作能力渐渐超过中文写作能力。而最近几年,每天都在写博客,能够清楚地感觉到中文写作能力在不断提高(每天都在进步所带来的感觉往往并不是沾沾自喜而是暗暗自卑 —— 因为每天都在进步很可能说明另外一个问题,那就是,之前实在是太差了),再次超过英文写作能力。现在,我的英文阅读能力最好,中文听说写能力次之,韩文的听说读写相对最差 —— 最差的是韩文的写作能力,几乎二十多年没有用韩文写过东西了 …… 一个人语言使用能力的 “用进废退” 有多么明显,由我的个人经历可窥见一斑。

然而,对于大多数人来说 —— 大多数人最初只是单语使用者 —— 无论如何都是母语使用能力最强、母语使用频率最高(无论听、说、读、写哪一方面)。而当我们运用语言汲取知识,交流经验,沟通讨论的时候,连带着语言一起使用的还有很多其他能力,比如,观察能力、概括能力、转述能力、逻辑能力、语言组织能力、换位思考能力,甚至肢体语言的运用能力等等。这些能力会自然地与语言文字运用能力交织在一起完成其功用。当我们使用母语的时候,这些必须与之搭配使用的能力会自然而然地被调用,进而各自的运用技巧会在不断的实践中被打磨甚至升华。与此同时,这些能力的提高会反过来影响母语语言文字运用能力的提高,它们之间相辅相成。


很多中国学生醉心于背单词(其实,背单词是英语学习过程中最为简单的一件事情 —— 尽管大多数人不这么认为),可是他们之中的很多人并不知道,自己背单词感觉那么难的重要原因之一在于他们的母语词汇量就不足够大。根据阅读量、以及主动阅读(active reading)经验积累的不同,每个人的词汇量,以及每个人能够熟练使用、明晰分辨的词汇量都各不相同,往往差异巨大。如此说来,相对于那些母语词汇量大(能够熟练使用、明晰分辨的词汇量同样也相对更大)的人来说,他们可能在阅读中见到更多他们在母语中就没用过甚至干脆没见过的词汇,所以他们相对会遇到更多 “几乎无法逾越的” 阅读障碍;而在背诵单词列表的时候,他们也相对面临更多的困难。

我在长期讲授 TOEFL 作文的过程中,最常观察到的现象是,很多学生写不出作文根本不是英文问题 —— 因为事实上,那些作文题目尽管貌似简单,但是实际上很可能就算让他们用中文写也不一定写得出来。更多的时候,他们不是不会写英文,而是干脆没什么东西可写,哪怕让他们用中文也一样没什么东西可写。老外的文章并不是因为辞藻华丽句式复杂才值得看(任何文化都一样 —— 包括中文世界 —— 讨厌 “金玉其外败絮其中” 的文风),而是因为好的文章简洁、有效、朴素、具体、生动(想想看,在中文世界里,这样的文风不也是被认为最佳的么?至少孙犁先生就这么认为。)平日里写中文文章就是空话连篇的人,如何教会他用英文写出 “using clearly appropriate examples or details to demonstrate his ideas”(使用清楚恰当的例子或者细节论证他的观点)的文章呢?(这一条几乎是所有留学考试——TOEFL、GRE、SAT、IELTS……——中的作文部分的最重要评分标准之一)

这甚至不是中文问题,而是思考习惯问题。我常常调侃很多学生写文章,“for example” 的时候只能 “for 一个 zample”(“for example” 的谐音),甚至很多时候连一个都没有 —— 这是平日里没有带着问题观察记录的习惯造成的,与语言(无论是中文还是英文)甚至没有任何关系。



大多数人事实上缺乏足够的转述能力(新 TOEFL 考试中很重视这种能力的测评),于是,我们身边只有少数人能做到读过一本书或者看过一个电影之后有声有色地讲述给他人,进而勾起他人一睹为快的欲望。我猜,差不多也只有这少数的人如果花费时间精力习得外语的话,最终同样也可以做到用英语做同样的事情达到同样的效果。

阅读母语的时候不注重上下文联系的人,阅读外语的时候往往更无暇顾及上下文联系(因为有很多生词需要处理,很多不熟悉的语法结构要解析),乃至于更经常 “阅读但不理解”。

刚才那道词汇题的考点是 “forage”,市面上的词汇书里这个单词取的往往是字典里的第一个意思,“名词,草料、干草”。可是,这道题下的四个选项却都是动词,于是 “forage” 在文章中的词性就只能是动词。那它是什么意思呢?(很多人就是这样被 “词汇书” 给害惨了。)背过这个单词的人也许会颤颤巍巍地猜想 “草料” 被名词动用,那就应该是 “feed” 的意思。恭喜你!做对了!

可是这样能够做对这道题目的人究竟有多少呢?看看数字就知道了。最终做对这道题目的人只有 35%。把那些靠乱猜做对的人数去掉的话,就相当于仅有 26.25% (=35% X 75%)的人凭实力做对。可实际上,“forage” 并不是什么所谓的 “高难词汇”,大学英语四级词汇大纲中就有这个单词,在每一本四级词汇书的 “F” 列表里都有这个单词。换言之,TOEFL 考生里背过这个单词的人应该远远超过 26.25%这个比例才对。

然而,就算不认识 “forage” 这个单词,能不能作对这道题呢?让我们看看上下文。前面那句句话说,“白天的时候,鸟们出去干了件事(至于干什么了,暂时不知道)”(During the day, parties of birds will have spread out to forage over a very large area. ),后面那句话说 “晚上它们回来的时候,其中的一些就吃饱了。”(When they return in the evening some will have fed well)现在,请听题 —— “它们干什么去了?” 这还用认识那个单词么?连脑筋急转弯都算不上,答案是 “吃” 去了么!大多数考生(至少七成以上)完全无法想象出题者有多么地体贴:出题者担心考生认不出 “fed” 是 “feed” 的不规则过去分词,还特意在后面再补上一个句子 —— “而另外的一些鸟几乎没吃着什么”(but others may have found little to eat.),用来说明 “fed” 其实就是 “eat”!于是,题目要求考生在四个选项中找一个 “fed” 和 “eat” 的同义词,那就是 “C” 选项,“feed” ——有什么理由做错这道题呢?奇怪。

讲解过后,读者就可以明白这道题竟然有七成以上的人做错有多么荒唐了吧?可是统计数据告诉我们这就是冷冰冰的事实 —— 七成以上的人完全不具备上下文联系能力。

七成以上。如果你觉得这个比例很惊人的话,相信我,1) 你并不孤独;2) 你又错了。让我们来审视一下我们自己在母语世界里的表现罢。





钱穆先生(1895—1990)在他的《论语新解》中对这几句话的解释其实依然沿袭朱熹,并没有什么新意,只不过是 “新译” 而已。


两千多年的时间里(直到今天也一样),这种解释一直占据主导地位。但是南怀瑾先生(1918 年—)在他的《论语别裁》里提出了异议(也许他并不是第一个)。关于南怀瑾先生的具体解释(南怀瑾先生对这三句话的解释超过三千字),细节上我个人也有不同意的地方。比如,我不认为 “友朋” 中的 “友” 字是用来表示 “有” 字的借用字。“友朋” 就是一个词,表示 “志同道合的人” 或者是能够在某一件事上 “能与你做到心领神会的人”。然而,对一段写于两千多年前的话又怎么可能每个人都理解得全都一样呢?


不得不承认,能够做到像南怀瑾先生那样阅读并理解文字的人确实不多。但,某种意义上这是原本不应该的事情。阅读的时候要联系上下文,这不应该是很自然的么?当然应该。这是很难的事情么?当然不是。那为什么很少有人做到?估计只不过是因为大多数人最初的时候没有养成好习惯而已。纠正难不难呢?以我的经验来看,很简单 —— 甚至与智商无关。

我们的思考能力受到自身经历的局限,与此同时,我们未来的经历某种意义上取决于我们今天的思考能力。于是,我们往往一不小心就掉到死循环之中。不夸张地讲,绝大多数人的所谓 “悲惨命运” 其实就是这么造成的。举例来说,在一个恶劣的生活环境中成长的人更可能因其灰暗坎坷的经历而养成消极的人生观,信奉 “人为财死鸟为食亡之类” 的社会达尔文主义信条,从不相信任何人,做事从来都是不择手段;而他的这种人生观又会进而影响他生活中的每一个决定,最终注定遭遇更加暗淡的结局。追求速成的人某种意义上也是这样的。过去的生活经历从未让他有机会体会积累的好处。所以他们根本就没有积累的动力和愿望,在他们看来 “速成”、 “捷径” 才是正途。而正因为他们的这种想法,他们的结果往往是到头来才觉一场空。可是时间已经流逝,能够用来达成愿望的时间更少了,于是就更希望能够找到捷径,能够速成了。

同样的道理,我们的外语学习能力受到我们母语学习经历的局限。把母语修炼得更好,外语才可能学得好用得棒。所以,我常常建议我的学生,每天都要留出一定的时间(比如一两个小时)阅读好的中文文章。像那些中文系的学生一样,常常要从文章中挑出一两个精彩的句子,揣摩作者的立意、用意、选词技巧,甚至韵律的把握,而后反复诵读。潜移默化地提高自己的母语语言文字应用能力。某种意义上,一个人的思考能力,很大程度上受他语言文字理解能力、应用能力的局限。甚至有学者曾经断言,一个人少年时期的阅读习惯将伴随他的一生 —— 其实这种看法并不极端,某种意义上,我们每天都能看到很多人现在的生活在他很小的时候早就注定了,只不过他们自己并不自知而已。所以,适当提高一下自己的阅读难度是有必要的。从这个意义上来讲,读《读书》杂志就比读《读者》杂志更加划算,而哪怕读读《读者》杂志都比只看言情武侠小说或者《知音》之类的杂志不知道要强出多少倍。当然,以上的看法只针对在意自己思考能力的人有意义。很多只在意当前阅读快感而不在意自己未来收益的人(这也许也是一种生活策略)就可以忽略以上的建议,自行其是就好。


人们特别容易高估自己,绝大多数成年人对自己的母语水平过度自信。他们以为自己的母语水平很高,却忘了另外一个事实:很可能他们的母语水平仅仅处在对母语使用者来说只不过是够格的级别上。只不过,大多数成年人从学校毕业之后(按照我们的教育体系教学内容设置来看,更可能是高中毕业之后)不再被强制参加各种语文考试,不再有机会因考试成绩差而自卑,于是自然而然地认为自己的语文水准已经 “相当高” —— “总比中学生强吧?” 他们这样想,可事实上还真的不见得。多少本科毕业生(甚至包括相当部分的研究生、博士)走入社会之后,竟然写不出一份像样的租房合同,或者竟然不能够完全读懂自己所签写的雇佣协议。很多人听人讲话、读人文章之后常常断章取义,其实并非出自故意,只不过是文字理解水平太差乃至于经常 “听不到”、“看不到” 一些重要内容而已。不妨想像一下,绝大多数人(这个比例绝对会超过 99%)无论多么认真地写一篇文稿,无论自己反复修改过多少次,能够正式出版之前,拿到编辑手里之后 “一字都不需改动” 的可能性几乎是零 —— 更可能的存在着一些有意无意的错别字、或隐蔽或明显的语法错误、自以为是的表达等等,往往需要另外一个人反复推敲才行。很多人忽视母语的修炼,像鸵鸟遇到危险时只顾着把头埋起来一样一头扎到英语学习中去,其实不见得是有意而为之,更深层次的原因很可能仅仅是对自己母语水平的错误估计。

这么看来,语言学习要比健身难多了。大多数人只要能做到坚持三年,每周至少三天去健身房锻炼两个小时,就可以塑造出魔鬼身材,男人雄壮,女人窈窕。当然,这只有万分之一的人做到(补充数据根据)。然而,语言的学习却需要很多知识技能的支撑,而这些知识技能也需要耗费大量的时间精力去获得、去打磨。这些其他知识技能的积累反过来又会促进语言的习得、促进语言应用能力的提高,它们之间相辅相成。可见语言学习有多难 —— 也就是说,不明就里想要速成只不过是幼稚造就的幻想而已。

有一次我到天津遇到一位出租车司机。他知道我是英语老师之后,说道,“现在是不是英语老师赚得很多啊?” 我说 “真的一般般……” 我没有撒谎,在这个国度靠教书是赚不了大钱的,只不过,赚的钱比较干净而已。他接着说,“你看我们开车的,唉,可怜着呢 …… 没办法呀,上学的时候不懂事儿 …… 哎,你说,从现在开始,我就让我儿子学英语,别的都不学了,只学英语,那是不是肯定学得比别人好啊?” 这位司机显然不是开玩笑,我也想很认真地回答他,可是我知道我很难短时间内给他讲清楚,只好说,“应该是吧……” 我知道他要是真的让儿子那么做的话,其一,他儿子就算竟然真的听话也根本做不到;其二,就算真的做到了也不会有好的结果;而我知道我这种敷衍不会害到任何人,因为其三,他儿子根本就不会听他的 —— 谁会愿意做那么无聊的事情呢?

所以,某种意义上我总是觉得如若某个人能把外语学得很好的话,那么这更归功于他的小学语文老师多于他后来所有的英语老师。(当然,更多人的母语语文老师其实是自己 —— 因为实在没遇到过好老师……)

5. 十分钟重修语文

这真是异常吊诡的事情:任何一种体制下的教育制度都在 “写作” 方面无能为力 —— 语文教育是如此地苍白无力,乃至于各个国家的教育者都沮丧地发现年轻一代至少有半数在接受所谓的 “高等教育” 之后竟然连基本的 “阅读能力” 都不具备。这是个 “十分钟教程” —— 让我们重修一下语文。人人都会写字,人人都有话可说,人人都应该能够写好文章;在这个文字发表空前容易的年代,文字更有力量。


最好换个角度重新认识词汇。名词是干什么的?名词是用来记录你所能够感知的事物 —— 管它是抽象的还是具体的。形容词是干什么的?你用形容词来记录你对你能够感知的那个事物的感知。动词呢?动词用来记录你能够感知的那个事物所发出的动作。那么最后,副词呢?副词修饰动词的时候,是用来记录你对你能够感知的那个事物所发出之动作的感知;副词用来修饰形容词的时候,是用来记录你对你能够感知的那个事物的感知的感知。(这一分钟的内容看起来比较拗口,只要能做到对这些文字断句准确,理解无误,那么仅在一分钟之后就已经脱胎换骨 —— 你对文字的感知已经大不相同。


你不一定要成为语法学家,但你起码要知道基本规则。这就好像投资股市不一定非要先成为林奇或者巴菲特,享受电影不一定要先成为徐克或者斯皮尔伯格;但起码要学习最基本的游戏规则。中文也好英文也罢,语法书一本就够。了解基本规则之后,就开始动手写字,把语法书当作地图,需要什么就去查什么,查多了就全记住了 —— 就好像一个地方去了好几次之后就再也用不着查地图了一样。千万不要相信那些鬼话,说什么 “不用学语法” —— 人家发疯是人家的事儿,你情愿当傻子相信疯子,那是你的问题。


逻辑应该是所有生物中人类所特有的得之不易的工具。亚里士多德的三段论是最基础的东西。但是,生活中运用逻辑时所要面对的是 “不确定性”、“复杂性”。必然成立的三段论 —— 比如,大前提:人都要死的;小前提:苏格拉底是人;结论:苏格拉底必然会死的 —— 往往没有什么实际意义。生活中要处理的更可能是这样的情形:大前提:政客通常都不可靠;小前提:奥巴马当然是政客;结论是不确定的、分析是复杂的:奥巴马到底有多可靠?追求逻辑上的准确所有的挑战基本上都来自于一个人是否勇于面对 “不确定性” 与 “复杂性”。


常见的文章起码可以如此二分:文艺类文章与说理类文章。这两类文章很不相同。基本上,文艺类的文章可能更注重修辞、更考究措辞、更华丽更天马行空。然而,说理类文章的根本目的是为了让人看懂,传递信息,积累知识,交流经验;因此说理类文章的文字最好 “简洁、朴素、有效、准确、具体”。当然,这不是铁律,如果有能力用华丽的文字说清楚道理也不是不行;反过来,用朴素的语言叙述动人的故事也未尝不可。但是所有希望自己的思考结果能够有效表达的人都最好牢记这十个字的标准 —— 仅仅十个字而已,却已经足够。


修辞的力量不言而喻。所有的修辞之中也许只有 “类比” 是不可或缺的。类比的本质是 “为了说清楚大家不熟悉的 X,先去找一个 1) 大家都熟悉的 2) 与 X(至少某一方面)最相似最接近的 A,最终做到 X 对大家来说不言而明”。小学老师说 “地球的构造就跟鸡蛋的构造差不多”;中学老师说 “原子内部的构造与太阳系的构造如出一辙”;对那些拿一两个 “反例” 试图反对某一观点的人我们说 “随便哪一只破烂钟表都能一天对两次呢”…… 这些都是类比,类比的力量就在于此:它是我们作为人类从无知跨越到有知必须的桥梁。其它的修辞手段,有空就学,没空就算 —— 大不了更朴素一点没有什么不好。


字、词、句、语法、风格、修辞等等,都是表达手段。没有米,无论是谁再巧做不出饭吃。“求知” 这个词的意味实在是太过理想化,还不如用比较朴素的另外一个说法 “做功课”。做好任何事情,都要提前做好功课。写小说也好、写教程也罢,都需要做功课;功课做得多了,知道的就多了,能够用来思考的也多了,这些东西多到一定程度,写出来的东西必然厚重、有质感。肤浅的文字之所以肤浅,一句话:作者没做功课。知识改变命运,只因为一个人获得新的知识之后,他的整个世界都会因此发生变化。相信我,功课无止境。


有效表达只是最基本的层次,有效沟通才是真正的目标。从多个角度出发思考已非易事,从反对自己观点之人的角度出发思考问题难上加难。但如若做不到这一点,就无法做一个好的听众、好的读者。输出取决于输入,是不变的真理;不吃草的话牛是挤不出奶的。沟通不仅仅是为了说服,更多是为了获取反馈。沟通的技巧最重要的只有一个:不要认为自己与自己的观点是一回事儿。做到这点,就很容易看到种种反馈之中的宝贵之处。对做不到这点的人来说,逆耳的不仅仅是忠言,甚至就没有听着顺耳看着顺眼的东西 —— 可怜、可悲。


经验需要积累,而积累只能通过实践。所谓 “下笔如有神” 一看就是不会写文章的人才可能相信的痴心妄想。好的文章从来都不是一蹴而就的,好的文章从来都是改出来的。所谓的 “灵感” 也更可能在实践中闪现,而不大可能凭空而出。作者写字就好像司机开车一样。司机要积累到一定的驾驶里程,才可能遇到所有可能遇到的安全问题,于是终究有一天经验足够到有可能回避一切危险。作者也一样,写字多到一定程度才可能知道文字的种种属性 —— 不大可能通过某一本写作教程就理解所有文字的属性。不仅要多写,还要为了写好而做更多的功课,这是良性循环的起点。


技巧这东西要等到明白究竟可以在哪里用得上的时候才容易学会。当前这篇 “十分钟教程” 里所提到的十个方面之中,个个都需要技巧。通过一定的实践,无论是谁也都会自然而然地掌握一些技巧。但有一个方面的技巧是应该最先打磨的 —— 获得知识的技巧:从观察到聆听,从阅读到反刍,从读书到笔记,从使用图书馆到使用搜索引擎,一切获得知识的手段需要技巧,并且还需要不停地打磨这些基本技巧。其次是逻辑思考的技巧,再次之是沟通的技巧。这三项是应该排在其他技巧之前,因为打磨任何一项技巧都需要时间,时间有限的情况下,只能划分轻重而为之。


没有人从一开始就能做到完美。正如一篇好文章是要反复修改才能成为好文章一样,一个作者也要反复修正自己才能成为好作者。几乎一切都需要修正,并且需要反复修正 —— 只要时间允许。前一分钟说每一项技巧都需要打磨,这一分钟要说的是连技巧都要反复修正。甚至,还有些时候要把一切都完全推翻从头再来,这需要的不仅是勇气,还需要耐心与智慧。让自己的心智保持开放,知易行难的原因在于其中蕴含着痛苦 —— 打破牙齿和血吞(曾国藩语)的痛苦。

6. 如何看电影学英语?

“看电影学英语” 曾经是我颇为不屑的一种方式。一直以来我有个小小的偏见:一切花哨的东西都是不可取的。事实上,到今天我也不觉得 “看电影学英语” 是什么捷径。然而,学生中也好,读者中也罢,好像有很多人真的想通过 “看电影学英语” —— 他们的根据无非是 “要有兴趣才行” —— 其实兴趣根本没那么重要。

二零零八年,我在银川的唐中讲座,会后与一小女生闲聊,她提起自己有些科目成绩不错,因为感兴趣,而另外一些科目不理想,因为她不感兴趣。我想了想,告诉她,“能把感兴趣的事情学会并做好,这谁不会呢?真牛的是 ‘尽管没兴趣,但只要该学就能学会,而后也能用好’……”。时过境迁,那女生也应该高考过了吧?不知道她当时是否真的听懂了呢?

然而,作为老师,其实有很多的时候并不该太过在意学生的出发点是否正确恰当,无论基于什么原因,想学本身就已经相当难能可贵。所以,废话少说,无论如何都应该给那些想 “看电影学英语” 学生提一些有效的建议。

下载到自己想看的、喜欢看的之后,首先去 Google 搜索英文字幕。搜索关键字大抵上用这样的格式即可:

“电影名 发行年份 English subtitle”

比如,想找的是 “12 怒汉” 的英文字幕,那么就要搜索

12 Angry Men 1957 English subtitle

只要不是太新、太冷僻的电影,大多都能很容易用 Google 找到英文字幕。

字幕有很多种格式,建议只下载 “srt” 格式的英文字幕,因为这种格式的字幕可以直接用记事本程序打开(这种文件本身就是文本文件)。

用记事本打开字幕文件之后,“Ctrl+A”(全选),在 “Ctrl+C”(拷贝),把字幕内容拷贝到 Word 文档中去,而后,精读。

把不认识的词全部查过 —— 也要注意识别词组 —— 而后制作一个属于你自己的词表。(参考之前的 “如何把 MS Word 打造成学习利器”)。



讲到这里,一定会有读者说,“那岂不是太罗嗦?一点乐趣都没有了……” 相信我,我肯定不是第一次听到这样的抱怨(怕麻烦的人啥都做不好)。但是,这种抱怨是短视的 —— 无论是谁,都不用这样罗嗦一辈子。三五部电影之后,就会发现自己提高神速,大多数影片都可以理解个八九不离十了。

总体来说,靠看电影提高英语的程度相当有限。电影也好电视剧也罢,毕竟更多是靠画面讲故事的,大多数电影动作比对话多。喜欢看动作片、枪战片的同学更是如此,更多听到的不过是 “Drop it!” 或者是 “Go! Go! Go!!!” 之类的 “片语” 而已。即便是文艺片中的对话,所用的词藻也相当局限 —— 无论如何都不如 “海量阅读” 来得直接来得有效。

剧集与剧集的差异也非常大,像 24、Lost、The Sopranos 之类的剧集,基本上是 2000 词汇已经足够,一些历史剧所需要的词汇量就要稍微大一些,比如 Rome、John Adams 等等。另外一些剧集看起来好像难度很高,其实不然。典型的就是 House M.D.。刚看的时候会觉得充斥着大量医学名词,可一两集之后就明白一共就那么一百来个词,比如 MRI,spasm 什么的,到最后,就算医学相关内容听不懂也无所谓,因为剧情精彩的部分都跟医学无关。还有一些充满了俚语的剧集,比如 Dead Woods,对初学者意义并不大,那样的俚语就算学来,几乎没有什么用武之地的。The West Wing 是将一帮精英如何运营美国白宫的,所以,其中的台词质量词藻华丽,句式精彩,逻辑精巧,难度颇高。私下推荐给一些学生看过,结果发现只有极少数学生感兴趣,大多数人其实只不过是 “图个乐” 而已,至于 “学习” 么,只不过是 “图乐” 的借口而已。

7. 不要再当 “初学者” 了!

这本书的初稿与 2010 年的 4 月份就已经完成。到 2011 年年初重新定稿期间,已经在网络上大面积传播。很多读者问:“这本书是面对哪个群体的?” 甚至此书的编辑们也问类似的问题:“这样大段的英文放在那里也没有翻译,适合初学者么?”


在外语习得这件事情上,可以肯定,基本上所有的玻璃顶都是自己设置的。认为自己是 “初学者” 的害处在于,一旦如此认定,接下来的一切无能都是理所应当的:“我是初学者,听不懂才是正常的……”、“我是初学者,读不懂不奇怪……”、“我是初学者,肯定说不好……” 这些想法是那么地自然,那么地合理,乃至于不知不觉之间,就被这种想法所牵制,结果就是:一辈子都是初学者。之前在第三章里提到很多人以为要 “循序渐进” 所以坚持听 VOA SE 节目的结果却是产生了依赖,心甘情愿地停留在 “只能听懂 VOA” 的境界。

别再把自己扮成 “初学者” 了,那不应该是你。 初中英语课本学完之后,你就已经是 “英语使用者” 了,你早就可以像母语使用者一样,边用边学,边学边用,用到享受还接着用……







如果你不会使用 Google,那就在 Google 的对话框里输入 “如何使用 Google” 而后回车,看看搜索结果……

这不是什么需要 “拿出勇气” 才能做的事情,这只不过是应该做的事情而已。

最近两三年里,国内的英语使用者的水平正在发生天翻地覆的变化。尽管比例上依然是少数,但已经有相当多数量的人改变了观念,走上了另外一条路。2010 年年底,我去深圳中学讲座,了解到很多高一高二的学生,一年读 50 本以上的英文书。这样的数量当然会令很多人跌破眼镜。可实际上,这只不过是正常人正常地使用语言的量级而已。想想吧,当年你读高中的时候,不也是一下午读完一本小说么?一年读 50 本书,只不过是一周一本的速度而已,实际上并不夸张。这样大量阅读的孩子,在没有参加任何培训班的情况下,去考 TOEFL,随随便便就是 110 分以上,去考 SAT,2300 分以下基本上不太可能。这就是国内正在发生的事情。据我所知,现在国内很多著名中学孩子都是这样的,比如,南京外国语学校、长沙雅礼中学、东北育才中学、北京四种、太原五中 …… 而那些脑子早就被限制住了的家伙们呢?我所知道的国内绝大多数英语专业的大学生一年读英文书的数量不会超过 10 本。这就是差别,这就是观念差异造成的结果。

别再拿 “初学者”、“爱好者” 什么的骗自己了!





08 年开始看笑来老师的博客,两年时间里,我从几乎是零基础到
获得雅思 6.5 分,留学申请成功──今年 9 月去爱丁堡大学读研究生。身边的人都特别惊讶,问我这个没上过初中高中的人是怎么学习英语的。几天前,我请笑来老师吃饭,当面感谢他的时候,他也很惊讶,也很高兴。告诉我一定要把我学英语的过程,和我的一些感受写下来,供大家参考。所以就有了这篇文章。

我十岁进入省队,开始我的职业运动员生涯。别的孩子每天背着书包去上学,我和队友们每天 8 小时,一周 6 天,拿着拍子在球场上练球。6 年之后,因为我 自身的条件还有当时队里的环境,像许多运动员一样,我并没有取得太好的成绩。我选择退役,进入大学学习。我清楚地记得,当我做出这个选择的时候,当时我的 教练泼我冷水:“你以为学习就比训练容易吗,我保证你读一个星期就读不下去了。”


相比起运动队,大学简直是天堂,没有早操,没有教练的控制,当然田径场还是有的,不过再也没有人逼着跑长跑了。众所周知,体育类院校真正在学习的人 少之又少,像清华北大那些因为学习压力大而跳楼的人在我们学校是不存在的。人家学校每年都有 “自杀率”,我们学校每年是 “杀他率” 和 “被杀率”。我一边后 悔自己怎么没上个综合性大学,一边放任自己在这个环境里心安理得地享受着混吃等死的安逸日子。直到后来找工作写简历时,我才发现,本科的时光真的过得比我 的成绩单还要更空虚一些。当时真恨不得把三围也写进去,照片贴张 5 寸的,好让简历能凑够一页。

大四的时候,我跟很多人一样,把出国留学当成最后的救命稻草。报了新东方托福班,笑来老师当时是教写作。说实话,当时上课完全听不懂。现在想想,当 时想去考托福完全是异想天开。我上大学开始学英语,大学里的英语课只有四学期,大学的英语老师也假定你是有一定语法基础的,对我这种零基础的来说无异于天 书,所以当时考试基本靠小抄,成绩一直在及格线附近徘徊。这种程度,在半年之内想托福考到 90,不管上什么补习班,都是不可能的。结果可想而知,59 分的 托福成绩让最后一点希望也破灭了。我当时觉得自己这辈子肯定完了。没有什么文化知识,基础知识,数学、物理、化学、地理、历史统统没学过;唯一的技能只能 从事教练或者老师的工作,就业面非常窄。我怎么和那些从小上学的孩子在社会上竞争呢。哪个公司会要一个四肢发达、头脑简单的退役运动员呢。我开始埋怨父 母,当初为什么要送我去练球;我埋怨学校,为什么不给我提供一个好的学习环境;我埋怨自己,为什么当初不好好珍惜时间,恶补文化课知识。


缺乏耐心几乎是所有人的本性,也是绝大多数人最终未能矫正的习惯。很多人在生活的方方 面面都因为缺乏耐心而出处吃亏却又从不自知;出处吃亏的结果是越来越急于求成,越来越缺乏耐心——于是一生都只能在这个死循环中左冲右撞而后最终混个死因不详。

这简直是我当时状态的最佳写照。我当时觉得我年龄还不大,还有时间再读个研究生,读完研究生以后就业时选择的面就宽多了,所以我想到了去英国读研。 但是留学考试是凭实力的,而我的外语这么差。所以我觉得我要想留学的话,一定要把外语提高上去,而且这次要吸取教训,不能再急功近利了。因此,我又跟父母 商量,要去留学。父母还是心存疑虑的,毕竟有前车之鉴,所以要求我必须先考过雅思再开始申请学校。我跟他们保证说,这次我一定会考过的,而且我要考 7 分, 上一所好的学校。我想以前这么训练这么累都坚持过来了,只要我有耐心坚持下去,一定能做到的。

我从剑桥中级英语语法开始,坚持做三遍,一来培养耐心,二来恶补语法。配合记录时间的习惯,每天记录下来我学习英语的时间。08 年七月开始,每天 2 个单元,用时大约 90 分钟。第二遍大约 60 分钟做完两个单元,第三遍的时候速度更快了,平均 30 分钟就能做完,另外用 30 分钟把例句读熟。我要求自己,不管再累在忙,每天一定要完成 2 个单元。 中间当然也有间断的时候,我就跟自己说,这是我最后的机会了,如果我放弃了,我又得重头开始了,我不能再重蹈覆辙了。为了给自己洗脑,我把很多笑来文章中 的句子,抄在本子上,每天早上读几遍。08 年 9 月我在新东方学习新概念二册。09 年 3 月初的时候总算把三遍剑桥中级语法,接着报了新概念三。09 年 5 月的 时候新三学完,我报了 6 月的雅思,想先裸考一次,看看自己现在到底什么水平。这中间的一个月时间,一边复习新三,一边用笑来的如何提高阅读速度那几篇文章里的方法读老托福的文章;用老托福 PART-C 的文章做跟读训练。刚开始的时候觉得这些方法实在是太慢了,太麻烦了,直到考前一共才看了 5 篇阅读,跟读练了 2 篇。6 月的雅思考试成绩并不理想,阅读 5.5,听力 6,口语 6.5,写作 5,总分 5.5。我当时的目标是考 7 分,5.5 离目标差得不 是一星半点。

我当时仔细回忆我当运动员的时候,我当时是怎么训练的,每项技术是怎么打磨的。我发现其实这些都和学英语有共通之处。每个技术动作的要领并不复杂, 教练教会基本动作之后剩下的就是大量的重复。在无数次的重复中,纠正错误动作,模仿优秀运动员的动作并结合自身的特点,最终形成自己的动作。同样,应用到 学习英语中。我已经掌握了基本的语法、基础的词汇和学习方法,那么剩下就是大量应用、练习了。最重要的是,清楚什么是自己能控制的,什么是不能控制的。比赛的时候,天气、场地、观众、对手还有结果这些都是属于不能控制 的事情,唯一能控制的就是自己。我是不是每一个动作都尽力做好了,我是不是按既定的战术执行了,我在累的时候有没有坚持住,这些是我能够控制的。同理,考 试的题目不是我能控制的,结果更不是我能控制的了,那么我还老想着我要考多少分,时刻关注机经模板除了浪费时间和让自己更焦虑之外没有任何用处。



  • 如何迅速提高阅读能力里的方法精读剑 4-7 的每一篇文章。
  • 新托福 iBT 词汇分类突破 认真背了 3 遍。


  • 托福听说训练 练习了 20 多篇。
  • 抄写基础词表:GSL 和 AWL,恶补拼 写。
  • 剑 4-7 里的听力部分做了两遍。


  • TOEFL iBT 高分作文仿写、背诵经典的句子。
  • 大作文写了不到二十篇,小作文 7 篇。
  • 慎晓嶷 ‘七天’ 里的小作文每种图表背了个一篇。
  • ‘如何准备留学考试系列’ 里的有力模式、立场选择等文章打印出来、认真读了 N 遍。


  • 第一部分,准备了九十多道真题,一个英语很好的朋友帮我写的。第二部分,准备了十个左右话题。第三部分,背了经典的句型若干。
  • 对照这个网站对着镜子模仿口型和发音。每天半小时,1 个月时间。
  • 想明白系列,反复看了若干遍。

考前没有报任何培训班。10 月的雅思成绩是,听力和阅读都考了 7,口语还是 6.5,写作 5.5,总分 6.5。虽然没考到理想的 7 分,但这个成绩也已 经够申请的标准了。我当时很激动,我证明了自己并不比那些从小一直学习的同学差。我的经历告诉我,首先一个人只要有坚定的信念,只要努力不怕苦,没有办不 成的事。有人总是强调别人的是个例,来宽恕自己的不努力。这个过程有多苦吗,有多难吗,我没觉得。可能这也得感谢我从小受的训练吧,忍耐枯燥的训练和服从 教练的指示。

其次,自信来自于能力,任何能力都是靠自己努力学习来的,是一个非常明显的从无到有的过程。我从英语零基础到考过雅思,自学能力一点点打磨出 来。这个凭能力产生的从无到有的过程,才是提高我自信的动机。在这个世界上除了你的本领和能力是真正属于你的,没有什么是能够与你共生的。这些才是产生自 信的真正动力。




TOEFL iBT 高分作文

前 言


然而,作文部分是最没有理由拿不到高分的。因为,这是一个事先知道考题的作文考试!目前ETS官方发布的题库中有185道题目,而每次的考题都来自于题库,并且保证原封不动!(注意:2006年8月之后,TOEFL® iBT 中的写作分为两部分,综合写作测试以及独立写作测试;而其中的独立写作测试部分依然使用这套题库。)换言之,这是一个几乎可以做到考前百分之百准备的考试,有什么理由不得满分呢?








  • 尝试替换某个词汇
  • 尝试替换某个句型
  • 尝试替换某个例子
  • 尝试替换某个理由
  • 尝试换一种说法
  • 尝试表述对立的观点


  • 第一阶段(1周):随机阅读10~15篇范文,每天2~3篇。做笔记,背诵其中有用的词汇以及句型。
  • 第二阶段(2周):改写10~20篇范文。每天1~2篇。每天睡觉前背诵当天改写过的作文。这个阶段没必要限定每篇完成的时间。
  • 第三阶段(1周):不限时练习5~10篇,每天1~2篇。一定要不限时,这样才能保证质量。多查词典,反复修改。如果时间充裕,应*该多练5~10篇。
  • 第四阶段(2周):限时练习10篇,每天练习一次,每次限时25分钟完成——只有这样才能在考场上游刃有余。注意:完成之后,有时间的话可以反复修改。最重要的是,睡觉之前,把当天的作文背诵下来,并且在第二天做默写练习。



twe-185-mp3.zip,文件大小为 87 M。


1. Why people attend college?

After graduating from high school many young people have the option to directly enter the work force. Most students who have the opportunity, however, decide to go to college before finding jobs. They attend college to obtain more choices, higher salaries, and more opportunities for advancement in an increasingly competitive job market.

Before attending college, students have a limited opportunity to specialize. After obtaining a specific college degree a job applicant can be competitive for previously unavailable jobs. For instance, applicants with Computer Science degrees would not only be qualified for jobs in high-tech companies, they would also be well prepared for any job with computer skills as a prerequisite. With a larger range of potential jobs to choose from, degree holders are more likely to find a job that suits their particular needs and interests.

Additionally, employers are willing to pay a premium for highly qualified applicants. For example, many companies desire employees who are competent in more than one language and offer higher salaries to attract them. Even if a job applicant without a college degree has high standardized test scores, employers may still place a higher value on an applicant with similar test scores who also possesses credentials from a well-known university. Because of the extent to which a college degree is accepted by employers as proof of competence in a given field, college graduates are not only more likely to receive more job offers, they can also command higher salaries than applicants who lack college diplomas.

Finally, in addition to offering more choices and higher salaries, a college degree offers access to jobs with a clear path towards professional advancement. A B.S. in biology, for example, could allow a student to find a job in a lab after graduation, a first step on the road towards a career in scientific research. The same major could also be used to apply to medical school, and a career as a doctor. Both of these avenues would be unavailable without taking the first step of an undergraduate degree in biology.


1. 人们为什么要上大学?





Word List

  • competitive [kəmˈpetitiv] adj. 竞争的
  • standardized [ˈstændəˌdaizd] adj. 标准的
  • specialize [ˈspeʃəˌlaiz] vi. 专攻,专门研究
  • credential [kriˈdenʃəl] n. 证明书
  • unavailable [ˌʌnəˈveiləbl] adj. 难以获得的
  • diploma [diˈpləumə] n. 文凭,毕业证书
  • high-tech [ˌhaiˈ’tek] n. 高科技
  • competence [ˈkɔmpətəns] n. 能力
  • prerequisite [pri:ˈrekwizit] n. 先决条件
  • access to 取得,获得
  • premium [ˈprimjəm] n. 额外费用
  • career [kəˈriə] n. 事业,生涯
  • applicant [ˈæplikənt] n. 申请者
  • B.S. n. 学士学位 (Bachelor of Science)

2. Are parents the best teachers?

Obviously, in most cases the earliest teachers people have are their parents, and parents are generally most concerned about the development of their children. However, it is not completely true to say that parents are the best teachers.

First of all, not all parents are good teachers. As normal individuals, some parents more or less have some bad habits. Even though parents almost instinctively devote themselves to cultivating their offspring, the outcome might turn out to be disappointment, for all children tend to unconsciously or subconsciously copy everything including bad ones from their parents. Another deficiency of parents as teachers is the fact that most parents are lack of common senses of education. All too often we observe some parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing their children to develop in a prearranged direction. Ironically, when their children do not follow the instructions, the children will be regarded as disobedient or allegedly rebellious. In fact, it is parents rather than their children that virtually disobey common senses.

Moreover, some parents are qualified as good teachers, but not all of them are the best ones. When children are in the preliminary school, it is not surprising that parents are perhaps capable of teaching their children almost every subject even better than professional teachers in the school. But the situation will not last long. We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same time becomes more and more specialized. Therefore, to be a professional in a certain field today takes much longer time than has ever been before. No parent is able to be professional in all fields, though they might be experts in one or more fields. Wise parents often release rather than charge their children as early as possible. They are aware of the possibility outside the family.

Parents may, nevertheless, help their children much more than do good teachers. Most parts of children education are virtually beyond teachers’ reaches. It is parents that supplement. Psychology studies have shown us that parents’ love sometimes has astonishingly magic power to their children. Albert Einstein’ s mother and that of Forest Gump are both good examples. On the other hand, parents might do their children harm more than do bad teachers as well. The natures of those children whose parents have divorced are often severely distorted. In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers.


2. 父母是最好的老师吗?





Word List

  • instinctively [inˈstiŋktivli] adv. 本能地
  • deficiency [diˈfiʃənsi] n. 缺陷
  • devote to 献身于
  • cherished [ˈtʃeriʃt] adj. 怀有的,珍爱的
  • cultivate [ˈkʌltəˌveit] vt. 培养;耕作
  • disobedient[ ˌdisəˈbi:diənt] adj.不服从的
  • offspring [ˈɔ:fˌspriŋ] n. 子女,后代
  • common sense 常识
  • subconsciously [sʌbˈka:nʃəsli]adv. 下意识地
  • virtually [ˈvə:tʃuəli] adv. 实际上
  • psychology [saiˈka:lədʒi] n. 心理学

3. Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live?

People today can prepare their meal much easier than has ever been before. To prepare a single dinner, provident housewives usually had to work for hours in the past: they had to buy home dirty vegetables which had to wash, meat which had to slice, and so on so forth. Each and every step of preparation was a time-consuming task. But now, things are entirely different. Supermarkets provide vegetables and meat clean and neat, some of them even have relevant ingredients and need only a few minutes to be made into delicious meals. And this change has indeed greatly improved the way people live.

In a sense, food preparation is no longer a tedious task, at least much easier to tolerate. Such a change has liberated many women and given them chance to do more meaningful things, for example, a higher pay job or a more respectful one. On the other hand, more men are becoming willing to do the thing that they once hated so much, and in some cases such transformation of men brought dramatic positive impact on the family. Today, it’s not hard to imagine a wife comes home after a day’s hard work and how delightful she is to find out his husband has already prepared her several her favorite dishes! Children can more easily become independent—at least they can make themselves breakfasts or dinners when parents are occasionally not present.

But such a change has also brought some unexpected consequences. Girls nowadays are becoming more and more reluctant to deem household work as their responsibility. The reason is quite straightforward: it was once really ridiculous to insist men do trivial household work rather than go work and earn money to support family, but conditions have altered now, girls might think: “I can work as well, or maybe I can earn a higher salary than you do, dear boy friend, if you want to marry me, answer me one question first, will you prepare me breakfast and dinner every day?” And some boys, on the other hand, are becoming hesitant to get married, or simply remain solitary, among miscellaneous reasons they do so is one thing: “I can take care of myself, at least I don’t really need someone prepare me dinner!”

Anyway, such a change is positive and it did improve the quality of people’s life. At least it has brought girls, boys, husbands, wives, children and everyone else who has to prepare food an opportunity, no matter what kind of opportunity it is.


3. 更易准备的食物改进了人们的生活方式吗?





Word List

  • provident [ˈpra:vidənt] adj. 有远见的
  • straightforward [streitˈfɔ:wəd]adj. 简单的,易懂的
  • ingredient [inˈgri:diənt] n. 配方
  • slice [slais] v.切(片)
  • ridiculous [riˈdikjələs] adj. 荒谬的
  • delicious [diˈliʃəs] adj. 美味的
  • consequence [ˈka:nsiˌkwens] n. 结果
  • tedious [ˈti:diəs] adj. 单调乏味的
  • solitary [ˈsa:ləteri] adj. 孤独的,单身的
  • transformation [ˌtrænsfəˈmeiʃən]n. 变化,转化
  • positive [ˈpa:zitiv] adj. 积极的

4. Which is more important, book knowledge or experience?

In general, knowledge gained from books has a wider range than that gained from experience. We now live in a world that typophile is no longer exorbitant, and that printed matters are readily available. In libraries, we can learn nearly everything only if we have already acquired basic reading skills, philosophy, history, literature, physics, mathematics, chemicals, biology, geography, anthropology, and the list will go on. Unlike the experience of an individual that is limited by the range of that individual, books seem to have almost no limitation. Sitting in the local library, we virtually can travel everywhere through an interesting geographic encyclopedia, and certainly, with nearly no expense at all.

On the other hand, it can be argued that sometimes knowledge gained from experience is much deeper and more comprehensive than that gained from books. It is quite true that not every thing is contained in books. How to deal with personal finance, how to cope with current social trends, even how to most effectively organize our own mind, and numerous other things can seldom be found thoroughly and comprehensively discussed in books, we have to gain the knowledge by our own experience. And the sad news is that even some knowledge that is contained in books usually needs further comprehension, mainly through experience.

As to which source is more important, the answers vary. Some knowledge can be acquired only through books. It’s hard to imagine we can have a good understanding of history without reading books. On the other hand, some knowledge can be obtained only through experience. When we try to learn to swim, merely a detailed manual of swimming skills, even abundantly filled with illustrations, is at most useless. We have to jump into the water and then gain the knowledge with experience. We have to use books and experience as source simultaneously to get what we want to know. Take learning physics for example, both books and experiences are equally important sources, and examples as such are numerous. Therefore, I think whether one source is more important than the other depends on circumstances.


4. 书本知识与经验哪个更重要?




Word List

  • range [rendʒ] n. 范围
  • comprehensive [ˌka:mpriˈhensiv] adj. 全面的,综合的
  • typophile [ˈtaipəˌfail] n. 印刷品
  • exorbitant [igˈzɔ:bitənt] adj. 昂贵的
  • numerous [ˈnu:mərəs] adj. 许多的,难以计数的
  • philosophy [fiˈla:səfi] n. 哲学
  • literature [ˈlitərətʃə] n. 文学
  • simultaneously [saiməlˈteinjəsly] adv. 同时地
  • mathematics [ˌmæθəˈmætiks] n. 数学
  • anthropology [ˌænθrəˈpa:lədʒi]n. 人类学
  • circumstance [ˈsə:kəmstæns] n. 情况,环境
  • encyclopedia [enˌsaikləˈpi:diə] n. 百科全书

5. The advantages and disadvantages of a new factory near your community

I live in a primarily agricultural community, and most of the population lives hand to mouth. Parents keep children home from school to work in the fields. If there is a flood or a drought, people starve. A new factory would mean regular monthly salaries as well as protection against natural disasters or a sudden drop in the price of our main agricultural product, say, corn.

Regular salaries would allow families the confidence to make investments in their futures. The locals would be able to plan their finances accurately and free themselves from debt. This in turn would encourage entrepreneurship and further develop the local economy. People could begin to open shops, restaurants, dormitories, and entertainment facilities to serve the factory workers with their savings. Profits from these small enterprises would further enrich the local community and turn our relatively poor farmland into a truly profitable development zone. Perhaps more parents could then afford to send all of their children to high school and maybe even college.

There would certainly be negative effects as well. If the area becomes prosperous, immigrants from poorer regions will come here looking for work. Because of their relative poverty they will work harder for less money than the locals and drive wages down. There might be more immigrants than factory jobs available, leading to an unemployment crisis with a rising crime rate as a potential negative side effect.

On the other hand, the proposed factory would almost certainly have adverse effects on the local environment, particularly in regards to polluting the water. This is perhaps the most serious concern, because without clean water the area cannot sustain life of any kind, corn, livestock, or human.

However, because of the relatively desperate economic situation of my hometown, I believe the potential benefits of opening a new factory would outweigh the risks. If we take the proper precautions, such as imposing strict environmental standards and providing adequate social services for immigrants, the whole area stands to benefit.


5. 社区附近建新工厂的利与弊






Word List

  • primarily [praiˈmerəli]adv.首要地,主要地
  • immigrant [ˈimigrənt] n. 移民
  • drought [draut] n. 干旱
  • potential [pəˈtenʃəl] adj. 潜在的
  • entrepreneurship [ˌa:ntrəprəˈnə:ʃip]n. 企业家的身份(地位)
  • livestock [ˌlaivˈsta:k] n. 家畜,牲畜
  • outweigh [autˈwei]v. 在重量
  • (或价值) 上超过
  • facility [fəˈsiliti] n. 设施
  • profitable [ˈpra:fitəbl] adj. 有利可图的
  • precaution [priˈkɔ:ʃən] n.预防,预防措施

6. The most important thing you want to change about your hometown

I was born in a small town named Hailin, located in the North-East of China. The most serious problems in my hometown are the backward ideas about a woman’s place in the family, school, workplace, and society. These negative stereotypes hurt not only women, but all of society as well. If possible, I would change the attitudes of the people in my hometown so they would view men and women equally.

Discrimination against women in my hometown begins before they are even born. Because people here believe that only a man can carry on the family line, every family wants to have at least one son. Each family is only supposed to have one child because of the overpopulation problem. This means that if a family can find out a fetus is female before it is born they might abort it. Or in other cases, people will have many female babies before they have a son, which only makes the population problem worse. If female babies were considered as important as male babies, then these two problems probably would not exist.

Discrimination against girls continues as they go to school and work. The prevalent stereotype is that women are not as smart as men and we shouldn’t waste time and money educating them. Families often insist that their daughters stay at home and help with housework while sending their sons to school. Girls are born every bit as smart as boys and equally deserve to reap the benefits of education. Many of the world’s famous scientists and leaders are women, from Marie Curie to Margaret Thatcher. We need to eliminate the stereotype that women are less intelligent than men so that our community can benefit from the achievements that women are capable of making when armed with education. In fact, women need to be respected enough to hold professional and leadership jobs in our community. This would mean that in the classified section of newspapers, there would no longer be jobs for “men only.` We will never know how many women could have done those jobs better than a man could have until the parents of every baby girl decide that their daughter is worth as much as their son. This is probably the most important thing that I want to change about my hometown.


6. 最想使家乡发生的一种改变





Word List

  • backward [ˈbækwəd] adj. 落后的
  • intelligent [inˈtelidʒənt] adj. 聪明的
  • stereotype [ˈsteriəˌtaip] n.陈词滥调,老套
  • achievement [əˈtʃi:vmənt] n. 成就
  • abort [əˈbɔ:t] vt. 堕胎
  • professional [prəˈfeʃənəl]adj. 职业的,专业的
  • discrimination [diˌskriməˈneiʃən] n. 歧视
  • reap [ri:p] vt. 收获
  • classified section of newspapers eliminate [iˈliməneit] vt. 消除报纸上的分类广告

7. The influence of movies or television on people’s behavior

The impact that movies or television has had on our daily life, and society in general, is undeniable. No doubt it will become even greater as the scope of which continues to grow, and as the relevant technologies become more and more sophisticated, and so fascinating that virtually nobody will be able to escape. Already, it can be seen how western movies are exercising influence on our youth generation: they grow long-hair regardless of their gender, commonly part of which is dyed in gold; they wear jeans in each and every season, usually the knees of which are deliberately tattered; boys are fond of earrings or other odd pendants; and girls are keen on Marlboros and weird bad words.

The major means that movies and television influence the public is by creating topics of discussion in the society. Movies offer people (the consumers) issues to talk and think about. Titanic had brought a worldwide uproar by its extolling of fascinating immortal love; Prime Color and Wag the Dog met the national debate on right and duty of the president of the United States. Antiwar movies such as Tears of the Sun and All Quiet on the Western Front among numerous others have been raising the question that is any war really to uphold justice or is it really worthy that an individual makes sacrifices to his country and at the same time ignores his own family or his personal values? Television also shapes our understanding of what is important and what is not important (to know). The”important” issues are being discussed over and over or in the beginning of a program. The “not important” stories are the ones that are not being told at all. The”not very important” stories are probably very short and hidden in the last part. By prearranging public issue, movies and television make decisions for us. Even though there are critical thinking individuals in any society, they are definitely in minority; the public in whole indeed lack skills of critical thinking, and therefore they are often led by the movies and television.

In brief, movies and television, by offering topics and affecting the ways in which we discuss”the important issues”, has a strong influence on our perception of the truth, of the world or of the structure of our society. We have to admit that it has a role in our lives as a source of information, experiences, entertainment, amusement and relaxation.


7. 电影和电视对人们行为的影响


电影和电视影响公众的主要途径就是制造社会上交谈的话题。电影提供给人(消费者)话题去谈论和思考。《泰坦尼克》用值得赞美和令人迷醉的永恒爱情使世界喧嚣; 《原色》和《摇尾巴的狗》使整个国家都在争论美国总统的权利和责任;像《太阳的眼泪》和《西线无战事》之类无数的反战电影,提出了战争是否真正维持正义或个人为国家牺牲同时忽略他的家庭和他的个人价值是否真正值得的问题。


简而言之,电影和电视通过提供话题和影响我们讨论“重要问题” 的方法,在我们对真相、世界和我们的社会结构的看法上产生强烈的影响。我们不得不承认它们在我们生活中的作用,为我们带来了信息、经验、娱乐、消遣和放松。

Word List

  • mass media n. 大众媒体
  • justice [ˈdʒʌstis] n. 正义
  • relevant [ˈreləvənt] adj. 相关的
  • issue [ˈisju:] n. 问题
  • sophisticated [səˈfistikeitid] adj. 复杂的
  • prearrange [ˌpri:əˈreindʒ] vt. 预先安排
  • gender [ˈdʒendə] n. 性别
  • minority [məˈnɔriti] n. 少数
  • pendant [ˈpendənt] n. 垂饰物
  • entertainment [ˌentəˈteinmənt] n. 娱乐
  • tattered [ˈtætəd] adj. 破旧的
  • amusement [əˈmju:zmənt] n. 消遣
  • censorship [ˈsensəʃip] n. 审查制度

8. Has television destroyed communication among people?

While television has been somewhat harmful in its effects, it has hardly”destroyed” communication among friends and family, although for some people, the assertion that television has destroyed communication among friends and family seems pretty plausible.

Television, invented in last century, with its wide availability, increasingly prosperous programs, becomes one of the most powerful means of communication in the history, and is more and more difficult to ignore. Television is as much a part of our lives as are our meals, work, or school; studies consistently show that the average American child spends almost as much time watching television as does he or she in school. We all have only 24 hours a day and it is clear that the more time one spends on watching television, the less time one does with his or her family and friends. Hence the passage printed in the newspaper or magazine titled “Television took my husband away.”

Tempting as such claim might be, it is hardly true. Instead of television, it is the increasing pressure of modern life that took her husband away. We have no definite evidence to say people nowadays endure more pressures than did their counterparts in the past, but it is absolutely true that people nowadays undergo great pressures that come from various directions, including work, school, economy, and so forth. Investigations show that people who earn more than RMB 50, 000 annually spend at least 60 hours on work per week, much more than those who earn RMB 20,000 annually. Today a bachelor’s degree may no longer guarantee a decent pay, more and more companies post their want ads claiming that applicants must have at least master’s degrees, which take two or three years longer.

People nowadays have very little time for anything; television is merely among many other factors that affect communication, and is definitely not the main cause of degradation. It seems that the more one is educated, the more one is aware of the deleterious effects that excessive television causes, and either deliberately avoid it or actually do not enjoy it. On the other hand, there really are many people addictive to television. But the fact is, were television not existent, surely these people would have found other escapes, such as alcohol or gambling for example. In other words, people always find a way to do what they want to do. Therefore, I can hardly agree that television has destroyed communication among friends and family.


8. 电视是否破坏了人们之间的交流?





Word List

  • assertion [əˈsə:ʃən] n. 宣称,断言
  • guarantee [ˌgærənˈti:] vt. 保证
  • prosperous [ˈpra:spərəs] adj. 繁荣的
  • bachelor degree 学士学位
  • availability [əˌveiləˈbiləti]n. 可获得性,有效性
  • master degree 硕士学位
  • degradation [ˌdegrəˈdeiʃən]n. 恶化,退化
  • consistently [kənˈsistəntli] adv. 一直地
  • tempting [ˈtemptiŋ] adj. 有诱惑力的
  • addictive [əˈdiktiv] adj. 上瘾的
  • endure [enˈdjuə] vt. 忍受

9. Live in a small town or in a big city?

People seldom agree with each other even in such trivial issues as preference between a big city and a small town. It’s a little bit haste to say that it is better to live in a big city than in a small town, or vice versa.

Living in a big city has several benefits. First, there’re more job opportunities readily available in big cities than in a small town. Moreover, not merely are there more job positions in big cities and the qualities of the position are much higher as well. In addition, the pay is more decent. Second, children are supposed to be able to receive an education with a higher quality compared with their counterparts who live in a small town. For families, children’s education is always put in the first place. Finally, living in a big city usually has a superior living standard to that in a small town. There are more commodities and services in city markets; there are more public utilities available in big cities; there are even much more television channels in big cities.

However, living in a small town also has some advantages. People who live in a small town often have a much comfortable life style. Most of them do not have to suffer high working stress. Although the average pay is much less than that of big cities, the price of daily necessities, such as vegetables or meat, is usually less expensive. Instead of suffering loneliness which is prevalent in big cities, children might grow up more healthily because of harmonious relationship among residents in small town. People in a small town do not have to get up so early in the morning because there has been no traffic jam, and nobody drive so fast in a small town as to cause car accidents. They might have fewer channels in television, but they have more friends readily available to chat or entertain with.

According to my current situation, although I am longing for the cozy atmosphere and relationship among neighbors and friends which almost only exist in small cities, I have chosen to live in one of the biggest cities in my country—Beijing, since I have found a pretty good job here, and a decent pay. I think I would prefer living in a small town when I get retired one day.


9. 住在小城镇还是大城市?





Word List

  • trivial [ˈtriviəl] adj. 琐细的,微不足道的
  • vice versa 反之亦然
  • counterpart [ˈkauntəpa:t] n. 对应物
  • superior [səˈpiriə] adj. 较高的,较好的
  • public utility 公用设施
  • harmonious [ha:ˈməuniəs]adj. 和谐的,和睦的
  • traffic jam 交通堵塞
  • long for 渴望

10. Does luck have anything to do with success?

Here is a true story, a story about an African man called Cinque who slew a most terrifying beast that any one has ever seen, a lion. His siblings in the village who know about this anecdote gave him great respect and call him the big man.

However, he told the truth later.

“It had killed several people, even hunters among us. Everyone including me was afraid. “

“I was lying down with my family, when out of nowhere it appeared.”

“As it came for me, I picked up a big rock and I threw it. And that wasn’t bravery, because any man would do the same to protect his family. “

“But by some miracle, you see, I hit it. I don’t know how that killed it, but it did. A rock, you see, a rock. “

“I received the gratitude of everyone in the village. I was given respect. They treated me as if I was a prince. They gave me the finest country cloth. All these things they gave me, I took them all. But I knew I didn’t deserve it, for when I threw that rock at that beast, if I missed it, I wouldn’t be sitting here today trying to explain these things to you or somebody else, I’d just be dead. I’m not a big man, just a lucky one.”

You see, luck does exist. When it appears, mathematicians describe in such a way that something has an extremely small probability but it does happen. People often say, one has to have an opportunity to succeed. In this case, luck is the opportunity, and to some extent is an indispensable factor to achieve success.

When people say luck has nothing to do with success, I wonder it is not their intention to deny existence of luck, but to encourage. Because luck in fact is a factor that one can not and should not count on, even though we know people who have succeeded have their own luck. It is somewhere, but nobody knows where. It happens sometime, but we don’t know when. By contrast, hard work is something that everyone can count on, and as is often the case, hard work might bring luck. Therefore, luck itself is of no hope, and lack of luck should not be an excuse to failure.


10. 运气与成功有关吗?







Word List

  • sibling [ˈsibliŋ] n. 兄弟,姐妹,同胞
  • anecdote [ˈænikˌdəut] n. 轶事,奇闻
  • gratitude [ˈgrætitu:d] n. 感激
  • indispensable [ˌindiˈspensəbl]adj. 不可缺少的
  • count on 指望

11. Should universities finance students’ sports activities equally as libraries?

The main responsibility of a university is to develop a student’s academic ability. While physical health is an important prerequisite for mental health and academic achievement, sports should play a comparatively small role in college student’s lives.

Since a student’s main activity outside of the classroom is studying, occupying from four to eight hours of their day, a peaceful studying environment plays an important role in a student’s academic development. College dorm rooms can have up to eight students sleeping in one small room and are not good environments for students to study in. To provide excellent studying environments for their students, universities must build large libraries designed to accommodate students as well as books. Since sports should occupy a much smaller part of the student’s time, perhaps only an hour a day, sports facilities need not be as extensive or well-equipped as libraries.

In addition to the costs of building adequate library faculties, a university must also pay every year to keep its collection well organized and up-to-date.

The goal of every university library should be to have the most current books and materials its students need in order to study and do cutting edge research. The larger the student body, the more comprehensive a library’s collection must be. A well-trained staff must also care for the materials and help the students.

Continuing costs for sports, on the other hand, are relatively low, requiring only a few part-time staff and maintenance routines. For the most part, students are happy to organize their own sporting events and exercise routines quite independently of the school.

Although a student’s health is critical to their academic success, the investment that a school needs to make to ensure a physically fit student body is relatively small. Considering that the main mission of the school is to develop a student’s mind and not their body, the school should put more of its resources into its libraries and not its sports activities.


11. 大学拨给图书馆和用于学生体育活动的经费是否应等同?





Word List

  • academic [ˌækəˈdemik] adj. 学术的,理论的
  • up-to-date [ˌuptəˈdeit] adj. 跟上时代的,最新的
  • prerequisite [pri:ˈrekwizit] n. 先决条件
  • comprehensive [ˌka:mpriˈhensiv] adj. 综合的
  • comparatively [kəmˈpærətivli] adv. 比较地,相对地
  • staff [stæf] n. 全体职工
  • accommodate [əˈka:məˌdeit] vt. 容纳
  • maintenance [ˈmeintənəns] n. 维护
  • adequate[ ˈædikwit] adj.合适的,恰当的
  • routine [ru:ˈti:n] n. 日常事务
  • collection [kəˈlekʃən] n. 收藏,藏书

12. Why people visit museums?

People travel to new places for many different reasons. One of the most common reasons is to see a new place, culture, or way of life. For a total outsider with only a short amount of time, museums offer a glimpse into these ways of life through specially designed education, cultural insights, and entertainment.

People come to museums to learn about the world. The educational experience in a museum is quite different than that of reading or studying. In a museum, learning experiences are direct and thrilling. Reading books about primitive history might seem boring, but seeing the huge skeleton of a terrifying dinosaur in person is a thrilling experience. Reading history books about the Nanjing Massacre are horrifying, sad, and yet abstract, but a trip to the Memorial Museum in Nanjing is an experience that has moved many students to tears. Museums can make otherwise distant and mundane educational experiences come to life.

The museums of a place tell an outsider much about what the people of that place value culturally. A trip to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art would tell the visitor that Americans are interested in art from all over the world, but by comparing the size of the European Art collection with that of the Asian Art collection, one might conclude that Americans feel a strong cultural affinity with European Art. Similarly, a tourist to a place like San Francisco, where there is a large museum devoted solely to Asian Art, might conclude that people from San Francisco have a stronger affinity to Asian culture.

Meanwhile, many people who travel simply want to relax and be entertained, and museums also provide an excellent venue for leisure. Even most nominally educational museums provide exciting attractions like movie theaters and special cultural performances such as dances, gourmet dinners, lectures, and musical performances from jazz to rock and roll. Many museums in the United States hold special nights once a week where young people can drink and socialize. Museums are not only spaces for education and culture, but have also become important entertainment and social venues.


12. 人们为什么要参观博物馆?





Word List

  • outsider [ˌautˈsaidə] n. 外人
  • massacre [ˈmæsəkə] n. 大屠杀
  • glimpse [glimps] n. 一瞥
  • mundane [mʌnˈdein] adj. 尘世的,平凡的
  • thrilling [θriliŋ] adj. 令人激动的
  • New York Metropolitan Museum of Art纽约大都会艺术博物馆
  • primitive [ˈprimitiv] adj. 原始的,上古的
  • skeleton [ˈskelitin] n. 骨架
  • affinity [əˈfiniti] n. 喜爱,吸引力
  • terrifying [ˈterəfaiiŋ] adj. 可怕的
  • venue [ˈvenju:] n. 场所,地点
  • dinosaur [ˈdainəˌsɔ:] n. 恐龙

13. Eat at home or out?

After a hard day of work or study, many people feel like cooking for themselves is too much trouble. They prefer to grab a quick bite to eat at a restaurant and go home for rest as quickly as possible. But for me cooking at home is worth the time and trouble because it is cheaper, healthier, and more enjoyable.

Buying my own groceries and cooking for myself is much less expensive than eating in a restaurant. I find that a meal that I cook myself on average costs half to two-thirds less than a comparable meal in a restaurant. Restaurants have to rent space, hire chefs, waiters, and managers, as well as buy food and make a profit. When I cook I have no overhead. The only extra expense I have to pay is the time it takes for me to cook the food.

In addition to being less expensive, when I buy my own groceries I can be sure I am buying the freshest and cleanest meats and vegetables available. Restaurants might think it’s more important to buy the cheapest food possible in large quantities to make a higher profit. I also try and buy the healthiest food possible. For instance, when I buy meat, I try and buy the meat with the least fat on it. In a restaurant they add more fat and oil to dishes to make them taste better, but for me, health is more important.

Finally, cooking food with my friends and family brings me a special kind of joy. In a world that has increasingly focused on turning everyone into consumers, I enjoy being creative and producing something good. I enjoy learning and inventing new recipes and sharing them with friends. Even though it takes more time to shop, cook, and clean up when I cook for myself, at the end I have a sense that I did not waste the time so much as I truly enjoyed life for an hour at the end of the day.


13. 在家吃饭还是外出就餐?





Word List

  • grab a quick bite to eat 匆忙地吃点什么
  • groceries [ˈgrəusəriz] n. 食品杂货
  • chef [ʃef] n. 厨师
  • overhead [ˈəuvəˌhed] n. 管理费用
  • focused on 集中注意力于
  • recipe [ˈresəˌpi] n. 配方
  • consumer [kənˈsu:mə] n. 消费者

14. Attending classes: required or optional?

The most important responsibility of college students is to pursue their course of study to the best of their ability. In most cases, this would mean attending every class. In reality, however, not every student is the same, and not every class is the same. If a student can study more effectively in another way, then that student should be allowed to pursue his/her studies to the best of his/ her abilities, and not be required to attend classes that are not helpful to him/her.

Some students find it difficult to concentrate in large lecture classes and find reading quietly a more effective way of studying. If a student can achieve more by reading in the library and meeting with a professor during office hours than students who attend every class, he/she should not be prevented from studying in the most effective way for him/her.

The most important measures of a college student’s academic progress are tests. In the weeks before exams, college student’s need to arrange their own schedules becomes critical. For instance, if a student is very good at math but very poor at English, it might make more sense for that student to skip math class and spend the extra time preparing for an English test. If students are required to attend classes whose content they are already familiar with, at best they will be bored by redundant material, at worst they will fail tests in subjects they are less proficient in.

The argument might be made that it is the school’s responsibility to organize its curriculum so that students are always challenged and therefore truly need to be at every class. I contend that it is impossible to tailor an entire school’s curriculum to the individual needs of every single student. The best that can be hoped for is a well thought out curriculum with enough flexibility to handle the differences between individual students. Schools should trust the students to make choices that are in their own best interests, and use testing as the final arbiter of academic excellence.


14. 出席课堂:必须还是可选?





Word List

  • pursue [pəˈsu:] vt. 从事
  • concentrate [ˈka:nsənˌtreit]vi. 集中精力于
  • lecture [ˈlektʃə] n. 讲座,演讲
  • schedule [ˈskedʒu:l] n. 时间表,进度表
  • critical [ˈkritikəl] adj. 关键的,重要的
  • make sense 有意义
  • proficient [prəˈfiʃənt] vi. 精通
  • curriculum [kəˈrikjələm] n. 课程表
  • tailor [ˈteilə] vt. 度身订制
  • flexibility [ˌfleksəˈbiliti] n.适应性,灵活性
  • redundant [riˈdʌndənt] adj. 多余的
  • arbiter [ˈa:bitə] n. 仲裁者,判优器

15. What makes a good neighbor?

Neighbors are extraordinarily important people in our lives. Many people make a decision about what place they want to live in based on their future neighbors. People most want to live near neighbors who are respectful, vigilant, and community-minded.

The foundation of any relationship, whether among neighbors or friends, colleagues or family members, is mutual respect. Respect between neighbors means that when they see each other they will be warm and polite. Neighbors don’t have to be friends, but they need not be strangers either. Because neighbors live close together, sometimes it is unavoidable that they will learn personal details about their neighbors. A respectful person will not intrude upon their neighbor’s privacy, or share these private details with anyone else.

Another important aspect of being a good neighbor is to be vigilant. If people see a robber trying to break into their neighbor’s house, then they should call the police. If they see a neighbor’s young child in a dangerous situation, they should help the child, or at least give the alarm. If the government posts new regulations, they will help inform their neighbors of the new laws. If everyone in a neighborhood watches out for each other’s safety, then the neighborhood will be a safer and more pleasant place.

Moreover, good neighbors are community-minded. They care about their local environment. Good neighbors will not throw trash on the ground, and if they see trash on the ground they will pick it up. They will make decisions based with consideration to their neighbors. They won’t play loud music late at night or get drunk and fight in public. They want to live in a happy, peaceful community and they believe that their personal actions have a direct effect on the happiness of all of their neighbors. If all the people in the community think about the good of the community when they make decisions, the whole community will benefit.


15. 好邻居需具备哪些品质?



要成为好邻居,另外一个重要的方面就是有警惕心。如果看到盗贼试图闯入邻居家,人们应当去报警。 如果看到邻居的小孩处于危险情况之中,人们应当给与帮助,至少也要警告一下。 如果政府发布了新规定,人们应该将这新法规告诉邻居。如果社区里的每一个人都互相注意安全,那么这里会成为一个更安全、更宜人的地方。


Word List

  • extraordinarily [ekˈstrɔ:rdˌnerili]adv. 格外地
  • vigilant [ˈvidʒələnt] adj. 警惕着的,警醒的
  • foundation [faunˈdeiʃən] n. 基础,根本
  • unavoidable [ˌʌnəˈvɔidəbl] adj. 不能避免的,不可避免的,不能取消的
  • intrude [inˈtrud] vi. 闯入,侵入
  • alarm [əˈla:m] n. 警报
  • aspect [ˈæspekt] n. (问题等的) 方面

16. What’s your opinion on a new restaurant built in your neighborhood?

Until recently our neighborhood hasn’t had any restaurants. We have a local food market and several small convenience stores, and even several street side food stands, but no real restaurants. I’m personally in favor of opening a new restaurant in our neighborhood, and I believe it will make people’s lives more convenient, support the local economy, and create a healthier community spirit.

Cooking at home every night is time-consuming and tiring for local families. After a long day at work, local people have to spend at least one hour to shop for groceries, and even more for cooking dinner, and cleaning up after the meal. By the time all is finished, they almost have no time to enjoy the company of their families. Eating out would save time if there were a restaurant nearby, but the closest restaurant is a 30-minute walk away. If a restaurant opened in our neighborhood it would allow local people to relax for a night or two every week and enjoy more time with their families.

A new restaurant would also help the local economy. Building the restaurant would require the labor of local carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. The new restaurant would need to buy a great deal of food and produce from local markets and supplies like furniture, cooking utensils, and everyday items from local merchants. It would also create jobs for waiters, managers, and chefs. Perhaps most importantly, a new restaurant could also potentially attract business from the surrounding neighborhoods, bringing more investment into our community.

Finally, a new restaurant would give local people a public space to gather and talk in. Our community has few suitable open spaces for people to meet and have conversations. The streets and markets are too noisy, and the shops have no place to sit down. People who were once strangers could meet in this restaurant and become better acquainted with one another; new friendships could be forged while old friendships could be strengthened. The benefits of a restaurant to community life are harder to measure than are its economic benefits, but in my opinion are sorely needed in our community.


16. 你对在社区新建一家餐馆有何看法?





Word List

  • convenience store 便利店
  • electrician [ilekˈtriʃən] n. 电工
  • time-consuming [ˈtaimkənˌsu:miŋ] adj. 费时间的
  • utensil [juˈtensəl] n. 器具
  • potentially [pəˈtenʃəli] adv. 潜在地
  • groceries [ˈgrəusəriz] n. 食品杂货
  • investment [inˈvestmənt] n. 投资
  • carpenter [ˈka:pəntə] n. 木匠
  • acquainted with 与…熟悉
  • plumber [plʌmə] n. 管道工
  • sorely [ˈsɔ:li] adv. 强烈地,非常

17. Learn by yourself or with a teacher?

Whether we need a teacher or not depends on circumstances. The relationship between a teacher and a new subject is somewhat similar to that between a tour guide and an unknown city.

When we come to an unknown city for the first time, we definitely need a tour guide. We might have a detailed map, but it is unlikely functional—it isn’t surprised that we can hardly interpret those mysterious symbols. Likewise, when we are beginners, it is wise to learn with teachers. They can tell us where to begin with, what we should do, and which reference we should choose. When we confront difficulties, we can ask them for help, and their advices will always be tremendously helpful. With teachers’ assistance, we might learn easier, faster, and more interestingly.

After a period of time, we have learned a lot. We now know the city pretty well, even though there are still many places we haven’t been to. It doesn’t matter. Now that we are able to recognize those mysterious symbols on the map, what we need perhaps is not a tour guide but a more detailed map. Similarly, we need richer references for learning. Yes, there are still many fields unexplored; they are, nevertheless, no longer puzzling. The task is simple: we will explore them one by one, little by little. If we are working on a certain skill, practice more; if we are preparing a test, practice more; whatever we are learning, what is always to bear in mind is that, like people always say, practice makes perfect.

After another period of time, we might have become others’ tour guide, but we still want to make out more. We want to know which restaurant is the most decent, which bookstore is the most professional, which coffee shop is the most classical. Even the most comprehensive map doesn’t have adequate information. We again need experts. In learning, it’s much the same. We need experts to consult for specific problems. Furthermore, the most beneficial merit of consulting experts is that we can not merely refer to them but even discuss with them in depth. As is often the case, a solution for a complex matter is not waiting for us right there and then, sometimes it comes out of inspirations of discussion.

In short, having a good teacher is always better than having none, but the importance of a teacher varies from period to period, and more often than not depends on different stage in which we are learning.


17. 自学还是从师?






Word List

  • circumstance [ˈsə:kəmˌstæns] n. 环境,详情,境况
  • comprehensive [ˌka:mpriˈhensiv]adj. 全面的,广泛的
  • interpret [inˈtə:prit] v. 把…理解为
  • specific [spiˈsifik] adj. 特定的
  • mysterious [miˈstiriəs] adj. 神秘的
  • consult [kənˈsʌlt] v. 请教
  • reference [ˈrefərəns] n. 参考书目
  • complex [kəmˈpleks] adj. 复杂的
  • functional [ˈfʌŋkʃənəl] adj. 起作用的
  • beneficial [ˌbenəˈfiʃəl] adj. 有益的,受益的
  • puzzling [ˈpʌzəliŋ] adj. 令人迷惑的,使莫名其妙的
  • merit [ˈmerit] n. 优点,价值
  • confront [kənˈfrʌnt] vt. 面临,对抗
  • inspiration [ˌinspəˈreiʃən] n. 灵感
  • decent [ˈdi:sənt] adj. 相当好的,像样的

18. What makes a good boss?

A good boss is imperative to a successful workplace. The best bosses are serious, creative, and flexible. If a boss lacks any of these qualities, problems are certain to arise in the workplace. While humor and kindness are important characteristics for bosses to have, work is a serious business, and must be approached with a serious attitude. A boss must be able to keep his/her employees working hard and on schedule. He/ She must set down rules, enforce them, and also personally adhere to them. If the boss comes in late to work, leaves early, or spends all day joking with the co

workers, then the employees will neither respect nor work hard for him/her. A boss must have a serious and professional attitude that sets an example for all of the employees in the workplace.

To confront the countless problems that arise every day in the workplace, a boss must be extremely creative. If a client needs the company to meet a deadline earlier than expected, a boss must find ways to motivate employees to work faster and harder. A boss who lacks creativity might force his/her employees to work overtime. In this case, the employees might be very tired and upset; they might work slower or produce lower quality work as a result. A creative boss might spend a small amount of money, and treat everyone to dinner at the office to encourage employees to stay late. In this way the company might meet the deadline, preserve quality, and keep employee morale high. Finally, the most important quality that a good boss must possess is flexibility. While needing to set serious, strict rules, he/she must also recognize that at times the rules need to be bent or broken. For instance, a boss should strictly enforce attendance policies in the workplace. But if an employee with an excellent attendance record needs to take a day off for personal reasons, the boss should let him/her do it. In this way employees’ loyalty to the company will be strengthened, and they will be more happy and productive in the workplace.


18. 好老板需具备哪些品质?





Word List

  • schedule [ˈskedʒu:l] n. 时间表,进度表
  • adhere [ædˈhiə] vi. 坚持
  • employee [emˈplɔii] n. 职工,雇员
  • workplace [ˈwə:kˌpleis] n. 工作场所
  • deadline [ˈdedˌlain] n. 最终期限
  • treat [tri:t] vt. 对待,款待
  • preserve [priˈzə:v] vt. 保护,保持
  • morale [məˈræl] n. 士气
  • attendance [əˈtendəns] n. 出勤
  • loyalty [ˈlɔiəlti] n. 忠诚,忠心
  • productive [prəˈdʌktiv] adj. 生产性的,多产的

19. Highways or public transportation, which should be given preferential financing?

As China continues along the road of economic development, new demands are being put on the transportation infrastructure of the country. This is particularly evident in the cities, where daily traffic jams are unavoidable facts of life. Faced with a mounting traffic crisis, I believe the government should focus on improving public transportation instead of improving roads and highways. Public transportation is cheaper, better for the environment, and a better longterm solution for meeting the transportation demands of the future.

The traffic crisis in large cities is mainly due to the increase in the number of private cars on the road. If 30 people each drive their own private cars to work in the morning, polluting emissions from these 30 cars pollute the air. Having 30 extra cars on the road not only means more traffic, it also means that all cars on the road will run their engines longer to produce more pollution while they idle in traffic jams. On the contrary, if those same 30 people take the bus to work, there would be less traffic, and even less pollution. More bus and subway lines would also save much space now wasted on parking lots, which makes sense from both environmental and city-planning perspectives.

Investment in public transportation also makes sense for the customer. The most expensive public transportation in the city costs about 5 Yuan. Two trips across the city every day for a whole year would still be less than a fifth of the cost of a new car, not to mention the inevitable expenditure of maintaining a good performance of the car. Taking into account the considerable upkeep expenses of a car, gas, insurance, and repairs, owning a car is much less economic and convenient than is taking the bus or the subway.

While some people would argue that investing money on highways is imperative for holistic benefits of our country, I personally believe the need for solving current traffic disasters that are prevalent in most such major cities as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou is more urgent. The problem has already become the biggest headache of local governments and their residents, and would cost even more if not handled promptly.


19. 公路与公共交通哪个应获得优先资助?





Word List

  • infrastructure [ˈinfrəˌstrʌktʃə] n. 基础设施
  • mounting [ˈmauntiŋ] adj. 逐渐增长的
  • emission [iˈmiʃən] n. (光、热等的)散发,喷射
  • expenditure [ikˈspendətʃə] n. 支出,花费
  • parking lot 停车场
  • perspective [pəˈspektiv] n. 远景
  • imperative [imˈperətiv] adj. 紧急的,势在必行的
  • prevalent [ˈprevələnt] adj. 普遍的,流行的
  • promptly [ˈpra:mptli] adv. 迅速地

20. Big city or countryside,which is better for children to grow up in?

Having grown up in the country myself, I can say without a doubt that I want my own children to grow up in the city. Life in the city is incomparably better for children than life in the country. The city has better schools, health care, jobs, and more exposure to the outside world.

The two most important things in any child’s life are health and education. In the country, if children get sick, there are no good hospitals to take them to. Families are often so poor that they can’t afford to send all of their children to school, and the schools are usually of low quality anyway. In the cities, on the other hand, health care facilities and schools are of excellent quality.

Children from cities also have a much higher chance of getting into excellent universities. City universities have large numbers of spaces reserved for local residents while they have relatively fewer spaces for students from the countryside. If I want my child to have a good chance of getting into a good university, I would raise them in a city.

City salaries are significantly higher than salaries in the country. Jobs in the city are also much easier, on average, than jobs in the country. A worker in the country might spend 14 hours a day laboring outdoors in the fields and make much less money per month than the city worker who typically works only eight hours a day. I want my child to grow up and get a good, high-paying job. A better place to find those is in a city.

Finally, I want my children to grow up into a world that is larger than just their immediate surroundings. In a city they will have a chance to meet people from all over the country and all over the world. They will have chances to absorb history and culture from the cities parks, theatres, and museums. Only in the city will they have the chance to be truly global citizens.


20. 大城市和农村:哪里更适宜孩子成长?






Word List

  • incomparably [inˈka:mpərəbli] adv. 无比地
  • exposure [iksˈpəuʒə] n. 暴露,揭露,暴光
  • facility [fəˈsiliti] n. 设备,工具
  • significantly [sigˈnifikəntli] adv. 值得注意地
  • immediate [iˈmi:diit] adj. 紧靠的
  • surroundings [səˈraundiŋz] n. 环境
  • absorb [əbˈsɔ:b] vt. 吸收,吸引

21. The causes of people’s longevity today

Among various factors that contribute to today’s longevity of people are three most obvious ones: the improvement of food conditions, the development of modern medical technology, and finally current stability of economy in our country.

Food conditions are better than before and are still being developed with a rapid pace. First of all, foods are more hygienic. People today drink untainted mineral water, sterilized skim milk, which are cheaply supplied in supermarkets. Furthermore, foods are more nutrient. Not to mention various carefully designed nutrient products. People can just ignore the possibility of being dystrophic, since they can keep nutrient balance by simply taking a cheap pill of vitamin compound every day.

Another essential improvement that contributes to people’s longevity is swiftly developing medical technology. Development of modern medical technology has always been amazing. Certain diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery are now easy to remedy with low expenses, but in the past, they are all probably lethal ones. The dental technology seems developed little except its exorbitantly charged bill, yet the simplest technology contributes to people’s longevity most. It is not difficult to imagine that if an individual who lived in the past got a toothache, without certain dental care which is common today, he was certainly in an awful prospect: he might even die of a toothache!

Current societal and economic stabilization is also a very indispensable factor. People have less pressure in a more stable society, the less pressure they suffer, the healthier they are. Today’s ideal stabilization even provides people an opportunity to secure their future—buy insurances. Various types of insurances are readily available, which make people feel safe, and have to a large extent reduced people’ anxieties, and therefore indirectly contribute significantly to the longevity of people.


21. 现代人长寿的原因





Word List

  • longevity [la:nˈdʒeviti] n. 长命,寿命
  • stability [stəˈbiliti] n. 稳定性
  • hygienic [ˌhaidʒiˈenik] adj. 卫生学的;卫生的
  • nutrient [ˈnu:triənt] adj. 有营养的
  • dystrophic [diˈstra:fik] adj.营养不良的
  • tuberculosis [tuˌbə:kjəˈləusis] n. 肺结核
  • pneumonia [nu:ˈməunjə] n. 肺炎
  • dysentery [ˈdisənˌteri] n. 痢疾
  • lethal [ˈli:θəl] adj. 致命的

22. What makes a good co-worker?

Healthy co-workers relations are crucial for the success of business. Since average workers spend at least 8 hours a day with their co-workers, their relationships with their co-workers are among the most important relationships in their lives. The best kinds of co-workers will possess team spirit, be hard working, and have a sense of humor.

Co-workers with team spirit will put the needs of the company and their co-workers before their own needs. For instance, an employee with team spirit might put in uncompensated overtime to help a co-worker finish a project before a big deadline. If the worker who needs help does not meet the deadline, the whole company might lose an important client. If co-workers help each other, even though the rewards might not be immediately apparent, each individual will gain more than if they worked separately.

A good co-worker needs to be hard working. This is the responsibility of every worker in any company. Just as the failure of employees to cooperate will hurt each member of a company, failure of each worker to perform to the best of his/her ability will hurt the company. It will not only lower that particular worker’s productivity, it will also damage the co-workers’ morale. If I see a coworker of mine slacking off, I might begin to think to myself, “Why should I work hard? I can slack off like my co-worker and still make the same amount of money!” Hard work is not only important for productivity; it is also a crucial prerequisite of team spirit.

Finally, good co-workers need to have a sense of humor. Working at any company can be very stressful. Even though it is necessary for everyone to work hard, that does not mean that work cannot be fun. Since co-workers spend so much time together, being able to joke and laugh each other is also important.

If an employee is perceived by his/her co-workers as a humorless workaholic, then they might not want to go along with him/her. His/her lack of humor hurts team spirit, and not only irritates the people around him/her, but also damages the whole company.


22. 好同事需具备哪些品质?





Word List

  • co-worker [ˈkəuˌwə:kə] n. 同事
  • slack [slæk] vi. 松懈,松驰
  • uncompensated [ʌnˈka:mpenseitid]adj. 未得补偿的
  • productivity [ˌprəudʌkˈtiviti] n. 生产力
  • crucial [ˈkru:ʃəl] adj. 至关紧要的
  • deadline [ˈdedˌlain] n. 最终期限
  • prerequisite [pri:ˈrekwizit] n. 先决条件
  • client [ˈklaiənt] n. 顾客,客户,委托人
  • workaholic [ˌwə:kəˈhɔlik] n. 工作第一的人,工作狂
  • reward [riˈwɔ:d] n. 报酬,奖金
  • cooperate [kəuˈa:pəˌreit] vi. 合作,协作
  • irritate [ˈiriteit] vt. 激怒
  • morale [ma:ˈræl] n. 士气

23. Is it advisable for a teenage student to have a part-time job?

People who oppose the idea of students taking part time jobs say that students should use their time to focus on exclusively on studying. I would argue instead that part-time jobs helps students focus on their studies, provides valuable practical experience, and allows them a feeling of success and independence that is a perfect complement to their academic pursuits.

A popular criticism of schools is that they are”ivory towers,” or places where study and research are divorced from the “real world”. A part-time job related to their major gives students an exciting chance to apply the theories they have learned in school. Chemistry is a notoriously abstract, boring, difficult subject. When a student takes a part-time job in a medical research lab, however, he/she might discover how important studying Chemistry is for saving people’s lives. This student might then return to his/her Chemistry studies with renewed vigor. What was an abstract academic pursuit becomes a concrete and interesting goal with a real relationship to the student’s life.

Part-time jobs also help students strengthen their resumes, build important contacts with companies, and familiarize them with the contemporary state of their respective fields. No matter how hard they try, Computer Science textbook publishers cannot keep up with the rapid development of new computer hardware, software, and programming languages. C. S. students who wish to maintain a competitive edge in the job market should find part-time positions where they can learn state-of-the-art techniques. After they graduate from college, they might then return to their part-time employer to look for a full-time position, or approach other employers with good references and cutting-edge work experience.

Finally, the feeling of success that comes from holding a part-time job can build students’ confidence. Knowing that they can do a job well and be paid for it is an important character-building experience that many students put off for too long. Learning to manage the money that they make will be a critical part of their future lives. If they make mistakes handling their money in college, the results will probably not be disastrous, but will teach them valuable lessons that they will be sure to remember in the future, when they will be truly independent.


23. 学生兼职可取吗?





Word List

  • focus [ˈfəukəs] vt. 使集中在焦点上,集中
  • complement [ˈka:mpləmənt] n. 补足物
  • pursuit [pəˈsu:t] n. 追求
  • notoriously [nəuˈtɔ:riəsli] adv. 众所周知地
  • reference [ˈrefərəns] n. 介绍信(人)
  • cutting-edge [ˌkʌtiŋˈedʒ] adj. 先锋的,前沿的

24. The advantages and disadvantages of my city

If my friend Joey wants to move to Beijing, I think even though she might find something she dislikes, she will ultimately like this greatest city in our country. The weather might be one thing that she dislikes. The weather in Beijing is characterized by dry climate and it is much windy and dusty than that of Guangzhou city. Joey is very sensitive about her skin, so she will definitely hate dusty winds in Beijing. Moreover, Beijing’s winter is far too much colder than that of Guangzhou, it might take Joey, as many other people came from the South, a very long time to get accustomed to. Nevertheless, she might well enjoy winter in the North, since she has never seen snowflakes in reality before. I remembered the shining of yearning and eager in her eyes when I once told her what the winter in the North looks like.

She might be always irritated by heavy traffic in Beijing, though taxis in Beijing cost much less than in Guangzhou. When I was in Guangzhou, seldom was I trapped by traffic jams. It must be ridiculous for her to have spent more than two hours and still didn’t arrive at the destination which is merely 10 kilometers away. And the most ludicrous thing is, even if you possess a private car, it is more likely to be useless, for parking lots are always crowded, which means more time is to be wasted. Good news for her is that the bus system and that of subway in Beijing are well developed and more convenient, and she won’t have to bear that odor of bromhidrosis owing to burning weather as she once experienced in buses of Guangzhou.

What she will definitely love is the cultural ethos of the city. Beijing has a history probably longer than any other big city in China. To visit all historical landscapes in Beijing, she will need at least three years, no kidding! Beijing has the most famous and excellent universities, the largest libraries, the richest museums, yet most important of all, her best friend! Amazingly, in this aged city, people are sometimes more international. Joey is especially fond of art, and Beijing is the right place for her, in which concerts of international singers or other musicians are much frequent, and she will even be able to attend Cui Jian’s casual private concert in a coffee shop on a rainy autumn weekend.


24. 我的城市的优点与缺点





Word List

  • get accustomed to 适应
  • bromhidrosis [ˌbrəumhaiˈdrəusis]n. 臭汗,腋臭
  • snowflake [ˈsnəufleik]n. 雪花
  • yearning [ˈjə:niŋ] n. 向往
  • landscape [ˈlændˌskeip] n. 风景
  • traffic jam 堵车
  • frequent [ˈfri:kwənt]adj. 时常发生的,频繁的
  • ludicrous [ˈlu:dikrəs]adj. 滑稽的,愚蠢的
  • odor [ˈəudə] n. 气味

25. Do you like a large shopping center being built in your neighborhood?

While the proponents of the plan to build a large shopping center in my community believe that it will aid economic development, I think that it will possibly do irreparable harm to our neighborhood. The proposed shopping center will damage existing businesses, provide inferior products, and destroy the environment of our peaceful community.

Research indicates that companies with less than 50 workers employ more people and generate more revenue as a percentage of a nation’s GDP than large-scale corporations. This is true in America, where small businesses are considered the engine of the economy, as it is in our community where many people own and operate small shops. Large stores can buy large quantities of goods at wholesale prices. While local grocery, that cannot buy products in bulk, will be unable to compete. Once the competition is gone, the large store can raise its prices and lower its employee’s wages. This classic example of exploitative monopoly capitalism impoverishes a community while enriching a small number of people.

The goods sold at the shopping center would be mass produced and necessarily of inferior quality to the handcrafted local goods and freshly grown local produce. Cheap products like plastic furniture would lack the character and local flavor of traditional wooden furniture made right here in our town. Cheaply mass-produced food, laden with pesticides and chemical preservatives, would crowd out the healthier, fresher, and tastier local produce on the shelves of the large shopping center. Low prices from the large store might tempt local consumers to eat less healthy food, endangering the health of local people as well as harming the incomes of local farmers and shopkeepers.

Lastly, I must point out that a large shopping center might bring unwelcome development to our small community. Ugly and noisy roads and parking lots would need to be constructed. The volume of people wanting to buy things at the new shopping center would worsen the traffic situation, which is already bad. Pollution from cars and trucks already has a notably degrading effect on the local air-quality and this is also bound to become worse as the traffic to and from the shopping center increases.


25. 你赞同在你家周围建一个大型购物中心吗?





Word List

  • proponent [prəˈpəunənt] n. 建议者,支持者
  • monopoly [məˈna:pəli] n. 垄断,垄断者
  • impoverish [imˈpa:vəriʃ]vt. 使贫穷;使枯竭
  • irreparable [iˈrepərəbl] adj. 不能挽回的
  • inferior [inˈfiriə] adj. 下等的,下级的;差的,次的;自卑的
  • handcrafted [ˌhændˈkræftid]adj. 手工的,手工艺的
  • generate [ˈdʒenəˌreit] vt. 产生,发生
  • pesticide [ˈpestiˌsaid] n. 杀虫剂
  • revenue [ˈrevənju:] n. 收入,国家的收入,税收
  • preservative [priˈzə:vətiv] n. 防腐剂
  • endanger [enˈdeindʒə] vt. 危及
  • wholesale [ˈhəulˌseil] adj. 批发的
  • degrading [diˈgreidiŋ]adj. 可耻的,不名誉的
  • bulk [bʌlk] n. 大批,大多数
  • exploitative [iksˈplɔitətiv] adj. 剥削的

26. Do you like a new movie theater being built in your neighborhood?

Many people consider our town a small provincial backwater, lacking both culture and the amenities of modern life. Building the recently proposed movie theater would be a step in the right direction, away from our backwards past, and towards participation in the larger world. It will create jobs, spark economic activity, and provide entertainment and culture for our young people.

Movie theaters are necessarily large-scale affairs, attract a large amount of customers, and accordingly need to employ a fairly large number of people as ushers, concession stand chefs and attendants, ticket sellers, and janitorial staff, as well as projection technicians, managers, accountants, and other higher-level professionals. The employees would be drawn from the local population, and considering the tight job market in the area, the movie theatre would provide much needed full or supplement incomes for at least thirty families in the area.

Going to the movies is usually an evening experience that either precedes or comes directly after eating dinner. For this reason many restaurants, cafes, bars, music shops, and other leisure and entertainment venues spring up around movie theatres. People who are going to the movies have disposable incomes and have already left their houses in search of a good time. This is an ideal market, and local entrepreneurs are certain to capitalize on the opportunity to open up new business ventures and develop the lucrative area around the movie theater, further invigorating the local economy.

In addition to providing jobs and developing the local economy, a movie theater will bring us a little bit closer to the outside world. We will be able to participate in popular culture. A movie theater is one step in this direction, and if we can successfully transform our sleepy little hamlet into a regional cultural hot spot, we will be able to keep our young people from migrating to larger cities that they consider more developed and sophisticated. Our young people are our most precious resource and we should do everything to keep them here.


26. 你赞同在你家附近建一个电影院吗?





Word List

  • backwater [ˈbækˌwɔ:tə]n. 死水,停滞的状态或地方
  • accountant [əˈkauntənt] n. 会计(员),会计师
  • amenities [əˈmenətiiz]n. 令人愉快之事物
  • entrepreneur [ˌa:ntrəprəˈnə:]n. 企业家,主办人
  • usher [ˈʌʃə] n. 引座员
  • invigorate [inˈvigəˌreit] v. 鼓舞
  • concession stand 剧场中的食品摊
  • transform [trænsˈfɔ:m]vt. 转换,改变,改造,使…变形
  • venue [ˈvenju:] n. 地点,场所
  • janitorial [ˌdʒænəˈtɔ:riəl] adj. 门房的
  • hamlet [ˈhæmlit] n. 小村, 部落
  • disposable [diˈspəuzəbəl] adj. 可任意使用的

27. Should people sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing?

We live in a world in which every one wants to be successful. Nothing is wrong about the desire to be No. 1, and there is no doubt that being successful is enjoyable. Nevertheless, it is somewhat childish to think we can be finally successful by only doing what we enjoy doing. People often are amazed by the glorious appearance of a skyscraper, however they at the same time forget the fact that the skyscraper had taken a long time to construct, maybe much longer time to design, and possibly even cost people’s lives during the constructing process!

We may categorize things into two groups, the enjoyable and the unenjoyable; at the same time, another category can be made: the necessary and the unnecessary. The point is, things that are necessary are not always enjoyable and things that are enjoyable sometimes may be unnecessary. Doing things that are necessary rather than those that are merely enjoyable is not only helpful, but might also be indispensable for individual success. We all admire even envy those who now have attained great achievements, such those famous stars as Jacky Chen, Jet Li. We should, however, be aware of the exorbitant prices they have paid for their present glories. Jacky Chen once told that when he was still a teenager, he and his partners were required to practice more than 12 hours a day; and it was said that Jet Li was sent to be an apprentice when he was hardly four years old! Apparently, those seemingly cruel hardships have turned out to be the best gifts later. But for yesterday’s struggle, today’s glories could not exist.

Things that are both enjoyable and necessary or both unenjoyable and unnecessary virtually seldom exist. We may dislike some curriculums in university, such as mathematics or history, but they are necessary; we may prefer leisure times to work days, but the latter are indispensable. Pursuing a successful life is nothing more than making wise decisions, and by”wise”we mean the choice of doing the necessary first.


27. 人们有时应该做自己不喜欢的事吗?




Word List

  • glorious [ˈglɔ:riəs] adj. 光荣的,显赫的
  • skyscraper [ˈskaiˌskreipə] n. 摩天楼
  • construct [kənˈstrʌkt] vt. 建造
  • categorize [ˈkætigəˌraiz] v. 分类
  • indispensable [ˌindiˈspensəbl]adj. 不可缺少的,绝对必要的
  • exorbitant [igˈzɔ:bitənt]adj. 过度的,过高的,昂贵的
  • apprentice [əˈprentis] n. 学徒
  • apparently [əˈpærəntli] adv. 显然地
  • virtually [ˈvə:tuəli] adv. 事实上,实质上

28. Is it true that media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people?

It is true that television programs concerning personal lives of celebrities always receive the highest audience rating. It is also true that newspapers and magazines are constantly reporting stories, which are usually beyond confirmation, about famous people, and that autobiographies written by public figures are always on the top 10 best-sellers’ list. It seems that we live in a world where a few individuals are drawing nearly all attentions. Nevertheless, it is not exactly precise to criticize the mass media, including television, newspapers, magazines and so forth, for paying too much focus on the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities.

In fact, it is the public, to a large extent, rather than mass media, that is paying too much attention on personal lives of celebrities. Most organizations of mass media industry, being inherently commercial, are driven by business motivations. Television program producers, as well as columnists and writers, are always aware of what the public want to see, therefore tend to pander to tastes of the public. To put in another way, the mass media is audience-oriented, and the pheno-menon is well interpreted and manipulated that when famous people such as actors, athletes and rock stars give their opinions, many people listen. It is the nature of the public, who are curious enough about personal lives of famous people, since they can never be famous.

On the other hand, it is holistically detrimental for the society if the mass media pay too much focus on famous few so as to ignore the rest of the individuals. After all, the mission of the mass media is not merely to cater to the needs of customers, but has a much wider scope, such as to tell the truth, to define what is good and what is bad; to promote cultural values, and the list could be endless. More popular science programs should be produced by television, more reports on poor rural lives should be publicized, more books concerning not famous but respectable people such as, nurses who are fighting SARS fearlessly, teachers who are performing their duties regardless of poverty of remote villages, journalists who publicize their pieces under political menace, and this is another endless list should be written.


28. 传媒是否过于关注名人的私生活?




Word List

  • celebrity [səˈlebriti] n. 名人
  • constantly [ˈka:nstəntli] adv. 经常地
  • autobiography [ˌɔ:təubaiˈa:grəfi] n. 自传
  • best-sellers’ list 畅销书排行榜
  • oriented [ˈɔ:rientid] adj. 导向的
  • manipulate [məˈnipjəˌleit] vt. 巧妙地处理
  • ignore [igˈnɔ:] vt. 不理睬,忽视
  • promote [prəˈməut] vt. 促进,发扬,提升
  • respectable [riˈspektəbəl] adj. 可敬的,有名望的
  • journalist [ˈdʒə:nəlist] n. 新闻记者

29. Does human activity improve or damage the earth?

The environment is usually changed to benefit human life. Cars and roads make transportation fast and easy, factories make products that make our lives more comfortable, public services in cities like water treatment, electricity, and waste disposal make our lives more convenient. All of these advances, however, come with a significant environmental cost. Human activity does significant damage to the Earth.

One of the main effects of human activity on an area is water pollution. Dumping waste materials from human activity into rivers and streams is popular because the waste seems to disappear downstream. The main sources of water pollution are factory waste, oil and gas runoff from highways, and untreated human waste. When this waste dumped into rivers, the water downstream becomes undrinkable and unusable for agriculture, and also kills plant and animal life in the rivers.

Clean air and water is a prerequisite not only for human life, but also for all life on the planet. But air is now being polluted by modern transportation, notably gas-powered automobiles, as well as electrical generators that burn fossil fuels and pour polluting chemical waste into the air. This makes the air much less healthy to breathe. The air-borne pollution also falls back to the earth in the form of acid rain, which destroys plant life and human buildings.

Another serious long-term effect of air pollution is global warming. For the past several decades scientists have noted a disturbing rise in the average temperature of the earth that caused by the rise of greenhouse gases, air pollutants created by burning fossil fuels, in the atmosphere. Scientists believe that if humans continue to increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the temperature of the earth will continue to rise. Eventually, this could melt the polar ice caps and cause devastating costal flooding all over the world. Major cities like Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Dalian might be totally destroyed.

Therefore, I believe human activity has caused serious problems while it has improved the world in which we live. It is time to realize this hazard and take action to prevent further disaster while making progress.


29. 人类活动是改善还是破坏了地球?






Word List

  • transportation [ˌtrænspə:ˈteiʃən] n. 运输,运送
  • disposal [diˈspəuzəl] n. 处理,处置,布置,安排
  • downstream [ˈdaunstri:m] adj. 下游的
  • dump [dʌmp] vt. 倾倒(垃圾),倾卸
  • fossil [ˈfa:səl] adj. 化石的
  • notably [ˈnəutəbli] adv. 显著地,特别地
  • prerequisite [ˈpri:ˈrekwizit] n. 先决条件
  • greenhouse [ˈgri:nhaus] n. 温室,花房
  • devastating [ˈdevəsteitiŋ] adj. 破坏性的,强有力的
  • hazard [ˈhæzəd] n. 危险,冒险的事

30. Do you like a new high school being built in your community?

The basic prerequisite of success for any community is the education of its citizens. Because the advantages of a high school education in my town are presently available to only a limited number of students every year, I wholeheartedly support the construction of a new school facility to serve our community.

The competition to get into high school in my town is fierce. There are three middle schools in town, but only one high school. Because the number of applicants to the single high school far exceeds the available spaces in the high school, only the richest and most qualified students are able to go to school. The skills taught in high school including advanced math, analysis, and high-level reading and writing are important to every citizen, no matter what profession they later choose. Even if they are manual laborers, the ability to critically analyze problems taught in high school will make them better and more highly skilled workers.

Beyond teaching practical skills to more local children, another high school will give children more opportunity to attend college. Holding a college degree is almost the only way a person can be assured of getting a stable, high paying job. Even a degree from a two or three year junior college can mean the ability to make a salary thousands of yuan annually higher than a high school diploma.

Because our current high school is so small, many bright children with promising college careers ahead of them have no way of even obtaining the high school diploma! We must make sure the road to higher education remains open for as many young people as possible.

Finally, if we cannot afford to open this high school, our town will have a serious problem with the number of unemployed youths who graduate from middle school with nothing to do. If they cannot find good jobs, they might be tempted to commit crimes, use drugs, or, if they are girls, engage in prostitution. Giving these children another option would both save them and help society.


30. 你赞成在你的社区建一所新的高中吗?






Word List

  • prerequisite [ˈpri:ˈrekwizit] n. 先决条件
  • wholeheartedly [ˈhəulˈha:tidli] adv. 全心全意地
  • facility [fəˈsiliti] n. 设备,工具
  • competition [ka:mpiˈtiʃən] n. 竞争,竞赛
  • applicant [ˈæplikənt] n. 申请者,请求者
  • exceed [ikˈsi:d] vt. 超越,胜过
  • qualified [ˈkwa:lifaid] adj. 有资格的
  • manual [ˈmænjuəl] adj. 手工的,体力的
  • diploma [diˈpləumə] n. 文凭,毕业证书
  • promising [ˈpra:misiŋ] adj. 有希望的,有前途的
  • unemployed [ˌʌnemˈplɔid] adj. 失业的
  • prostitution [ˌpra:stiˈtu:ʃən] n. 卖淫

31. Staying in one place or moving in search of another place?

While moving to a new place can be a traumatic experience, especially for children, I believe that in the end its benefits outweigh its drawbacks. Moving to a new place to live increases a person’s understanding of the world, offers new challenges and opportunities, and does not preclude putting down deep roots at some point in the future.

One of the greatest benefits of traveling is learning about a new and different place. Traveling to a new place to live deepens and enriches the sense of newness and learning that a visitor might feel. A new place means a new, perhaps different job, and new and different friends. Learning the diverse viewpoints of a new place not only presents totally new information; it also casts a new light on old viewpoints. Often moving to a new place teaches people more about the place that they are from. Old, seemingly mundane foods, customs, and language are suddenly new again viewed in the context of a radically different environment. Through comparisons of old and new places, friends, and ideas, people become more knowledgeable about the world and about themselves.

A new place offers interesting possibilities for personal and professional development. Even though in a new place people lacks deep connections, they also lack prejudices and rivalries. Often people move to new places to escape uncomfortable situations that have hampered their personal growth. If I have a long-standing feud with my neighbor, I might eventually move to a new place to start over in peace. New places naturally have their own local politics, but learning about them and finding a way to prosper is like starting life with a clean slate. Every opportunity is available to newcomers to pursue because the local people do not have preconceived ideas about them.

Some people would say that truly settling down in one place and making deep and lasting connections is preferable to moving every few years. I say that true friendships can be maintained over distance, and that people will be happiest when they discover a place that is truly the best for them. How can people really know what place is best for them if they have only lived in one place and have no basis for comparison? Moving once, or even several times does not mean that a person can never settle down in one, but it does ensure that he/she truly like and understand the place that he/she does settle down in.


31. 留守一地还是远走他方?





Word List

  • traumatic [trɔ:ˈmætik] adj. 痛苦难忘的
  • knowledgeable [ˈna:lidʒəbəl] adj. 知识渊博的
  • outweigh [autˈwei] v. 在重量或价值等上超过
  • prejudice [ˈpredʒədis] n. 偏见,成见
  • preclude [priˈklu:d] n. 排除
  • hamper [ˈhæmpə] v. 妨碍,牵制
  • put down roots(人)扎根(某地)
  • prosper [ˈpra:spə] v. 成功,兴隆
  • cast a light on 使有新认识
  • clean slate 清白的历史
  • mundane [ˈmʌndein] adj. 世俗的,平凡的
  • feud [fju:d]n. 不和, (部落或家族间的) 世仇
  • context [ˈka:ntekst] n. 上下文;背景
  • preconceived [ˌpri:kənˈsi:vd]adj. 先入为主的
  • radically [ˈrædikəli] adv. 根本上

32. Spend your earned money immediately or save it for future?

My mom used to tell me:”You can only spend money once.” What she meant is that if you spent money frivolously, you might really need it later and regret your earlier careless spending. After several years of managing a small amount of my own money, I have come to the conclusion that my mom was right, saving is better than spending.

No one knows what tomorrow will bring, the only thing we can do is to try to be prepared. When disaster strikes, perhaps a sudden illness in the family, having money on hand can mean the difference between life and death. When opportunity knocks, a surprise acceptance to a top university for instance, money is needed for tuition, board, and books. This is not to say that one should not spend any money because they have to prepare for every possible contingency. It simply means that one should not spend recklessly without having a substantial amount of money to guard against an unpredictable future.

The importance of saving money when young cannot be overstressed. This is because young people can tolerate higher-risk, higher return investments, and can let their investments mature longer, allowing interest on savings to compound. If invested well, $5,000 today could become $20,000 in 15 years. This concept is so powerful because the investor does not have to work for the money, the money works for the investor. Saving is not only a bulwark against an unpredictable future, it is also a way to generate future wealth.

At last, while it is true that spending money can be enjoyable, it is not the only way to have fun. The idea that we must always be consuming things in order to have a good time is a lie told to us by advertisers. These companies tell us that only when we drive the right car, wear the right clothes, and drink the right beverages will we be truly happy. In reality, each person determines the standard of his/her own happiness. For my part, I have decided that creating things, writing, painting, making music, is what truly makes me happy. The amount of money I need to spend doing these things is almost nothing, but the happiness they bring me is immeasurable. I would prefer to save money for unavoidable expenses and enjoy life by being a producer, not a consumer.


32. 马上花掉挣来的钱好还是为将来攒钱好?





Word List

  • frivolously [ˈfrivələsli] adv. 轻浮地,愚昧地
  • tuition [tu:ˈiʃən] n. 学费
  • board [bɔ:d] n. 膳食费用
  • recklessly [ˈreklisli] adv. 鲁莽地,不顾一切地
  • substantial [səbˈstænʃəl] adj. 坚固的,充实的
  • bulwark [ˈbulwək] n. 壁垒,防波堤
  • immeasurable [iˈmeʒərəbl] adj. 不可估量的
  • compound [ˈka:mpaund] v. 以复利计算
  • mature [məˈtuə] vi. 到期

33. How to deal with a gift of money?

It seems not a difficult decision for me. But if I was given the gift of money in different time, I would have different answers.

If I was given the money when I was in my high school, I would buy a ticket to a concert. I had been longing for attending concerts of famous artists to enjoy those transcendent pieces such as saxophone of Kenny G. , rock and roll of Cuijian, and romantic songs of Luo Dayou. Unfortunately I just was not able to afford those exorbitant prices. The given amount should be better if it is enough for several tickets so that I could take along my best friends, whose situations were much similar to mine.

If I was given the money when I was in the university, I would buy a fine piece of jewelry, and give it to my girl friend as a casual present, for we might enjoy a certain concert, but hardly could it be permanently impressive. Memories are always not reliable. We tend to simply forget anything— at best, memories are somewhat distorted—if time past long enough. But if I bought my girl friend a piece of jewelry, not costly though it might be, it would be a perfect reminder, being never changed.

If I was given the money recently, it would only make me feel funny. I don’t want to go to concerts anymore, because I became more and more reluctant to present in crowd public places, and besides, I have bought a super Hi-Fi which always brings me identical pleasure. And I don’t want to buy any jewelry either, for it is meaningless for a man who is now solitary. Nevertheless, if I was forced to accept some money as a gift—it hardly happens—I might buy some books, after all, reading always makes me relaxed and amazed.


33. 如何处理作为礼物的一笔钱?





Word List

  • longing for 渴望
  • transcendent [trænˈsendənt] adj. 卓越的,出众的
  • saxophone [ˈsæksəˌfəun] n.萨克斯管(铜管类乐器)
  • exorbitant price 过高的价格
  • reliable [riˈlaiəbəl] adj. 可靠的,可信赖的
  • at best 至多
  • identical [aiˈdentikəl] adj. 同一的,同样的
  • solitary [ˈsa:litəri] adj. 孤独的,单身的

34. Should businesses hire employees for their entire lives?

The decision to hire an employee for life is a serious commitment on the part of both parties. For the employee, such an arrangement means lifetime job security. From the perspective of an employer, however, the deal is not so sweet. Guaranteed lifetime employment, or tenure, at a company, can promote bad work habits, prevent innovation, and lead to potentially disastrous personnel problems.

When a workers’ employment is contingent upon their job performance, they will tend to work diligently. On the other hand, if workers know that no matter how hard they work, they will receive the same amount of money and have no chance of being fired, there are no incentives for them to work. For people to be model workers they need compelling reasons to work hard and produce work of the highest quality. A tenure-system promotes laziness, inefficiency and lowquality work because it fails to offer incentives for good work, and fails to offer compelling deterrents against bad work.

Secondly, companies that offer lifetime positions to employees cannot adapt to a rapidly changing world. For instance, if an employee who was hired by a company twenty years ago might be too old to effectively learn new computer

related skills. In today’s modern office environment, companies that cannot make effective use of new technology are at a severe disadvantage to those that can. In this case, a company that does not have the freedom to restructure, hiring and firing employees, in accordance with shifting demands is likely to fail. A company that provides its employees with tenure effectively locks out new blood and runs the risk of being paralyzed by a staff unable to change with the times.

Finally, offering tenure to employees is a major risk because of unforeseeable personnel problems. Every office, no matter how well managed, is bound to have personality conflicts. In many cases, personality conflicts can lead to one of the feuding parties leaving the company. But if the conflict involves two tenured employees, the business might be seriously affected, even destroyed. Despite the uncertainty it brings to workers lives, the company must look out for its own best interests first and not allow this disastrous situation to occur by not instituting a tenure policy.


34. 公司应该终生雇用职员吗?





Word List

  • commitment [kəˈmitmənt]n. 委托事项,承担义务
  • compelling [kəmˈpeliŋ] adj. 强制的,强迫的
  • perspective [pəˈspektiv]n. 远景,前途,观点,看法
  • laziness [ˈleizinis] n. 怠惰, 无精打采
  • tenure [ˈtenjə] n. 终身任职权
  • promote [prəˈməut] vt. 促进
  • deterrent [diˈterənt] n. 威慑
  • contingent [kənˈtindʒənt]adj. 暂时的
  • adapt to 适应
  • paralyze [ˈpærəˌlaiz] vt. 使瘫痪,使麻痹
  • diligently [ˈdilədʒəntli]adv. 勤勉地,坚持不懈地
  • disastrous [diˈzæstrəs] adj. 损失惨重的

35. Live performance or television broadcast,which is more enjoyable?

While watching live performances on television is convenient, it cannot compare to attending a live performance in person. Live performances, whether artistic, sporting, or entertainment, offer unique sensations apart from the performance itself, and encourage a greater level of participation as well as a better understanding of the event than a television broadcast could.

The wonderful sensory experience of a soccer match begins before the game starts. The smell of popcorn and street food wafting through the air, the crowd roaring and waving like an ocean, and the excited songs of the fans are all part of the experience that adds to the enjoyment of watching the game in person. A rock concert is not just hearing the music; it is the feeling of standing in a crowd that is moving together like one living body to the beat of the drums. These experiences are all important parts of the experience of an event, and cannot be felt when watching the same event on television.

When watching a performance in person, a viewer feels a closer sense of connection to the event. Every fan in the stadium will always leap to their feet when they see their favorite team score a goal in a soccer match, while only a few people might jump up watching the same goal at home. Watching a music performance on television wouldn’t necessarily make people want to start dancing, but hearing a jazz band play live would start every foot in the room tapping, just itching to dance. Live events seem to invite the active participation of the viewing audience, while television is a medium that encourages passivity on the part of the viewer.

The understanding of a performance viewed on television is usually limited. A rock performance viewed live has ear-shatteringly loud music. While some people might not enjoy this, it is a part of the experience that television filters out. At any given time during a sporting event there are many different things going on at once. Because television cameras can only focus on one event at a time, a live viewer can take in a larger field of vision, and potentially understand more about the events. Finally, live viewers’ understanding of live performances is increased because live performances are not interrupted with commercial breaks every 12 minutes.


35. 现场表演和电视转播哪个更精彩?





Word List

  • live [laiv] adj. 现场的,实况的
  • unique [ju:ˈni:k] adj. 惟一的,独特的
  • participation [pa:ˌtisəˈpeiʃən] n. 分享,参与
  • popcorn [ˈpa:pkɔ:n] n. 爆米花
  • itch [itʃ] vi. 痒,渴望
  • ear-shattering [ˈiəˌʃætəriŋ] adj. 震耳欲聋的
  • filter [ˈfiltə] vi. 滤过,用过滤法除去
  • commercial [kəˈmə:ʃəl] n. 商业广告

36. A transportation vehicle that has changed people’s lives

Automobiles, as the exponent of modern transportation vehicles, virtually have contributed to modern life more than most people have imagined, even though automobiles, as is true of all other technologies, have also created many problems.

The advancement of modern transportation, certainly including that of automobiles, has made more goods available in local markets. For example, in China, some fruits are only cultivated in the southern part of the country and not in the northern, such as litchi, sugarcane, pineapple—partly due to sheer gradient of temperature. Thanks to the advancement of modern transportation system, people in the northern part of the country can now get those southern cultivated fruits readily available in almost every local market. In the far past when such system didn’t exist, when goods could be transported only by primitive tools such as carts, some fruits such as litchi were the privilege of imperial household.

At the same time, the development of modern transportation has also made goods in local markets much less expensive. Take litchi for example again. Two decades ago, litchi was pretty expensive, and was a luxury. But the development has made the transportation easier and the cost lower and lower. On the other hand, due to previous factors, more merchants are engaged in the business that simultaneously intensified the competition, which certainly affected the prices.

Thus, the price of litchi subsequently dropped. The same goes for other goods as well. Today, people are able to buy almost any goods they want no matter where the origin of the goods is, and to make choice among more counterparts, and the best of all, to take the goods home with less expenditure.

Moreover, advanced transportation vehicles such as automobiles have to some extent made people more independent than before. It is not hard to imagine that 50 years ago a young widow who lived in a small village and whose husband had died when she was 23 had little chance to get married again, for the sake of the tradition or culture, or whatever. But if that happened in the present day, things would be entirely different. Advanced transportation vehicles being readily available, she could easily get to another city within at most 2 days and by lower expenses, say from the small village located in the north east of China to the far southern city, Guangzhou—several thousands of miles away. That’s a big city, that’s a new city, and nobody knows her there; she has a brand new start, and she is entirely independent.


36. 改变人类生活的一种交通工具




Word List

  • exponent [ekˈspəunənt] n. 代表者,典型
  • sugarcane [ˈʃugəkein] n. 甘蔗,糖蔗
  • gradient [ˈgreidiənt] adj. 倾斜的
  • cultivated [ˈkʌltəˌveitid] v. 耕耘,栽植
  • previous [ˈpri:viəs] adj. 在前的,早先的
  • subsequently [ˈsʌbsiˌkwəntli] adv. 后来,随后
  • counterpart [ˈkauntəpa:t] n. 对应物

37. Is progress always good?

Progress can be measured in many ways, but one very tangible way to measure progress is by looking at economic development. In these terms, progress can be seen as a very positive force, helping many people rise up from poverty. But history shows that progress, even as measured by economic progress, always has its cost.

Take Germany in the 1930’s for example. Humiliated by unequal treaties after World War I, the German people were suffering from a terrible economy and massive inflation. Then Hitler took power and mobilized the German economy, in several years the Germans economy had recovered and was actually becoming among the most powerful in Europe. But Hitler’s economic miracle came at a terrible price. His plan was to use Germany’s economic power to finance its military power. Germany’s aggression sparked World War II, a catastrophe that killed tens of millions of people all over the whole world, including countless millions of civilians. When progress serves evil, the result hurts.

Likewise the progress of America, arguably the most advanced of all nations, has come at a heavy price. America used to be the land of native Americans. America’s current”progress” would probably not have been achieved if most of the land in America still belonged to the Native Americans. From their perspective, America’s current progress is their profound loss.

Finally, China’s economic growth over the past 25 years has been truly remarkable. Standards of living have gone up dramatically, but the progress has negative aspects as well as the obvious positive ones. As income gaps between the rich and the poor widen, social problems like crime and poverty become more pronounced. The damage done to the environment by factories and “progressive” human activity might not be undone for hundreds of years, affecting the lives of Chinese people for generations to come. If these problems are not addressed, our grandchildren might truly come to regret current alleged “progress.”


37. 进步总是好事吗?




Word List

  • tangible [ˈtændʒəbəl] adj. 切实的,可以触摸到的
  • humiliate [hjuˈmiliˌeit] v. 羞辱,使丢脸,耻辱
  • massive [ˈmæsiv] adj. 厚重的,大块的
  • inflation [inˈfleiʃən] n. 通货膨胀,(物价) 暴涨
  • mobilize [ ˈməubəˌlaiz] v. 动员
  • military [ ˈmiliˌteri] adj. 军事的,军用的
  • catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi] n. 大灾难,大祸
  • aggression [əˈgreʃən] n. 进攻,侵略
  • spark [spa:k] vt. 发动
  • perspective [pəˈspektiv] n. 观点, 看法
  • alleged [əˈledʒd] adj. 声称的,所谓的

38. Does history have any value for people living in the present?

People live in the present. They plan for and worry about the future. History, however, is the study of the past. Some people might ask,”Given all the demands that press in from living in the present and anticipating what is yet to come, why bother with what has been? Given all the desirable and available branches of knowledge, why insist—as most American educational programs do—on a good bit of history? And why urge many students to study even more history than they are required to?” However, it’s undeniable that learning about past has its value, it will help us understand people and societies, and it will help us understand change and how the society we live in came to be.

History helps us understand people and societies. In the first place, history offers a storehouse of information about how people and societies behave. Understanding the operations of people and societies is difficult, though a number of disciplines make the attempt. An exclusive reliance on current data would needlessly handicap our efforts. For example, how can we evaluate war if the nation is at peace—unless we use historical materials? How can we understand genius, the influence of technological innovation, or the role that beliefs play in shaping family life, if we don’t use what we know about experiences in the past? Consequently, history must serve, however imperfectly, as our laboratory, and data from the past must serve as our most vital evidence in the unavoidable quest to figure out why our complex species behaves as it does in societal settings. This, fundamentally, is why we cannot stay away from history: it offers the only extensive evidential base for the contemplation and analysis of how societies function, and people need to have some sense of how societies function simply to run their own lives.

History also helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be. The second reason history is inescapable as a subject of serious study follows closely on the first. The past causes the present, and so the future. Any time we try to know why something happened—whether a shift in political party dominance in the American Congress, a major change in the teenage suicide rate, or a war in the Balkans or the Middle East—we have to look for factors that took shape earlier. Sometimes fairly recent history will suffice to explain a major development, but we often need to look further back to identify the causes of change. Only through studying history can we grasp how things change; only through history can we begin to comprehend the factors that cause change; and only through history can we understand what elements of an institution or a society persist despite change.


38. 历史对现代人有价值吗?



Word List

  • anticipate [ænˈtisəˌpeit] v. 预见,预料
  • innovation [ˌinəˈveiʃən] n. 改革,创新
  • undeniable[ˌʌndiˈnaiəbəl]adj.不可否认的
  • consequently [ˈka:nsiˌkwentli]adv. 从而,因此
  • discipline [ˈdisəplin] n. 纪律,学科
  • settings [ˈsetiŋs] n. 设置
  • handicap [ˈhændiˌkæp]v. 妨碍,使不利,阻碍
  • contemplation [ˌka:ntəmˈpleiʃən] n. 沉思
  • comprehend[ˌka:mpriˈhend]vt.领会,理解
  • genius [ˈdʒi:njəs]n. 天才,天赋,天才人物
  • persist [pəˈsist] vi. 坚持,持续

39. Technology, students’ helper or not?

It is undeniable that continuously developing technologies have brought tremendous benefits, especially in learning area. Learning has in many ways become easier than has ever been before. Take learning English for example. In the past, few students owned tape recorders, and learning materials were scarce as well. But today, tape recorders get more and more inexpensive, and diversified learning materials are readily available. On the other hand, new devices, such as MP3 or MD players, are offered in market, and relevant learning materials(MP3 files) are easily and freely downloadable from the Internet.

However, it is a little bit haste to assert students can learn more information and learn it more quickly simply because technology helps, since technologies, as always, contribute both benefits and detriments. For example, computers, as have been mentioned, help students a lot in various ways, but at the same time have many negative even harmful impacts on the users. Most students nowadays play computer games, sitting before the table, staring at the screen, clicking mouse button, and the outcomes are cerebrum fatigue, visual deterioration and another day of waste. Chatting on the Internet is another great way to kill precious time, and one of negative side-effects of key-board dependence is that students nowadays can seldom spell correctly. Worst of all, investigations have shown that more than half of time that students have spent online was exhausted on browsing porn movies, pulp fictions or erotic photos and so on.

Students certainly want to learn more and to learn more quickly. But merely technology itself is not the solution. Learning itself is a skill and it only develops by practice. Computers and other devices can certainly help, but they won’t make study any less painful, and technologies in fact provide no solution to overcome indolence that everyone has. Learning has never been easy, and will not be easier merely because of technologies. It always requires tremendous efforts and determination to learn something well. Too much advocacy on the fancy benefits of technologies will mislead much more than virtually help.


39. 技术是学生的帮手吗?

不可否认,不断发展的技术带来了巨大的好处,尤其是在学习领域。学习在很多方面变得比以前更容易。以学习英语为例。过去,很少有学生拥有卡带式录音机,而且学习材料也同样缺少。而今天,卡带式录音机越来越便宜,种类多样的学习材料随手可得。另一方面,市场上出现了一些新的器材,如MP3和MD机,而相应的学习材料(MP3文件) 很容易就可以从互联网上免费下载。



Word List

  • undeniable [ˌʌndiˈnaiəbəl] adj. 不可否认的
  • fatigue [fəˈti:g] n. 疲乏,疲劳
  • deprivation [ˌdeprəˈveiʃən] n. 剥夺
  • diversified [daiˈvə:səfaid] adj. 多变化的,各种的
  • browse [brauz] v. 浏览
  • porn[pɔ:n] n. (=pornography)色情文学,色情描写
  • downloadable [ˌdaunˈləudəbəl] adj. 可下载的
  • pulp [pʌlp] adj. 低级的
  • detriment [ˈdetrəmənt] n. 损害,损害物
  • erotic [iˈra:tik] adj. 性爱的,性欲的,色情的
  • impact [ˈimˌpækt] n. 影响,效果
  • click [klik] v. 发出滴答声,敲击
  • solution [səˈlu:ʃən] n. 解答,解决办法
  • cerebrum [ˈserəbrəm] n. 大脑

## 40. Do we need ‘Never, never give up’?

Near the end of the Second World War, Churchill delivered his most famous and the shortest speech: Never, Never Give Up. The British and people in many other countries were tremendously encouraged, and finally went through the hardest period in human history.

“Never give up” represents a strong and positive life attitude. Some people are ready to quit when they feel they cannot endure the difficulties of some work or they think they cannot find a way to finish the required task. Such people usually become upset and disappointed and lose their self-confidence, although they virtually can do every thing well simply by trying once more. In cases such as acquiring second language, most people failed simply because they had given up. Acquiring second language might be the easiest task among diverse academic curriculums, because one can be successful only by plain repetition, though it is painstaking and time-consuming.

Never give up. Such strong belief often gives us the second chance. The fact that we failed somewhere does not mean we are going to fail everywhere, and especially it does not necessarily mean that we are deprived of opportunities to win there. There probably is a second chance. Many successful people did fail before. Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental School, was able to study in Peking University only after three attempts. He wasn’t reckoned as successful after graduation, among many signs is the fact that almost all his classmates went abroad while he was each and every time refused by officials in visa-granting office for unexplained reasons. Yet he never gave up, which makes his later success inevitable.

Psychology teaches us that we do get what we want, if we know exactly what we want and want the right thing. First of all, we must make sure that our clearly defined goals are achievable, and that our carefully designed means are practicable. A superficial claim like I wanna be a millionaire brings nothing. And an unrealistic goal like inventing a perpetual motion machine is absolutely meaningless. But if we want to acquire a second language, it is both realistic and meaningful. By careful planning, and relevant persistence we have no reason to fail. And numerous examples tell us that even if the methods are problematic, many still finally attain great achievements. Therefore, in most cases, the belief”Never, never give up” is really something that we should always bear in mind.


40. 我们是否需要“永不,永不放弃”?





Word List

  • tremendously [triˈmendəsli]adv. 可怕地,非常地
  • reckon [ˈrekən] vt. 估计,猜想
  • abroad [əˈbrɔ:d] adv. 往国外
  • endure [enˈdjuə] v. 耐久,忍耐
  • unexplained [ˌʌnikˈspleind]adj. 使人莫名其妙的
  • acquire [əˈkwaiə] vt. 获得,学到
  • curriculum [kəˈrikjələm] n. 课程
  • practicable [ˈpræktikəbəl] adj. 行得通的
  • consume [kənˈsu:m] vt. 消费,花费
  • persistence [pəˈsistəns] n. 坚持,持续
  • deprive [diˈpraiv] v. 剥夺

41. Land for human needs or endangered animals

When making decisions about land use, some say that human needs should come before animal needs in every case. While I agree that human needs should have primary consideration, humans have a special responsibility to protect the land that endangered animals call home.

Animals adapt very slowly to sudden changes in their environments. Many endangered animals can only live in one place, or in a specific type of place. Humans, on the other hand, have a special ability to adapt quickly to changing and hostile environments. For instance, if humans need to live in a very dry environment they can use technology to locate and drill for water, or build pipelines to bring in water from outside. Thousands of years ago the residents of Xinjiang province dug underground tunnels hundreds of kilometers long to carry water to oasis towns like Turpan. Because humans are thus flexible while many animals are not, humans should make an effort to use up all available space before encroaching upon the habitats of endangered animals.

One of the important reasons to protect endangered animals is that the delicate ecological balance of an area might be irreparably harmed by their extinction. For example, if humans chop down forests and use the land to grow corn, they might simultaneously destroy the habitats of a kind of bird that eats locusts. The next year because the locust population can grow unchecked, locusts might destroy the entire nearby corn crop. Not only do the birds lose their homes, but humans are also harmed. The ecological balance of many natural habitats is still not well understood and humans interfere in it at their peril.

Finally, humans have much to learn from endangered species. One example is in the field of medicine. By observing a particular species of endangered monkeys in South America, scientists have discovered that monkeys eat a certain kind of plant when they get sick. Through research the scientists discovered that this plant also has medicinal value for humans. If the monkey’s habitat had been destroyed to create more farmland, not only would we lose the plants and the monkeys, we would also lose life-saving medicines and the potential for medical research.


41. 土地用于人类需求还是濒危动物





Word List

  • primary [ˈpraiˌmeri] adj. 第一位的,主要的
  • endangered [enˈdeindʒəd] adj. 濒临灭绝的
  • hostile [ˈha:stəl] adj. 敌对的,敌方的
  • pipeline [ˈpaipˌlain] n. 管道
  • locate [ləuˈkeit] v. 定位,位于
  • flexible [ˈfleksəbəl] adj. 灵活的
  • encroach [enˈkrəutʃ] vi. (逐步或暗中) 侵占,蚕食
  • delicate [ˈdelikit] adj. 脆弱的,微妙的
  • ecological [ˌekəˈla:dʒikəl] adj. 生态的
  • irreparably [iˈrepərəbəli] adv. 不能挽回地
  • habitat[ ˈhæbiˌtæt] n. (动植物的)生活环境,栖息地

42. One skill needed to be successful in the world today

People succeed not merely because they have one or more certain skills. However, if I have to choose one skill which is supposed to be useful to success, I think it should be the ability to convince or persuade others.

By convincing or persuading we get what we want from others. When we were children, we always managed to persuade our parents to buy us candies; when we were in the high school, we had to persuade our classmates to play with us; when we applied for a job after graduation, we had better be able to successfully convince the employer that we are qualified employees. Besides, some day, we will all have to convince a person whom we love that we are in deed outstanding husbands or excellent wives.

By convincing or persuading we become more and more sturdy and powerful. Nobody is capable of doing every thing perfect. By persuading others to cooperate with us, we can achieve much more than we could only by ourselves. Mr. Yu Minhong, CEO of Beijing New Oriental Education & Technology Group, had successfully convinced his alumni including Mr. Wang Qiang and Mr. Xu Xiaoping to strive after an ideal—to build a most influential private university in China, and today, they have been so close. Mr. Yu, while answering a journalist, said that he once persuaded Chinese students to go abroad, his current work is to convince those students to return to their homeland with their enhanced intelligences.

Ironically, it is ourselves who need us to persuade and convince most. We by nature are weak, yet have to be stronger to face up to tough surroundings. All too often we need encouraging. Amazingly enough, it is ourselves who can in deed encourage. When we are in trouble, we need convince ourselves not to give up; when we are in plain sailing, we need persuade ourselves no to be negligent. By convincing ourselves, we become more and more independent, and more and more robust, both of which are characteristics essential to success.


42. 在当今世界获得成功所需的一种技巧





Word List

  • merely [ˈmiəli] adv. 仅仅,只,不过
  • convince [kənˈvins] vt. 使确信,使信服
  • outstanding [autˈstændiŋ] adj. 突出的,显著的
  • cooperate [kəuˈa:pəreit] vi. 合作,协作
  • journalist [ˈdʒə:nəlist] n. 新闻记者
  • enhanced [enˈhænst] adj. 增强的,放大的
  • ironically [aiˈra:nikəli] adv. 有讽刺意味地
  • amazingly [əˈmeiziŋli]adv.令人惊讶地
  • essential [iˈsenʃəl] adj. 本质的,基本的

43. The attractions of dangerous activities

People engage themselves in dangerous activities for various reasons, which probably includes money, pleasure, and perhaps ironically, nescience.

Perhaps the most direct drive might come from money, which is needed for everyone, any time and everywhere. People have enough wit to balance their certain choices, especially when they face danger and money. Those stunt men or women in Hollywood movies, photographers who shoot sharks or crocodiles, or those who participate in stock car racing, are always sophisticated enough to calculate whether the outcome outweigh the risk. If they are willing to take the risk, they must have evaluated well. They know exactly the rule: the more risks they take, the more they might get.

There also is another kind of people in this world. Money is of almost no importance to them. They perform dangerous activities just for their own pleasure. Perhaps the most appropriate example involves sports. Actually every kind of sports is dangerous, and even can be deadly. Danger always exists, but people tend to simply ignore it. Take parachuting for example, who can refuse the fascination of flying in the sky like a bird? On the other hand, it seems that danger itself makes the activity so fascinating as too hard to refuse. To conquer is the very nature of human being from the very beginning. Pheidippides said seconds before dropping dead two thousand years ago, “Rejoice, we conquer!” And it seems perfectly logical for some people that celebration follows conquer.

Ironically, sometimes blind brave comes out of nescience. Sometimes people simply don’t know the activity is hazardous or how perilous it exactly is. It can be exemplified by a recent incident. Five students(three of them have a master’s degree) lost their lives in a mountaineering expedition. Those students reportedly didn’t, and it seems highly probable, make an adequate preparation before expedition, which made the tragedy ineluctable. People always praise alpinists with words such as strong, brave, courageous, but in this case none of these words is appropriate. Those young students traded their springtime with blind brave, and died in vain.


43. 危险活动的吸引力



这个世界上还有另一种人,钱对他们来说几乎不重要,他们只是为自己的乐趣才从事危险的活动。或许最恰当的例子就是体育。实际上每种体育都是危险的,甚至可能是致命的。危险一直存在,但人们趋向于完全忽略它。以跳伞为例,谁能拒绝像鸟儿一样在天空翱翔的吸引?另一方面,似乎是危险本身使这项活动变得如此迷人而令人难以拒绝。征服从一开始就是人类的本性。两千年前费迪皮迪兹(公元前5世纪的雅典长跑运动员)在猝死前几秒钟说道“我们因征服而欢乐!” 这对那些征服后进行庆祝的人来说实在是再合理不过了。

有讽刺意味的是,有时盲目的勇敢出自无知。有时人们仅仅是不知道这项活动的危险或不知它到底有多危险。这可以以最近的一场事故为例。五位学生(其中三位是硕士) 在登山探险中丧命。据说,事实上看来也极为可能,这些学生在探险前没有做恰当的准备,从而使这场悲剧变得不可避免。人们经常用强壮、勇敢、有勇气等词语来形容登山家,但在这里这些词都不合适。那些学生因为盲目的勇敢而青春消逝,白白死去。

Word List

  • engage [enˈgeidʒ] vt. 使从事于,使参加
  • stunt man 特技演员
  • stock car racing 改装车比赛
  • sophisticated [səˈfistikeitid] adj. 久经世故的
  • evaluate [iˈvæljueit] vt. 评价,估计
  • involve [inˈva:lv] vt. 包括
  • nescience [ˈneʃəns] n. 无知
  • hazardous [ˈhæzədəs] adj. 危险的,冒险的
  • mountaineering [ˌmauntnˈiəriŋ] n. 登山
  • expedition [ˌekspiˈdiʃən] n. 远征, 探险
  • ineluctable [ˌiniˈlʌktəbəl] adj. 不可避免的,无法逃避的
  • vain [vein] adj. 徒然的,无益的

44. Do you travel alone or with a companion?

The biggest inconveniences of traveling are high expenses and safety concerns. Traveling with a companion may solve both of these problems and at the same time adds to the enjoyment of the trip.

Part of the joy of traveling is the sense of discovery felt when seeing a completely new place. Traveling with someone else compounds that sense of wonder. When you see or experience something new you can share it with your travel companion. Likewise, when you are traveling with someone else you get the benefit of another pair of eyes and ears, and you are more likely to notice interesting things when you are not traveling alone. When I was hiking in Yunnan province with a friend, she spied a frog sitting by the edge of the trail. Had my friend not been there, I would not have seen it, and missed part of the natural beauty of Yunnan.

Traveling companions not only enrich the experience of travel, but also make it safer. According to police statistics, thieves, rapists, and murderers are all much more likely to target a single person walking alone than to target a group of two or more people. To save money, a person traveling alone might sleep in a dorm room. Apart from the noise and inconvenience of sharing a room with a large number of strangers, travelers also have to be constantly vigilant to prevent other people from stealing your belongings. When traveling with a companion you can take turns watching each other’s valuables on trains, restaurants, parks, and other public places frequented by tourists.

Finally, traveling with a companion is also cheaper than traveling alone. A hotel room for one person might cost 100 yuan, while a room for two at the same hotel might cost 120 yuan. If you have a companion you can each spend 60 yuan per night, rather than both spending 100 yuan if you traveled separately. It is also cheaper to eat in restaurants and you get to sample more kinds of food when two people order. When bargaining for souvenirs, each person can save a little money if you offer to buy more than one. Traveling with a companion can easily cut your travel expenses in half, while doubling the fun of trip.


44. 你独自旅行或结伴而行?


旅行的一部分乐趣来自于看到一个全新的地方时有所发现的感觉。与他人同游使这种惊奇更强烈。看到或经历新事物时你会与游伴一起分享。同样,与他人同游你也会得益于他的眼见耳闻, 你比独自旅行更有可能注意到有趣的事物。我与一个朋友在云南徒步游玩时,她突然看见一只坐在小路边上的青蛙。如果我朋友没在那儿,我就不会看见,也就会错过云南的一些自然美景。


Word List

  • inconvenience [ˌinkənˈvi:njəns] n. 麻烦,不方便之处
  • companion [kəmˈpænjən] n. 同伴;共事者
  • enrich [enˈritʃ] vt. 使富足,使肥沃
  • statistics [stəˈtistiks] n. 统计学;统计表
  • rapist [ˈreipist] n. 强奸者,强奸犯
  • vigilant [ˈvidʒələnt] adj. 警惕着的,警醒的
  • belongings [biˈlɔ:ŋiŋz] n. 财产
  • bargain [ˈba:gin] v. 议价,讨价
  • souvenir[ˈsu:vəniə] n. 纪念品

45. Which kind of life do you like, get up early or get up late?

When I was a kid and didn’t want to go to bed early, my father always used to say, “The early bird gets the worm.” I certainly knew what he meant: people who stay up late at night aren’t able to get up early and take full advantage of the new day’s opportunities. I’m not sure how wise I am, but I can certainly feel that getting a good night’s sleep and an early start helps me do a full days work.

However, every job or task always has unforeseen problems and complications. A trip to the post office seems simple enough, but could be complicated and lengthened by heavy traffic, forgetting to bring money or addresses, or long lines. When I need to do many things in a day, a delay at the post office can negatively affect all of my other tasks. To minimize these potential negative effects, I try and get an early start that leaves me plenty of time later in the day to finish my other tasks.

Another important reason to get up before 8:00 a.m. is that businesses usually start their workdays by 9:00 a.m. at the latest. A person who wakes up at 10:00 a.m. has already lost two precious business hours. This gives them less time to go to the bank, the post office, or deal with any company or government office that keeps regular business hours. People who get up early have the extra benefit of all of the hours of a full business day during which they can be more productive than they can during non-business hours.

Finally, getting up early and going to sleep early is a fairly standard schedule to which most of society adheres. If I adhere to it as well, I will have more time to spend with my family and friends. If I get up late and stay up late, I will not only lose opportunities to interact with others during business hours, I will also lose chances to interact with people because they are asleep! This would be all right if I were a hermit, but since I enjoy the company of others, I prefer to be an “early bird.”


45. 你喜欢早起还是晚起?





Word List

  • unforeseen [ˈʌnfəˈsi:n] adj. 无法预料的
  • complication [ˌka:mpliˈkeiʃən] n. 复杂化
  • minimize [ˈminəˌmaiz] vt. 将…减到最少
  • potential [pəˈtenʃəl] adj. 潜在的
  • negative [ˈnegətiv] adj. 否定的,消极的
  • adhere [ædˈhiə] vi. 坚持
  • hermit [ˈhə:mit] n. 隐士,隐居者

46. What makes a good son or daughter?

In traditional Chinese society, a person’s most important relationship was that between a parent and a child. The only measure of whether a child was good or bad was whether or not they were obedient to their parents’ wishes.

Traditionally a Chinese family had many children. Boys were expected to go to school and, after they grew up, to have a son of their own, and to manage the family’s affairs. When his parents grew old, a son was expected to live with them and care for them. A girl’s parents would usually arrange her marriage to someone who she did not love and without consulting her. After she was married, she was no longer a part of her biological family; instead she became an adopted daughter of her husband’s family and had to respect her husband’s parents as she would her own parents. She was also expected to bear her husband a son. A child who broke these norms, defied or disrespected their parents was seen as worthless or immoral at best, and could legally be killed by their parents in extreme cases.

Today of course, China is very different. Chinese children are still expected to respect their parents, but society is not as conservative as it used to be. When a Chinese son gets married, he will often prefer not to live in the same house with his parents, although he might still feel quite obligated to care for them in their old age. The greatest strides have been made by Chinese women, who now hope that their daughters grow up to marry someone that they love, and who is able to take good care of them.

The major revolution in the Chinese family since 1980s has been introduction of the one-child policy. Since Chinese families are now usually only allowed to have one child, the roles of parent and child have almost been reversed! Today’s children in China, while still expected to treat their parents with respect, have become the “little emperors and empresses” of their families. Many “little emperors” are so doted on by their immediate and extended families that they become very spoiled, demanding toys, candy, and attention all day long. Because of the changing structure of the Chinese family, the bonds between parent and child, while still of primary importance, are characterized less by rules and respect and more by love.


46. 好儿子或好女儿需具备哪些重要品质?





Word List

  • obedient [əˈbi:diənt] adj. 服从的;孝顺的
  • obligated [ˈa:bliˌgeit] adj. 有责任的,有义务的
  • adopted [əˈda:ptid] adj. 被收养的
  • stride [straid] n. 改进,进步
  • norm [nɔ:m] n. 标准,规范
  • immediate family 直系亲属
  • immoral [iˈmɔrəl] adj. 不道德的,邪恶的
  • extended familylegally [ˈli:gəli] adv. 法律上,合法地(包括祖父母、外祖父母、姑姨等在内)大家庭
  • defy [diˈfai] vt. 不服从,公然反抗,违抗的
  • conservative [kənˈsə:vətiv] adj. 保守的,守旧的
  • dote [dəut] vi. 昏聩;溺爱
  • bond [ba:nd] n. 关系,纽带

47. A large company or a small one,which do you want to work for?

While some people enjoy the relative comfort, stability, and prestige of working at a large company, I prefer to live life on the edge. Given the choice, I would much prefer to work at small company where I could have more responsibility, more excitement, closer relationships with my coworkers, and a greater sense of accomplishment than I could have at a big company.

If I worked at a large company, my role at the company would be highly specialized and narrowly defined. At a smaller company everyone has to take on extra responsibilities to make the business work. For instance, if I worked at a small computer software company as a programmer, I might not only program, but also have to make trips to potential clients for sales. At a large company, the sales department would talk to clients, and I would be stuck in the same boring routine every day with less responsibility. I might less in touch with what the clients wanted if my responsibilities were limited to programming.

I crave excitement, so the idea of working for a small company particularly suits me. While working at a large company can offer more job security, workers don’t usually get any of the annual profits. But if you work for a small company, profits are more likely to be shared at the end of the year. This means that the harder you work, the more potential there is to make a large amount of money. It is also especially gratifying when you can see how your hard work helped to build or save the company, a feeling of accomplishment that is difficult to attain when working in a large company.

Finally, working together in a small company creates a sense of special closeness between colleagues. You have to both trust and depend on each other for everything. This closeness is not only between people within the company but can also extend to your clients and suppliers, all of whom you can get to know on a first name basis. Business deals become less impersonal and more pleasurable when you work with people you trust and like. This trust is both deeper and easier to build when you work for a smaller company.


47. 就职于大公司还是小公司?




Word List

  • prestige [preˈsti:ʒ] n. 声望,威望,威信
  • accomplishment [əˈka:mpliʃmənt]n. 成就
  • specialized [ˈspeʃəˌlaizd] adj. 专门的
  • lay out 设计,布置
  • designer [diˈzainə] n. 设计者,设计师
  • programmer [ˈprəuˌgræmə] n. 程序师
  • annual [ˈænjuəl] adj. 一年一次的,每年的
  • gratifying [ˈgrætəˌfaiiŋ] adj. 悦人的,令人满足的
  • attain [əˈtein] vt. 达到,获得
  • supplier [səˈplaiə] n. 供应者,厂商
  • crave [kreiv] v. 恳求,渴望

48. Reasons why people work other than earning a living

One of the most overlooked reasons why people work is to help other people. Government officials, social and charity workers, and religious organizations, and others all work not only for their own salaries, but also work for the common good. They labor for others because of their moral convictions, for reasons of personal reciprocity, and because they want to make society more stable, thereby benefiting themselves and others. Some of the most famous charity workers in the world have been affiliated with religious groups. For instance, many of the foreigners living in the poor regions of Africa are doctors, teachers, and other professionals who are paid by religious organizations to help the poor, sick, and needy people there. These professionals could make much more money if they worked in rich countries. They have chosen to help poor people because they believe their religion tells them to help people who cannot help themselves. They are working for others for moral or religious reasons.

Some people work for other people because at some time in their lives, someone else has helped them. Many teachers can tell stories about a particular teacher who changed their lives. The gift a great teacher gave to them inspired them to become teachers themselves. Likewise, many people become doctors because a doctor saved one of their family member’s life and they felt like they owed a debt of gratitude that money could not repay. To such people, the motivation for working is not the paycheck at the end of the month, but the smile on a child’s face when they read their first book, or the look of joy on new parents’ faces when they see their healthy newborn baby.

Finally, some people work for others because they believe that society is only safe and stable when all of its members are happy. These people include good government officials who try to make policies that benefit the poorer classes of society. They know that only by making policies that help poor people live richer, happier lives can they lower crime, sickness, and poverty rates, and make society safer and happier for all citizens.


48. 除了生存人们工作的其他原因





Word List

  • conviction [kənˈvikʃən] n. 信仰;深信
  • reciprocity [ˌresəˈpra:siti] n. 互惠
  • affiliate [əˈfiliˌeit] v. 附属于
  • inspire [inˈspaiə] v. 鼓励,激励
  • gratitude [ˈgrætiˌtu:d] n. 感谢的心情
  • needy [ˈni:di] adj. 贫困的,非常贫穷的
  • motivation [ˌməutəˈveiʃən] n. 动机
  • paycheck [ˈpeitʃek] n. 付薪水的支票,薪水

49. Is face-to-face communication better than other types of communication?

While many modern forms of communication like phone calls, email, and letters, are extremely convenient, in my opinion, nothing beats speaking to another person face-to-face. Face-to-face conversation is the ultimate form of human communication because it is interactive, and allows a broader range of possibilities for communication in the intricacies of tone of voice, body language, and can add the intimacy of touch.

The first and most obvious advantage that face-to-face communication has over a letter and email is that there is the ability for an interactive conversation. If the sender of a letter or an email does not write clearly, or the recipient does not understand part of the correspondence, then much time must be spent to clear up the misunderstanding. In a face-to-face conversation, misunderstandings are easily dealt with because of the immediate and interactive nature of a face-to-face conversation.

The argument might be made that telephones and instant messaging services like MSN and ICQ are equally viable formats for interactive conversation, with the added benefit of being available over long distances. I would still argue that face-to-face conversation is better because you can see the other person. Not all communication is verbal; the meaning of much of what we say depends on our body language and tone of voice. Joking and irony are particularly difficult to express, identify, and enjoy without seeing the expression on someone’s face, or watching the movements of their body.

Finally, if the goal of communication is to maintain or deepen a relationship with someone, business partners, friends, husbands and wives, or parents and children, face-to-face communication offers the option of communication by touch that is unavailable even if we could communicate by video. Trust and respect between businesses partners can be established with a firm handshake. No amount of body language can convey the excitement of a high-five between friends, and no number of words can communicate the comforting embrace of a loved one. Touch is the first foundation of our human relationships, before spoken language, and it is only available when people communicate face to face.


49. 面对面的交流比其他交流方式都好吗?




最后, 如果沟通的目的是要维持或加深与他人之间的联系,如工作伙伴、朋友、夫妻或父母与孩子,那么面对面的沟通会提供触摸交流的选择,即使我们能够视频沟通,这一点也是做不到的。一个有力的握手能够在工作伙伴中建立起信任与尊重。多少语言都不能表达朋友间高高击掌的兴奋,多少词句也传达不了爱人拥抱的欣慰。触摸是人类在有语言以前联系的第一基础,并且只有在人们面对面沟通时才能实现。

Word List

  • beat [bi:t] v. 击败,打败
  • format [ˈfɔ:ˌmæt] n. 形式
  • ultimate [ˈʌltəmit] adj. 最终的,根本的
  • correspondence [ˌkɔrisˈpa:ndəns]n. 通信,信件
  • interactive [ˌintərˈæktiv]adj. 相互作用、影响的
  • recipient [riˈsipiənt] n. 接受者,领受者
  • intricacy [ˈintrikəsi] n. 复杂,错综
  • irony [ˈaiərəni]n. 反话,讽刺,讽刺之事
  • intimacy [ˈintəməsi] n. 亲密
  • viable [ˈvaiəbəl] adj. 切实可行的
  • embrace [emˈbreis] n. 拥抱

50. Do what you already do well or try new things?

A defining characteristic of people is the degree to which they are willing to break out of their comfort zone. Old habits and well honed skills give great comfort to any individual, but new personal challenges build character and allow one to grow as a person. It was not until very recently that I fully comprehended this. Today, while I still enjoy doing the things I am already good at, I have become increasingly eager to try new things because I have learned the value of new experiences.

I have always been a talented athlete, and I still find great comfort on the basketball court and in the swimming pool. These are familiar places where I feel at home. They are also places where I continue to excel. However, not so long ago my older cousin, a person whom I have always looked up to and admired, reminded me that there is nothing wrong with discovering new talents or doing many different things very well. He introduced me to music.

For the past sixteen months I have been learning how to play the guitar, and this new experience has been extremely rewarding. Initially, I struggled. My inability to play even the simplest of notes frustrated me, and quite often I thought about giving up. Yet with my teacher’s encouragement I continued to make progress. Now my appreciation for music is much more profound than ever before, and my appetite for new experiences is whetted.

Together with a couple of classmates I have formed a book club. Every week we get together and discuss a piece of literature. Of course, my friends were hesitant to give this new idea a try at first. Nevertheless, I have convinced them to be risk takers, and now all of us enjoy not only each others’ company but also books and stories, which is a completely new experience for all of us. Together we are planning to learn how to dance and to purchase bicycles to explore the area around our hometown. We don’t want to limit ourselves to what we know already.


50. 轻车熟路还是勇于创新?





Word List

  • zone [zəun] n. 地域,地带,地区;环带;圈
  • hone [həun] vt. 磨练
  • talented [ˈtæləntid] adj. 有才能的
  • rewarding [riˈwɔ:diŋ] adj. 有益的,值得的
  • initially [iˈniʃəli] adv. 最初,开头
  • profound [prəˈfaund] adj. 深刻的,意义深远的
  • hesitant [ˈhezitənt] adj. 犹豫的,吞吞吐吐的
  • explore [ikˈsplɔ:] v. 探险,探测,探究
  • company [ˈkʌmpəni] n. 同伴

51. What does success come from, taking risks or careful planning?

Magazines and newspapers never tire of telling stories about people who have come to success quickly by taking risks. However, the problem with taking chances is that, while one can win a fortune, one can also lose everything. Careful planning helps reduce that possibility, and it is a basic skill that all established business people have. Therefore, I believe that continued success in life will be the result of careful planning as well as taking risks.

Careful planning is a requisite part of life, especially when one’s decisions can impact one’s own life and the lives of others in a significant way. For example, the CEO of a company must weigh all of his options cautiously. After all, his decisions will impact not only his life and that of his family but also the lives of his workers and families. Due to a miscalculation on his part the company could incur significant losses. These losses might be so substantial that the company will be forced to cut jobs in order to save money or save the company itself. Therefore, the CEO’s carelessness could cost him his job or, even worse, could cost the jobs of other workers in the company who might be less well-off than him. At the same time, taking chances is necessary on the way to success. People who get too caught-up in careful planning often find themselves unable to make decisions. They are looking for more and more information in order to make a well informed assessment, but they are taking too long. For example, the same CEO who plans the moves of his company carefully so as to minimize the possibility of failure faces tough competition in the business world. In order to stay ahead of his rivals he will have to make decisions on the fly to beat out competing companies who are trying to buy the same materials or sell similar products. Thus, depending on the situation, taking a risk could be necessary to save a company or to ensure its prosperity well into the future.


51. 成功来自冒险还是周密计划?



Word List

  • establish [iˈstæbliʃ] v. 建立,设立
  • continue [kənˈtinju:] v. 继续做某事
  • requisite [ˈrekwizit] adj. 必不可少的
  • impact [ˈimˌpækt] v. 影响
  • significant [sigˈnifikənt] adj. 有意义的
  • cautiously [ˈkɔ:ʃəsli] adv. 小心地,谨慎地
  • incur [inˈkə:] v. 招致,惹气
  • substantial [səbˈstænʃəl] adj.实质的,真实的
  • assessment [əˈsesmənt] n. 估价,评价
  • competition [ˌka:mpiˈtiʃən] n. 竞争,比赛
  • prosperity [pra:sˈperiti] n. 繁荣,富足
  • on the fly 忙碌中进行地

52. How to make your hometown more appealing to people your age?

My hometown is a pretty good place to live. However, I still can think of at least three changes that would drastically increase the towns appeal to people my age, around 20. The construction of public sports facilities would give us the opportunity to exercise and spend our time constructively, the further development of the public parks would provide us with places to spend our leisure time in nice and cost free environments, and the lowering of the cost of public transportation would give us the opportunity to roam the city more freely.

Exercising is the most popular recreational activity amongst people my age, but unfortunately there is very little opportunity to pursue sports in my hometown. All of the gyms, basketball courts, and football fields are on school grounds, and most of the time they are occupied by other students or sports teams. When they are not occupied, the facilities are locked up or it is too dark to play sports. The construction of public sports facilities that are open to anybody would solve this problem.

My friends and I enjoy spending time together, but we cannot find a suitable place to hang out. Most of the time, we meet at the shopping mall around the corner, or play outside the convenience store across from school. We usually just spent what money we have and do nothing else but look at the stores or sit on the street. We want to go to a park or a nice green area, but most of them are not very well kept. Those that are nice are too far away.

Lowering the cost of bus and train tickets would not only allow us to go to those parks, but it would open up a whole new realm of possibilities. We would be able to go to other parts of the city and see our relatives more often. Right now, the only time we get to see our cousins is on holidays. Furthermore, we could actually afford to see a movie in the theater. At present the cost of transportation is almost as much as the ticket itself.


52. 如何使家乡对你的同龄人更具吸引力?





Word List

  • drastically [ˈdræstikəli] adv. 激烈地,猛烈地
  • construction [kənˈstrʌkʃən] n. 建筑,建筑物
  • facility [fəˈsiliti] n. 设备,工具
  • leisure [ˈli:ʒə] n. 空闲,闲暇
  • roam [rəum] v. 漫步,闲逛
  • recreational [ˌrekriˈeiʃənəl] adj. 修养的;娱乐的
  • pursue [pəˈsu:] v. 追赶,追求
  • gym [dʒim] n. 体育馆;体操
  • realm [relm] n. 领域

53. Is money the most important aspect of a job?

I understand that nowadays it is very important for people to earn a lot of money. As a matter of fact, many people equate money with success: the more money you earn, the more successful you are. However, the financial aspect is not the most important aspect of a job. The work environment and camaraderie with one’s coworkers, the personal fulfillment from one’s occupation, and the opportunity to balance professional and personal lives are much more important.

People who spend forty hours a week or more at their place of employment should enjoy their work environment, especially the company of their coworkers. After all, the prospect of having to spend any amount of time in a room or a building with people who one does not respect, who are unpleasant, or, even worse, hostile, will have a very negative effect on one’s disposition and mental health. A few more dollars in the bank account cannot compensate for this.

Similarly, one should derive a special fulfillment or pleasure from doing one’s job. Normally, a person will spend at least a third of his/her adult life at work (eight hours or more every day). One should not waste this time by doing work that is boring or tedious even if it is well paid. The money earned will only enrich the life away from work but not enhance the work experience.

Finally, the personal life can only be enjoyed adequately if there is enough time away from the professional life. Affluence affords many nice things, such as houses or cars or television sets, but a person who has to work night and day will not be able to derive any pleasure from them. Also, a father or a mother who makes a lot of money might be able to provide his or her family with a comfortable life, but how much good does that do if he or she never sees them? Time spent with family, especially children, is invaluable, and thus a job with long hours might cost a person more than it affords.


53. 钱是工作中最应看重的吗?




最后,只有有足够的业余时间才能享受生活。 有钱可以买到很多好东西,如房子、车子、电视机等。可是如果你从早干到晚,那就根本没有时间来享用它们。同样,挣很多钱的父母能给家庭带来舒适的生活,可是如果他们整天和家人不见面,挣那么多钱又有什么用呢?抽出时间和家人,特别是孩子在一起的价值是不可估量的。所以,长时间的工作可能使你失去的比得到的更多。

Word List

  • nowadays [ˈnauəˌdeiz] adv. 当今,现在
  • mental [ˈmentl] adj. 精神的,智力的
  • equate [iˈkweit] v. 相等,等同
  • account [əˈkaunt] n. 计算;账目
  • financial[fə ˈnænʃəl] adj.金融的,财政的
  • compensate [ˈkampənˌseit]v. 偿还,补偿;付报酬
  • camaraderie [ˌka:məˈra:dəri:] n. 同志之爱,友情
  • derive [diˈraiv]v. 得自,起源
  • coworker [ˈkəuˌwə:kə] n. 同事,合作者
  • enhance [enˈhæns] v. 提高,增强
  • fulfillment [fulˈfilmənt] n. 履行,实行
  • adequately [ˈædikwitli] adv. 充分地
  • hostile [ˈha:stəl] adj. 敌对的,地方的
  • affluence [ˈæfluəns] n. 富裕,富足
  • disposition [ˌdispəˈziʃən] n. 部署
  • afford [əˈfɔ:d] v. 提供,给予;供应的起

54. Should one judge a person by external appearances?

People should look beyond superficial appearances. All too often we judge people quickly, and we do not take the time to get to know them. We draw conclusions based on prior experiences and stereotypes. Of course, there are situations in which judging a person based on appearance is necessary, but such quick conclusions can lead to serious misjudgments, and they often prevent progressive change within society.

As time is limited, we often don’t have enough of it to get to know a person well, and thus we are forced to form an opinion hastily. During a job interview, for example, decisions have to be made very quickly. If the applicant for an office job does not dress in accordance with the standards of the employer, he will probably not get hired for the position, although he might be the best qualified candidate overall. Another applicant will take his place, because his qualifications, including his ability to dress and present himself professionally, appear to address the needs of the company better.

In most other cases, however, judging based on external appearance can lead to many misjudgments. An old person is not necessarily wiser than a young person, because wisdom is the result of experience and not age. A person dressed in old jeans and tennis shoes does not have to be poor or without means, she might merely prefer the comfort of her old clothes to the discomfort of high heels and business suits.

Judgments based on appearance will also prevent progressive change within society, because people will come to conclusions based on stereotypes. For example, a person with very dark skin might be from an African country, but he/she might also be from another continent altogether. Likewise, his/her skin color does not reveal anything about his/her likes or dislikes, his/her character traits or personality. Nevertheless, almost every person will invariably jump to conclusions on all of these, thereby precluding any contact or true understanding of the person and his/her background. As a result, common perceptions will persist and no progressive change will take place.


54. 是否可以以貌取人?




依靠外表判断人也会阻止社会前进的步伐,因为人们往往根据老套的观点做出结论。例如,黑皮肤的人可能是个非洲人。可是他或她也很有可能来自其他大洲。 同样,他或她的肤色并不能反映出他或她的喜好、特点、性格等。然而人们往往总是一眼就对以上几点做出结论,不再试着去了解他或她及他或她的背景。结果,普通的观点得以继续,社会不能进步。

Word List

  • superficial[ˌsu:pəˈfiʃəl]adj.表面的,肤浅的
  • applicant [ˈæplikənt] n. 申请者,请求者
  • appearance [əˈpiərəns]n. 外貌,外观
  • accordance [əˈkɔ:dəns]n. 一致,和谐,对应
  • prior [ˈpraiə] adj. 优先的,在前的
  • stereotype [ˈsteriəˌtaip]n. 固定形式;老一套
  • candidate[ ˈkændideit] n.候选人,投考者
  • qualification [ˌkwa:ləfiˈkeiʃən]n. 资格,条件,限制
  • misjudgment[misˈdʒʌdʒmənt] n. 判断错误
  • jeans [dʒi:nz] n. 牛仔裤
  • progressive [prəˈgresiv]adj. 前进的,进步的
  • continent [ˈka:ntənənt] n. 大陆,陆地
  • likewise [ˈlaikˌwaiz]adv. 同样的,照样的,又
  • hastily [ˈheistili]adv.轻率的,慌忙的
  • interview [ˈintəˌvju:]v. 接见,会见;面试
  • reveal [riˈvi:l] v. 展现,显示,揭示
  • trait [treit] n. 显著的特点,特性

55. Should people make important decisions alone?

Important decisions are those that will have a significant or lasting impact on a person’s life. Oftentimes such a decision is difficult to make because the consequences are considerable or because the decision’s circumstances and implications are complex. As a result, people will consult friends and family for their opinions to get a better understanding of the situation. Seeking advice is helpful because it helps to avoid pitfalls and precludes carelessness, but in the end the person who has to live with the decision should make it by himself/ herself.

Discussing important decisions with others can be beneficial, especially if the person one is conferring with has experience with the problem at hand. For example, in order to be able to decide between continuing one’s education after finishing four years of university studies and finding a job, it is helpful to talk to people who have made this decision. A person who decided to find gainful employment will probably give different advice than a person who decided to stay in school. Listening attentively to both will allow a person to make the best assessment of his/her own situation as he/she will be able to learn from others’ experiences.

At the same time, one should consider the opinions and feelings of the people who will be impacted by his/her decision. For example, husband and wife should confer with each other before making up their mind to quit or change a job. After all, the change of a job can impact many aspects of their life together, such as the household income or the amount of time they can spend together.

However, one should not allow or even ask others to make an important decision on one’s behalf. After all, he/she will be the one with all the information at his/her disposal, especially after seeking advice from others. Ultimately, the person who has to live with the decision (in so far as it is a personal decision that does not affect others directly in a significant way) should take complete responsibility and make it himself/herself.


55. 人们是否应该独自做重要决定?





Word List

  • lasting [ˈlæstiŋ] adj. 持久的,永恒的
  • preclude [priˈklu:d] n. 避免;排除
  • oftentimes [ˈɔfənˌtaimz] adv. 时常
  • beneficial [benəˈfiʃəl] adj.有益的,受益的
  • consequence [ˈka:nsiˌkwens]n. 结果,推论
  • gainful [ˈgeinfəl] adj. 有利益的
  • attentively [əˈtentivli] adv.注意的,留意的
  • considerable [kənˈsidərəbəl]adj. 相当大的,值得考虑的
  • confer [kənˈfə:] v. 协商,交换意见
  • aspect [ˈæspekt] n. 方面;外表,面貌
  • consult [kənˈsʌlt] v. 商量,商议
  • household [ˈhaushəuld]adj. 家庭的,家族的
  • pitfall [ˈpitˌfɔ:l]n. 缺陷;未料到的危险或困难
  • disposal [diˈspəuzəl] n. 处理,处置;安排

56. Support the arts or protect the environment?

Nowadays companies contribute money to many worthy causes. In fact many cultural events only become possible through corporate sponsorship and financial support. The choice between supporting the arts and protecting the environment is not an easy one. However, the company should give money to protect the environment because a healthy environment is necessary in order to produce and enjoy the arts and also because every company has an obligation to secure the environment which it pollutes either directly or indirectly.

A healthy environment has served as inspiration to artists over the centuries and millennia. On all continents creative people have drawn from the positive effects of natural beauty to produce landmark pieces of art, and painters, writers, and musicians alike talk about the stimulating effects that nature has on their work. Furthermore, nature is the focal point of many works of art, for example, landscape painting. Therefore, a healthy environment becomes a prerequisite for art.

Protecting the environment will also ensure that people will be able to enjoy the arts in the future. After all, environmental pollution causes and contributes to many diseases and illnesses. Naturally, sick people are not very concerned with high culture but are more worried about getting healthy or staying alive. Thus, money spend on environmental protection will make it possible for people to continue to enjoy art because they will live healthier lives.

Lastly, every company contributes in some way to environmental degradation. Even the companies that don’t cause pollution by means of manufacturing or production still ship products or use great amounts of electricity in their line of work. Since air pollution is a serious problem, much of which is caused by industrial transport, and because electricity is a scarce commodity, the production of which also causes environmental damage, businesses should invest in this area. Not only will the company fulfill its ethical obligation but it will benefit from the investment.


56. 赞助艺术还是支持环保?





Word List

  • contribute [kənˈtribju:t] v. 贡献,捐献
  • prerequisite [pri:ˈrekwizit] n. 先决条件,首要条件
  • worthy [ˈwə:ði] adj. 有价值的,值得的
  • corporate [ˈkɔ:pərit] adj.共同的,全体的
  • degradation [ˌdegrəˈdeiʃən] n. 降级,降格,退化
  • obligation [ˌa:bliˈgeiʃən] n. 义务,职责,债务
  • manufacture [ˌmænjəˈfæktʃə] v. 制造,加工
  • inspiration [ˌinspəˈreiʃən] n. 灵感,启示,好主意
  • scarce [skεəs] adj. 缺乏的,不足的
  • millennia [məˈleniə] n. 千年
  • commodity[kəˈma:diti] n.消费品,日用品
  • landmark [ˈlændˌma:k] n. 地界标,里程碑
  • ethical [ˈeθikəl] adj. 伦理的,伦理上的
  • investment [inˈvestmənt] n. 投资;可获利的东西
  • stimulate [ˈstimjəleit] v. 刺激,激励
  • focal [ˈfəukəl] adj. 焦点的,有焦点的
  • landscape [ˈlændˌskeip] n. 风景,山水画;前景

57. Movies: serious or entertaining?

The question of what kind of movie to watch is a familiar one in my home. While my father does not care for movies a great deal, my mother is very fond of this kind of entertainment. Unfortunately, her tastes are very different from mine, and she mostly likes movies that fall into the light entertainment category. I, on the other hand, do not enjoy watching movies that aim only to amuse. Generally, I derive a greater sense of enjoyment from movies that get me to think, because I can find better light entertainment elsewhere and I consider movies a serious art form. Sometimes, of course, I enjoy movies that amuse or entertain lightly in order to distract myself from the seriousness of everyday life. Humorous movies such as slapstick comedies are my favorites amongst the amusing ones, and every once in a while I even enjoy a romantic comedy. These movies offer a kind of escape. However, there are other ways of distraction that I prefer. For example, I enjoy taking long walks or listening to music much more than I enjoy watching a flick that means to accomplish nothing more than diversion. Movies, to me, are serious business.

I tend to look at movies as an art form that should engage its audience and also challenge them. Of course there are different ways to accomplish these two goals. A director might make creative use of stylistic means such as editing or lighting or camera movement. Together with the screenwriter he/she might find ways to present a relationship between classical or stereotypical characters in a complex and innovative way. Ideally, he/she will present an important social issue from a point of view that has not been thoroughly discussed. Thus, through his/her work, he/she will make his/her audience think about questions they had not considered before. Thereby, they will add to the discussion and make a contribution to culture and society. In my opinion, this is the goal of all art and thus it should be the goal of movie making.


57. 电影:严肃还是娱乐?




Word List

  • category [ˈkætiˌgɔ:ri] n. 种类;范畴
  • escape [iˈskeip] n. 逃,逃往
  • amuse [əˈmju:z] v. 使发笑,使愉快
  • flick [flik] n. 电影
  • sense [sens] n. 感觉;意义
  • accomplish [əˈka:mpliʃ] v. 完成,达到,实现
  • distract [disˈtrækt] v. 转移,分散
  • humorous [ˈhju:mərəs] adj.滑稽的,诙谐的
  • diversion [daiˈvə:ʒən] n. 转移,转换
  • engage [ənˈgeidʒ] v. 从事,使参加
  • slapstick [ˈslæpˌstik] n.闹剧,搞笑的戏剧
  • stylistic [staiˈlistik] adj. 格式上的,体裁上的
  • comedy [ˈka:midi] n.喜剧;喜剧性的事情
  • amongst [əˈmʌŋst] prep. 在…之中
  • screenwriter [ˈskri:nˌraitə] n. 剧作家,编剧家
  • romantic [rəuˈmæntik] adj. 传奇式的,浪漫的
  • innovative [ˈinəˌveitiv] adj. 创新的

58. Should businesses do anything they can to make a profit?

The ultimate goal of every business is to make a profit. Businesses that don’t turn a profit go under and dissolve, and increasing competition on national and international markets makes it more and more difficult for companies to succeed or simply stay alive. Regardless, as members of society companies are subject to laws and regulations that they must abide by, and the people who run businesses have a personal responsibility to both their employees and the community in which they do business.

It is true that stiff competition will force companies to go to extreme measures to secure profits, but these must not include illegal means. In the recent past, the enormous sums of money involved in contemporary economics have led CEOs and managers of businesses to bend the rules of the trade. For example, companies have deliberately ignored government standards for environmental pollution limits or tried to bribe government officials to allow them to bypass these regulations. Such illegal means might be possible because of the sometimes tremendous social and political influences of businesses, but they are immoral, and the government should make a point of punishing violators.

Furthermore, the managers of companies must be aware that employees and their families depend on jobs for financial security. For many businesses cutting jobs or moving jobs to another country is a way to further increase profits. However, the same jobs that are being cut or moved often support entire communities. If, for example, a company closed down an entire manufacturing plant of 5,000 or 10,000 jobs in order to make even greater profits, then a community of the size of a small city would suddenly find itself out of job. The initial consequences would be mass unemployment and a sudden death for the entire local economy, and before long related social problems will surface, e.g. crime, homelessness, domestic violence, and drug abuse. These are all indirect yet devastating consequences of the business aim to increase profits. The owners and managers of the company have an ethical obligation not to ignore the consequences of their actions and should not try to maximize profits at all costs.


58. 商业是否可以为谋利益不择手段?




Word List

  • dissolve [diˈza:lv] v. 溶解;解散
  • illegal [iˈli:gəl] adj. 违法的,不合规定的
  • international [ˌintə:ˈnæʃənəl] adj. 国际的
  • tremendous [triˈmendəs]adj. 极大的,巨大的
  • regulation [regjəˈleiʃən] n. 规则,规章
  • employee [imˈplɔii:] n. 职工,员工
  • immoral[i ˈmɔ:rəl] adj.不道德的,邪恶的
  • community[kə ˈmju:niti]n.公社,团体,社团
  • punish [ˈpʌniʃ] v. 惩罚,处罚
  • extreme [iksˈtri:m] adj. 极端的
  • violator [ˈvaiəˌleitə] n. 违反者,亵渎者
  • enormous [iˈnɔ:məs] adj.巨大的,庞大的
  • entire[enˈtaiə]adj. 全部的,完整的,整个的
  • contemporary[kənˈtempəˌreri]adj. 当代的
  • surface [ˈsə:fəs] n. 表面,外表;水面
  • deliberately [diˈlibəritli] adv. 故意地;有意识地
  • domestic [dəˈmestik] adj. 家庭的; 国内的
  • bribe [braib] v. 贿赂,向…行贿
  • abuse [əˈbju:z] n. 滥用,虐待,辱骂
  • official [əˈfiʃəl] n. 官员,公务员
  • maximize [ˈmæksəˌmaiz] v. 最大化;取最大值
  • bypass [ˈbaiˌpæs] v. 设旁路;迂回

59. Live life in a hurry or at a slower pace?

I used to live at a frantic pace. My wristwatch dictated my life, and the hands of the clock pushed me forward to my next appointment, my next assignment, and my next social engagement. However, I have managed to relax. Now that I live my life at a slower pace I have become a better student, a more reliable friend, and a person who enjoys life much more than before.

Living life at a slower pace has allowed me to pay much more attention to detail and to work through my assignments at school more thoroughly. Before I was always rushing through my reading and my writing, and my concentration was not very strong. The clubs and sports teams I belonged to demanded a lot of attention. After I decided to get rid of some of the more involved activities I had more time to focus on my studies and the results have shown in my marks.

While I am still busy with school and extra curricular activities, I also make a point of slowing down and taking a step back in order to prioritize the things in my life. This allows me to evaluate how much time I should spend on one thing or another. For example, while I was hurrying through my schedule I often lost track of my friends. I forgot about dates that we made and things that I agreed to do for them. This will not happen now. By slowing down the tempo and realizing how important my pals are to me, I have once again become a reliable friend.

Lastly, living life at a slower pace allows me to appreciate the good things in my life. In the past I would only think about the things I would have to get accomplished next. This anticipation did not allow me to concentrate on the moment, but now I am able to enjoy a family dinner or an afternoon at the movies with my friends without worrying about what I am supposed to do next.


59. 慢节奏生活还是快节奏生活?





Word List

  • frantic [ˈfræntik] adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的
  • wristwatch [ˈristˌwa:tʃ] n. 腕表,手表
  • dictate [ˈdikˌteit] v. 口述,口授;指令,指示
  • appointment [əˈpɔintmənt] n. 约会;指定
  • assignment [əˈsainmənt] n. 分配;任务
  • reliable [riˈlaiəbəl] adj. 可靠的,可信赖的
  • concentration [ˌka:nsenˈtreiʃən] n. 集中;集合;专心
  • extra [ˈekstrə] adj. 额外的
  • curricular [kəˈrikjələ] adj. 课程的
  • prioritize [praiˈɔriˌtaiz] v. 把…区分优先次序
  • evaluate [iˈvæljuˌeit] v. 评价,评估
  • schedule [ˈskedʒu:l] n. 时间表,进度表
  • tempo [ˈtempəu] n.(音乐的)速度,拍子
  • appreciate [əˈpri:ʃiˌeit] v. 欣赏;感激
  • anticipation [ænˌtisəˈpeiʃən] n. 预期,期待

60. Are games equally important for adults and children?

Games are fun. This is true for adults and children alike. However, games also teach a variety of skills and they further every domain of a person’development. This is particularly important during the early stages of life.

Through games children learn gross motor and fine motor skills, they practice and develop the ability to use language, and they learn important interpersonal and social skills. Adults can use games to strengthen these areas, but their abilities are already much more advanced, and therefore games are more important for children.

In play a child learns gross motor skills such as walking or jumping, which an adult has already mastered. Pushing a shopping cart, for example, teaches a toddler to balance his/her weight and to use his/her legs to support his/ her body. This activity is game and exercise at the same time, but it would be completely unnecessary for adults. Similarly, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination are areas in which a child has much more to learn than an adult.

Thus playing catch with a baseball has a much greater benefit to the young and inexperienced person.

Language games allow children to practice and strengthen their language skills. Even simple singsong or rhyming games aid in this development. Needless to say, due to their advanced language ability, adults would not get much out of these simple ditties. In comparison, adult language games such as scrabble don’t build but fine-tune vocabulary ability. Children are not able to compete here because they have not yet amassed enough knowledge.

Elementary interpersonal and social skills ranging from communication to cooperation are also developed in play. Children learn systems of social rules when engaging in simple activities like pick-up football games. For example, they learn how to control themselves and to tolerate their frustrations around others. They also learn how to work in a team. These, of course, are abilities that are extremely important for adults as well, but, once again, children have more to learn.


60. 游戏对于成年人和孩童同样重要吗?




Word List

  • variety [vəˈraiəti] n. 变化;多样性
  • ditty [ˈditi] n. 小调,小曲
  • domain[dəu ˈmein] n.领土,领域;范围
  • scrabble [ˈskræbəl] v. 乱写,乱涂
  • particularly [pəˈtikjələli] adv. 独特地;显著地
  • amass [əˈmæs] v. 收集;积聚
  • elementary [ˌeləˈmentəri] adj. 初步的;基本的
  • motor skill 动手能力
  • toddler [ˈta:dlə] n. 初学走路的孩子
  • tolerate [ˈta:ləˌreit] v. 忍受,容忍
  • coordination [kəuˌɔ:dˈneiʃən] n. 同等;调和
  • frustration [frʌˈstreiʃən]n. 挫败,挫折,受挫
  • rhyme [raim] n. / v. 韵;押韵

61. Should adults make important decisions for their older teenage children?

Parents or other adult relatives should not make decisions on behalf of their older teenage child. Nevertheless, they must take an active part in the decision

making process of their offspring. They can use their knowledge and experience to prevent their teenager from making costly mistakes while allowing him/her to gain confidence and learn from his/her smaller errors so that he/she will be able to make mature decisions of his own in the future.

Teenage children often lack the experience and knowledge to make sound decisions, and here their parents’ input is valuable and necessary. Finding the right university or the right job after graduating from senior school is an example for this. A teenager has not worked before and never attended a university, and thus his knowledge in both areas is extremely limited. Here the parents should advise their child and ensure that he/she makes the right decision.

In order to be able to make sound decision in the future a young adult must gain confidence, and parents can help by engaging him/her in dialogue and providing him/her with all the necessary information. A child between the ages of 15 and 18 will be able to recognize the best arguments and reasons. Through the parents’ guidance he/she will arrive at the correct decision and feel as though it was completely his/her own. Not only will he/she continue to seek the reliable advice of his/her parents, but the self-confidence gained from this experience will make it easier for him/her to make decisions in the future.

While parents should guide or direct their child, sometimes it is helpful to allow him/her to make a mistake. This will teach the child to live with the consequences of a wrong decision and also to ponder future choices more carefully. For example, a child might ignore his/her parents’ advice and pick a summer job that sounds very interesting initially, but which he/she comes to loathe almost immediately. This experience will be invaluable when the child grows up and has to find a real job.


61. 成人是否应该为接近成年的孩子做重要的决定?





Word List

  • on behalf of 代表…
  • teenage [ˈti:nˌedʒ] adj. 十几岁的
  • offspring [ˈɔ:fˌspriŋ] n.(单复同)儿女,后代
  • confidence [ˈka:nfidəns] n. 信心;信赖
  • senior [ˈsi:njə] adj. 年长的;高级的
  • recognize [ˈrekəgˌnaiz] v. 认可,承认;认出
  • self-confidence [ˌselfˈka:nfidəns] n. 自信
  • ponder [ˈpa:ndə] v. 沉思,考虑
  • initially [iˈniʃəli] adv. 最初地,开头地
  • loathe [ləuð] v. 厌恶,憎恶

62. What do you appreciate most in a friend?

I appreciate all three qualities in my friends. It is important to me that my friends are intelligent, because I value intellectually stimulating conversation on meaningful topics. On the other hand, a friend with a good sense of humor can entertain and understands how to ease my sorrows by making me laugh in difficult times. However, only the reliable friend, by virtue of his dependability and loyalty, is guaranteed to stand by me in difficult times, and thus reliability is the most important characteristic I look for in a friend.

In my last year of senior school my three friends and I decided that we would study together for the college entrance exam, but my smartest friend hardly ever showed. She was extremely intelligent and everybody, including our teachers, was certain that she would be admitted to one of the best universities in the country. As a result, she did not bother to study much. At our study sessions she would appear occasionally, but more often than not her visits would distract us rather than help us. We would end up talking about metaphysical concepts like the existence of god instead of studying our lessons.

My humorous friend attended most of our meetings, but usually he was unprepared and we had to spend a lot of time getting him to speed up. He made us laugh, and he joked about how much better we were learning now that we had to teach him. Maybe he was right, but his constant lack of preparation became a steady source of frustration to the other two of us.

However, my third friend and I were able to rely on each other. We overcame our common frustrations and fears by completing the tasks we set out to do. During those long evenings when the work seemed unbearable we cheered each other up and kept working hard. Meanwhile our intelligent friend was minding her own business and our humorous friend was making somebody else laugh.


62. 你最看重朋友的何种品质?





Word List

  • intelligent [inˈtelədʒənt] adj. 聪明的;机智的
  • ease [i:z] v.(使)悠闲,(使)放松
  • sorrow [ˈsa:rəu] n. 悲哀,悲痛
  • dependability [deˌpendəˈbiliti] n. 可信任,可靠性
  • loyalty [ˈlɔiəlti] n. 忠诚,忠心
  • college entrance exam 高考
  • admit [ədˈmit] v. 容许;承认;接纳,录取
  • metaphysical [ˌmetəˈfizikəl] adj. 纯粹哲学的
  • constant [ˈka:nstənt] adj. 不变的,持续的
  • rely on 依赖,依靠
  • cheer up 使振奋,感到振奋

63. Can difficult experiences become valuable lessons?

Sometimes experiences that are supposed to be easy and enjoyable turn difficult because unforeseen troubles arise. At other times problems simply turn out to be more difficult than expected, and this, in turn, causes great frustration. However, most difficult experiences will become valuable lessons for the future. They help us anticipate and prevent future mistakes, they allow us to recognize and solve problems more quickly, and they also make it easier for us to endure hard times.

After our family car broke down in the middle of nowhere, my father realized that he had taken his toolbox out of the trunk earlier that day. He, my mother, and I spent nearly the whole afternoon in the sweltering summer heat of late July waiting for the car mechanic to arrive. It turned out that there was only a minor problem with the engine that my father could have easily fixed himself had he had the right tools. That evening he put the toolbox back into the car and vowed never to make the same mistake again.

Math used to be a very difficult subject for me, but once I learned how to identify and distinguish the individual equations it became a whole lot easier. While I used to sweat blood and tears of frustration over my textbook, because I could not figure out where to begin, I am now familiar with the problems. As a result, I solve them in less time and I am much less frustrated.

My mother once told me that I was a much more difficult and painful birth than my younger sister. She joked with me that, as a result, I should treat her better and I was supposed to do more chores around the house. However, when she saw how upset her off-hand comment made me, she hurriedly explained that, while the time of delivery and other circumstances were nearly identical, being pregnant with me had prepared her for my sister’s birth. The birth of her second child was easier to endure.


63. 艰难的经历可以转化为可贵的教训吗?





Word List

  • foresee [fɔ:ˈsi:] v. 预见,预知
  • arise [əˈraiz] v. 出现,发生,起因于
  • turn out to be 结果是
  • solve [sa:lv] v. 解决,解答
  • sweltering [ˈsweltəriŋ] adj. 闷热的,中暑的
  • mechanic [miˈkænik] n. 技工,机械师
  • minor [ˈmainə] adj. 较小的,次要的
  • distinguish [diˈstiŋgwiʃ] v. 区别,辨别
  • frustrated [ˈfrʌsˌtreitid] adj. 失败的,感到挫败的
  • chore [tʃɔ:] n. 家务杂事
  • pregnant [ˈpregnənt] adj. 怀孕的; 重要的

64. Be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business?

There are advantages to all three kinds of employment. Owning one’s own business might very well be the fastest way to fortune. Working for an employer, on the other hand, is often less risky and usually there are fewer responsibilities. However, I would like to be self-employed. Being self-employed would cater to my strength of working independently, it would give me a maximum of professional and personal freedom, and I would not have to take responsibility for the continued financial security of any employees and their families.

I am a perfectionist and enjoy working by myself. When I work in a team or together with a group of people, usually the others’ quality standards are much lower than my own. Furthermore, I like to be involved in every step of the development process. For example, if I could become a journalist I would like to be self-employed because I would be responsible for researching, writing, and editing. At most major newspapers and magazines these are three different areas.

Another great benefit of being self-employed is the ability to balance personal life and career. When working for a major company I would have to work on assignments that don’t interest me very much. Also, it would be difficult for me to take vacation time whenever I needed. However, as a self-employed person I can decide which jobs I want to take and which jobs to reject. Nobody would order me around. Also, I could design my own work schedule and adjust or change it if it interfered with my personal life.

Lastly, as a self-employed professional I would neither have to give orders nor take orders. After all, I don’t work for anybody and nobody works for me. As I am not very fond of managing people and even less interested in being bossed around, the independent or self-employed work would suit me just fine.


64. 自己单干,受雇于人,还是拥有自己的公司?





Word List

  • advantage [ədˈvæntidʒ] n. 优势
  • cater [ˈkeitə] v. 满足
  • perfectionist [pəˈfekʃənist] n. 完美主义者
  • journalist [ˈdʒə:nəlist] n. 新闻记者
  • vacation [veiˈkeiʃən] n. 假期,休假
  • adjust [əˈdʒʌst] v. 调整,调节
  • interfere [ˌintəˈfiə] v. 干涉,打扰
  • suit [sju:t] v. 合适,适合

65. Should historic buildings be preserved or be replaced with modern buildings?

Tall glass towers, whose shiny facades are as cool as their air-conditioned insides, are becoming part of cityscapes from South America to North East Asia. In the process, old buildings are making room for the seemingly unstoppable advancement of modernity. Thus the face of the global city is changing, and city planners are facing the difficult choice of either preserving historic building or replacing them with modern ones. As there are strong arguments for either option, the final decision will depend on a thorough analysis of the specific situation at hand.

It is important to preserve historic buildings and parts of cities because they are part of the cultural heritage that gives identity to a community. Old homes and living quarters are a part of history, and, once destroyed, leveled, and buried under thousands of tons of concrete and steel, they will be lost forever. The constructions erected in their places in too many cases lack any sort of connection to the place. These buildings are anonymous and cultureless edifices that could stand tall in any other part of the world. They lack the charm and character of their historic predecessors.

Yet the construction of new buildings is a sign of modernization. Not only will many people find work in the process of building these structures, but their existence will attract future investments and thus greatly benefit the economy of an area or country. In addition, these new buildings often have lower maintenance costs in comparison to the aged constructions. More importantly, newly development homes and office spaces include the comforts of modern life, e.g. air-conditioning and modern kitchens, are thus comfortable to live in.

Sweeping generalizations are impossible here. A city government should try its best to preserve the old, historic charm of a city and its people. Yet at the same time, they have to look forward and modernize old, rundown buildings in an effort to make their city a more comfortable place to live in and a more successful place to do business. Therefore, a city should think about its general interests and goals and then try to make specific decisions in individual situations.


65. 保护历史建筑还是该用现代化的建筑取而代之?





Word List

  • shiny [ˈʃaini] adj. 有光泽的,晴朗的
  • edifice [ˈedəfis] n. 大厦,大建筑物
  • facade [fəˈsa:d] n. 建筑物的正面,外表
  • charm [tʃa:m] n. 吸引力,魅力
  • cityscape [ˈsitiˌskeip] n. 都市风景
  • predecessor [ˈprediˌsesə]n. 前任,前辈
  • modernity [ma:ˈdə:niti] n. 现代性
  • heritage [ˈheritidʒ]n. 遗产,继承权;传统
  • comparison [kəmˈpærisən]n. 比较,对照
  • concrete [ka:nˈkri:t] n. 水泥,混凝土
  • rundown [ˈrʌnˌdaun]adj. 破败的,脏且失修的
  • erect [iˈrekt] v. 竖立,直立
  • anonymous [əˈna:nəməs] adj. 匿名的

66. Are classmates a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school?

It is extremely difficult, maybe even impossible, to generalize the relationships between parents and children. After all, personalities, temperaments, and values differ from person to person as does the ability to raise children. Furthermore, the relationship between parents and child changes over time, and the same is true for relationships between classmates. As a result, the question of who is a more important influence is difficult to answer, but what is undeniable is that parents should and classmates can have significant impact on a child’s success in school.

Parents are responsible for raising a child, and they should instill the value of education on him. After all, a child who enjoys education and learning is more likely to do well in school. This success will open up all kinds of opportunities in his future, from studying at a reputable university to finding a good job. Therefore, parents should take an active interest in their child’s education and help him through difficult times by encouraging and motivating him. Nevertheless, parents must be careful not to force their child to success, particularly in early adolescence. Many teenagers become temporarily alienated from their parents during this period of their life, and a parent’s insistence on academic excellence against the child’s will could further erode their relationship and also have a negative effect on the child’s schooling.

Relationships to classmates have a significant effect on a child’s academic performance, because it is in their company that most of a student’s learning takes place. Since it is important for children of all ages to be accepted by their peers, much of a student’s life is spent trying to fit in. Ideally, students will motivate and learn from each other, but often the opposite is the case. A student who shines in the classroom can become a social outcast, because his/ her classmates are jealous of his/her performance. This can then cause him/ her to become less inclined to study and work hard, because acceptance by the classmates is more important to him/her than high marks.


66. 孩子学业上的成功,同学的影响比父母的更大吗?




Word List

  • generalize [ˈdʒenərəˌlaiz] v. 归纳,概括
  • insistence [inˈsistəns] n. 坚持,坚决主张
  • temperament [ˈtempərəmənt] n. 气质,性情
  • academic [ˌækəˈdemik] adj. 教学的;学术的
  • instill[in ˈstil] v.慢慢地灌输,逐步的灌输
  • erode [iˈrəud] v. 侵蚀,腐蚀
  • reputable [ˈrepjətəbəl] adj. 著名的;有名声的
  • peer [piə] n. 同等的人,同辈;贵族
  • fit in 装配好
  • motivate[ ˈməutəˌveit] v.引起动机;激发
  • outcast [ˈautkæst] n. 被驱逐者,流浪者
  • adolescence [ˌædlˈesəns] n. 青春期
  • jealous [ˈdʒeləs] n. 妒忌的,猜疑的
  • alienate [ˈeiljəˌneit] v. 离间;使疏远
  • incline [inˈklain] v.(使)倾向于

67. Hire an inexperienced worker with low salary or an experienced one with high salary?

A company’s human capital might very well be its greatest asset. As a result, a lot of thinking has to go into hiring a new employee. Naturally, in order to maximize profits, a company will want to employ a well-qualified candidate who is willing to work for very little money. Depending on the position that is to be filled, experience is an important qualification for which a company will have to pay a high salary, but often other intangibles such aptitude, initiative, and creativity are just as important, and they might be compromised by prior experience.

There are positions for which extensive experience is absolutely necessary or at least extremely helpful. For example, an airline will not hire inexperienced pilots to fly their biggest passenger planes for good reason, and an investment firm will not allow a recent college graduate to manage the portfolios of their most important clients. In these areas specialized knowledge gained from experience is mandatory. Similarly, when it comes to managing or supervising other workers, knowledge of the subject matter is important but even more important is the ability to communicate effectively. This skill can only be developed through experience. Therefore, a company that wants to be successful immediately will have to pay for this kind of experience.

Sometimes a company will be better off hiring a candidate with less experience. Not only will this prospective employee command a lower salary, but his/her lack of prior experience will allow him/her to learn new procedures more quickly, as he/she will not have to unlearn old ones. Similarly, employers often complain that seasoned workers have become rusty in their established routines. They lack the initiative and drive of their youthful counterparts. Finally, creative positions are often filled with people who have little experience because these individuals are still open to new trends and movements, as opposed to being committed to old fads. Therefore, if I was an employer, I would try to make a decision based on the requirements of the position I have to fill and the qualities of the candidates applying for the job.


67. 雇用无经验低薪酬的员工还是有经验高薪酬的?




Word List

  • capital [ˈkæpitl] n. 资本,资产
  • portfolio [pɔ:tˈfəuliˌəu] n. 部长
  • salary [ˈsæləri] v. 薪水,薪金
  • mandatory [ˈmændəˌtɔ:ri] adj. 命令的;强制的
  • intangible [inˈtændʒəbəl] adj. 难以明了的;无形的
  • prospective [prəˈspektiv] adj. 未来的;预期的
  • aptitude [ˈæptiˌtu:d] n. 智能,聪明
  • initiative [iˈniʃətiv] n. 主动权,主动
  • procedure [prəˈsi:dʒə] n. 程序,手续
  • compromise [ˈka:mprəˌmaiz] v. 妥协,折衷
  • rusty [ˈrʌsti] adj. 生锈的;迟钝的
  • fad [fæd] n. 时尚;一时流行的狂热
  • pilot [ˈpailət] n. 飞行员;领航员

68. Is daily homework necessary for students?

For students the only good homework is no homework. This has been a truism for as long as schools have existed. However, the practice of newly acquired knowledge and the preparation for new lessons are essential parts of the learning process. Teachers understand this and give assignments accordingly. Nevertheless, there is such thing as too much homework. Whether daily homework is useful or not depends on the age of the students and the subjects in which the work is assigned, and teachers also have to take into account the possible negative effects of overwork.

The age of a student or, better yet, the stage of the personal development of a student has to be considered when deciding on the amount of homework assigned. Elementary school students respond differently to daily homework than senior school students. They are more limited in their ability to concentrate on a subject and take in knowledge. These are skills that are developed over time. In addition, they will need to learn other important lessons, for example how to interact socially and behave in a group of their peers. Thus, instead of daily homework, these students need time to play with their friends.

The need for daily homework also differs from subject to subject. For example, in the areas of mathematics and languages continuous engagement with the subject matter is necessary, because it allows a student to internalize important concepts and mechanisms. In the field of history, on the other hand, it is more important that students grasp greater concepts. Memorizing dates and places is important, surely, but, if forgotten, these can always be looked up in the textbook. In these subjects daily homework is not only unnecessary but it might discourage students from taking an interest in the topic.

After all, learning is largely a voluntary activity, and teachers have to consider the possibility that too much homework will frustrate the students. As a result, students might become less interested in the subject or less willing to learn. Consequently, the good intentions of the teacher could very well have the opposite effect and a student will learn less.


68. 日常家庭作业对于学生是否必要?





Word List

  • truism [ˈtru:ˌizm] n. 公认的真理
  • acquire [əˈkwaiə] v. 获得,学到
  • take into account 重视;考虑
  • overwork [ˌəuvəˈwə:k] n. 过度操劳;加班
  • in addition 另外
  • interact [ˌintərˈækt] v. 互相作用,互动
  • mathematics [ˌmæθəˈmætiks] n. 数学
  • continuous [kənˈtinjuəs] adj. 连续的,持续的
  • internalize [inˈtə:nəˌlaiz] v. 使内在化
  • mechanism [ˈmekəˌnizəm] n. 机构,机制

69. Choose a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study

Students graduating from colleges today are not fully prepared to deal with the “real world.” It is my belief that college students need to be taught more skills and information about personal finance management to enable them to meet the challenges that face everyone in daily life, which includes playing the credit game, planning their personal financial strategy, and consumer awareness.

Learning how to obtain and use credit is probably the most valuable knowledge a young person can have. Credit is a dangerous tool that can be of tremendous help if it is handled with caution. Having credit can enable people to obtain material necessities before they have the money to purchase them outright. But unfortunately, many, many young people get carried away with their handy plastic credit cards and awake one day to find they are in serious financial debt. Learning how to use credit properly can be a very difficult and painful lesson indeed.

Of equal importance is learning how to plan a personal budget. People have to know how to control money; otherwise, it can control them. Students should leave college knowing how to allocate their money for living expenses, insurance, savings, and so forth in order to avoid the “Oh, no! I’m flat broke and I don’t get paid again for two weeks!” anxiety syndrome.

Along with learning about credit and personal financial planning, graduating college students should be trained as consumers. The consumer market today is flooded with a variety of products and services of varying quality and prices.

A young person entering the”real world” is suddenly faced with difficult decisions about which product to buy or whose services to engage. He/ She is usually unaware of such things as return policies, guarantees, or repair procedures, information of this sort is vital knowledge to everyday living.

For a newly graduated college student, the”real world” can be a scary place to be when he or she is faced with such issues as handling credit, planning a budget, or knowing what to look for, when to make a purchase and whom to purchase it from. Entering this”real world” could be made less painful if people were educated in dealing with these areas of daily life. What better place to accomplish this than college?


69. 选择一门你从来没有机会学习的科目






Word List

  • challenge [ˈtʃæləndʒ] n. 挑战
  • budget [ˈbʌdʒit] n. 预算
  • credit [ˈkredit] n. 信任;信用
  • allocate [ˈæləˌkeit] v. 分派,分配
  • strategy [ˈstrætədʒi] n. 战略;策略
  • insurance [inˈʃuərəns] n. 保险;保险单
  • awareness [əˈwεənis] n. 知晓;意识
  • broke [brəuk] adj. 一文不名的
  • caution [ˈkɔ:ʃən] n. 小心,谨慎
  • syndrome [ˈsindˌrəum] n. 综合病症
  • purchase [ˈpə:tʃəs] v. 买,购买
  • be flooded with 溢满;覆满
  • outright [ˈautˈrait] adv. 直率地,痛快地
  • scary [ˈskεəri] adj. 吓人的,使人惊恐的
  • debt [det] n. 债,债务

70. Has automobile improved modern life or caused serious problems?

Over the course of the past one hundred years the automobile has become a staple of modern society, and its impact has been considerable. Yet the question of whether it has improved our lives or caused serious problems is irrelevant, because the automobile has done both. Consequently, we should develop its strengths and seek to correct the problems it continues to cause in order to reap greater benefits from this tool.

With the invention of the automobile the age of transportation shifted into another gear. Quickly it became possible for people to travel more comfortably and conveniently to destinations near and far, and the figurative world moved closer together. Trucks carried cargo across countries and soon became serious competition for trains and ships. As a result, food and other consumer goods have become available even in remote areas, overall living standards have improved, and the automobile industry, which has grown fantastically over the course of the past century, employs millions of workers worldwide.

However, as societal reliance and global economic dependence have grown together with the automobile industry, many significant problems have surfaced.

Car and truck exhausts pollute the air in metropolitan areas around the world and thus create serious health problems. The continued use of fossil fuel engines and the scarcity of oil have led to much political strife and even war, particularly in the oil rich region of the Middle East. As the powerful automobile industry remains reluctant and has yet to successfully promote an engine type that does not rely on gasoline power, the problem of fossil fuel shortage will become an even more serious problem.

Since the automobile is here to stay we must not only enjoy its conveniences, but we must also aim to reduce the problems it has caused, for example air pollution and over reliance on fossil fuel engines. In the same vein, we must encourage the usage of alternative fuel sources, which have been researched and developed successfully. Then the benefits of the automobile will outweigh the serious problems.


70. 汽车改善了人们的生活,还是带来了严重的问题?




Word List

  • staple [ˈsteipəl] n. 主要成分;来源
  • overall [ˈəuvərˌɔ:l] adj. 全部的,全面的
  • irrelevant [iˈreləvənt] adj. 不相关的;不切题的
  • fantastically [fænˈtæstikəlli] adv. 空想地
  • societal [səˈsaiitl] adj. 社会的
  • reap [ri:p] v. 收割,收获
  • metropolitan [ˌmetrəˈpa:litən] adj. 大都市的
  • shift into 转移到…上
  • gear [giə] n. 齿轮,传动装置
  • fossil [ˈfa:səl] n. 化石;僵化的事物
  • conveniently [kənˈvi:njəntli] adv. 便利地,方便地
  • fuel [fju:əl] n. 燃料
  • strife [straif] n. 斗争,冲突,竞争
  • destination [ˌdestəˈneiʃən] n. 目的地;终点
  • promote [prəˈməut] v. 促进;发扬
  • gasoline [ˈgæsəˌli:n] n. 汽油
  • figurative [ˈfigjərətiv] adj. 比喻的
  • shortage [ˈʃɔ:tidʒ] n. 不足,缺乏
  • remote [riˈməut] adj. 遥远的,偏僻的

71. Choosing a job: high-paying with long working hours, or low-paying with short working hours?

I am optimistic that through my studies and continued hard work I will be able to find a job that will provide my future family and me with financial security. We should be able to afford the necessities of life, such as a modest home, enough food to nourish us and keep us in good health, as well as education for our children. Hopefully, I will find myself in the fortunate situation where I can decide between a high-paying job with long hours and a lowerpaying job with shorter hours. I would choose the job with the lower salary and greater personal time without hesitation, because my family and friends are the most important things in my life.

Time is the greatest investment I can make into the relationships with my wife and my children. A marriage is not just a decision one makes but a promise that one keeps. In order to do so one has to be there for the other person and share moments of joy as well as times of difficulty. Nowadays, too many relationships wither away as the partners are unable to work out their problems or bond through meaningful experiences. Personal careers become too important and family time becomes a rare occurrence.

The absence of one parent, due to professional career or divorce, can have a very negative effect on a child’s development. The child might question his value to father or mother (depending on which one is continually absent) and develop low self-esteem. Without the presence of either or, worse, both parents, the child will be more likely to make bad decisions as he is lacking proper guidance. And there is one point should also be mentioned, i.e. neither expensive toys nor fancy clothes can compensate for this.

Lastly, I can derive more pleasure from spending time with my friends than I ever could from driving a sports car or taking luxury vacations. The inner peace and balance that I enjoy from their company are invaluable to me. Also, a million dollars in the bank would be worth nothing if I didn’t have the time to enjoy these riches with my friends.






Word List

  • optimistic [ˌa:ptəˈmistik] adj. 乐观的;有信心的
  • whither away 消失,不知去了哪里
  • have effect on 对…有影响
  • modest [ˈma:dist] adj. 谦虚的;适度的
  • self-esteem [ˌselfiˈsti:m] n.自尊,自尊心
  • nourish [ˈnə:riʃ] v. 滋养,使健壮
  • fancy [ˈfænsi] adj. 奇特的;华丽装饰的
  • hesitation [ˌheziˈteiʃən] n. 犹豫,踌躇
  • compensate [ˈka:mpənˌseit] v. 偿还,补偿
  • occurrence [əˈkə:rəns] n. 事件,发生的事情
  • derive from 得自,由来,衍生
  • absence[ ˈæbsəns] n.不在,缺席,缺乏
  • luxury [ˈlʌgʒəri] adj. 奢侈,华贵,豪华
  • divorce [diˈvɔ:s] n. 离婚;脱离

72. Do grades encourage students to learn?

Does grade really encourage students to learn, and guarantee a qualified education? Hardly. Given the opportunity, students spend time using their intelligence to figure out how to get a higher or top grade without doing the real work of the course and without thinking, rather than spending the same time thinking and exploring, regardless of what grade this may bring them. It isn’t that these students are not motivated. It’s just that they’re not motivated to learn as much as they’re motivated to get good grades. Once one became grade-oriented in your thinking, it is difficult for him/her to stop thinking that way.

Anybody who gets top grades is, in some sense, a winner of the system. But these seeming winners are, far too often, losers of a more important game. To win the grade competition in high school, most of these”winners” learned to ask what was expected of them and then do just that. They had to make sure they got high SAT scores by memorizing endless vocabulary words and by practicing a 1001 uses of the Pythagorean Theorem. They wanted to know from their high school teachers if the material being covered on a given day was going to be on the test, because they realized early on that the test is all that matters.

When these “successes” of the system arrive in college, they, of course, have not changed their attitudes. They fear open-ended assignments. They are impatient with discussions that are not going in any particular direction except where the interests of the discussants dictate, since they know that such discussions waste time that could have been better spent studying for a test. What these students have learned from school is the underlying message that the world is run by authorities who have definite points of view. The system has taught them that the way to get along in the world is to understand and to cater to those points of view espoused by the educational “authorities”. Cleverness pays, but disagreement does not. Such students are in the process of becoming “yes men.”

On the other hand, students who do less well in high school are often rebelling against curricula they see as irrelevant to their lives. This type of student judges what goes on in school according to how well it relates to his own day-to

day concerns. If algebra does not seem relevant to the problems such students face, then they see little need to pay attention to it. Under such circumstance, the school might have been able to embed algebra instruction inside a task they cared about, causing them to want to know algebra because it would help them do something they wanted to do. But schools generally don’t like this, so the conclusion drawn by many students is that since so much is irrelevant, they might as well tune it out. These students learn to get by as well as they can, separating themselves from other kids who are willing to play the game.


72. 分数能激励学生学习吗?





Word List

  • grade [greid] n. 成绩,考分
  • discussant[diˈskʌsənt] n.讨论者,谈论者
  • explore [iksˈplɔ:] v. 探险,探测,探究
  • definite [ˈdefənit] adj. 明确的,一定的
  • regardless[ri ˈga:dlis]adj.不管,不顾,不注意
  • espouse [iˈspauz] v. 支持,赞成
  • oriented [ˈɔ:rientid] ad. 以…为导向的
  • rebel against 反抗
  • Pythagorean Theorem 勾股定理
  • algebra [ˈældʒəbrə] n. 代数学
  • vocabulary[vəu ˈkæbjuˌleri]n.词汇,词汇量
  • embed [əmˈbed] v. 使插入,使嵌入
  • open-ended[ ˌəupənˈendid]adj.自由回答的
  • draw conclusion 下结论
  • impatient[im ˈpeiʃənt] adj.不耐烦的,急躁的
  • tune out 关掉

73. Computers and human life

For every individual who praises the advent of the computer age there seems to be a computer phobic person. Truly, many people are having a difficult time warming up to this machine and its ubiquity. The computer appears to have made life more complex because it can be difficult to understand and it has quickened our pace of life and thus caused stress, but once people learn how to use it they will be able to appreciate the conveniences it has to offer.

Many people, especially older generations, are not familiar with computers and therefore uncomfortable with them. They find the machine’s workings too complex and difficult to understand. Even the terminology seems like a completely different language, because twenty years ago nobody knew what words like software, hardware, or network connection meant. When people heard the word mouse they thought of a rodent. This has changed today, and few teenagers would make the same mistake as their grandparents.

It is also true that computers have quickened the pace of life by allowing us to communicate and do business more efficiently, and this can certainly result in stress. After all, time saved is usually spent on accomplishing more tasks, and thus personal and professional schedules have become more crowded. The stress factor increases yet again when the technology on which we rely breaks down.

Few people understand their computers well enough to fix them, and as entire companies depend on this technology to handle all of their business needs, a single broken computer can wreck a lot of havoc.

Nevertheless, computers and the Internet have become an integral part of everyday life. Computers are here to stay, because they facilitate many of our everyday processes and we have already grown dependent on them. Today computer owners use their machines not only to communicate and do business but also for entertainment. As people learn more about computers they will become more comfortable with them, and technological progress will fix many of the small annoyances that cause stress to their owners.


73. 电脑与人类生活





Word List

  • praise [preiz] v. 赞扬,称赞
  • advent [ˈædˌvent] n. (尤指不寻常的人或事) 出现,到来
  • phobic [ˈfəubik] adj. 恐惧症的
  • ubiquity [ju:ˈbikwiti] n. 到处存在
  • be familiar with 熟悉
  • terminology [ˌtə:məˈna:lədʒi] n. 术语,专门名词
  • rodent [ˈrəudnt] n. 啮齿动物
  • pace [peis] n. (一) 步;速度
  • havoc [ˈhævək] n. 大破坏,浩劫
  • integral [ˈintigrəl] adj. 完整的,整体的
  • facilitate [fəˈsiliteit] n. 使容易;推动,促进
  • annoyance [əˈnɔiəns] n. 烦恼,可厌之事

74. Is traveling in a group led by a tour guide the best way to travel?

Those lucky enough to travel, particularly those fortunate enough to visit foreign countries, face the decision of traveling in a group with an experienced tour guide or traveling by themselves. The choice is a difficult one as both ways of travel have advantages. Personally, I believe that, although traveling in a group with a tour guide is obviously convenient, the benefits are often not significant enough and in many ways traveling in this kind of way can limit one’s travel experience.

The conveniences of group travel with a tour guide include the fact that one easily meets other people and thus has a more enjoyable and comfortable travel experience. This is particularly important when traveling in a foreign country where a language barrier prevents interaction with the locals and isolation can become a problem. The tour guide is often experienced in generating a jovial atmosphere within the group, and his/her knowledge of the foreign culture and places of interest provide travelers with a greater appreciation of their trip. Also, and maybe most importantly, when traveling with a guide the individual traveler normally does not have to worry about hotel reservations and transportation. Those aspects are taken care of.

On the other hand, convenience might not be important to a traveler, and traveling alone allows far more personal freedoms. For example, one can easily make changes to the travel itinerary. The traveler can choose to stay in certain places or move on more quickly than otherwise possible, because he does not follow a set schedule. Learning about culture and places of interest is also easy as that information is readily available in books. Furthermore, travelers tend to congregate, and it is very easy to meet fellow vacationers who might have insightful tips as far as where to go and what to do. Generally, basic command of the English language suffices to have such informative exchanges with other travelers and locals, who are often eager to share their customs and culture.

Therefore, traveling outside a large tour group can result in a richer and more genuine experience, and I believe this experience to be more exciting to me.


74. 跟团旅行是最好的旅行方式吗?





Word List

  • tour guide 导游
  • itinerary [aiˈtinəˌreri] n. 路线,旅行计划
  • barrier [ˈbæriə] n. 障碍物,屏障
  • congregate [ˈka:ŋgriˌgeit] n. 隔绝,隔离,绝缘
  • isolation [ˌaisəˈleiʃən] v. 使集合;聚集
  • insightful [ˈinˌsaitfuəl] adj. 富有洞察力的
  • jovial [ˈdʒəuviəl] adj. 快活的,高兴的
  • exchange [iksˈtʃeindʒ] n.&v. 交换,兑换;交流
  • atmosphere [ˈætməsˌfiə] n. 大气;气氛
  • reservation [ˌrezəˈveiʃən] n. 保留,预定
  • custom [ˈkʌstəm] n. 习惯,风俗
  • freedom [ˈfri:dəm] n. 自由,自主,直率
  • genuine [ˈdʒenjuin] adj. 真实的,真正的

75. Should students be required to take classes in many subjects or to specialize in one subject?

Universities that require their students to take classes in many subjects offer a very different educational experience from the universities that encourage specialization. As higher education becomes a more accessible commodity students will be able to choose between these two different forms of instruction. The answer to the question of which system is better depends on the student’s interests and the goals of their studies.

Students who complete a degree at a university which requires them to take classes in many different subjects will receive a well rounded education. Here they will be able to develop their knowledge in different areas, and they will also have the opportunity to find out what their interests really are as they will be exposed to a variety of fields of study. Therefore, this kind of university is ideal for students who have many interests or don’t know what their interests are. Also, students who have an interest in education and consider the possibility of graduate school will be able to gain a broader knowledge base before specializing later on in their academic careers. They will be able to pursue education for education’s sake and not just to learn a trade. When they try to find work after graduation their versatility will allow them to apply for a wide range of jobs. On the other hand, students who specialize will have a great advantage over students who don’t when it comes to finding a job in their specific field of study.

Naturally, companies will be most interested in job applicants who have superior knowledge and can thus make the greatest contributions. At the same time, the specialization system allows students to focus on their interests and the subjects relevant to them. Students majoring in physics or chemistry would feel very out of place in a course on ancient poetry or Western literature. They might consider it a waste of their time and energy. This might then have a negative effect on their educational progress in general.


75. 学生应该学习多门课程还是应该术业有专攻?




Word List

  • specialization [ˌspeʃəliˈzeiʃən] n. 特殊化;专门化
  • rounded [ˈraundid] adj. 全面的;圆形的
  • for sth.’ s sake 为了…的缘故
  • versatility [ˌvə:səˈtiləti] n. 多功能性
  • apply for 请求,申请
  • superior [səˈpiəriə] adj. 较高的;出众的
  • ancient [ˈeinʃənt] adj. 远古的,旧的
  • poetry [ˈpəuitri] n. 诗;诗意,诗情

76. Should children begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school?

More and more international corporations build their business in my country, China. At the same time, more parents tell their children that English is one of necessities to be successful in the future. Students work so hard to master English that English learning related publications have always been on the top of the best-seller list.

It seems clear that one will be better off if he/she is a bilingual, and if the second language is English, even better! However, learning a foreign language must have been painful, since people are continuously creating all sorts of methods and suggestions on how to learn it more easily, more quickly, and more effectively. Some people propose that children should begin learning English as soon as they start school. But would it really work? Hardly.

It seems true that children have natural amazing ability to develop their language skills. Statistic figures show that a 6-year-old boy can virtually memorize nearly as many as 150 words a day! But things become different when the child is learning a foreign language. When children are learning their mother tongue, they are not alone, and they are learning with numerous handy aids around. Parents, friends, and all the people around them are talking the same language, without any grammar error and nearly uniform intonation and pronunciation. However, when they are learning a foreign language, all of those natural aids disappeared. And words become really foreign and abstract after they leave classes. And even worse, their teacher might have a bad accent or even wrong pronunciation. Some may adduce children in Luxembourg as evidence, but the point is that almost all parents in that place are trilingual!

Learning a foreign language well involves much more than merely memorizing handful vocabulary or several grammar rules. If a girl is able to say hello in a standard American accent, does that really mean she has learned a second language well, or she will go so far as to be a linguist? In fact, learning a foreign language in some sense is beyond the capacity of children, especially as little as first grade pupil, for language is used to express thoughts and ideas, both of which are naturally cultural and historical, and are sometimes too complex for children to comprehend. After all, learning earlier doesn’t automatically guarantee learning quicker or better.


76. 孩子是否应该一开始上学就学习外语?





Word List

  • corporation [ˌkɔ:pəˈreiʃən] n. 公司,企业
  • intonation [ˌintəˈneiʃən] n. 语调,声调
  • as to 关于,至于
  • pronunciation [prəˌnʌnsiˈeiʃən] n. 发音,读法
  • best-seller [ˌbestˈselə] n. 最畅销的(书)
  • better off 变好,受益
  • abstract [æbˈstrækt] adj.抽象的,理论的
  • bilingual [baiˈliŋgwəl] adj. 能说双语的;双语的
  • obsolete [ˈa:bsəli:t] adj. 荒废的,陈旧的
  • accent [ˈækˌsənt] n. 重音,口音;重音符
  • statistic [stəˈtistik] adj. 统计的,统计学的
  • adduce [əˈdu:s] adj. 引证
  • mother tongue 母语,本国语
  • Luxembourg[ˈluksəmˌbə:g] n.卢森堡公国
  • numerous[ˈnu:mərəs] adj. 众多的,无数的
  • trilingual [traiˈliŋgwəl] adj. 能讲三种语言的
  • handy[ ˈhændi] adj.手边的,唾手可得的
  • linguist [ˈliŋgwist] n. 语言学家

77. Should boys and girls attend separate schools?

In my country, China, many people in a sense live in a ridiculous culture where young boys and girls should never say”love” to each other. Moreover, it is absolutely a shame that such affairs happen in campus. To avoid alleged shame or danger of it, some people assert that boys and girls should attend separate schools.

The point is, is there anything wrong when a little boy says”I love you” to a little girl? Gone are the days when”love” was a forbidden word in our culture, it has now, nevertheless, actually quite different connotations from that of the word in western society. It can be seen that people in Hollywood movies often say “I love you” to almost everyone naturally, readily and easily, including friends, family members, partners in work, even an unknown taxi driver! But in China, not surprisingly, many people have never said”I love you” to their parents, even seldom to their mates or children.”Love”, in Chinese word, does in fact carry subtle connotations related to immoral affairs. It seems not a problem of is there anything wrong, but one of there must be something wrong if a teenager dares to say anything about “love!”

Even if there must be something wrong when a teenager falls into love, is it something so appalling even evil that adults have to take action to prevent or even fight? Did we ever discover any prudent evidence which clearly prove it is really something bad? Hardly. It is in fact quite natural that a little boy admire a beautiful girl or a little girl feels a smart boy appealing. And such emotions do not harm anything. Alleged”puppy love” simply is a nonsense concept invented by ignorance. Girls and boys actually do not even know what love is! Perhaps they merely imitate behaviors of adults around them. What we adults should do is not to make them believe”love” is evil, but to teach them what true love really means. Regrettably, those adults never realize that they actually fail to assume their responsibility, but presumptuously believe they are capable of eliminating love among boys and girls by separating them into different school. It will never work.

Separate school once was one of evil signs of discrimination of women, but today reemerges to prevent”love affairs” among teenagers—a high school in Beijing recently announced that it has already separated girls from boys into different classes. I can hardly imagine any benefit that such a scheme could produce except for further distortions of teenagers’ natures.


77. 男生与女生是否应该分校上学?





Word List

  • ridiculous[ri ˈdikjələs] adj.荒谬的,可笑的
  • take action to 对…采取行动
  • affair [əˈfεə] n. 事务;私事,恋爱事件
  • prudent [ˈpru:dnt] adj. 慎重的;谨慎的
  • alleged [əˈledʒd] adj. 所谓的
  • admire [ədˈmaiə] v. 赞美,钦佩,羡慕
  • assert [əˈsə:t] v. 断言,声称
  • puppy love 早恋
  • attend [əˈtend] v. 出席;注意
  • nonsense [ˈna:nˌsəns] n. 胡说,废话
  • forbidden [fəˈbidn] adj. 禁止的,严禁的
  • presumptuously [priˈzʌmptʃuəsli] adv. 自以为是地
  • connotation[ˌka:nəˈteiʃən]n.(词的),内涵
  • mate [meit] n. 配偶
  • eliminate [iˈliməˌneit] v. 排除,消除
  • subtle [ˈsʌtl] adj. 微妙的
  • regrettably[riˈgretəbli] adv. 遗憾地,可悲地
  • appalling [əˈpɔ:liŋ] adj. 惊人的,骇人的
  • reemerge [ˈri:iˈmə:dʒ] v. 再度出现
  • evil [ˈi:vəl] adj. 邪恶的,有害的
  • distortion [diˈstɔ:ʃən] n. 扭曲,变形

78. Work with a group of people or work independently?

While some people emphasize great importance of cooperation, others argue that the significance of individual competition should not be rejected or neglected. To examine whether one is more important than the other, we have to look carefully into further details.

There are circumstances where the ability to work with group is much more important than that to work independently. More often than not, in most fields, a team can achieve much more extensive scope than an individual can, because one has less strength than many have. In team-played sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball, etc. , teamwork is often highly valued and is of essence. To get a goal or make a point, team members have to cooperate with each other, nobody could achieve without others’ help. Although individual competence is a must, too much accent on his personal ability will lead him even the whole team to a disaster.

On the other hand, there also are inverse circumstances. In vital decisionmaking, for example, one has to make a final choice with his/her own judgment. Let’s consider the same situation mentioned above, on the very same sports ground, each opposite team has only one and should have only one coach, who must work independently to make important decisions, including which player should be replaced, which player should present on what kind of special circumstances, and so many other critical choices. The coach, like the commander in the war, stands on a position where he/she has to be competitive, and his/her only rival is the coach of the other side. Even if he/she at the same time has to consult with others, it is him/her who takes the final step, and he/she essentially has no choice but to have an excellent ability to work independently.

There seldom exists a circumstance where cooperation and competition do not coexist. The point is that emphasis on cooperation doesn’t mean competition should be neglected or rejected, and vice versa. Therefore, it hasn’t gone too far to say that both the ability of working with group and that of working independently are equally important.


78. 与人协作还是单枪匹马?





Word List

  • emphasize [ˈemfəˌsaiz] v. 强调,着重
  • inverse [inˈvə:s] adj. 倒转的,反转的
  • cooperation [kəuˌa:pəˈreiʃən] n. 合作,协作
  • vital [ˈvaitl]adj. 生死攸关的,至关重要的
  • neglect [niˈglekt] v. 忽视,疏忽
  • mention [ˈmenʃən] v. 提及,说起
  • reject [riˈdʒekt] v. 拒绝,抵制
  • coach [kəutʃ] n. 训练,指导;教练
  • achieve [əˈtʃi:v] v. 完成,达到,获得
  • replace [riˈpleis] v. 取代,替换
  • extensive [ik ˈstensiv] adj.广大的,广泛的
  • commander [kəˈmændə] n. 司令官,指挥官
  • scope [skəup] n.(活动)范围;机会;余地
  • consult [kənˈsʌlt] v. 商量,考虑
  • teamwork [ˈti:mˌwə:k] n. 联合作业,协力
  • coexist [ˌkəuigˈzist] v. 共存
  • disaster [diˈzæstə] n. 灾难,天灾,灾祸
  • vice versa 反之亦然

79. Whom in your country would you choose to build a statue for?

If my city has decided to build a statue to honor a famous person in my country, I would choose a late singer, Teresa Teng. She was born in 1950s, and died of a severe asthma attack at age 41 in May 1995 while holidaying in Chiang Mai, Thailand, triggering an outpouring of grief among her legions of fans in Asia and elsewhere. During her brilliant stage career, favored by fans all over Asia, she moved millions of people. Her famous songs include “sweet”,”story of small town”, and “the moon represents my heart”, etc.

It was said that it was her who introduced several generations in China to a certain field of popular music. Her songs have accompanied the growth and development of many people in China. In the home of these generations’ soul, her sweet voice has become immortal beauty and memory. Although she’s gone, her sound of singing has never vanished. She is constantly commemorated; from Beijing to Taipei, Hong Kong to Singapore, her ubiquitous fans observe her commemoration from time to time, cherishing her incredible beauty, and her voice that sounds to come from heaven. Her sweet songs made her a legend, and are still regularly heard on radio, and continue to have a following in Chinese communities all over the world.

She should be remembered not only because of her beauty and voice, but also because of her great charity. She founded”Teresa Teng Foundation” during her lifetime. The purpose of the foundation is to cultivate and support gifted artists, and at the same time the foundation includes a trust to distribute scholarship to make sure that art students have opportunities to accomplish what they actually can. Every year, The Teresa Teng Foundation also send a great amount of money as a charity to help homeless children. And these activities are supported by her fans all over the world.


79. 你会选择为你国家的哪个人塑像?




Word List

  • late [leit] adj. 已去世的,已故的
  • asthma [ˈæzmə] n. 气喘(病)
  • legions of 大批的
  • immortal [iˈmɔ:tl] adj. 永生的;不朽的
  • vanish [ˈvæniʃ] v. 消失不见
  • commemorate [kəˈmeməˌreit] vt. 纪念,庆祝
  • ubiquitous [juˈbikwətəs] adj. 无所不在的
  • cherish [ˈtʃeriʃ] vt. 怀念
  • trust [trʌst] n. 奖学金基金会

80. A custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt

My favorite custom from Chinese culture that I wish that other countries would adopt is “Respect the Old, Love the Young.” These two ideas have been part of traditional Chinese culture for thousands of years, but they are more important than ever in contemporary Chinese culture. If adopted by Western countries, these two traditional attitudes could help them solve some of their social problems.

One major problem in many Western countries is what to do with old people when they can no longer take care of themselves. A Chinese family will often have three generations of one family living under the same roof. They love and respect the older generation, and consider them wise. Western people believe that living with one’s own parents is inconvenient and embarrassing. Instead of respecting old people, some think that they are stupid and ugly. When Western families’ parents get old, they would rather send them into nursing homes and retirement homes than live together with them. Only old and sick people live in these places and they are considered depressing, in the worst cases they might seem like a prison to their inhabitants. Old people in the West would be much happier if they adopted these traditional Chinese attitudes.

Juvenile delinquency is another serious social problem in Western cultures. Its causes can also be traced back to a lack of respect for old people and love for young people. Children are not taught to respect the wishes of their parents and instead value their relationships with their friends more. Because in many Western families both parents have jobs outside of the home, children often lack adequate supervision. Chinese families, by contrast, often have at least one parent, or a grandparent at home to take care of and love the children. Children without proper guidance and love from a young age might start to smoke, drink, use drugs, and commit crimes. This occurs much less frequently in China because people pay more attention to their children and have the children’s grandparents nearby to help raise them.

The West puts the “Individual” before the “Family”. Traditional Chinese culture puts the interests of the Family first, and the Individual second.

Chinese mothers and fathers place higher value on their child’s development, than on their child’s independence. Children place a higher value on their parents’ happiness than on their own convenience. While there are many excellent lessonsthat Chinese people can learn from the West, Western people would do well to learn from these essential Chinese traditions.


80. 一种你希望被其他国家的人采纳的本国习俗

我最喜欢的、希望其他国家采纳的我国风俗是 “尊老爱幼”。这是中国文化中几千年传统的一部分,然而在中国当代社会更加重要。西方国家如果能采纳这个风俗,也许会解决一些它们的社会问题。




Word List

  • Respect the Old, Love the Young 尊老爱幼
  • juvenile [ˈdʒu:vəˌnail]adj. 青少年的;幼稚的
  • roof [ru:f] n. 屋顶,房顶
  • delinquency [diˈliŋkwənsi]n. 行为不良;错失
  • under the same roof 同堂
  • embarrassing [emˈbærəsiŋ] adj. 令人难堪的
  • supervision [ˌsu:pəˈviʒən] n. 监督,管理
  • drug [drʌg] n. 麻醉药;毒品
  • retirement [riˈtaiəmənt] n. 退休
  • commit [kəˈmit] v. 犯(错误)
  • depress [diˈpres] v. 使沮丧;压低
  • nearby [ˈniəˈbai] adv. 在附近;附近地

81. Has technology made the world a better place to live?

Technology is a tool for humanity. As such it merely supports human actions, good and bad, and does not contribute in and of itself to the progression of the world. Nevertheless, while people have utilized technology to improve their living conditions and also as a means to control and harm others, I believe that technology has allowed and will continue to allow mankind to solve our most serious problems and thus make the world a better place to live.

Technology has aided us in the fight against the two most serious threats to human life, hunger and disease. With the help of technology we have been able to save millions of lives by developing vaccinations, cures, and treatments for diseases that used to be considered fatal. Similarly, technology has figured prominently in the area of food production and may one day allow us to stamp out hunger all over the world. The development of telecommunication and information technologies has encouraged communication between countries and their peoples and thus prevented political conflict.

Of course, technology has also helped mankind to become more destructive and exploitative. The ever-growing arms industry has been able to build bigger bombs and more efficient killing machines. As a result, armed conflicts have become more and more devastating and cost more human lives than ever before. In addition, governments have used technology to limit information and suppress opposition, and businesses continue to use it to maximize profits by replacing workers with machines. None of these practices can be considered beneficial to humanity.

However, while the development of technology might have contributed to some of these contemporary problems, it offers the most likely solutions to many of them. People in many parts of the world still die of starvation, and further developments in food science will hopefully end this unfortunate situation. Also, the global energy shortage presents a problem only technology can solve, and the further development of existing technology is necessary to reduce and stop environmental pollution and degradation.


81. 科技使世界变得更美好了吗?





Word List

  • humanity [hju:ˈmæniti] n. 人类
  • conflict [ˈka:nˌflikt] n. 斗争,冲突
  • utilize [ˈju:tlˌaiz] v. 利用
  • destructive [diˈstrʌktiv] adj. 破坏性的;毁坏的
  • harm [ha:m] v. 伤害,损害
  • threat [θret] n. 恐吓,威胁
  • exploitative [iksˈplɔitətiv] adj. 开发资源的
  • vaccination [ˌvæksəˈneiʃən] n. 接种疫苗,种痘
  • armed conflict 武装冲突
  • cure [kjuə] n. 治愈,痊愈
  • starvation [sta:ˈveiʃən] n. 饥饿,饿死
  • fatal [ˈfeitl] n. 致命的,重大的
  • degradation [ˌdegrəˈdeiʃən] n.堕落,退化
  • prominent [ˈpra:mənənt] adj. 卓越的,显著的

82. Can advertising tell you a lot about a country?

Advertising does not mean to educate or illustrate. Primarily it is a vehicle for business and it aims to sell products. As a result, the information we can gather from looking at advertisings is quite limited. However, the cultural ideas used to sell commodities reveal a society’s value system, and from the nature of the advertising and the product it aims to sell we can draw conclusions as to which social demography might be the most affluent.

In order to be most effective an advertising campaign will make use of the cultural values of a country. Obviously, companies will be able to sell more products if a great many people relate to the goods and the images used to sell them. For example, in a country like the United States where a great percentage of the population is religious, advertisers use expressions such as heavenly, divine, or revelation, because these have connotations that prospective customers will likely identify with. Similarly, advertisers will try to employ fashion models who embody a culture’s ideals of personal beauty, because attractive men and women will sell more products than unattractive ones.

Companies identify social demographics or parts of society that are most likely to buy their products and design their advertisings accordingly. For example, teenage girls are more likely to buy mobile phones than retired factory workers. Thus companies will make use of fashion trends in their ads and probably pay a famous pop singer a big chunk of money to endorse their product. If the majority of all advertisings in a country are geared towards a specific target market or audience, then this part of the population probably has the most financial resources at their disposal.

Although we can learn some things about a country by looking at its advertising we have to remember that this knowledge is limited. After all, advertising is only directed at people who have the means to buy consumer goods. Thus advertising does not tell us anything about the overall prosperity or likes and dislikes of a country. Also, advertising not only reflects but also tries to shape and change cultural values. Therefore, it does not accurately reflect the exact state of a country’s culture.


82. 广告能使你了解一个国家吗?





Word List

  • illustrate [ˈiləˌstreit] v. 图解;阐明
  • heavenly [ˈhevənli] adj. 神圣的
  • vehicle [ˈvi:ikəl] n. 交通工具,车辆
  • divine[diˈvain] adj. 神的,神圣的
  • advertising [ˈædvəˌtaiziŋ] n. 广告业,广告
  • revelation [ˌrevəˈleiʃən] n. 显示,揭露;启示
  • demographic [ˌdeməˈgræfik] adj. 人口的;人口统计学的
  • employ [emˈplɔi] v. 雇用,用,使用
  • fashion [ˈfæʃən] n. 流行,风尚;时样
  • make use of 使用,利用
  • embody [emˈba:di] v. 具体表达;包含
  • percentage [pəˈsentidʒ] n. 百分数,百分率,百分比
  • chunk [tʃʌŋk] n. 大块;相当大的数量
  • endorse [enˈdɔ:s] v. 认可;签署

83. Is modern technology creating a single world culture?

Through modern technology such as TV, telephone, and the Internet, it has become easier for people from different cultures to communicate. In a sense the world has become a smaller place. However, it is questionable if technology is creating a single world culture, because, even though a cultural exchange is taking place, accessibility of this technology is still very limited, and, more importantly, people have come to value the differences inherent in their cultures.

People around the world are taking advantage of the opportunities, presented by modern technology, to learn about other cultures. Not only foreign movies, music, and books communicate with the locals, but the different cultural values do, which are readily available on DVD, CD and via the Internet. Similarly, TV broadcasts fashions across the world and a new style of dress will likely catch on quickly in different parts of the globe. People adopt foreign things they like and make them their own. In this sense cultural assimilation is taking place.

However, while some societies and their cultures are technologically advanced and thus connected with other parts of the world, the majority of the world’s population lives largely isolated. Such isolation is the result of limited technological resources, which in turn is, generally, related to poverty. For example, nearly the entire continent of Africa is impoverished. Its people have few means to learn about other cultures, and even if they did they would have little use for Western culture, which to a great extent is a consumer culture. They are also extremely limited in the ways they can educate people from other parts of the world about their cultures.

Finally, people who are learning about foreign cultures generally come to appreciate and accept the differences between other cultures and their own. They recognize the value of variety. The enjoyment they derive from experiencing foreign languages, dances, songs, visual and culinary arts, also allows them to see the value in their own cultures’ achievements. Therefore, cultural exchange does not necessarily result in the melting of many cultures into one.


83. 科技正在促成一种单一的世界文化?





Word List

  • accessibility [ˌækəsesiˈbiləti] n. 易接近性,可达性
  • majority [məˈdʒɔriti] n. 多数,大半
  • population [ˌpa:pjəˈleiʃən] n. 人口
  • inherent [inˈhiərənt] adj. 内在的,与生俱来的
  • poverty [ˈpa:vəti] n. 贫穷,贫困
  • impoverish [imˈpa:vəriʃ] v. 使贫穷,使枯竭
  • present [prəˈzənt] v. 介绍,引见
  • via [ˈvaiə] prep. 经,通过,经由
  • culinary [ˈkju:ləˌneri] adj. 厨房的,厨房用的
  • broadcast [ˈbrɔ:dˌkæst] v. 广播,播送
  • globe [gləub] n. 球体,地球仪,地球,世界
  • melt [melt]v. (使)融化,(使)熔化
  • assimilation [əˌsiməˈleiʃən] n. 同化(作用)

84. Internet information: valuable or problematic?

The Internet is a great invention because it disseminates information freely. Freedom of information is in the interest of a country and its citizens, but, in light of the information anarchy on the Internet, people need to learn and understand how to evaluate and use the information they find at their fingertips.

The Internet promotes freedom of information and freedom of speech, which are integral part of a successful modern democratic society. With innumerable news sources at their disposal citizens have the opportunity to educate themselves, and this knowledge will allow them to contribute to the progression of their society. Similarly, the ability to consult different viewpoints, especially those diverging from their own, will allow people engage in meaningful dialogue with other citizens. The result of this continued discourse will be a more open minded and also tolerant society. As a vehicle of communication the Internet will connect people of the same interests and the same concerns. Thus connected citizens will be encouraged to work together and they will become active participants of society rather than passive subjects.

Critics of the Internet’s free flow of information are concerned that people will fall victim to bad or rather incorrect information and act on it. This concern is warranted in so far that the Internet is intrinsically anarchic, and anybody with a computer can create Website and post information thereon. As a result, it can be very difficult to determine what information is correct or reliable and which is not. However, difficult as it may seem, there are ways that one can navigate the information jungle of the Internet and arrive at conclusions. In order to do so one has to learn to evaluate sources of information. For example, the Website of a research scientist at a major university or that of a well-known non-profit organization is a more reliable source of information than the personal Website of a senior school student.


84. 网络信息:有价值还是带来问题?




Word List

  • disseminate [diˈseməˌneit] v. 散布;传播
  • viewpoint [ˈvju:ˌpɔint] n. 观点,看法
  • diverge from 与…
  • (意见等)有分歧
  • in light of 按照,根据
  • tolerant [ˈta:lərənt] adj. 容忍的,宽恕的
  • anarchy [ˈænəki] n. 无政府状态;政治混乱
  • critics [ˈkritik] n. 批评
  • victim [ˈviktim] n. 受害人,牺牲者
  • fingertip [ˈfiŋgəˌtip] n. 指尖;指套
  • warrant [ˈwɔ:rənt] v. 授权;证明
  • democratic [ˌdeməˈkrætik] adj. 民主的;民主主义的
  • intrinsic [inˈtrinzik] adj. 内在的,本质的
  • anarchic [ænˈa:kik] adj. 无政府主义的
  • innumerable [iˈnu:mərəbəl] adj. 无数的,数不清的
  • Website [ˈwebˌsait] n. 网站
  • navigate [ˈnæviˌgeit] v. 航行,航海
  • disposal [diˈspəuzəl] n. 布置,安排

85. Where would you recommend a foreign visitor to go in your country for one day?

China is an enormous country with an intensely varied landscape. If a foreign visitor were coming just for one day to see our country, it would be difficult to choose just one place to spend the day. However, I posit that the best place in China to visit would be Beijing. As the capital city, Beijing offers a diverse look at China. I would suggest that the main sites to see would be the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and Tiananmen Square.

The Forbidden City offers the visitor a look at what it was like to live in historical China. The Forbidden City is located in the heart of Beijing, and is the biggest palace complex in the world. This particular site would be of interest to a tourist because it was once the home of many emperors. One can see the actual rooms from whence the ancient China was ruled by the emperors. When the visitor walks through the palace confines, he/she will see many examples of classic Chinese architecture. A walk through the gardens is particularly peaceful with jasmine trees abound.

The Great Wall is also a must-see in China. The people of China hold the Great Wall as having particular significance to their culture because of its long history. The wall, built of dirt, stone and brick, was used as a defense barrier against invading nomads and wandering tribes. This is the largest engineering andbuilding project ever carried out by humans. Its historic and strategic importance is matched only by its architectural significance.

Finally, Tiananmen Square should be on the list of things to see while visiting Beijing. This square is one of the largest in China, and possibly in Asia. At this square, one can visit the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, one of the greatest leaders ever in China. The Chinese Revolutionary Museum and the Chinese History Museum stand to the east of the square, the Great Hall of the People to the west and the magnificent Tiananmen Tower to the north. As the visitor will see, there are numerous interesting exhibits at Tiananmen Square that offer up a variety of Chinese heritage.

Of course, it is very difficult to name one city in China over all others as”the place” to visit. China is the host to such a wide variety of beautiful places, and a visitor really should spend much more time exploring them all. However, with only one day, I believe that Beijing is the best place to visit.


85. 你会推荐一个外国游客去你国家的什么地方游览一天?






Word List

  • enormous [iˈnɔ:məs] adj.巨大的,庞大的
  • wander [ˈwa:ndə] v. 漫步,徘徊
  • intensely[inˈtensli] adv.激烈地;热情地
  • tribe [traib] n. 部落,部族
  • posit[ ˈpa:zit] v.提出以供考虑或研究;建议
  • nomad [ˈnəumæd] n. 游牧民
  • the forbidden city 紫禁城,故宫
  • the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall Tiananmen Square 天安门广场
  • 毛主席纪念堂
  • locate [ˈləuˌkeit] v. 使…坐落于;位于
  • the Chinese Revolutionary Museum and the Chinese History Museum 中国革命历史博物馆
  • in the heart of 在…中心
  • emperor [ˈempərə] n. 皇帝,君主
  • whence [hwens] adv. & conj. 从那里
  • the Great Hall of the People人民大会堂
  • confine [kɔnfain] n. 界限,边界
  • magnificent [mægˈnifisənt] adj. 华丽的,宏伟的
  • architecture [ ˈa:kiˌtektʃə] n.建筑;建筑物
  • jasmine[ ˈdʒæzmin] n.茉莉;素馨;淡黄色
  • the Tiananmen Tower 天安门城楼
  • must-see [ˈmʌstˈsi:] adj. 必看的
  • heritage[ ˈheritidʒ] n.遗产;继承权;传统

86. When and where in the past do you want to go?

If I could go back to a certain time and place in the past, I would choose to go to ancient Egypt, to the time when they were building the great pyramids. This time period and place is greatly interesting to me for the following reasons: first, how were the great pyramids built? Second, Egypt is one of the few places in the world that has as rich a culture as China’s. How did ancient life in Egypt compare to the existence of the ancient Chinese person? Finally, I find this time and place interesting because I am curious about the myths and legends that ancient Egyptians believed in.

There is much speculation as to exactly how the great pyramids were built. The pyramids are an architectural feat, even by today’s standards. They are massive in size, with almost perfect angles leading up to the point at the top of the pyramid. How did the men manage to carry those enormous stones up the side of the pyramid? How was it possible to cut the stones so precisely, to allow for this even, mathematical design? Current science has analyzed these problems, and has decided that with today’s technology, this would not be a problem. I am very interested, however, to learn how such technology was possible in ancient Egypt.

I am also very interested in how ancient Egyptian life compared to that of the ancient Chinese. Did they experience similar toils, or were their lives very different? Did the ancient Egyptians know about the ancient Chinese? All of these questions would be answered for me if I could travel back to the abovementioned time period.

China has some very interesting myths, legends and religions that were formed thousands of years ago. Ancient Egyptians were spiritual people also. I am curious to know more about these ancient religions. Were the beliefs held by the majority, or were there only a few who believed in such ideas?

There are so many unanswered questions about ancient periods, particularly ancient Egypt. By traveling back in time, I would learn a great amount about topics that have remained unanswered for thousands of years.


86. 你想去从前的何时何地?






Word List

  • ancient [ˈeinʃənt] adj. 远古的,古老的
  • angle [ˈæŋgəl] n. 角;角落
  • pyramid [ˈpirəmid] n. 金字塔
  • precise [priˈsais] adj. 精确的,准确的
  • myth [miθ] n. 神话
  • toil [tɔil] n. 辛苦;苦工
  • legend [ˈledʒənd] n. 传说
  • above-mentioned [əˌbʌvˈmenʃənd] adj. 上述的
  • speculation [ˌspekjəˈleiʃən] n. 思索
  • feat [fi:t] n. 技艺;功绩
  • spiritual [ˈspiritʃuəl] adj. 精神的;灵魂的
  • massive [ˈmæsiv] adj. 厚重的,大块的

87. What discovery in the last century has been most beneficial for your compatriot?

In the last hundred years man has set a new mind-blowing rate for the development of new technologies. New products are being conceived every minute of every day, all of which will impact man in some respect. However I believe that the most beneficial invention, over the last hundred years is the Internet.

Internet allows us to access any information our hearts desire. With the power of the World Wide Web, one can receive information from any country in the world allowing individuals the ability to locate and acquire anything imaginable. Locally, computers via the Internet allow us to search out a variety of services that are necessary for day to day living. This can make living in one of China’s many big cities a much more comfortable experience.

From net games to online chatting to viewing movies or Websites, Internet has the ability to entertain us in a wide variety of ways. For example, many people join forums where they can chat with their peers about any variety of topics. Many movie trailers are first released on the Internet where enthusiastic fans can be the first to catch a glimpse of the latest and greatest blockbusters. Computers also bring us the world of instant messaging, allowing people with a computer and an Internet connection to chat for free with their friends and colleagues anywhere in the world.

Internet has changed the very way businesses operate, bringing efficiency and convenience to the work place. The most obvious development is the use of emails instead of surface mail. Emails allow businesses to communicate large amounts of information almost instantly, saving time, paper and postage fees. Instead of making long distance telephone calls, some businesses have started using Web conferencing. Web conferencing not only eliminates long distance fees, but also allows two parties to see each other in real time and simultaneously work on projects through program sharing.


87. 过去100年中的何种发明使你的同胞受益最大?





Word List

  • conceive [kənˈsi:v] v. 构思,以为
  • glimpse [glimps] n. 一瞥
  • online chatting 在线聊天
  • blockbuster [ˈbla:kˌbʌstə] n. 一鸣惊人者
  • forum [ˈfɔ:rəm] n. 论坛,讨论会
  • instant messaging 快讯
  • trailer [ˈtreilə] n. 追踪者
  • postage [ˈpəustidʒ] n. 邮资;邮费
  • release [riˈli:s] v. 释放;解放;放弃
  • fee [fi:] n. 费(会费、学费等),酬金
  • enthusiastic [enˌθu:ziˈæstik]adj. 热心的,热情的
  • web conferencing 网络会议

88. Have telephone and e-mail made communication between people less personal?

Some people argue that telephones and e-mail have made communication between people less personal. I both agree and disagree with this statement.

Truely, Telephones and email are less personal than meeting someone face-to

face. However, They on any account can’t impair the intimacy between people.

As mentioned above, using the telephone or email to communicate with others is definitely less personal than speaking with someone in person. There are many advantages of communicating with someone face to face. For example, you can read their body language. Body language, which includes facial expressions, is a key indicator of how a person is reacting to the conversation. If we are not present to be able to see these clues, there is much more room for misinterpretation. This can cause annoying misunderstandings between people, especially when having a serious discussion about an important matter.

This, however, does not mean that communication is less personal between people because of these technologies. I believe that when people need to have a serious conversation, they will use the telephone or email to set up a meeting time to discuss a topic in person. For the most part, individuals will not have an important conversation utilizing one of these methods. When viewed from this perspective, it becomes clear that the telephone and email actually enhance our ability to communicate effectively with others. Because of these technologies, we can easily access others when necessary.

In conclusion, I think that if a person is going to solely use the telephone or email as his primary method of communication, his communication with others will definitely be less personal. However, if the person uses these technologies to contact others, but saves important conversations for face-to-face meetings, there is no loss of connection.


88. 电话和电子邮件使得人们的交往不那么亲密?





Word List

  • statement [ˈsteitmənt] n. 声明,陈述
  • face-to-face [ˌfeistəˈfeis] adv. 面对面地
  • in person 亲自;外貌上
  • indicator [ˈindikeitə] n. 指示器;指示针;指标
  • clue [klu:] n. 线索;暗示
  • misinterpretation [ˈmisinˌtə:priˈteiʃən] n. 误译,曲解
  • set up 设立,竖立,建立
  • perspective [pəˈspektiv] n. 观点,看法
  • solely [ˈsəulli] adv. 独自地,单独地

89. What famous person from history would you like to meet?

Throughout history, there have been thousands and thousands of inventors, prophets and visionaries who have dramatically affected the way we live today. If I could meet one of these people, I would choose to meet Tomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors that I respect.

This great man invented thousands of useful products that we still use today, the most famous of which is the electric light bulb. In addition to the light bulb, Edison created the phonograph, the storage batteries, telegraph systems, and a wide variety of other products. To have invented such a diverse range of items, Tomas must have been a brilliant man. I would greatly enjoy meeting him and discussing some of his ideas with him. I am sure that such a meeting would be a great inspiration, and perhaps lead me to create new inventions of my own.

One of Tomas Edison’s projects was a working version of the electric car. If he had continued to work on this invention instead of moving on to something new, and if the project was successful, perhaps the world would not have the pollution problems that are so widely present today. It is unfortunate that he did not focus more on this invention. If I could meet him, perhaps I could convince him, that for the sake of future generations, he should not give up on his idea.

Furthermore, what makes me believe that Tomas Edison would be an excellent person to meet from history is because I would love to find out what the keys to his inspirations were. He had so many brilliant ideas; there must have been a secret to his success that I’m dying to know. Perhaps it was just that he was such a hardworking man. He was constantly working on inventions until his late 60’s, when finally, he took a rest from inventions. Tomas Edison had a profound effect on all modern societies around the world. His inventions were a catalyst to modernization; in fact, the world would not be where it is today if it were not for this great man and his great mind.


89. 你希望遇到历史上的哪位名人?





Word List

  • prophet [ˈpra:fit] n. 先知,预言者
  • visionary [ˈviʒəˌneri] n. 空想家,梦想者
  • bulb [bʌlb] n. 电灯泡
  • phonograph [ˈfəunəgræf] n. 留声机,电唱机
  • storage battery n. 蓄电池
  • brilliant [ˈbriljənt] adj. 闪耀的,有才气的
  • inspiration [ˌinspəˈreiʃən] n. 灵感
  • move on to sth. 继续做某事
  • convince [kənˈvins] v. 使确信,使信服
  • catalyst [ˈkætəlist] n. 催化剂;接触剂

90. What famous entertainer or athlete would you like to meet?

Famous entertainers and athletes have a vast amount of influence over there. It is up to the entertainer to choose how they wield their power over the general public; some try their best to set a good example, while others exhibit depravity and malevolent behavior. Yao Ming, the famous basketball star, is an excellent example of the type of star who tries at time to look after his fans. If I could meet one famous athlete, I would choose to meet Yao Ming.

Yao Ming is very young to be a member of the esteemed National Basketball Association in North America. In his rookie year he has surpassed all expectations of those knowledgeable with the sport. His skill is attested to by the vast number of people interested in his abilities; in fact his popularity is so great that he has replaced O’Neal as starting center in the American All Star Game, which is no small feat. Yao Ming was also the number one rookie pick last year in the NBA. It would be inspiring to meet someone with such great abilities. He must have worked on his talent from a very young age to achieve such greatness.

Another reason why I would love to meet this great man is because he is an excellent ambassador for China. Yao Ming epitomizes Chinese spirit of hard working to achieve greatness. He in a sense brings China to the world. Although China has become an increasingly important part of international culture, our fair country is still relatively unknown to a large portion of the North American population. Yao Ming has titillated the interest of millions of young people around the world, with the unavoidable effect of bringing a focus to China and Chinese culture.

Finally, why I would like to meet Yao Ming is because he is a genuinely kind person. In spite of his fame and notoriety, in interviews you can see that he has remained a gracious and humble person. As an example of his kindness one must only look at his recent efforts in China to help raise money for SARS research. Therefore, I think that Yao Ming would be an excellent role model for all young people today, both in China and the rest of the world. He is a hard working, dedicated man, with a strong, noble character.


90. 你希望遇到哪位娱乐明星或运动员?





Word List

  • athlete [ˈæθˌli:t] n. 运动员
  • epitomize [iˈpitəˌmaiz] v. 摘要;成为…缩影
  • vast [væst] adj. 巨大的;大量的
  • up to 由…决定
  • dedication [ˌdediˈkeiʃən] n. 献身;奉献
  • wield [wi:ld] v. 支配;掌握
  • portion [ˈpɔ:ʃən] n. 一部分;一份
  • depravity [diˈpræviti] n. 堕落,腐败
  • titillate [ˈtitilˌeit] v. 搔痒;使愉快
  • malevolent [məˈlevələnt] adj. 有恶意的,坏心肠的
  • notoriety [ˌnəutəˈraiiti]n. 恶名,声名狼藉;名声远扬
  • rookie [ˈruki] n. 新兵;新手
  • fame [feim] n. 名气,名望
  • surpass [sə:ˈpæs] v. 超越,胜过
  • gracious [ˈgreiʃəs] adj. 亲切的;高尚的
  • attest [əˈtest] v. 证明;表明
  • humble [ˈhʌmbl] adj. 卑下的;微贱的
  • ambassador[æm ˈbæsədə] n.大使,使者
  • noble character 高尚的品格

91. If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask?

In today’s society, there is a great amount of pressure on famous people. They must constantly be aware of their appearance, and how they will look in the public’s eyes. If I had to pick one question to ask a famous person, I would ask them if they are glad that they achieved fame. I think this question is very interesting because it gives insight into what it would be like to be famous, it tells us about the individual’s personality, and it would give the famous people a chance to explain what their life would have been like if they had never been famous.

By asking the above-mentioned question, the famous person would reflect on whether or not they enjoyed their fame. If the person answered that he/she would rather not be famous, it implies that the life of a famous person is not as wonderful as many people expect it would be. However, if the answer was positive, it shows that despite all the negative aspects that come with fame, it is still worth the trouble.

When answering this question, the famous person would give us insight into his/her personality. Perhaps the person would rather be more introverted, and therefore, does not appreciate all of the constant attention. On the other hand, it is possible that the person thrives in admiration and attention, and would not have it any other way. Is the famous person the type of people who does not like having to worry about everything he/she says? Do these types of issues bother him/her? I would find all of this information very interesting. Finally, when answering this question, the person would have to reflect on what his/her life would have been like if he/she had never been famous. Perhaps there were dreams or aspirations that he/she never got to realize because he/ she is now constantly in the public eye. Would life as a regular person have been more enjoyable? By asking the above-mentioned question, all of these queries would be answered.


91. 如果你有机会问某个名人一个问题,你会问什么?





Word List

  • give insight into 洞悉,深刻理解
  • reflect [riˈflekt] v. 反省;细想
  • positive [ˈpa:zitiv] adj. 肯定的,绝对的
  • introverted [ˈintrəˌvə:tid] adj. 格性内向的;含蓄的
  • thrive [θraiv] v. 兴旺,繁荣
  • issue [ˈisu:] n. 论点;问题
  • regular [ˈregjələ] adj. 规则的;有秩序的
  • query [ˈkwiəri] n. 质问;询问

92. Living in places that have the same weather all year long, or in areas where the weather changes

Because China is such a vast country, the weather and climate changes dramatically from one part of the country to another. Some parts have a mild, warm temperature all year long, whereas other regions of the country have weather patterns that shift dramatically from hot to cold over the year.

Given the choice to live in one type of climate or the other, I would choose to live in a region where the weather is constantly changing throughout the year. The reasons for this are varied. First, I enjoy the different seasons. Second, I take pleasure in many different sports, some of which require warm weather, and others require the cold. Finally, I enjoy living in a region with constantly changing weather because I think that change is good for one’s health.

As mentioned above, one aspect I love about living in a region with changing climates is the shift in seasons. I really enjoy walking through a city and being able to see the trees turn from bright green in the summer, to brown in the fall, to bare in the winter, and then come back to life again in the spring. I find the process of nature very beautiful, and appreciate living in a city where I can observe these changes.

In addition to enjoying the seasons, I also get pleasure from playing a wide variety of sports. Some of these sports require summer weather, like swimming, but others require winter weather, like skiing or ice-skating. By living in a region with extreme changes in seasons, I am able to enjoy all of my favorite activities.

Finally, I enjoy living in an area with changing temperatures because I believe that the extreme temperatures are good for one’s health. By allowing one’s body to adjust to the extremes, one builds their immune system and is healthier overall.

Overall, I find that living in a changing environment is more interesting than living in one where the climate is always constant. I find that if I am sick of the cold in the winter, I can always take a short plane ride to somewhere that is warmer.


92. 住在气候终年不变的地方,还是住在气候一年数变的地方?







Word List

  • dramatically [drəˈmætikəli] adv. 戏剧性地;剧烈地
  • mild [maild] adj. 温和的;适度的
  • shift [ʃift] n. & v. 移动,移位;变化
  • bare [bεə] v. 无遮蔽的;赤裸的;秃的
  • skiing [ˈski:iŋ] n. 滑雪
  • ice-skating [ˈaisˌskeitiŋ] n. 滑冰,溜冰
  • immune [iˈmju:n] adj. 免疫的

93. What makes a good roommate?

While studying at university, many students find that sharing an apartment with roommates is the best living situation available. These arrangements can work out quite well, as long as one chooses the right roommate. There are a number of important qualities that one should look for in a potential roommate. These qualities include friendliness, cleanliness, and a good work ethic.

Choosing a friendly roommate is very important if one wants to create a healthy living environment. If one’s roommate is unfriendly, many annoying situations can occur. For example, if one’s roommate is unfriendly, it is difficult to hold a conversation with him/her. Being able to have a pleasant conversation is vital, as everyone needs to have a short break from studying from time to time. Conversations can help us to relax a little bit, and can even be a stimulus to continue our work.

Having a clean roommate is also very important. If one’s roommate is messy, it can lead to many arguments over whose turn it is to do the cleaning. If one constantly has to clean up after his/her roommate, he/she will have less time to concentrate on his/her studies. Also, living in a clean environment allows one to be much more successful in all endeavors.

Finally, a roommate should have a good work ethic. If one’s roommate is constantly procrastinating and waiting until the last minute to do assignments, it can ruin one’s ability to do his/her own work. If a roommate is always coming home late or playing music loudly instead of doing work, it will be very difficult for a studious person to get anything done.

In conclusion, I believe that having a clean friendly roommate with a good work ethic is most enjoyable. It allows one to get on with his/her own work, and to concentrate on what matters most: getting good grades.








Word List

  • arrangement [əˈreindʒmənt] n. 整理;安排
  • as long as 只要,在…的时候
  • potential [pəˈtenʃəl] adj. 潜在的,可能的
  • ethic [ˈeθik] n. 道德规范,伦理
  • messy [ˈmesi] adj. 凌乱的,杂乱的
  • endeavor [enˈdevə] n. 努力,尽力
  • procrastinate [prəuˈkræstəˌneit] v. 延迟,耽搁
  • ruin [ruin] v. 毁坏,毁灭
  • studious [ˈstu:djəs] adj. 勤学的;认真的

94. Does dancing play an important role in a culture?

There are a number of qualities that have always been present in cultures, recent or ancient. These qualities can be anything from art forms to culturally gained knowledge. These qualities make the culture unique, and allow the culture to offer something interesting to the world. Throughout history, dancing has always played such a role in cultures. This is because dance allows us to express emotion, preserve heritage, and entertain.

Dancing has always held a high position in culture, as it is an excellent way of expressing emotion. Much like the painter using color to convey emotion, dancers can use their body as a tool to show the onlooker their happiness, sadness, pain, etc.

Dancing is also an excellent method of retaining and preserving culture. Many cultures have dance as part of their ceremonies, whether the ceremony is religious or patriotic in form. For example, it is a widely practiced norm to have people dance out a glorious moment in battle. In religion, it is common for people to dance to appease the God or Gods. Because of this, dancing is an excellent way to maintain culture, and ensure that important moments of the past are not forgotten.

In modern days, it is much more common for dancing to be seen as a form of entertainment. Dancing has become somewhat of a sport in some countries, for example, ballroom dancing is very popular in the United States. There are hundreds of bars and disco clubs all over China which focus on dancing. They provide disc jockeys, more commonly referred to as “D.J.s”, and play loud, repetitive music which encourages the young people to dance. There are many different styles of dance, but all bring the dancer to have fun, and get a good workout at the same time.


94. 舞蹈是一种文化的重要组成部分吗?





Word List

  • convey [kənˈvei] v. 通知,通报,传达
  • onlooker [ˈa:nlukə] n. 旁观者,观众
  • etcetera [itˈsetrə] n. (etc. )
  • 附加的人;附加物;等等
  • retain [riˈtein] v. 保持,保留
  • ceremony [ˈserəˌməuni] n. 典礼,仪式,礼节
  • patriotic [ˌpeitriˈa:tik] adj. 爱国的,有爱国心的
  • norm [nɔ:m] n. 标准,规范
  • glorious [ˈglɔ:riəs] adj. 光荣的,显赫的
  • appease [əˈpi:z] v. 平息,安抚,缓和,使满足
  • disco [ˈdiskəu] n. 迪斯科舞;以唱片伴奏的小舞厅
  • disc jockey n. 电台的音乐节目主持人
  • (= D.J.)
  • repetitive [riˈpetitiv] adj. 重复的;反复性的
  • workout [ˈwə:kˌaut] n. (体育) 锻炼;测验

95. Spend money exploring outer space, or for basic needs on Earth?

In the last one hundred years, space exploration has become more and more common: a number of countries have reportedly sent spaceships to the moon, there are dozens of satellites orbiting the earth, and there are massive telescopes floating in space whose purpose is to find out what else could be out there. However, I tend to agree that governments should spend money for basic needs.

Throughout the world, there are millions and millions of people who are homeless, and even cannot afford to eat. These people need help from the government. If the government has so much money to spend on space exploration, they should easily be able to have enough money to help these people gain entry to the working world. The government could set up programs which allow homeless people to train for jobs. This would be a much better way to spend money than exploring space.

Pollution is another major problem which plagues all of the industrial nations. Instead of spending money on other planets, we should be focusing on how to fix the one we live on. The ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner every year, which means that the sun’s radiation is causing more damage to people and the environment. The governments need to design a method to drastically reduce pollution, or else we might need to move to one of those other planets they are exploring!

In addition to the problems of pollution and homelessness, the general population could use the money as well. In many countries, including our own, the health care and education system leave so many things to be desired. I think that more money should be put towards making citizens healthier and wiser.

In conclusion, while the study of space is fascinating, I believe that governments spend too much money exploring the great unknown, when they should be focusing on the needs of people on earth.


95. 把钱用于外太空探索还是满足人们的基本需求?






Word List

  • satellite [ˈsætlˌait] n. 卫星;人造卫星
  • orbit [ˈɔ:bit] v. 绕…轨道而行
  • space exploration 太空探索
  • telescope [ˈteliskəup] n. 望远镜
  • entry [ˈentri] n. 进入;入口
  • plague [pleig] v. 折磨,使苦恼
  • ozone [ˈəuˌzəun] n. 臭氧
  • layer [ˈleiə] n. 层,阶层
  • radiation [ˌreidiˈeiʃən] n. 辐射,放射;放射线
  • fascinate [ˈfæsəneit] v. 使着迷;入迷

96. What are the best ways of reducing stress?

With today’s hectic schedules, it is necessary to spend some time each day to relax, and let the stress dissipate from our bodies and minds. Most people find that the working world is quite difficult at times, and need a method to relax. I find that the best way to relax is to read a good book, because it allows me to escape from real life, it gives me a new perspective on the world, and reading a book is very peaceful.

I find that reading a good fiction novel is the best way to forget about my troubles during the day. Many of the books I read have fascinating plot lines, which allow me to be absorbed into the drama and action. When you are completely captivated with your book, nothing in the outside world seems to exist anymore. Of course, one cannot stay in this dreamland forever, but for an hour or so a day, it is very calming.

Reading books can also have the added benefit of increasing my knowledge and giving me a new perspective of the outside world. Even a fictional book can have this effect. When an author writes a book, it is full of his nuances and feelings about how the world works. By reading these works, I find that I understand more about other people, and how people think. This allows me to be more accepting of others on a daily basis, and also stops me from building up stress in the first place.

Finally, the most important reason as to why reading a book is good for taking care of stress and relaxing, is that it is a very peaceful activity. You do not need to go anywhere to read a book. You can stay at home, perhaps sit in your favorite chair, and have the house be completely quiet. Reading does not involve anything but you and your book. Also, if there does happen to be noise around you, it is possible to block out that noise once you become engrossed in the plot line.


96. 缓解压力的最好方式是什么?





Word List

  • hectic [ˈhektik] adj. 发热的;兴奋的
  • dissipate [ˈdisəˌpeit] v. 驱散
  • at times 有时,不时
  • plot line 情节,故事主线
  • drama [ˈdra:mə] n. 戏剧,戏剧艺术
  • captivate [ˈkæptəˌveit] v. 迷住,迷惑
  • nuance [ˈnu:ˌa:ns] n. (颜色、意义等的)细微差别
  • block out 封闭;拟大纲;设计
  • engross [enˈgrəus] v. 用大字体书写;吸引
  • take care of 照顾,照料

97. Should teachers be paid according to how much their students learn?

People usually believe that teachers have the most important job in all of society. They raise our children to be forward-thinking, bright individuals. They ensure that children get along with each other, and learn to work together as a team. As such, being a teacher typically means a stable paycheck. However, when some people propose that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn, I can hardly agree.

First of all, students may not be interested in learning. When students are not interested in learning, the teacher can hardly be held responsible. The teacher can grade them harshly, keep them in after class, and discipline them severely, but the students will still not learn if they do not want to. If the teacher is trying his/her best to teach the students, and the information is presented clearly and succinctly, he/she can do no better job.

Moreover, there is a limit on how much a child can learn. If a teacher was to be paid according to how much his/her students learned, there would be a certain point where he/she could teach them no more. I remember when I was in high school, there would be moments in the year when I didn’t think I could fit any more information into my head. This was not my teacher’s fault, and the point is that I just was not absorbing the material. I think many teachers would find this problem if they were paid by how much their students learnt.

Most importantly, teachers should not be paid according to how much their students learn because some of the lessons that a student learns cannot be measured by a test. We cannot simply give children a test to discover how much they have learnt in a class. Tests rarely measure one’s social skills, one’s ability to communicate, or one’s ability to integrate successfully into the world. However, it is the teachers who help students to manifest these qualities.


97. 应该按学生所学多少来为教师付酬吗?





Word List

  • stable [ˈsteibl] adj. 固定的;稳定的;可靠的
  • paycheck [ˈpeiˌtʃek] n. 付薪水的支票,薪水
  • harshly [ha:ʃli] adv. 严厉的,苛刻的
  • severely [səˈviəli] adv. 严格地;激烈地
  • succinctly [səkˈsiŋktli] adv. 简洁地,简便地
  • fit into 适合
  • integrate into 使与…结合
  • manifest [ˈmænəˌfest] v. 出现;表明,证明

98. The thing representing your country

If I were to send one thing to an international exhibition that represented my culture, it would be rice. Chinese culture, boasting a lengthy history, is composed of numerous sub-cultures. The agricultural way of life, centered around rice, has played a vastly important part in the country’s history.

For thousands of years, the Chinese have been diligently cultivating their land. Blood, sweat and tears have been shed over their soil in the pursuit of favorable harvests. This reliance on the land for so many thousands of years accounts for China’s strong rural essence. The need for rice production has led the Chinese to pay particular attention to irrigation technologies and improving cultivation. The agricultural way of life, centered on rice, has had a strong influence on the social, economic, political and ideological developments of ancient China. In this sense, traditional Chinese culture may be considered a”rice culture.”

“A meal without rice,” the Chinese say,”is like a beautiful woman with only one eye.” In China, where the word for rice is also the word for food, young girls are warned that every grain of rice they leave in their bowls will be a pockmark on the face of their future husbands. Instead of saying,”How are you?” as a typical greeting, the Chinese ask”Have you had your rice today?” Quitting or losing a job is called “breaking the rice bowl” and it is bad luck to upset a bowl of rice.

Rice is also a very important commodity in today’s society. It is one of the major exports in China, allowing people all over the world to take part in something that emanates Chinese culture. Rice remains a staple food for both the rich and the poor, and there is hardly a meal had in our country that does not involve this fine grain. As you can see from the above-mentioned text, rice is an integral part of Chinese culture and tradition. While Chinese culture is spread over a vast number of arts and crafts, I believe that it is the humble, but profound rice that speaks to us all, and most poignantly represents the essence of our culture.


98. 代表你国家的一样东西






Word List

  • boast [bəust] v. 自夸;以拥有…而自豪
  • be composed of 由…组成
  • sub-culture [ˈsʌbˌkʌltʃə] n. 亚文化,次文化
  • agricultural [ˌægriˈkʌltʃərəl] adj. 农业的,农艺的
  • cultivate [ˈkʌltəveit] v. 培养,耕作
  • shed [ʃed] v. 流下;流出,发散
  • irrigation [ˌiriˈgeiʃən] n. 灌溉;冲洗
  • ideological [ˌaidiəˈla:dʒikəl] adj. 意识形态的;思想的
  • pockmark [ˈpa:kma:k] n. 痘痕,麻子
  • take part in 参与,参加
  • emanate [ˈeməˌneit] v. 散发,发出;发源
  • poignantly [ˈpɔinjəntli] adv. (味觉、嗅觉方面)刺激地

99. Be assigned a roommate, or choose your own roommate?

Going to university is an exciting time in a young person’s life. Part of the experience is living in the campus dormitory, and it is the first time for person away from his/her parents, in many cases. If one has to share a room with another student, I believe that it is better that the university picks the prospective roommate.

When a young person first goes to university, he/she often moves straight to the school from his/her bedroom at his/her parents’ house. This usually means that the person has no idea of the qualities necessary to be a good roommate. Perhaps the young person would choose to live with a good friend. While this situation could be a very happy one, it could also be disastrous. Getting along with a friend as a roommate, if not properly handled, could quickly ruin the relationship. If the school picks one’s roommate, this is less likely to happen.

In many cases, young people travel out of the city they grew up in to go to university. For many of these students, picking a potential roommate would be difficult. They know very few people in the new city, let alone at the university. This can lead to very stressful situations. If one is trying to settle into a new environment, but also must find a roommate to live with, he/she might find the whole experience overwhelming.

Finally, I think having the school choose roommates rather than the individuals is a good idea because living with a person you do not know can be a rewarding experience. A stranger can quickly turn into one’s best friend, as memories are forged while living together in a confined space.


99. 被分配室友,还是自己选择室友?





Word List

  • disastrous [diˈzæstrəs] adj. 灾难性的;极坏的
  • ruin [ru:in] v. 毁坏,毁灭
  • properly [ˈpra:pəli] adv. 适当地;完全地
  • let alone 不管;不打扰
  • settle in 迁入
  • overwhelming [ˌəuvəˈhwelmiŋ] adj. 压倒性的
  • rewarding [riˈwɔ:diŋ] adj. 报答的,值得的
  • turn into 进入;(使)变成
  • forge [fɔ:dʒ] v. 铸造
  • confine [ˈkənfain] v. 限制,禁闭

100. Spend money on developing or buying computer technology, or on more basic needs?

I believe that governments spend too much money on new computer technologies, when they should be focusing on the needs or people in their countries. There are a number of reasons why I think this would be a better usage of a country’s money.

Throughout the world, there are millions and millions of people who are homeless, and cannot afford to eat. These people need help from the government. If the government has so much money to spend on computer technology, they should easily be able to have enough money to help these people gain entry to the working world. The government could set up programs which allow homeless people to train for jobs. This would be a much better way to spend money than building computers.

Pollution is another major problem which plagues all of the industrial nations. Instead of spending money frivolously, we should be focusing on how to fix the one we live on. The ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner every year, which means that the sun’s radiation is causing more damage to people and the environment. The governments need to design a method to drastically reduce pollution.

In addition to the problems of pollution and homelessness, the general population could use the money as well. In many countries, including our own, the health care and education systems leave something to be desired. I think that more money should be put towards making citizens healthier and wiser.

With that said, many of the above disagreements need the help of the computer industry. Computers can help governments to keep track of all of the people they need to take care of, and programs can be designed which help isolate problems with the environment. Computers are important, as long as a government does not forget to take care of its people.








Word List

  • usage [ˈju:sidʒ] n. 使用;用法
  • frivolously [ˈfrivələsli] adv. 轻浮地,愚昧地
  • gain [gein] v. 得到;增进;赚到
  • put forward 放出,拿出,提出
  • keep track of 明了

101. Doing work: by hand or using machines?

Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer to use machines. I definitely fall into the latter category. I use a machine for almost all of the work I do. The reasons why I prefer to use machines are that most hand work is tedious, machines are faster and more efficient, and I am more proficient with most machines.

Two things that I spend a copious amount of time doing are writing and sewing. Both of these endeavors border on pain if I do not have a computer or a sewing machine, respectively. What was once a fun task becomes very monotonous, and no longer enjoyable. Using a machine can turn ordinary tasks into exciting ones.

Using machines to do work is also much faster and more efficient than using your hands to do it. For example, if I wrote this essay by hand, rather than using the computer, it would probably take me at least five times as long. Hand sewing a shirt would take ten times longer than using a machine to do the same work.

Not only are machines faster and more efficient, I am much more proficient using machines than I am doing the same work by hand. I find that when I am sewing by hand, all of my seams are very uneven and crooked. However, when I sew on a machine, my seams are perfect. The machine helps to keep my hand in line, therefore I can turn out a much better product. It is the same for writing essays. My handwriting is messy at times. If I had write a paper, I cannot correct it as easily as if I had written it on the computer. My writing blurs together, and sometimes I cannot even read what I have written down. Machines are definitely a better way for me to work efficiently, proficiently, and enjoyably.


101. 手工劳动,还是机械作业?





Word List

  • definitely [ˈdefənitli] adv. 确切地;无疑地
  • category [ˈkætigɔ:ri:] n. 种类
  • tedious [ˈti:diəs] adj. 单调乏味的
  • proficient [prəˈfiʃənt] adj. 熟练的;精通的
  • copious [ˈkəupjəs] adj. 很多的,丰富的
  • sewing machine 缝纫机
  • monotonous [məˈna:tnəs] adj. 单调的,无变化的
  • uneven [ʌnˈi:vən] adj. 不平坦的;不均匀的
  • crook [kruk] v. 使弯曲;诈骗

102. Should schools ask students to evaluate their teachers?

Teachers have a very difficult job in society. They not only have to learn how to teach material effectively, but also must learn how to deal with a wide variety of personalities. While teaching is a difficult job, I think it is important for schools to ask students to evaluate their teachers. I think this is the right thing to do because it encourages teachers to try their best, it gives students the opportunity to choose effective teachers, and it allows the schools to have the best teachers possible teaching.

If a teacher knows that at the end of the term, the students will be evaluating his/her work, then the teacher will be driven to do a very good job. If there is no pressure from evaluation, a teacher might be prone to doing a less than perfect job. I believe that everyone needs an occasional evaluation to ensure they are doing their job correctly. In the case of a teacher, the students will give the most important evaluations.

If there was a public summary of which teacher scored the highest on his/ her evaluations, then students would be able to take courses based on which teacher was the best at the job. This would allow students to excel in their studies, and achieve better grades.

Finally, if schools ask students to evaluate their teachers, the schools themselves would be able to have the best teachers working on campus. If a teacher scored too low on an evaluation, a replacement could be found. This is a much better method than waiting for students to complain about a teacher.

Teachers do have a difficult job, but regardless of this, they must excel at it. If a person is a particularly poor teacher, the students will not learn the required material, and suffer for it.


102. 学校应该要求学生对教师进行评估吗?






Word List

  • deal with 安排;处理
  • pressure [ˈpreʃə] n. 压,压力
  • be prone to 有…的倾向;易于
  • score [skɔ:] v. 给…评分
  • excel [ikˈsel] v. 优秀,胜过他人
  • suffer [ˈsʌfə] v. 遭受,经历,忍受

103. The most important characteristic that a person can have to be successful in life

To be successful in life, one should have the characteristic of independence, that is, he/she has the ability to think critically. By critical thinking, one is capable of analyzing insightfully, concentrating on the right target, thereby making a wise decision.

Thinking critically can enable one to analyze problems insightfully. We live in a world where controversial issues are often simply taken for granted. For example, most people are reluctant to think carefully about issues like whether boys and girls should take separate classes. Recently a high school in Beijing announced that their students from then on take separate classes. Many parents support such ridiculous decision without careful consideration. They are poor thinkers. Critical thinking is but to ask some simple yet essential questions, which always brings amazing sometimes appalling outcomes. Is such a scheme capable of eliminating underage sexual behaviors among adolescents? Is such a scheme guarantee boys and girls free of negative effects? Sadly, the decision had been made but the question left unanswered.

Thinking critically can help one concentrate on right targets. We all have only and exactly 24 hours a day, but we often have mountainous work to do in hands, along with which many personal affairs seem equally urgent. Concentrating on right targets is probably the only way to overcome such dilemmas. For example, ETS has recently announced that GRE examination will be transformed back to paper based test. Grumbles are all around, and complains are posted almost on every BBS on the Internet. But if students think critically, however, they will find out the simple fact that even if ETS had made an awkward decision, test preparers should concentrate on the right target—preparing test as prudently as possible, and at the same time, grumbling never helps.

Only by thinking critically can one make decisions wise and prudent. Sound decision making is essential to success. Decisions such as which movie theater we should go tonight are simple enough to make by tossing a coin, but decisions such as which university or which major we should choose are complicated enough so that we need careful comparisons. A comparison sheet will help a lot, simply by listing several relevant questions such as “Am I really interested in this major?” or “Are there more opportunities in the city where the university locates?” By analyzing insightfully and concentrating on the right targets, wise decisions are not hard to reach at all.


103. 取得成功最重要的品质




Word List

  • critical thinking 批判性思考
  • dilemma [diˈlemə] n. 进退两难的局面
  • controversial [ˌka:ntrəˈvə:ʃəl] adj. 争论的,争议的
  • announce [əˈnauns] v. 宣布,通告
  • grumble [ˈgrʌmbl] n. 怨言
  • v. 抱怨
  • take it for granted 想当然
  • awkward [ˈɔ:kwəd] adj. 笨拙的;不方便的
  • outcome [ˈautˌkʌm] n. 结果,成果
  • underage [ˈʌndəridʒ] adj. 未成年的,未到法定年龄的
  • prudent [ˈpru:dənt] adj. 慎重的;谨慎的
  • toss [tɔs] v. 投,掷
  • mountainous [ˈmauntənəs] adj. 山一般的;巨大的
  • complicated [ˈka:mpliˌkeitid] adj. 复杂的,难解的
  • urgent [ˈə:dʒənt] adj. 急迫的,紧急的
  • sheet [ʃi:t] n. (一)片,(一)张,单

104. Artists’ contribution or scientists’ contribution,which is more valuable?

Art and science are essentially a strange coupling. Yet more often than not, they are considered as divergent rather than consistent with each other. The artistemploys image and metaphor; the scientist uses number and equation. By casual juxtaposition, these two fields seem to have little in common: there are few, if any, references to art in any standard textbook of science; art historians rarely interpret an artist’s work in light of the conceptual framework of science. Despite what appear to be irreconcilable differences, however, they do have at least one thing in common—both of them have significant contribution to the society, but through probably distinctive way.

The development of science and technology has always accompanied the progress of the society. The invention of the steam engine brought a new era of thrift of world economy; the employment of electricity has multiplied the productivity and virtually reproduced limited resources on the Earth; the innovation of computer technologies has made the Earth a little village and connected distant countries as a single market. While sometimes the progress of science and technology, such as that of human cloning, cause troubles or originate dilemmas, it seems always undeniable that in a broad sense, the development of science has provided people a much higher standard of living than that of their counterparts in any phrase of the history.

Visualization and fascination have been the major power of any form of art. For example, any religion in this world cannot exist without music, which helps realize the faith of the church to an astonishing extent. Each and every revolution on this earth was accompanied by numerous corresponding art productions, because the artists sense the circumstances, and then reflect their sensations with sophisticated techniques in their production, which can be easily perceived by thepublic through powerful empathy. Nobody could evaluate art as correct or not standard, needless to say the public, they simply feel it is good or not, therefore art has always had magic influence on the public and society in general.

However, it’s been said that there is no science without fancy and no art without facts. Science fictions have long been functioning as a major vehicle for the public dissemination of science; scientists share parallel view of space, time and light, etc. with artists. Not only are art and science interrelated with each other but they also contribute to each other in various way. Therefore, it is hard to compare the contributions of art and science, it is simply partial to say that either one contributes more to the society than another does.


104. 艺术家与科学家,谁做的贡献大?




Word List

  • coupling [ˈkʌpliŋ] n. 联结,接合,耦合
  • divergent[di ˈvə:dʒənt]adj.有分歧的;不同的
  • consistent [kənˈsistənt]adj.一致的;调和的;坚固的
  • metaphor [ˈmetəˌfɔ:]n. [修辞]隐喻,暗喻,比喻说话
  • equation [iˈkweiʒən] n.相等;平衡;综合体
  • juxtaposition [ˌdʒʌkstəpəˈziʃən]n. 毗邻,并置,并列
  • have…in common 有…共同点
  • historian [hiˈstɔ:riən] n. 历史学家,史家
  • interpret [inˈtə:prit] v. 解释,说明;口译
  • conceptual [kənˈseptʃuəl] adj. 概念上的
  • framework[ ˈfreimˌwə:k] n.构架,框架,结构
  • irreconcilable[iˌrekənˈsailəbl]adj. 不协调的,矛盾的
  • distinctive[diˈstiŋktiv]adj.与众不同的,有特色的
  • steam [sti:m] n. 蒸汽,水汽
  • thrift [θrift] n. 节俭,节约
  • multiply [ˈmʌltəˌplai] v. 繁殖;乘;增加
  • productivity[ˌprəudʌkˈtiviti]n.生产力;生产率
  • reproduce [ˌri:prəˈdu:s]n.繁殖,再生,复制
  • innovation [ˌinəˈveiʃən] n. 改革,创新
  • clone [kləun] n. & v. 无性繁殖,克隆
  • undeniable [ˌʌndiˈnaiəbl] adj.不可否认的
  • counterpart [ˈkaunˌtəpa:t] n. 副本;极相似的人或物
  • corresponding[ˌkɔriˈspa:ndiŋ]adj.相应的;通讯的
  • sensation[sen ˈseiʃən]n.感情;耸人听闻的
  • empathy [ˈempəθi] n. 通感
  • dissemination[di ˌseməˈneiʃən]n.分发,传播
  • parallel[ˈpærəˌlel] n. 平行线,平行面

105. Living in university housing or in an apartment in the community?

Being a new student at a university is an excitment. Choosing where to live, whether on campus in a dormitory, or off campus in an apartment, is in fact quite a big decision. Both of these options have their relative benefits.

Living in a dormitory has many advantages over living off campus. For example, one has the opportunity to meet dozens of new students. One is usually placed in a room with a roommate, who can help with homework, and give much needed support during difficult times. Another advantage of living in a dormitory is not having to cook food. Most students coming to a university have lived their whole lives with their parents, and inexpert at preparing food, for they were not in charge of the cooking in home. Many students who first learn to cook their own food while going to school eat a very unhealthy diet. On top of this, many students are so preoccupied with their studies that they do not have time to cook a nutritious meal. Therefore, the fact that the dormitories include a cafeteria is very beneficial.

However, living off campus has its advantages as well. In most situations, one has much more freedom to do what they want in these living conditions. For instance, one can stay up late studying or come home late without disturbing a roommate. Also, one is not limited to the cafeteria food if he/she is a particular eater. Living by oneself also has its benefits. One never has to deal with rude or messy roommates. Overall, I think that both of these options are good choices. However, I recommend that first or second year students live in a dormitory, and perhaps wait until they are older and more accustomed to university life before venturing out on their own. This way, one gets the best of both worlds: the camaraderie of living with many people and the independence of living by oneself.


105. 住在大学宿舍还是社区公寓?




Word List

  • dormitory [ˈdɔ:miˌtɔri] n. 宿舍
  • live off 住在…外
  • dozen [ˈdʌzən] n. 一打,十二个
  • inexpert [inˈekˌspə:t] adj. 不熟练的
  • diet [ˈdaiit] n. 饮食;食物
  • preoccupy [pri:ˈa:kjəpai] v. 使全神贯注;迷住
  • nutritious [nu:ˈtriʃəs] adj. 有营养成分,营养的
  • cafeteria [ˌkæfiˈtiəriə] n. 自助餐厅;咖啡店
  • disturb [disˈtə:b] v. 弄乱,打乱
  • venture [ˈventʃə] v. 冒险

106. What kind of transportation you would choose?

If I need to travel to a place 40 miles away from my home, there are a number of different modes of transport I could utilize, namely, I could take the bus, a car, or the train.

The bus is a good choice as the bus system in Beijing has been welldeveloped. It is possible for me to travel almost anywhere within 40 miles of my house by bus. While on the bus, I can read a book, or relax, assuming it is not too full. The problem with taking the bus, however, is that it is often crowded. It is often uncomfortable, especially during hot summer days.

Taking a car is an excellent option, assuming one can afford a car. Cars are notoriously expensive in China, and most people do not have this luxury. However, if it is available, a car is very convenient. You can travel to the exact desired location in record time. A car, especially a personal car, is never crowded. You never have to share space with anyone. However, one cannot relax while driving a car. There is no opportunity to just take in the sights, or read a book. One must always be focused on the road.

The train, or the subway, is another option. If the location I am traveling to is on the subway line, then this option is by far the best. While trains can be congested, they are the fastest method of traveling. Subway trains are never subject to traffic jams, as they usually run underground. However, the subway system in Beijing does not go everywhere that I need to. Often, if I take the subway, I then have to either walk for 20 minutes, or take a bus.

Overall, I think that the car is the best option, if it is available. The car is convenient and comfortable. However, the bus and the train are both good options if a car is not available.


106. 你会选择何种交通方式?





Word List

  • mode [məud] n. 方式,样式
  • utilize [ˈju:tlˌaiz] v. 利用
  • namely [ˈneimli] adv. 即,也就是
  • crowded [ˈkraudid] adj. 拥挤的,塞满的
  • notorious [nəuˈtɔ:riəs] adj. 声名狼籍的
  • luxury [ˈlʌgʒəri] n. 奢侈,华贵,奢侈品
  • subway [ˈsʌbˌwei] n. 地铁
  • congest [kənˈdʒest] v. 使充满,使拥塞
  • traffic jams 塞车,交通拥塞

107. Should higher education be available to all students or only to good students?

Some people believe that only good students should have access to a university education. Others posit that higher education should be open to everyone, regardless of their academic abilities. I agree with the former opinion. Universities should only allow good students into their programs because these students value the importance of a good education and are interested in furthering their education. Furthermore, if all students were allowed into universities, the schools would quickly become saturated, and the quality of education received would diminish.

A university education is very important to a good student. This type of student has set his/her sights on a university education from early on, and has put in the necessary work to earn a place in a good university. Poor students who did not try to achieve good grades in high school obviously do not care about their education, and therefore, do not deserve to go to university. However, if these poor students go back to school and improve their grades, they should also be allowed to go to university.

Good students are very interested in furthering their education. They have put copious amounts of work into their education, and are interested in learning more. Poor students are usually not as interested in furthering their education. If they were interested in this, they would have tried harder to begin with.

With that said, let us suppose for a moment that universities did allow all students, regardless of their grades, into university. The school would quickly become overfull, and good students, who really care about their education, would suffer because of it. They might not be able to get into the classes they want, and if they do get in, there might be so many students in the class that it is impossible to learn.

In conclusion, I think that it is important to save a university education for those who really want it—good students. If a poor student wishes to go to university, then he/she will have to return to high school and improve his/her grades.


107. 高等教育应该面向全体学生,还是仅面向好学生?






Word List

  • posit [ˈpa: zit] n. 假设,假定;安置,安排
  • former [ˈfɔ:mə] adj. 从前的,以前的
  • saturate [ˈsætʃəreit] v. 使饱和,浸透,使充满
  • diminish [diˈminiʃ] v. (使)减少
  • copious [ˈkəupiəs] adj. 很多的,丰富的
  • overfull [ˌəuvəˈful] adj. 太满的,过多的

108. Learning about life: by listening to the advice of others or through personal experience?

Some people believe that the best way to learn about life is to listen to the advice of friends and family. Others argue that the most beneficial way to learn about life is through personal experience. I want to maintain that learning about life through personal experience is the best way. I believe this because one usually does not learn well unless he/she experiences something on his/her own, because one can have different opinions and views on life than his/her family and friends, and because it is simply a more interesting way to learn.

There have been many times in my life where a family member told me that life was a certain way, but I still wanted to see for myself. After having the experience, I agreed with what my family member had told me. However, I never regretted trying the experience for myself. I think one can learn something more completely if he/she experiences it for himself/herself.

When a family member or a friend tells me to do something, I value his/her opinion. However, there are some occasions when I do not fully agree with their opinions. In these cases, I want to try out the experience. There is a possibility that I will disagree with their conclusions on the topic. For example, if a friend tells me that a movie is terrible, I might still go to see the movie. It is more than possible that we will have differing opinions on whether the movie was good or not.

Finally, I think it is important to learn about life through personal experience because it is a much more interesting way to learn. If one never experienced anything for oneself, life would be very boring. For example, a friend told me that Urumchi was a city that I would not enjoy visiting. He said there were not many attractions there, and there were many other beautiful places in China that I should go instead. In spite of this warning, I went to see Urumchi for myself. I did not think the city was spectacular, but I did have a good time on my trip, and was glad that I went. Having the experience of going to the place was worthwhile enough for me.


108. 了解生活:听取他人的建议还是亲身经历?




Word List

  • spectacular [spekˈtækjulə] adj. 壮观的
  • terrible [ˈterəbl] adj. 很糟的,极坏的
  • Urumchi n. 乌鲁木齐
  • attraction [əˈtrækʃən] n. 吸引(力),吸引人的事物

109. Follow the customs of the new country you are in, or keep your own customs?

When one is settling in a new country, one has a choice of whether to assimilate into the new culture, or keep the customs of one’s home. I think that the wisest decision is to try to integrate some of the new culture into one’s own existing customs and beliefs. To understand this reasoning, we must first look at the advantages of both methods.

If one moves to a new country, there are many advantages of following the set customs of the new place. By assimilating into the culture, one can break the cultural barriers much quicker. For example, if one were to move to Canada from China, one could easily live in one of the “Little China” areas, and to all intents and purposes, ignore the Canadian culture. This, however, would be a mistake, as it would close off all of the positive things that Canada has to offer. If one does not assimilate into the new culture, one cannot get a Western job. The person would also be missing out on a multitude of experiences, such as different food.

Nevertheless, there are also many advantages of keeping one’s own customs if one moves to a new country. Some people find it very difficult to leave their home and go to a new country. Keeping up old, familiar customs is very comforting. In addition to this, when one keeps their own customs, one finds it easier to meet others of the same nationality, which can also be a relief. When everything around you has changed, keeping your culture intact can be a very soothing way.

By and large, I think it is best to assimilate to the new culture while retaining key elements of one’s own culture. For example, one can make an effort to learn the language of the new country, while still speaking one’s own language at home. This can actually be an excellent strategy, as speaking two languages is better than speaking one, no matter where you are in the world. When one takes on some of the new culture while keeping some of his/her own, one gets the excitement and opportunity of the new culture, while keeping the familiarity and ease of his/her own culture.


109. 入乡随俗还是保留自己国家的习俗?





Word List

  • assimilate [əˈsiməˌleit] v. 吸收;彻底了解
  • barrier [ˈbæriə] n. 障碍物,屏障
  • close off 隔离,封锁
  • multitude [ˈmʌltiˌtu:d] n. 大量,众多
  • intact [inˈtækt] adj. 完整无缺的
  • soothe [su:ð] v. 使平静,安慰,使缓和
  • retain [riˈtein] v. 保持,保留
  • by and large 大体上,基本上

110. Spend time alone or with friends?

Some people enjoy spending most of their time with friends, while others prefer to be alone for the majority of the time. I prefer to spend most of my time with friends, because friends offer excitement and new ideas, they can console me when something bad happens, and spending too much time by myself can be boring.

Friends can offer excitement and fresh ideas to a situation. No matter what I am doing, if a friend is there, it is more interesting. For example, if I am shopping, a friend makes the experience more fun. We can look at things together, and explore our likes and dislikes. Having a friend around also allows me to do some things that I would not be able to do otherwise. For instance, I can go with a friend to a park and play badminton. Some things are just impossible to do by myself.

Friends can also console you if something bad happens. If I get bad news, and a friend is around, I do not have to feel badly by myself. A friend will try and cheer me up, and attempt to take my mind off whatever negative things happened. For example, last year I broke my leg and was in a cast all summer. I had friends around me to cheer me up and distract me from the misfortune.

In addition to these reasons, I find that if I spend too much time by myself, I get lonesome and bored. As mentioned above, there are some things you just cannot do without friends around. Some of these things, such as sports, are my favorite activities. I do enjoy some activities that do not involve other people, such as reading. However, I find that I can do these things before bed, or when I wake up. Overall, I think having friends around me is the best way for me to spend my time.


110. 独处还是与朋友相伴?





Word List

  • console [ka:nˈsəul] v. 安慰,慰藉
  • fresh [freʃ] adj. 新鲜的,无经验的
  • badminton [ˈbædˌmintən] n. 羽毛球
  • cast [kæst] n. 投,抛,投射
  • cheer up 使振奋,感到振奋
  • misfortune [misˈfɔ:tʃən] n. 不幸,灾祸
  • lonesome [ˈləunsəm] adj. 感到寂寞的

111. Spend time with one or two close friends, or with a large number of friends?

Of the two possibilities, I prefer the first, that is, to spend my time with one or two close friends, because I enjoy close friendship with one or two people and the cozy atmosphere of spending time with close friends.

When spending time with a large number of friends, it tends to be difficult to form solid, meaningful friendships with any of the people, since cultivating friendship needs time to communicate. On the other hand, when spending time with only one or two close friends, it is more likely to get to know these people on a very close level. I think this closeness is very important in a friendship. In fact, if I share no closeness with a person, then I do not consider him a friend; I consider him an acquaintance.

Moreover, it is not only closeness but also the cozy atmosphere that makes me prefer spending time with only one or two friends. In this cozy atmosphere, I always feel there is nothing that I could not or would not tell my friends, as they feel the same. This means we can trust each other completely. Although this doesn’t at all mean there’s no cozy atmosphere or complete trust when spending time with many friends, it is my observation that everyone tends to be more open in private. This is why I enjoy the intimate friendship.

In addition, spending time with few friends can save much time, since the relationship among a few people is more likely to be simpler. I’m not proficient at dealing with relationship among people, and often get frustrated communicating with a crowd. However, when I am spending time with one or two close friends, this doesn’t matter at all. In fact, my close friends, notwithstanding few in number, always tell me I’m their best friend who can truly care about them and handle the relationship smoothly. I think it is my personality that has made me such a choice.


111. 与一两个亲密朋友在一起,还是与许多朋友在一起?





Word List

  • solid [ˈsa:lid] adj. 牢固的,坚固的
  • meaningful [ˈmi:niŋfəl] adj. 有意义的
  • closeness [ˈkləusnis] n. 亲密
  • acquaintance [əˈkweintəns] n. 相识的人,熟人
  • honor [ˈa:nə] v. 尊重
  • appreciate [əˈpri:ʃi:ˌeit] v. 珍视
  • catch up 赶做
  • errand [ˈerənd] n. 差事

112. Should young children spend most of their time on school studies or playing?

Some people believe that it is important for children to begin their education at a very early age, and spend most of their time on academic studies. Others believe that children should spend their time playing instead of studying. To understand the logic behind these two views, we must compare their advantages and disadvantages.

If a child spends all of his/her time studying, he/she will advance quickly in school. He/she will learn things early in life that other children, who spent their time playing, will not learn until they are at least a few years older. This child will learn the value of education early on, and will be able to impress his/her parents with his/her knowledge, therefore gaining self-confidence and motivation.

If a child spends most of his time playing, he/she will not learn about mathematics and science, but he/she will learn another important skill: socialization. When children spend their time playing together, they learn how to interact with others. They learn how to share things, and how to settle a disagreement amicably. Children can also increase their motor skills if they spend their time playing games that involve hand-eye coordination.

Both of these perspectives have valid points. However, I think it is best to try and combine playing with learning. If children can learn about the basics of academics in a fun and playful environment, they are likely to become more interested in it. A very young child has no interest in studying, and I believe that adults must allow children to have fun. Otherwise, the children will grow up to be uncaring, antisocial adults. This does not mean, however, that education is not important. I feel that there is a right time to introduce studying and academia to children, and this time is not when they are very young. It is better to wait until the children are at least five or six year old before trying to get them to study.


112. 儿童应将大部分时间用于学习还是玩耍?





Word List

  • academic [ˌækəˈdemik]adj. 学术的,教学的
  • coordination [kəuˌɔ:dnˈeiʃən] n. 协调
  • perspective [pəˈspektiv] n. 观点,看法
  • logic [ˈla:dʒik] n. 逻辑
  • valid [ˈvælid] adj. 合理的
  • self-confidence [ˈselfˈka:nfidəns] n. 自信
  • playful [ˈpleifəl] adj. 活泼的,有趣的
  • motivation [ˌməutiˈveiʃən] n. 动力
  • uncaring [ʌnˈkεəriŋ] adj. 冷漠的,漠不关心的
  • socialization [ˌsəuʃəliˈzeiʃən] n. 交际
  • interact [ˌintərˈækt] v. 互相交往
  • antisocial [ˌæntiˈsəuʃəl] adj. 孤僻的,不擅社交的
  • amicably [ˈæmikəbli] adv. 友好地

113. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community

The building of a new university is exciting in any city. Picking the right community is very important, and there are a number of things to consider when making such a decision. I currently live in the Dongzhimen area of Beijing, so I will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of building a university in this community.

There many advantages of building a university in the Dongzhimen(DZM) area. First, DZM is located in the center of the Beijing metropolis. Students will have no trouble finding anything they need to further their studies, for example, food, stationary supplies, and other basic daily necessities. This is very important, because any time one spends hunting for needed items or traveling to get them is time spent away from study. Second, there are also a number of excellent restaurants in the area, offering good, hearty meals for a nominal price. As many students do not have the time to make their own meals, this is an excellent reason to build a university in this area.

There are also negative points of building a university in the DZM area. First, it is important to note that the infamous Sanlitun “Bar Street” is within walking distance from DZM. While one would like to believe that students would be able to resist the urge of going to the bars every night, it could be a draw for some. This would, of course, lower grade point averages and be a major hindrance. Second, the housing situation in this area is more expensive than many other communities in the city. As many students are living on limited budgets, it might be difficult to find adequate housing. Finally, the last drawback of building a university in the DZM area is the traffic. As the community is right downtown, there is a constant flow of cars and trucks. With all of the street noise, the students could be distracted from their studies.

Overall, I think that DZM would not be a good choice for a university. There are too many distractions close by. While it is an excellent area to live in, there are too many negatives of having the university in this area.


113. 比较在你的社区内建一所新大学的利与弊





Word List

  • currently [ˈkʌrəntli] adv. 目前,现在
  • metropolis [miˈtra:pəlis] n. 首都,大都会
  • stationary [ˈsteiʃəˌneri] adj. 固定的
  • hearty [ˈha:ti] adj. (饭菜)
  • 丰盛的
  • nominal [ˈna:mənəl] adj. 金额极小的
  • infamous [ˈinfəməs] adj. 声名狼藉的
  • grade point average 成绩平均分
  • hindrance [ˈhindrəns] n. 障碍
  • drawback [ˈdrɔ:ˌbæk] n. 障碍,缺点
  • distract [diˈstrækt] v. 分散…的注意力

114. Which is the most important influence on young adults, family or friends?

While some people believe that family have the biggest influence on a young adult’s life, I maintain that it is friends, and not the family, that hold this influence to a larger extent. First of all, young adults usually spend more time with their friends. When a person graduates from being a teenager and becomes a young adult, many things change in his/her life. This person will likely leave his/her family home and go to university. University life is very different than home life. One will no longer be spending a lot of time with family, and instead, will usually fill his free time visiting with friends. These friends are therefore, in a much better position to influence the young adult.

Moreover, friends will usually have a better perspective on one’s life than family. Because the young adult is spending so much time with friends, it is likely that the two friends will have similar perspectives on life, as they are going through the same situations together. Because of this, a friend can have a better understanding of one’s life than a family member. A young adult will probably hold his/her friend’s influence as more important than his family’s, because the two friends think alike. Finally, friends usually have a better sense of how the world works based on today’s standards. Therefore, young adults is more likely to allow themselves to be influenced by their friends than their family because they see their friends as having a more modern view of how the world works. Many young people in today’s society see their parents as too traditional and stuck in their ways. A person’s friends, on the other hand, are much savvier to contemporary issues.

Because of this, young adults will likely think their friend’s advice or influence has more value than their parent’s.


114. 家庭和朋友,谁对年轻人的影响最大?





Word List

  • influence [ˈinflu:əns] n. 影响
  • maintain [menˈtein] v. 坚持认为
  • to a large extent 在很大程度上
  • visit with 与…聊天
  • perspective [pəˈspektiv] n. 见解,洞察
  • go through 经历
  • have a sense of 理解,懂得
  • savvy [ˈsævi] adj. 有见识的

115. Planning or not planning for your leisure time?

Some people find it to be a better use of their free time if they plan out all of their activities very carefully. Others enjoy their free time more if they do not make any plans at all. I agree with those in the latter group, and would prefer to not be restricted to a schedule.

Above most things, I enjoy living my life spontaneously. If I decide that I want to go away for the weekend, assuming I have money and can take time off work, I will go. I am able to live my life in this manner because I never bind myself to carefully planned schedules. I make the most out of every situation I come across and always enjoy myself. Because of this, there is no need for a schedule. It is much more fun to just wait and see what will happen next, after all, it’s a free time.

I always enjoy the freedom of an unplanned afternoon. If I need to get errands done, I will find time for them. If I have free time, I want to enjoy it. I do not want to be trying to finish things quickly just because there is somewhere else that might be interesting on my list of things to do. If I am at a park and am really enjoying myself, there is no reason why I should leave, even if there is something else to do on my list that sounds interesting. I believe in living in the moment. What I am doing at the present moment is more important than anything I might do in the future.

If, on a rare occasion, I do make a schedule, I find that it quickly runs off track. Perhaps I am just particularly bad at keeping to a schedule, but I find that some things take longer to do than I expected they would, and other things are finished in much shorter a time than expected. This quickly makes even the best schedule go awry.


115. 对闲暇时间计划与否





Word List

  • plan out 订计划,部署
  • spontaneously [spa:nˈteinjəsli] adv. 自然地
  • assume [əˈsu:m] v. 假如,假定
  • bind…to 把…约束在
  • schedule [ˈskedʒjul] n. 计划表,日程表
  • come across 碰到,遇到
  • rare [rεə] adj. 罕见的,很少的
  • keep to 局限于
  • awry [əˈrai] adj. 错误的

116. What method of learning is best for you?

There are many different methods that people use for learning. Some people learn with hands-on experience, others learn by reading, and still others learn by listening to discussion of other people. It is generally believed that learning is a subjective process, and it is important to discover the ways in which one learns best. I find that personally, learning by doing things is the best way. First, I find that the hands-on method is right for me because I am a very visual learner. If I can see what is happening, I have a much easier time understanding it. Reading a book does not give me this ease. When I read a book in order to gain knowledge, particularly technical one, I sometimes have trouble visualizing exactly what is being explained. However, when I actually see the process happening, it is much easier for me to understand.

I also use a visual method when I am studying English. For example, if I am working on new vocabulary, I will write the words down, and then draw pictures of the words to remind myself of the meaning. Going through the process of drawing the pictures greatly increases my ability to memorize any type of information. When a picture is too simple to be enough or is hard to draw, I will close my eye and draw a mental picture that serves more helpful.

It seems as though most businesses prefer people to have this hands-on experience as well. It is rare to find a good job that does not require applicants to have spent a certain amount of time doing a similar type of work in the past. By having this past experience, it shows that they have learnt to do a particular task well, and that they have practical knowledge of the job.

In conclusion, I think that hands-on learning is best for me, and beneficial for my future. As stated above, however, everyone learns in a different style, and it is important to find the most efficient method for themselves.


116. 何种学习方式最适合你?






Word List

  • hands-on [ˈhændzˈa:n] adj. 亲身实践的
  • subjective [səbˈdʒektiv] adj. 主观的
  • applicant [ˈæplikənt] n. 应聘者,申请者
  • beneficial [ˌbenəˈfiʃəl] adj. 有益的,受益的

117. Choose friends who are different from you or similar to you?

In general, my friends are quite similar to me. There are a number of reasons as to why this is the case. When two people are similar to each other, they have a wide basis of topics available to them for conversation, and are also able to bond over many types of experiences. For example, one of my major interests is music. I frequently enjoy going to see musical acts perform. If a potential friend is not interested in the same type of music as me, we will not be able to share these experiences together. Without being able to have these bonding experiences, it is difficult for an acquaintanceship to evolve into a friendship.

Another reason why we usually choose friends who are quite similar to us is because having similar friends who have common interests can help us come up with new ideas regarding things we are interested in. If I am particularly interested in a project, but cannot seem to advance the thought to my satisfaction, it is quite likely that one of my friends will be able to offer insight on the subject that I hadn’t previously thought of.

Nonetheless, it is important to consider exactly how similar one must be to me for me to form a friendship with them. I have many friends who, on the surface, are quite different from me. However, we share one or two common interests that allow us to communicate on a clear, meaningful level. To explain, I will give an example of a particular friend who fits into this category. I met this friend at the opening of a new Italian restaurant in town. We have very different interests, and very different occupations. However, we are both connoisseurs of fine cuisine. Based on this one small connection, we formed a very good friendship.

In conclusion, I find that it is possible to have friends who appear similar to or different from myself. The key to a strong, lasting friendship is finding one or two areas that both parties find interesting.


117. 选择与自己不同还是与自己相似的朋友?





Word List

  • bond [ba:nd] v. 维系,联结
  • acquaintanceship [əˈkweintənsʃip] n. 相识
  • evolve [iˈva:lv] v. 逐步发展
  • come up with 想出
  • advance [ædˈvæns] v. 提出
  • insight [ˈinˌsait] n. 见解,见识
  • on the surface 外表上
  • fit into 符合
  • connoisseur [ˌka:nəˈsə:] n. 鉴赏家
  • cuisine [kwiˈzi:n] n. 烹饪

118. Which approach to life do you prefer, life with change or without?

Some people enjoy change, and look forward to new experiences while others enjoy a steady paced, habitual existence. Both of these life styles have their own merits, but one thing is for certain: change is unavoidable, and we had best be prepared for all situations that come our way.

For my day-to-day activities, I enjoy a comparatively stable lifestyle. I get up in the morning, shower, eat breakfast and get ready for work. I have a stable, somewhat long-term job, which I enjoy. After work, I come home, eat dinner, and relax before going to bed. I take pleasure in all of these activities, and appreciate the stability.

However, sometimes change happens, and I look forward to that as well. For example, a few months ago, I held a position in a company that did not treat its employees very well. The job was monotonous, and I did not enjoy it very much. The work was not difficult, but I felt that something was lacking. Out of the blue, I received a job offer that was much more in tune with my current interests from another company. I jumped at the opportunity to try something new. The idea of change was very exciting, and I welcomed it.

Change can also be negative, however. Sometimes, terrible things happen unexpectedly and leave you feeling lost. For example, one could lose his/her job, or much worse, a family member or a friend could die. This type of change, of course, is unwelcome. We all must do our best to deal with these adjustments, and make the best of any situation that comes our way.

In conclusion, for the most part, I enjoy a stable, routine life. At the same time, however, I am always ready to change if it is advantageous to my position in life. I believe it is important to always be ready for change, because it is unavoidable.


118. 你喜欢何种生活方式,经常变动的还是一成不变的?






Word List

  • steady [ˈstedi] adj. 平稳的,稳定的
  • comparatively [kəmˈpærətivli]adv. 比较地
  • habitual [həˈbitʃuəl] adj. 习惯性的
  • existence [igˈzistəns] n. 生活方式
  • stable [ˈsteibəl] adj. 稳定的
  • merit [ˈmerit] n. 优点
  • monotonous [məˈna:tnəs] adj. 单调的
  • for certain 肯定的
  • out of the blue 意外地,突如其来地
  • unavoidable [ˌʌnəˈvɔidəbəl]adj. 不可避免的
  • adjustment [əˈdʒʌstmənt]n. 调整
  • for the most part 在多数情况下
  • day-to-day [ˈdeitəˈdei]adj. 日常的,例行的
  • routine [ru:ˈti:n] adj. 惯常的

119. Does different clothes influence the way people behave?

It seems that people do sometimes behave differently when they wear different clothes. For example, a well-dressed man seldom spits at random, a woman in glorious dresses is more likely to talk in a gentle tone, and a clean dressed child seems quiet than others. It might be explained that different dresses give people different self-images, and most people subconsciously behave according to their own self-images. Equally sensible is another factor, that is, all too often people regard a person differently according to his/her dresses. Therefore, people might behave differently when they wear different clothes because they are treated differently.

Also, appropriate dresses do help a lot in certain circumstances. It is not difficult to imagine that a doctor with a casual suit instead of his/her formal one will certainly make his/her patients nervous, for doctors in working hours are always supposed to be in white suits. An applicant in his/her first interview will be naturally accompanied with great mental tension. If he/she was well-dressed, by “well” we do not mean expensively or gloriously, we mean “neatly”, he/ she would appear more self-confident and or even be self-confident in deed.

However, merely a suit in itself can contribute little. In fact, people’s behaviors inevitably reflect their nature. A poor gentleman dressed in rags is still a gentleman. He knows the essential principles that a civilized individual must observe, he knows fundamental moral disciplines which an educated individual must follow. A parvenu on the other hand, will finally find out the fact that his exorbitantly dear dresses is of no use to make himself a gentleman, and he even eventually fail to make him look like a gentleman. Maybe those are right who said it takes at least three generations to cultivate a gentleman.

In a word, I do not believe that clothes can essentially make people different, even though they might sometimes seemingly do.


119. 不同的着装对人们的行为有影响吗?





Word List

  • at random 随意地
  • moral [ˈmɔrəl] adj. 道德的
  • glorious [ˈglɔ:riəs] adj. 华丽的
  • discipline [ˈdisiplin] n. 修养
  • self-image [ˌselfˈimidʒ] n. 自我形象
  • parvenu [ˈpa:vəˌnu:] n. 暴发户
  • sensible [ˈsensəbl] adj. 合理的
  • exorbitantly [igˈzɔ:bitəntli] adv. 过分地
  • all too 极,非常
  • cultivate [ˈkʌltəˌveit] v. 培养
  • accompany [əˈkʌmpəni] v. 伴随
  • seemingly [ˈsi:miŋli]adv. 表面上,看似地
  • contribute [kənˈtribju:t] v. 起作用

120. Are decisions that people make quickly always wrong?

If the question asked was whether or not a decision that is quickly made is always wrong, and required an absolute yes-no answer, I think the answer had to be a resounding “no”. While carefully thinking out decisions can be important, there are many decisions that are best suited to impulsive, spontaneous outcomes.

Consider I am sitting home alone one morning, contemplating what to do with my day. There are a number of things I should get done during the day: I have to clean my apartment, as well as do some grocery shopping. A friend calls, and invites me to see an art exhibition that sounds very interesting. This situation does not require a carefully thought out decision. I can easily put off my small errands for later in the day, or even until the next day. The decision was made very quickly, and, in my opinion, was definitely not wrong.

A second example can be seen at the workplace. I am employed at a busy real estate office. I have a number of responsibilities that I have to contend with during the day. If I took the time to carefully think out each decision I made during the day, my company would quickly lose many important deals. In some situations, one must act on instinct in order to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

With that said, there are, of course, situations which do require careful thought and consideration before reaching a decision. For example, buying an apartment or a house is a very big decision to make. In this circumstance, I would not make a choice without careful evaluation of all of the information available.

While some decisions require very careful thought, others can easily be made quickly and still be correct. If I had to carefully consider all of the decisions I have to make in a day, I would never get anything accomplished.


120. 匆忙做出的决定总是错误的吗?






Word List

  • resounding [riˈzaundiŋ] adj. 响亮的
  • impulsive [imˈpʌlsiv] adj. 冲动的
  • spontaneous [spa:nˈteiniəs] adj. 自然的
  • contemplate [ˈka:ntəmˌpleit] v. 沉思
  • apartment [əˈpa:tmənt] n. 公寓
  • grocery [ˈgrəusəri] n. 食品
  • real estate 房地产
  • contend with 处理,应对
  • on instinct 凭直觉
  • evaluation [iˌvæljuˈeiʃən] n. 评估
  • accomplish [əˈka:mpliʃ] v. 完成

121. Judge people by first impressions: right or wrong?

Some people judge a person’s character by first impressions simply because they believe these judgments are, for the most part, correct. Other people are warier about making judgments quickly because they believe their original impressions could be faulty. However, it’s a common pattern: if someone makes a good first impression, people will be inclined to believe it, and make a judgment based on that; if the person makes a poor first impression, people will usually hold off judgment until a second or third meeting, to ensure that the original assessment was correct.

My personal philosophy for meeting new people is to give them the benefit of the doubt. If someone makes a very good first impression, I am likely to believe that that is his/her character unless, on future encounters, he/she proves it to be otherwise. I believe that this is a fair, beneficial way of making judgments. I do not think there is any reason to be suspicious of someone’s character unless he/she has given me a reason to think so. It is even possible that I will make a bad first impression on someone if I am too suspicious of his/her character.

However, I also believe it is important to hold off judgment if someone makes a bad first impression. There are a multitude of reasons why someone might be in a bad mood, and therefore make a poor impression. For example, perhaps I am meeting a man who just had something bad happen to him. Perhaps his bag was stolen, and it had some important documents in it. If this happened to me, I would surely be in a bad mood, and not make a good impression on any new people I met. Therefore, I think it is important to wait until a second, or even third meeting before passing judgment.


121. 凭第一印象判断人:正确还是错误?




Word List

  • impression [imˈpreʃən] n. 印象
  • assessment [əˈsesmənt] n. 评价
  • judgment [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt] n. 判断
  • philosophy [fiˈla:səfi] n. 哲学
  • original [əˈridʒənəl] adj. 最初的
  • encounter [enˈkauntə] n. 邂逅,碰面
  • faulty [ˈfɔ:lti] adj. 错误的
  • suspicious [səˈspiʃəs]adj. 怀疑的,猜忌的
  • be inclined to… 倾向于
  • hold off 推迟,延缓
  • a multitude of 大量
  • ensure [enˈʃuə] v. 确保

122. Are people never satisfied with what they have?

It is said that people are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Unfortunately, this statement has quite a bit of truth to it in today’s society. Individuals today are constantly driven to have the best, the brightest, and the newest. With the increase of westernization, almost every country has become a consumer culture, including China.

There is not a street you can walk down in Downtown Beijing that does not have an advertisement, trying to sell you something. Wherever you go, there is a new product calling to you. Individuals in society today believe that others will not appreciate them if they do not spend exorbitant amounts of money on all types of luxuries, from cars, to fancy mobile telephones, to expensive, name brand clothing.

This idea does not only relate to consumer goods, however. I find that if I start a new job, for the first period of time, maybe the first month, the first year, or even the first five years are very exciting. Eventually, the appeal wears off, and I am no longer enchanted with my work. I crave something different, something more exciting. Anything, as long as it is better than what I am currently doing.

I think people, including myself, need to become more comfortable with their current positions. There is no reason why we should cater to the advertising industry, and constantly buy new and better products, when the ones we currently have work fine. This is not to say that we should never have new, nice things. In the past decade, consumer spending has reached new heights around the world. This is hardly necessary, especially when you consider that people have been living happily for thousands of years without such goods. I think that if people could learn to live without such frivolities, they would live a much happier life overall.


122. 人们永不满足于自己所拥有的吗?





Word List

  • westernization [ˌwestəniˈzeiʃən] n. 西化
  • luxury [ˈlʌgʒəri] n. 奢侈品
  • fancy [ˈfænsi] adj. 花哨的
  • appeal [əˈpi:l] n. 吸引力
  • wear off 减退
  • enchant [enˈtʃænt] v. 使入迷
  • crave [kreiv] v. 渴望
  • cater to 迎合
  • frivolity [friˈva:liti] n. 无聊的东西

123. Should people read only those books that deal with real matters?

I do not believe that people should only read books that are about real events, real people, or established facts. Personally, I do not see any logic in this statement whatsoever. There are a multitude of reasons why a person should read a wide range of books.

First, if an author was to write solely about real events and established facts, there would be little room for imagination. Without imagination, it would be difficult to come up with any new ideas, or to progress our thinking. Second, most of history is subjective. If an author takes a certain viewpoint on a “real” event, he/she is bound to miss some of the facts, and there is even a possibility that he/she will get some of the facts wrong. The author must indulge the story, in order to fill in the details that are missing. Most books about real events and real people are part fiction.

If we look at the situation from the perspective of the reader, it is just as grim. If an audience was to only make reference to non-fictional books, there would be little room for the expansion of the mind. Many authors who write fiction do so in order to introduce new thoughts and ideas to the reader. These new ideas allow us to come up with innovative views of our own, and through this process, we grow.

As mentioned above, fictional works are an important outlet, allowing us to forget about all of the negative things happening in the world for a little while. There are people who might disagree that this escape is a positive thing. However, I posit that by escaping from the “real world” for a few hours, we are able to deal with it more efficiently and happily when we return. Because of this, reading fiction is a great way to relax.

Fictional works are very important to society, and the individual. They allow us to think of new, exciting ideas, as well as give us an excellent, peaceful way to relax. There is nothing I would rather do on a free evening than unwind and read a good, fictional novel.


123. 人们应该只读那些描写真人真事的书籍吗?






Word List

  • whatsoever [hwa:tsəuˈevə] adv. 任何地
  • expansion [ikˈspænʃən] n. 扩展
  • solely [ˈsəuli] adv. 仅仅
  • innovative [ˈinəˌveitiv] adj. 创新的
  • imagination [iˌmædʒəˈneiʃən] n. 想象
  • outlet [ˈautˌlet] n. 途径
  • viewpoint [ˈvju:ˌpɔint] n. 观点
  • posit [ˈpa:zit] v. 认为,假定
  • indulge [inˈdʌldʒ] v. 迁就
  • peaceful [ˈpi:sfəl] adj. 平和的
  • grim [grim] adj. 严峻的
  • unwind [ʌnˈwaind] v. 松弛,放松

124. Is it more important for students to study history and literature than to study science and mat

I think that these academic subjects are equal to each other; one is not better or more important than the other. First of all, it is important for students to take the classes which they will excel at. If all students were to take history and literature, half of them would do terribly. Not all students have a literary mind; in fact, only about half of them do. Having a scientifically based mind is no better or worse than the alternative.

It’s hard to imagine that all the students are learning history and literature while no one study science and mathematics. If this was the case, a major portion of the world’s knowledge would be lost. Science and mathematics students are constantly making important breakthroughs in their fields of research. If the number of students taking these subjects dramatically dropped because they were told it was less important than other subjects, this research would come to a grinding halt. Science and mathematics students come up with much of the theories behind how the world works, which are vastly important to society.

In fact, students should be encouraged to take all subjects because there is no way of measuring which courses are”better” than others. Everything a person can study has its own unique value. Whether this value is based on personal beliefs or the beliefs of society at large, everything is important in some way or another. Moreover, most academic disciplines are in fact interrelated. For example, historians sometimes have to employ some statistical knowledge while they are doing their research. At the same time, computer programmers will have a better understanding of their field if they are familiar about the history of computer science.

One must take the courses one finds interesting, and not base his/her decisions on what others say are important. History and literature can be seen as a link to the past, whereas science and mathematics can be viewed as a link to the future. In this sense, no one is more relevant than the other because each field produces insights that the other has no way of grasping.


124. 学习历史和文学比学习科学和数学更重要吗?





Word List

  • excel at 擅长
  • interrelate [ˌintəriˈleit] v. 互相关联
  • alternative [ɔ:lˈtə:nətiv] n. 另外一种选择
  • employ [emˈplɔi] v. 运用
  • portion [ˈpɔ:ʃən] n. 部分
  • statistical [stəˈtistikəl] adj. 统计学的
  • programmer [ˈprəuˌgræmə] n. 程序员
  • breakthrough [ˈbreikˌθru:] n. 突破
  • relevant [ˈreləvənt] adj. 有实际重要性的
  • unique [ju:ˈni:k] adj. 独特的

125. Should all students be required to study art and music in secondary school?

The authorities at secondary schools must make very important decisions regarding what will be considered to be the required curriculum for their students. I believe that art and music should be part of this required curriculum.

Studying art and music makes a person more diverse and thoughtful. When one studies art and music, one is exposed to many different cultures and points of view. It allows the audience to perceive the world through a different set of eyes. It is also an excellent way to spark interest in other cultures and diverse ways of life. This promotes understanding and tolerance of others. It is also a porthole to peer into areas of many cultures, including one’s own, that one would not readily have access to. This includes everything from social life to metaphysics to philosophy, etc.

Furthermore, these subjects give the students an outlet for expressing their turbulent emotions during puberty. Art and music are also an excellent way to express emotions. In ancient times, many a troubled man turned to brush work or Chinese classical music to work out difficulties with life. Students of today’modern world have similar issues with life, and need an outlet to express these. Art and music, in any form, can assist one in dealing with personal issues.

In addition, viewing art and listening to music are excellent ways to relax. When I am stressed because of life, one of my favorite activities is painting while listening to my preferred music. I find this activity to be very soothing and calming. Looking at works of art can have a similar effect, and when one understands the philosophy behind the work, it is that much more beneficial.

Therefore, I believe that studying art and music in secondary school can be nothing but beneficial for the students. I would encourage all school districts to make these subjects part of their required curriculums.


125. 中学生必须学习艺术与音乐吗?





Word List

  • authority [əˈθɔ:riti] n. 负责人
  • tolerance [ˈta:lərəns] n. 宽容
  • regarding [riˈga:diŋ] prep. 关于
  • porthole [ˈpɔ:tˌhəul] n. 通道
  • curriculum [kəˈrikjələm] n. 课程
  • peer into 透视,窥视
  • diverse [daiˈvə:s] adj. 多元化的,各种各样的
  • readily [ˈredili] adv. 无困难地
  • metaphysics [ˌmetəˈfiziks] n. 玄学
  • perceive [pəˈsi:v] v. 理解,领悟
  • assist [əˈsist] v. 帮助
  • spark [spa:k] v. 激发
  • sooth [su:θ] v. 使平静
  • promote [prəˈməut] v. 增进,促进

126. Is there anything that young people can teach older people?

It has been a common conception that young people have nothing of value to teach their elders. I firmly disagree with this statement, and posit that in fact, the opposite is true. Young people have a plethora of information to teach old people. One of the advantages of being young is having a different perspective on life than one’s seniors. Young people have not been influenced by nearly as many people as an old person, and therefore, their thoughts and ideas are more their own. An older person can learn from these new ideas, and once again, see the world with the freshness and fascination of a young person.

Also, young people tend to embark on all of their projects with a kind of intensity and perseverance. This quality can sometimes be lost as one gets older. After spending time with a young person, an old person tends to gain back some of this vitality. For example, I have seen many older people who did not live their lives to the fullest. However, with the addition of a granddaughter or a grandson, they regained much of their youthfulness. In my opinion, this was fully due to their seeing the vitality in the young, and learning from it.

Finally, young people tend to enjoy experimenting when they are working on a project. Older people are usually set in their ways, and will continue doing a chore one way, even if it is not the best way. Young people can offer insight into new methods of doing even the simplest tasks and often will think up new systems that do not occur to the elderly.

In conclusion, I think older people can learn much from the future generations. Of course, this is not to say that young people cannot learn from their elders. The educational process does not only work one way through generation gaps.


126. 年轻人有没有什么可以教给老年人的?






Word List

  • conception [kənˈsepʃən] n. 观念
  • a plethora of 一大堆
  • freshness [freʃnəs] n. 生气
  • embark on 从事,着手
  • intensity [inˈtensiti] n. 热情
  • perseverance [ˌpə:səˈviərəns] n. 执着,毅力
  • vitality [vaiˈtæliti] n. 活力
  • regain [riˈgein] v. 重新获得
  • youthfulness [ˈju:θfəlnəs] n. 朝气
  • think up 想出,设计出

127. Is reading fiction more enjoyable than watching movies?

Billions of dollars are spent on entertainment every year, in every country in the world. Much of this money is spent on either movies or fictional books, as these two types of entertainment are found to be most enjoyable by the masses. Which, however, is more enjoyable? I posit that these mediums cannot be compared so easily, as they both have their strong points in regards to entertainment.

When one reads a fictional book, one is able to let his/her imagination run wild. Everything from the setting to the character descriptions is left up to the reader’s mind, and therefore can be quite enjoyable. Depending on the novel, of course, one can imagine far away places just by the description read in the novel. Books are also an excellent form of entertainment as they are portable. If one is on a long commute to work, which is common in Beijing, one can bring along a favorite novel, effectively taking his/her entertainment with him/her. Books can be enjoyed in any setting. They can be picked up on a whim, and put down again to return to at a later time.

Movies, of course, also have their own benefits. Movies allow the viewer to be completely engrossed in the plot. There is no need for thinking, as everything is presented to you in a straightforward form. One never has to ponder what a place or a person looks like; the information is all accessible to the viewer. This can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on what one is looking for in his/her entertainment.

In a society where we want everything faster, better and more exciting, perhaps movies are a more relevant medium. However, movies demand at least an hour and a half of one’s time. Books are available to their consumers whenever there is time, which is also an important feature. In conclusion, I believe that neither books nor movies are a more enjoyable form of entertainment. In some cases, I prefer to read a book. In others, a movie is vastly more enjoyable. It is up to the consumer to decide.


127. 读小说是否比看电影更有趣?





Word List

  • setting [ˈsetiŋ] n. 背景
  • portable [ˈpɔ:təbl] adj. 便携式的
  • effectively [iˈfektivli] adv. 实际上
  • on a whim 一时兴起
  • engross [enˈgrəus] v. 使沉浸,使全神贯注
  • straightforward [streitˈfɔ:wəd] adj. 直截了当的
  • ponder [ˈpa:ndə] v. 考虑,思考
  • accessible [ækˈsesəbl] adj. 可获得的,可理解的

128. Should we spend all school day studying or set aside some time for exercising?

Some people believe that it is important to have physical activities as part of a child’s everyday curriculum at school. Others disagree, and argue that students should spend all of their time on academic studies. Personally, I believe that physical education is a vital part of an education as it teaches children to take care of their bodies, how to work as a team, and gives them a method of releasing tension and aggression.

Humans have always known about the importance of taking care of our bodies, but it seems that in recent years, we have gradually forgotten this important fact. It is absolutely necessary to get some physical activity at least a few times a week, and engraining this idea into children when they are young is the best way to ensure their health for life.

Physical exercise usually involves teamwork of some sort. Much of the exercise that young people get involves games such as basketball, volleyball, or football. All of these sports teach children how to work together to achieve a common goal, in this case, winning. I also believe that allowing the children to work together in a fun environment, rather than only on academic projects, brings a stronger sense of camaraderie, which helps the children to have healthy relationships with others.

Finally, physical exercise is an excellent way to release tension and aggression. If one is particularly stressed about school or life, getting exercise can help the person to relax. As for letting out aggression, it is much healthier to kick a football than it is to hit someone who has made you angry.

Exercise should definitely be a part of a student’s education. Exercise has much more to offer than simply getting”a break” from academics. Physical exercise can balance out a student’s hectic life, and make it much more pleasurable.


128. 学习日是全用来学习还是留出部分时间来运动?






Word List

  • physical [ˈfizikəl] adj. 身体的
  • camaraderie [ˌka:məˈra:dəri:] n. 友情,友爱
  • release [riˈli:s] v. 释放
  • aggression [əˈgreʃən] n. 敌对情绪
  • let out 发泄;释放
  • engrain [enˈgrein] v. 使根深蒂固
  • as for 至于
  • ensure [enˈʃuə] v. 确保,保证
  • balance out 平衡
  • teamwork [ˈti:mˌwə:k] n. 集体协作
  • hectic [ˈhektik] adj. 紧张忙碌的

129. A center for business research or for research in agriculture?

China is currently one of the fastest growing economies in the world. A new research center, whether business or agriculturally based, would be beneficial for both our country and the rest of the world. When considering if it would be more valuable to build a business center or an agricultural center, one must realize that both fields of research work hand in hand with each other to develop and expand a country’s economy. In a bustling economy like China’s, either research center would have great value.

There is no doubt that a country’s economy is strongly influenced by its ability to not only feed its own people, but also to export agricultural products to other countries. In this sense, an agricultural research center would help further development in China’s sustainability and further the country on a global scale. An agricultural research center would also be a great idea in China, as our country already has excellent agricultural techniques. By having this type of research center in China, the world’s knowledge on this important field would grow exponentially. Agriculture also has the ability to employ a large percentage of the population, and through agricultural research, these people’s efforts could be used in a more efficient manner.

A business research center would also be an excellent idea in China. As China becomes more and more prone to the power of globalization, a business research center would allow China to not only keep up with the business-minded West, but also, this type of center could possibly allow our country to surpass the West in new business ideas. China has the largest population in the world, and therefore, the business industry is bound to grow at an alarmingly fast rate.

In conclusion, I believe that either of these centers would be beneficial to our country. Perhaps the best solution would be to raise funds for both of the centers, and allow the two centers to work together to build a better China.


129. 商业研究中心还是农业研究中心?





Word List

  • expand [ikˈspænd] v. 发展;使膨胀
  • sustainability [səˌsteinəˈbliləti] n. 可持续性
  • global [ˈgləubəl] adj. 全球的
  • exponentially [ˌekspəˈnenʃəli] adv. 成指数地;越来越快地
  • keep up with 赶上,跟上
  • surpass [sə:ˈpæs] v. 超越
  • alarmingly [əˈla:miŋli] adv. 惊人地

130. The advantages and disadvantages of young children spending much time practicing sports

It is a common activity not only in China, but across the world, for young children to spend copious amounts of time playing and practicing sports. There is much discussion as to whether this is a beneficial way for young people to spend their time. In order to decide, we must consider the advantages and disadvantages.

There are many advantages to children spending their time playing sports. First, children will be stronger and healthier because they are getting exercise. This not only has the immediate effects of being healthy children, but also affects their health later in life, as they will develop good habits for taking care of their physical shape and their health. Second, exercise is known to be an excellent appetite and weight controller. In recent years, with the further development of China, many young people are becoming overweight. Playing sports in one’s childhood could definitely help this situation. Finally, sports are excellent social activities. If one plays sports early in life, he will learn about teamwork, perseverance, and goal setting. All of these lessons will help one to become a happier, better adjusted adult.

There are also a few disadvantages to children spending time playing sports.

For example, playing sports detracts from study time, which is very important. If children are playing sports so often that they cannot concentrate on their studies, they should definitely stop. Another disadvantage is that sports can sometimes be dangerous, causing life-long injuries to a person that is not careful. Finally, some people believe that sports are overly competitive, and push children too hard at a young age. It is possible that children would lose self-confidence and self

esteem if they constantly lost at sports. Sometimes, it is the parents that push the children too hard at sports, causing an unwillingness to participate due to a lack of enjoyment.

Overall, I think that sports are beneficial to a young person’s life. They offer valuable skills that will be useful throughout one’s entire life. As long as one is careful and does not overdo it, sports are an excellent idea for all young children.


130. 儿童把大量时间用于体育运动的利与弊




Word List

  • copious [ˈkəupiəs] adj. 大量的
  • concentrate on 集中于,全神贯注于
  • immediate [iˈmi:di:it] adj. 即时的,立刻的
  • overly [ˈəuvəli] adv. 过度地
  • appetite [ˈæpitait] n. 食欲
  • competitive [kəmˈpetitiv] adj. 竞争的
  • overweight [ˌəuvəˈweit] adj. 超重的,肥胖的
  • unwillingness [ʌnˈwiliŋnəs] n. 不愿意
  • participate [pa:ˈtisəˌpeit] v. 参加
  • childhood [ˈtʃaildˌhud] n. 儿童时期
  • overdo [ˌəuvəˈdu:] v. 过度
  • detract [diˈtrækt] v. 转移

131. Only people who earn a lot of money are successful?

China is host to over one billion people. While the majority of China’s population is not rich; in fact, it is a very small percentage of people who hold the status of being wealthy. Does this mean that the vast majority of Chinese people are unsuccessful? The answer to this is irrefutably “no”.

There are many measures of success, and money is one of them. However, money is far from the main measure of success. To prove this point, one need only consider the possibility that a man could be wealthy beyond belief, but not consider himself successful. Perhaps he inherited his money, and has done nothing of value in his life. Perhaps he earned the money through ill means. Whatever the situation, it is more than possible that a rich man could be considered unsuccessful, either by himself, or by others.

Many people believe that the main measure of success is happiness, rather than material goods. Without happiness, even a person with money, status and children would not be successful. However, a low paid schoolteacher might think he/she was very successful if he/she succeeded in getting children to learn their material well. Or perhaps a housewife, who makes no money of her own, would feel successful if she raised a healthy, well-adjusted child and kept her home looking wonderful.

It is also important to look at the difference between self-perceived success and one’s success in the eyes of another person. Perhaps the outside world views a man as unsuccessful if he does not have a lot of money, but he views himself as very successful because of his achievements in life. Whose opinion is more important? I believe that if one thinks he/she is successful, then he/she is, no matter what other people say.

In conclusion, money is not the only measure of success. Anyone can be successful, whether they are rich or poor. What matters is how one views himself/herself; if one is proud of one’s achievements in life, and feels that he/ she has lived a fulfilling life, then he/she is successful.


131. 只有有钱人才算是成功人士?





Word List

  • status [ˈsteitəs] n. 身份,地位
  • majority [məˈdʒɔ:riti] n. 大多数
  • irrefutably [iˈrefjətəbli] adv. 无可辩驳地
  • measure [ˈmeʒə] n. 衡量标准,量度
  • ill [il] adj. 卑劣的;恶劣的
  • self-perceived [ˌselfpəˈsi:vd] adj. 自认为的
  • fulfilling [fulˈfiliŋ] adj. 有成就的

132. If you could invent something new, what product would you develop?

The world today is moving at a faster and faster pace. An invention that would be exceptionally useful for the human race would be an intelligent humanoid robot.

On a daily basis, millions of people in China perform tasks which are exceedingly tedious, and are a tragic waste of the abilities of these people. Tasks such as house cleaning, street cleaning, some types of farming, some factory work, toll booths and a multitude of other jobs would be performed just as easily by a robot as by a man. In some cases, robots could potentially outperform man because they would not need to rest. They could perform these simple tasks at a rapid speed, and therefore would be a significant advantage in some manual labor jobs.

Other tasks that people perform are incredibly dangerous, and often cause life long injuries, or much worse as to kill people. If these types of jobs were performed by machines, there would be far fewer work-related injuries and deaths. A prime example is deep sea welding on oil platforms. Every year there are many deaths of workers who hold this dangerous position. In addition, because it is such a high-stress job, the worker’s lives are often shortened because of inability to cope. As machines obviously do not feel emotional stress, they would perform hundreds of times better than men do in these types of situations.

Humanoid robots would also more efficiently perform complex jobs such as surgeries and manufacturing high-tech materials. For example, eye surgeries and brain surgeries require a very steady, careful hand, and an intensely varied knowledge of the human anatomy. A robot could be programmed to complete such surgeries flawlessly. Manufacturing high-tech materials is very complex, as it involves many intricate mathematical problems. A robot could be programmed to perform calculations in seconds that would take a man hours or days to perform.

Therefore, I think an intelligent humanoid robot would be incredibly beneficial to the human race, although many of the tasks it performs would need to be supervised by a person, and some tasks would be impossible to perform for a robot.


132. 如果你能发明一件新事物,你会发明什么?





Word List

  • exceptionally [ikˈsepʃənəli]adv. 格外地,特别地
  • incredibly [inˈkredəbli] adv. 非常
  • weld [weld] v. 焊接
  • intelligent [inˈtelədʒənt] adj. 智能的
  • shorten [ˈʃɔ:tn] v. 缩短,使变短
  • humanoid [ˈhju:məˌnɔid] adj. 人形的
  • steady [ˈstedi] adj. 不颤抖的
  • exceedingly [ikˈsi:diŋli] adv. 极其,非常
  • anatomy [əˈnætəmi] n. 解剖学
  • tedious [ˈti:diəs] adj. 枯燥的
  • flawlessly [ˈflɔ:lisli] adv. 无误地
  • tragic [ˈtrædʒik] adj. 不幸的,悲惨的
  • intricate [ˈintrikit] adj. 错综复杂的
  • toll booth 收费站
  • supervise [ˈsu:pəvaiz] v. 监督
  • outperform [autpəˈfɔ:m] v. 比…做得好

133. Are a person’s childhood years the most important years of a person’s life?

It is generally accepted that a person’s childhood years are very important years of a person’s life, but it is hardly appropriate to say those years are the most important.

We do not reject the importance of childhood years. Actually it is rather important for later part of a person’s life. Our lives, to a large extent are subject to our recognition of our surroundings. Our world views have been structured from very early stage of our childhood, mainly through our daily experiences. Everyone therefore actually has his or her own world different from those of others, because even though we all live in a single world, each and every one of us in fact lives in distinctive worlds which are determined by distinctive perceptions that vary widely from individual to individual. Hence, we should not be surprised by the extent to which a person’s life is influenced by one’s childhood.

Childhood, however, is only part of one’s life, and it is merely one of several determinatives that shape one’s adult life. Among various determinatives is one’s learning ability. Human beings are superior to any other animals on the Earth simply because of their vigorous ability to learn. Psychology teaches us that training and self-training can dramatically alter one’s characteristics and even the ability to learn, which may eventually alter his/her life. Furthermore, learning is a life long process, which means every part of one’s life could be an essentially crucial period, and could play an indispensable role in one’s life. Examples are available everywhere. Einstein was taken for an idiot by his teacher when he was a child. Even though every thankful man would have known exactly that that doesn’t necessarily mean he was really an idiot, the awkward attitude of his stupid teacher absolutely made Einstein’s childhood an awful one. Nevertheless, Einstein led a wonderful life.

Most parents nowadays seem to believe the statement that childhood is the most important phase of one’s life, and therefore often force their children to learn those alleged essential skills for the sake of the future. The fact is, such behavior is rather presumptuous, because there still are many other important factors that affect one’s life.


133. 一个人的童年时代是否是人生中最重要的阶段?




Word List

  • reject [riˈdʒekt] v. 否认
  • self-training [ˌselfˈtreiniŋ] n. 自我训练
  • distinctive [diˈstiŋktiv] adj. 与众不同的
  • dramatically [drəˈmætikəli] adv. 极大地
  • perception [pəˈsepʃən] n. 感知
  • alter [ˈɔ:ltə] v. 改变
  • determinative [diˈtə:məˌnetiv] n. 起决定性作用的事
  • crucial[ˈkru:ʃəl] adj. 决定性的
  • indispensable [ˌindiˈspensəbl] adj. 不可缺少的
  • shape [ʃeip] v. 影响,决定
  • vigorous [ˈvigərəs] adj. 强大的
  • presumptuous [priˈzʌmptu:əs] adj. 自以为是的
  • psychology [saiˈka:lədʒi] n. 心理学

134. Should children be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so?

Helping out with household tasks is the first job that most people usually partake. From an early age, children are encouraged to help around the house, doing little tasks that help out their parents and grandparents. I believe that this is an important feature of society, and should be continued.

It is very important for children to learn how to be responsible for their environment. This is a skill that they will take with them throughout their lives, and it should be fostered at an early age. If people are able to keep a clean house or workplace, they will be able to achieve tasks much more easily. For example, if children learn early in life that everything has its place, then this lesson will not only teach them to keep things tidy, but also instruct them on how to stay organized.

Another reason why this is important is because it promotes a strong work ethic in children at an early age. If a child is given responsibilities around the house, and it is made sure that the child completes these tasks, the child will learn how important it is to follow through on instructions. Many parents go so far as to punish their children for not doing chores, which I think will ultimately be beneficial for the children. It will help them in all of their later endeavors in life.

Finally, encouraging children to do work around the house as soon as they are able to gives them an appreciation of what their parents do for them to keep them safe, clean and warm. Many young children have no idea how difficult it is to keep a house in good condition. It is important that children learn from an early age how much their parents do for them, and learn to respect their parents more based on this.

Overall, I agree with putting children to work early in life around the house. Of course, there are limits on this. Children should not become the maids of the household. They should be given enough work to encourage a strong work ethic and an appreciation of their parents, but not so much that they have no time to do anything else.


134. 是否应该要求儿童在其力所能及时就做家务?





Word List

  • help out 帮助
  • partake [pa:ˈteik] v. 参加,参与
  • foster [ˈfɔstə] v. 培养
  • ethic [ˈeθik] n. 道德,伦理
  • follow through 执行,坚持到底
  • endeavor [enˈdevə] n. 努力,尽力
  • appreciation[ə ˌpri:ʃiˈeiʃən] n.了解,感激
  • maid [meid] n. 仆人

135. Should high schools require students to wear school uniforms or permit them to decide what to w

While in most present day high schools it is controversial that whether students should wear uniforms, most elementary schools have adopted uniform policy with wide support. Uniforms serve students benefits in several ways. First of all, uniforms act as social equalizers. Children often feel less social pressure when everyone in the school dresses the same way. Students who can not be fashionable due to limited family finances are made to feel more comfortable among their peers. Moreover, the wearing of uniforms influences students’ perceptions of school climate. Students are made to feel as if they are a part of a team by wearing a uniform. School climate is improved considerably because kids perceive that they fit in because they look like everybody else. In addition, school uniforms would assist students and parents in other ways. Students would learn to appreciate the elimination of so many choices when getting dressed for a school day. Students would not be tardy for school as often because of the indecision about what to wear in the mornings.

However, when the issue comes to high school situation, further details should be carefully examined. Students in high schools are in a much different situation from students in elementary schools. High school students are sometimes called young adults, by which people are expecting their maturity, at least to some extent. It’s moderate that schools are expected to operate a welldisciplined, structured environment that is conducive to learning. But uniform is not the right answer to various difficulties and problems that the high school education is confronting. For example, while proponents address the safety that uniform policy would bring, opponents are aware of the fact that campus violence would not be reduced because of uniforms. Having grown up already, most students no longer feel that uniforms help them become a part of the school. Furthermore, uniforms may not save parents as much money as many people would like to believe. Uniforms do not eliminate the need for clothing needed for outside school. Students many times don’t wear their school clothing the rest of the day once they are out of school. Sneakers, jackets, boots, casual clothing, and more will still be needed. What may first appear to be economical may not be accurate in reality.

It has been said that a controversy can not exist without a fundamental dispute, and it seems that the answer to the school uniform debate is not a simple yes or no. There is no clear consensus as to the benefits of school uniforms. However, as to high schools, uniform policy should eventually be reconsidered as many other regulations which have already been eliminated including”Boys’ hair should not touch collar,” or “Girls’ skirts must be longer than knees. “


135. 中学应该要求学生穿制服,还是允许学生自行决定着装?




Word List

  • controversial[ˌka:ntrəˈvə:ʃəl] adj. 有争议的
  • well-disciplined[ ˌwelˈdisiplind]adj.有纪律的
  • uniform [ˈju:nəˌfɔ:m] n. 制服
  • conducive [kənˈdu:siv] adj. 有助于…的
  • equalizer [ˈi:kwəˌlaizə] n. 平衡器
  • confront [kənˈfrʌnt] v. 面临
  • fashionable [ˈfæʃənəbl] adj. 时髦的
  • proponent [prəˈpəunənt] n. 支持者
  • peer [piə] n. 同伴,同辈
  • opponent [əˈpəunənt] n. 反对者
  • considerably[kən ˈsidərəbəli]adv.相当大地
  • sneaker [ˈsni:kə] n. 运动鞋
  • fit in 适应
  • economical [ˌekəˈna:mikəl] adj. 经济的
  • elimination [iˌliməˈneiʃən] n. 消除
  • consensus [kənˈsensəs] n. 共识,意见一致
  • tardy [ˈta:di] adj. 迟到的

136. Is playing a game fun only when you win?

Playing games is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. Every country has a number of popular games that are played all the time. For example, in China, Mahjong and Chinese Chess are both very popular. I think playing game in itself is full of fun, winning a game is just a pleasure extra.

It would be impossible to think that one could win a game all the time when they first start playing it. This is especially true for strategy games such as the above-mentioned. In many cases, playing against the top players of a game and losing is an honor, not a disappointment. The age-old adage says that practice makes perfect. This is as true in games as it is in any other endeavor. In order to win a game all of the time, you need to practice it over and over and learn the strategies of the game.

Practice is necessary to win a game. If this was really an annoying process, no one would ever play games. However, it is the journey of the game, not the destination that is important. Going through the actual game is the fun part; if one wins a game, that is an added bonus. People truly enjoy the process of playing a game. If winning was the only thing that was important, we would all play “Rock-Paper-Scissors” all of the time.

People enjoy the process of playing a game because of the social aspects. Playing a game, especially a long, enduring game like Mahjong is a bonding experience. Many of these games can last for days, being picked up and left off time and time again. Games are great for bonding with other people, which makes them excellent for improving one’s social skills, in addition to having fun.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that games can be fun even if I am not the winner. Games must be played a multitude of times if one hopes to get good at them, and this is a fun process to go through. Games bring us closer to our friends, as we have fun experiences with them. There are many excellent reasons to play a game besides winning.


136. 只有获胜,游戏才好玩吗?






Word List

  • strategy [ˈstrætədʒi] n. 策略,计策
  • age-old [ˈeidʒˈəuld] adj. 古老的
  • above-mentioned [əˌbʌvˈmenʃənd]adj. 上述的
  • adage [ˈædidʒ] n. 格言
  • annoying [əˈnɔiiŋ] adj. 让人厌烦的
  • top [ta:p] adj. 顶尖的
  • bonus [ˈbəunəs] n. 奖赏
  • honor [ˈa:nə] n. 光荣
  • enduring [enˈdu:əriŋ] adj. 持久的
  • disappointment[ ˌdisəˈpɔintmənt] n.失望

137. Should high schools allow students to study the courses that students want to study?

High school is a very important time in a person’s educational career. During this period, they will learn many of the skills necessary to be successful in university and the work world. There are both advantages and disadvantages of students picking their own courses in high school. The disadvantages are that high school students are too young to have good judgment about what they really require and also, it’s very important for a young person to get a rounded education. The advantage of adolescents picking their own courses is that people should be able to start exploring their aptitudes at a young age.

If children are able to pick all of their own courses in high school, it is more than likely that they will pick all”easy” courses, such as arts or music courses. Children do not necessarily know what is best for them, and therefore, could end up lacking later in life because of the poor, uninformed decisions they made as adolescents.

Young people need a well-rounded, balanced education. A good education should include everything from languages to mathematics to science, etc. Many children would avoid their most disliked courses if given the opportunity. A well-rounded education leads to well-balanced people, which in turn leads to a tolerant, knowledgeable society. It is important to have a wide basis of knowledge concerning how the world works.

As mentioned above, there is also an advantage of allowing children to pick their own courses in high school. Picking one’s own courses means that one will be able to focus on subject areas that are particularly interesting to the individual. Adolescents should be able to hone in on their likes and dislikes at a young age, as this will give them a better understanding of where their aptitude lies.

In conclusion, I think that students in high school should be able to choose some of their own courses. There should definitely be a required curriculum, but it should leave room for students to take selectives that they are truly interested in.


137. 中学是否应该让学生自行决定所学课程?






Word List

  • rounded [ˈraundid] adj. 全面的
  • balanced [ˈbælənst] adj. 平衡的
  • adolescent [ˌædlˈesnt] n. 十几岁的孩子,青少年
  • tolerant [ˈta:lərənt] adj. 包容的
  • knowledgeable [ˈna:lidʒəbəl] adj. 博学的
  • explore [ikˈsplɔ:]v. 发掘
  • aptitude [ˈæptiˌtu:d]n. 才能,才华
  • concerning [kənˈsə:niŋ] prep. 关于
  • uninformed [ˌʌninˈfɔ:md] adj. 对情况未充分了解的,莽撞的
  • selective [siˈlektiv] n. 选修课

138. Is it better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group?

When working in a group, there are many different positions, but basically, one can think of a group as having two job types: member and leader. Some people believe that it is better to be a member of a group than it is to be the leader. However, I think it is better to be a leader in a group because as the leader, one’s ideas are more likely to be heard, he/she is more likely to receive accolades for complete work, and he/she is able to make important decisions for the group.

The leader of a group has the strongest voice of all. If someone enjoys coming up with new, exciting concepts and making a difference in a project, then he/she should be the leader. It can be a frustrating experience at time to be a member of a group. At times, a member’s ideas are not taken seriously, because he/she does not have respect that the leader has. If one leads a group, his/her ideas will always be heard and respected, and usually followed through with.

When a project is complete, it is the leader that receives accolades for doing a good job. While the entire team gets some respect and appreciation upon completion, it is the leader who receives the most admiration. This is an advantage for building one’s resume, and generally gaining respect in society. People always respect the leader of a group more than the members.

Moreover, it is better to be the leader of a group than a member because the leader is able to wield the power. Being the leader means getting a say in all decisions, and often, is allowed to follow through with any ideas that he/ she thinks up. This can mean that things that a person finds important will be completed quickly and efficiently.

Overall, I believe that it is better to be the leader of a group than to be a member. A leader can make decisions, follow through with them, and receive recognition for a job well done. However, there are of course some negatives of being a leader. The leader has much more responsibility for the project than anyone else, and if there is a failure, it is the leader’s fault. If a person is willing to take on this added responsibility, then being a leader is by far the best position.


138. 当团队的成员是否比当团队的领导好?






Word List

  • accolade [ˈækəleid] n. 称赞
  • voice [vɔis] n. 发言权
  • frustrating [ˈfrʌsˌtreitiŋ] adj. 令人沮丧的
  • completion [kəmˈpli:ʃən] n. 完成
  • admiration [ˌædməˈreiʃən] n. 钦佩
  • resume [riˈzu:m] n. 个人简历,资历
  • wield [wi:ld] v. 拥有
  • recognition [ˌrekəgˈniʃən] n. 认可

139. What do you think is the most important room in a house?

Whereas others might feel ridiculous, I reckon the bathroom as the most important room in my house, even though other rooms such as the reading room or the sitting room are probably equally important.

First of all, the bathroom is the most important because it is highly visible to guests. We may be able to close off the bedroom to indicate that the room is”off-limits,” but we cannot deny our visitors access to the bathroom. The most overlooked in general though it might be, the bathroom is a room which demands attention as much as possible. For example, it is absolutely an ugly design if the toilet is placed directly opposite the door, all too often the embarrassment happens when the door is accidentally unlocked. And it is the host to blame if the bathroom is dirty, smelly, or even scattered about in a mess.

The bathroom is very important because every family member will inevitably use that room, in which the most important part of family sanitations is located. Personal health of family member is no doubt superior to any other concerns. It should be spacious, bright, tidy, and above all, hygienic, and deserve frequent cleaning—in fact, the room we cannot clean too much, specifically, the toilet seat. Moreover, more than one bathroom are virtually needed, if possible. It is not only embarrassing or inconvenient but would also be absurd and irritating if someone knocks at the door when we are using the lavatory.

Another reason I put special emphasis upon bathroom came from my experiences. According to my conception, bathroom is not only for toileting, washing, and showering, but for reading as well. Don’t be surprised, I have a very spacious and bright bathroom in my house, in which, an arm away from the stool is a small bookshelf, a little bit highly located on the wall to prevent books and newspapers from getting wet. I have already discovered that I have to spend more than 30 minutes a day in the bathroom, and that moment is so ideally quiet and easy to concentrate. Believe it or not, I learnt a computer programming language—Delphi—while I was sitting on the stool!


139. 你认为房子里哪间房最重要?





Word List

  • ridiculous [riˈdikjələs]adj. 可笑的,荒唐的
  • hygienic [haiˈdʒi:nik] adj. 卫生的
  • specifically [spiˈsifikəli]adv. 特定地,特别地
  • visible [ˈvizəbəl] adj. 可以看见的
  • indicate [ˈindiˌkeit] v. 表示
  • inconvenient [ˌinkənˈvi:njənt]adj. 不方便的
  • off-limits [ɔ:fˈlimits] adj. 禁止进入的
  • smelly [ˈsmeli] adj. 有臭味的
  • absurd [əbˈsə:d] adj. 可笑的
  • sanitation [ˌsæniˈteiʃən] n. 卫生
  • irritating [ˈiriˌteitiŋ] adj. 令人不愉快的
  • superior [səˈpiəriə] adj. 高于…的
  • bookshelf [ˈbukʃelf] n. 书橱
  • spacious [ˈspeiʃəs] adj. 宽敞的

140. Items made by hand or items made by machine, which do you prefer?

There are a wide variety of products, such as clothes or furniture, which can be made either by hand or by machine. Both of these methods of manufacturing products have their advantages, and both hold an important place in society. To decide which is best, one should compare the advantages of each method.

There are many advantages of making products with the aid of machines.

First, machine-made products tend to be cheaper than their handcrafted counterparts. As machines are very steady and do the exact same thing every time they recreate a product, these type of products tend to have consistent quality. Frequently, handmade products have extremes in their product quality; it can either be extremely good or extremely poor. Finally, machine-made products have the advantage of being able to use some finishes and materials that cannot be used when creating something by hand. These include some types of steel, laminates, and enamel finishes.

There are also many advantages of buying handcrafted products. When people purchase handcrafted products, they are supporting the arts and crafts communities. Buying these types of products keeps many people employed, as it takes much more time to create an object by hand. Handcrafted objects tend to have much more diversity, as it is almost impossible to create an exact duplicate of an object if you are making it by hand.

Overall, I think that there are advantages of using both machine-made products and hand-made products. I think that if one can afford to buy high quality handmade clothing and furniture, that would be the best situation. These types of products tend to last much longer than their machine-made counterparts, and one can be satisfied knowing that they are supporting an artist. However, if one cannot afford to buy high quality handmade products, it is probably better to buy things that are machine-made. Machine-made products tend to be of higher quality than poorly made handcrafted products.


140. 你喜欢手工制品还是机器产品?





Word List

  • variety [vəˈraiiti] n. 种类
  • furniture [ˈfə:nitʃə] n. 家具
  • handcrafted [ˈhændˌkræftid] adj. 手工的
  • counterpart [ˈkauntəpa:t] n. 对应物
  • consistent [kənˈsistənt] adj. 始终如一的
  • handmade [hændˈmeid] adj. 手工制作的
  • laminate [ˈlæməˌneit] n. 层压板
  • employ [emˈplɔi] v. 雇用
  • duplicate [ˈdu:plikit] n. 完全相同的东西

141. What change do you want to make in a school you attended?

While the school system in China is generally quite good, there is one problem that I have found prevalent through all of my years of education. The problem is that the teacher to student ratio is too small. This situation was of no benefit to anyone: the teachers, or the students. If there were more teachers in each school, class sizes would be smaller, there would be a greater diversity of knowledge and information, and teachers would be less tired, and would therefore give better classes.

Class sizes are overwhelmingly large in China. In many of the courses offered in elementary school and high school, there are over forty students in a class. It is very difficult to learn in this type of situation. The teacher has no time to spend with individual students who need extra help, and students are often embarrassed to ask questions in front of so many other students. If class sizes could be shrunk, the learning curve in most courses would rise dramatically.

With more teachers at every school, the collective mass of knowledge and information would rise. Everyone in the world has his/her own very particular set of information. People are like snowflakes; each person is different and has varied experiences from the next person. With more people at a school, there is a wider knowledge base to draw from. This would obviously be an advantage to students, as schools could offer a wider range of courses in a variety of fields of study.

Therefore, if I was given the opportunity to change one thing in the high school that I once attended, I would like to try to recruit more qualified teachers and give them more decent pays. This would benefit everyone. It is an unfortunate fact that most school districts cannot afford to make this happen.


141. 你希望你曾上过的学校有哪项改变?




Word List

  • prevalent [ˈprevələnt] adj. 普遍的
  • ratio [ˈreiʃəu] n. 比例,比率
  • overwhelmingly [ˌəuvəˈhwelmiŋli] adv. 极其
  • shrink [ʃriŋk] v. 缩小
  • collective [kəˈlektiv] adj. 集合的,共同的
  • snowflake [ˈsnəuˌfleik] n. 雪花
  • draw from 汲取
  • recruit [riˈkru:t] v. 聘用
  • qualified [ˈkwa:ləˌfaid] adj. 合格的
  • decent [ˈdi:snt] adj. 不错的,相当好的

142. What gift would you give to help a child develop?

Child’s development is often supplemented by the gifts they receive from important adults in their life. It is important to choose these gifts carefully, and foster growth in the right areas. If I were to give a gift to a child, it would be the game of chess. Chess offers a number of advantages to a child. Chess builds social skills, it encourages the child to develop the higher functions of the brain, and it is a good hobby.

As with most games, chess encourages a child to be social with others.

As chess is a two-person game, any time childrem play the game they will be interacting with others. As chess is a competitive game with a winner and a loser, children will have to learn how to lose gracefully if they hope to keep their chess partners. Building social skills when one is young is very important for future successes throughout one’s life.

Playing chess is also an excellent way to increase one’s thinking abilities. Chess is a game of strategy. When playing chess, a child will build important skills such as pattern recognition, strategic thinking, and analytical thinking. All of these skills are very important, especially when going through school. Many subjects a young person must take in school utilize all of these skills, and working on them early in life can be nothing but beneficial.

Finally, chess is an excellent hobby for a young person. Playing chess, or any other time-intensive game, keeps children out of trouble. If they are spending their time working on building their chess strategies, they are not out on the streets causing trouble. Many children develop behavioral problems because of simple boredom. Chess is an excellent remedy for this, as it is fun to spend one’s free time.

Thus, I think chess is an excellent present to give to a young child. Chess encourages both personality and mental development, which are very important in a child’s early years. While many gifts will encourage the maturity of one of these types of development, there are few gifts that foster the development of both.


142. 你会给儿童什么玩具以助其成长?






Word List

  • supplement [ˈsʌpləmənt] v. 辅助
  • behavioral [biˈheivjərəl] adj. 行为的
  • foster [ˈfɔ:stə] v. 培养
  • boredom [ˈbɔ:dəm] n. 无聊
  • hobby [ˈha:bi] n. 业余爱好
  • remedy [ˈremidi] n. 补救法
  • gracefully [ˈgreisfəli] adv. 优雅地
  • personality [ˌpə:səˈnæliti] n. 个性
  • utilize [ˈju:tlˌaiz] v. 使用
  • maturity [məˈtjuəriti] n. 成熟
  • intensive [inˈtensiv] adj. 密集的

143. Should students be given a long vacation or several short vacations?

Vacation is a very important part of student life. I would agree that it is best for the students to have many short vacations.

School can be a very tiring, tedious experience at times. If students get regular breaks in between intensive periods of studies, they will be more relaxed and ready to learn new material upon returning to school. In addition to this, a change in environment, even if only for a week, gives one the opportunity to relax while reflecting on one’s studies. Many students find that even a short break allows them to refresh enough to continue with school.

Having many breaks throughout the year is also good for one’s social life. If people have the opportunity to catch up with friends and family on a regular basis throughout the year, they will never feel as though they were losing touch with loved ones. Socializing with friends and family is also an excellent way to relax. If students frequently have this kind of opportunity, they will be more at ease and ready for the next semester of school.

Moreover, if the school year is broken down into many short semesters, the schools will be able to put a greater amount of focus into the curriculum of the courses. Many students find that by the end of a long semester, they have forgotten the information that they learned at the beginning of the term. By having short, intensive study sessions, students will quickly learn a small amount of information, and thus be able to keep it locked in their minds for a long time to come.

Consequently, I think that it is vastly preferable to have numerous short vacations throughout the year. Students will find that they are more relaxed, and can better focus on their studies all year round.


143. 应该给学生一个长假还是几个短假?





Word List

  • vacation [veˈkeiʃən] n. 假期
  • tiring [ˈtaiəiŋ] adj. 令人疲惫的
  • tedious [ˈti:diəs] adj. 枯燥乏味的
  • intensive [inˈtensiv] adj. 集中的
  • refresh [riˈfreʃ] v. 使恢复精神
  • on a regular basis 定期
  • socialize [ˈsəuʃəˌlaiz] v. 交往
  • break down into 把…分解成
  • preferable [ˈprefərəbəl] adj. 可取的

144. Live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building?

Choosing a home is a very personal decision to make. Some people prefer to live in traditional houses, while others would rather live in modern apartment buildings. Personally, I would prefer to live in a modern building over a traditional house. Modern buildings provide better services, they are stronger and safer, and they are more conveniently located.

When people move into a modern apartment building, they are immediately surrounded by all of the comforts they could possibly want. Modern buildings typically have new plumbing and hardware. Because of this there are usually very few problems with new apartment buildings. In addition to this, they also come supplied with refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioning, and the Internet. Many new buildings have the added bonus of having a workout facility or a swimming pool. All of these advantages make an apartment a much more attractive option than a traditional house.

Modern buildings are also stronger and safer than traditional houses. They are made completely of concrete, which is a very durable material. These buildings are always designed by important architects who have a detailed knowledge of building materials, and methods that ensure that natural disasters will not affect the stability of the complex. In addition to this, all modern buildings have to be inspected by engineers, who carefully evaluate the structure to ensure that it is sound and can withstand natural or unnatural disasters. Many older structures were built using the experience of the builder rather than any empirical understanding of building materials and the forces they can withstand.

Traditional houses are also usually built in quiet areas outside the city. Most modern apartment buildings are constructed in the core of the city, offering the residents a wide range of services right outside their door. Detailed analyses are made by civic engineers and city planners to ensure that all necessary services are readily available. This includes transportation, shopping, employment and recreational facilities. Living too far outside the city can be a hindrance to one’s business and social life.


144. 住传统房屋还是现代公寓?





Word List

  • conveniently [kənˈvi:njəntli] adv. 方便地
  • withstand [wiðˈstænd] v. 抵御,承受
  • plumbing [ˈplʌmiŋ] n. 管道装置
  • empirical [emˈpirikəl] adj. 根据经验的,实用的
  • hardware [ˈha:dwεə] n. 硬件设施
  • stability [stəˈbiliti] n. 稳定性
  • core [kɔ:] n. 中心
  • complex [kɔmˈpleks] n. 综合性建筑
  • readily [ˈredəli] adv. 容易地
  • evaluate [iˈvæljuˌeit] v. 评估
  • hindrance [ˈhindrəns] n. 障碍

145. Do advertisements promote things we do not need or products that may improve our lives?

Over the last twenty years the amount of adverting we are subjected to in our daily lives has increased dramatically. It has got to the point where one can hardly turn his/her head without seeing a wide array of media images. I tend to agree the fact that advertisements more often than not persuade us into buying things that we do not need.

Often it is difficult to discern what a product is from an advertisement. Advertisers prey on our basal emotions, conjuring strong relationships between our primary drives and their product names or logos. A prime example of this is perfume ads. In many of these types of advertisements there are women in compromising positions, but there is no mention of the actual product for sale. These ads draw us in and make us think that we can be better and more beautiful if we have the product.

In addition to being manipulative, advertisements also fill our environments and our consciousness. There is no taboo venue for advertisements; they fill our televisions, radios, streets and elevators. Some advertisers have even taken to placing images of their products in our urinals or on boxers’ bodies. It is impossible to get away from them. To illustrate this point, all one has to do is to pick up a popular magazine. While flipping through the pages, one will most likely find that for every page of content there are at least two pages of advertisements. It should also be noted that a significant portion of this so called “content” is actually advertising in disguise.

Finally, advertisements feed on our insecurities and often successfully convince us that we have no value to society without their products. Advertising was originally designed to showcase products and inform us as to how they can improve our lives. This harmless form has been replaced by a medium that viciously attacks our self-confidence and self-esteem.

In conclusion, I posit that the main goal of advertisements is to convince us to buy things that we do not need. As globalization continues to shrink the world, advertising coerces all countries to become consumer nations.


145. 广告是宣传无用之物还是宣传改善生活之物?






Word List

  • discern [diˈsə:n] v. 洞悉,辨别
  • illustrate [ˈiləˌstreit] v. 举例说明,阐明
  • prey on 捕食,掠夺
  • disguise [disˈgaiz] n. 伪装
  • manipulative [məˈnipjələtiv] adj. 操纵的,控制的
  • vicious [ˈviʃəs] adj. 恶意的
  • esteem [iˈsti:m] n. 尊敬,尊重
  • consciousness [ˈka:nʃəsnis] n. 意识
  • coerce [kəuˈə:s] v. 强制,强迫
  • taboo [təˈbu:] adj. 禁忌的,忌讳的

146. Leisure activities: outdoors or indoors?

When one lives in a seasonal environment it is difficult to deny that both outdoor and indoor activities have their place. As the seasons change, so does one’s mood. Certain activities become more or less appealing, depending on the weather and the length of the day.

Spring is a time of the year when the world starts to awaken from its winter slumber. The trees and flowers bloom, birds return from their migrations and there is a general sense of gaiety in the air. During this season, I enjoy going on long walks through parks and watching the world come alive.

Many consider summer to be the apex of the year. The city comes into full swing as the weather becomes warmer and warmer. During the summer, I prefer to spend the daytime anywhere that is air-conditioned. This can include the library, a shopping center or a movie theater. I often enjoy spending the warm evenings sitting on the wide balcony of my house and having drinks with my friends.

Fall, with the turning of the leaves and the intense heat of the summer dissipating, is another excellent time to go on long walks during the day. I love to be outside during fall and see the life of the city returning to its hibernation. Another reason to go outside during autumn is to savor the last days of warmth until the next year.

Winter brings the shortening of days and cooler weather. Outdoor activities tend to become less attractive and curling up on the couch with a good book becomes my favorite activity. It is not enjoyable to spend time outside if it is too cold. The only exception to this is the rare time I go skiing.

So, my decision to spend time indoors or outdoors is vastly dependent on the season. Different seasons call for different activities and therefore it is impossible to choose whether I would spend all of my leisure time indoors or outdoors.


146. 喜欢户外还是室内的休闲活动?







Word List

  • deny [diˈnai] v. 否认
  • dissipate [ˈdisəˌpeit] v. 消散
  • slumber [ˈslʌmbə] n. 睡眠
  • hibernation [ˌhaibəˈneiʃən] n. 冬眠
  • migration [maiˈgreiʃən] n. 迁徙
  • savor [ˈseivə] v. 尽情享受
  • gaiety [ˈgeiti] n. 欢乐的气氛
  • curl [kə:l] v. 蜷缩
  • apex [ˈeipeks] n. 顶点;高潮
  • exception [ikˈsepʃən] n. 例外
  • full swing 全力进行中;达到活动的高潮
  • skiing [ˈʃi:iŋ] n. 滑雪
  • balcony [ˈbælkəni] n. 阳台

147. The best way the school spends a gift of money

It is a very fortunate occurrence when a school receives a sizable grant.

School officials must make the difficult decision of where to allocate the funds, and I want to propose that spending the money on computers would be the most utilitarian decision.

Computers are rapidly growing in popularity, to such an extent that they affect all aspects of modern life. It is rare that one finds stimulating employment that does not require at least basic computer skills. If children are to become successful in today’s society, they must have understanding in this field. As computers are the future, it is important for students to become adept users early in life.

Not all children have equal opportunities to learn the important skills of using a computer. Many low-income families cannot afford to purchase such an expensive item, thus continuing a cycle of social immobility. Purchasing computers for public schools gives children from low-income families the opportunity to break out of this cycle. Finally computers allow students to access a wealth of information that could not possibly be stored in a library, or efficiently be kept up to date. One of the most common activities on a computer is”surfing” the Internet. The Internet is updated by literally billions of people every day, and therefore offers up any information that one could dream of. The Internet is also an excellent source of inspiration, as so many people that update it have incredible ideas.

In conclusion, I think that spending the grant money to buy new computers would be most beneficial for the entire school. With the addition of new computers, students will be able to get an edge on their peers at different schools, and be ready for university and the workforce. This is especially true for lowincome students. Computers allow students to expand their minds and think in a new, exciting way.


147. 学校利用捐款的最佳方式






Word List

  • occurrence [əˈkə:rəns] n. 事件
  • employment [emˈplɔimənt] n. 工作;职业
  • sizable [ˈsaizəbəl] adj. 相当大的
  • grant [grænt] n. 赠款
  • adept [əˈdept] adj. 熟练的
  • allocate [ˈæləˌkeit] v. 分配
  • immobility [iˌməuˈbiləti] n. 牢固
  • propose [prəˈpəuz] v. 建议;向…提议
  • access [ˈækses] v. 获得
  • utilitarian [ˌju:tiliˈtεəriən] adj. 实际的
  • up to date 最新的
  • aspect [ˈæspekt] n. 方面
  • inspiration [ˌinspəˈreiʃən] n. 灵感
  • stimulating [ˌstimjuˈleitiŋ]adj. 有刺激性的
  • get an edge on [俚] 胜过某人
  • peer [piə] n. 同等的人

148. Does playing games teach us about life?

Across the world many cultures have their own favored games. While most of these cultures created the games themselves, many of these games have similar attributes. One reason for this is that people everywhere find games entertaining. More importantly, however, games teach us about life, socialization, and how to work as a team, and how to win and lose gracefully.

One of the most important developments one can make in his personality is the ability to socialize well with others. Having a charismatic personality will take a person far in any field. Almost all games have socialization aspect deeply ingrained in them. Football and basketball both encourage a person to treat others with respect. This is known as having good sportsmanship. Of course respecting others is a social skill that we all must learn if we are to succeed in life.

Many popular sports involve a group of people, ranging from two people to twenty people working together as a team. In these situations it is always of utmost importance to be a team player. Of course in the business world being a “team player” has become a buzzword in most offices. Being a team player means that one should work well with others in the face of adversity. Team sports are full of challenges and obstacles that a team must overcome together.

Finally most sports teach a person the value of winning and loosing gracefully. In sports etiquette it would be incredibly uncouth to start crying or throw a tantrum if one were to lose a game. Likewise if one wins a game and gloats excessively in the face of their adversary, it is equally looked down upon. The same goes in “real life.” One must learn the subtleties of defeat and victory and learn to minimize their outward emotions.

In conclusion, I posit that games have much to teach us about life. To sum up they teach us how to work well with others. On a lighter note they also teach us how to have fun, which is an important life lesson in and of itself.


148. 体育运动教会我们如何生活吗?






Word List

  • attribute [əˈtribju:t] n. 特征
  • adversity [ædˈvə:siti] n. 逆境
  • entertaining [ˌentəˈteiniŋ] adj. 有趣的
  • obstacle [ˈa:bstəkəl] n. 障碍
  • socialization [ˌsəuʃəliˈzeiʃən] n. 社会化
  • etiquette [ˈetiˌket] n. 礼节
  • charismatic [ˌkærizˈmætik]adj. 有超凡魅力的
  • uncouth [ʌnˈku:θ] adj. 粗俗的
  • tantrum [ˈtæntrəm] n. 发怒
  • ingrained [inˈgreind] adj. 根深蒂固的
  • gloat [gləut] v. 心满意足
  • sportsmanship [ˈspɔ:tsmənˌʃip] n. 运动家精神
  • in the face of 当面
  • adversary [ˈædvəˌseri] n. 对手
  • utmost [ˈʌtˌməust] adj. 极度的
  • subtlety [ˈsʌtlti] n. 微妙
  • buzzword [ˈbʌzˌwə:d] n. 时髦词语;漂亮口号
  • posit [ˈpa:zit] v. 断定
  • to sum up 总之

149. How would you use some land given to you?

Living in a bustling city is very convenient at times. However, there is usually one thing lacking from these urban landscapes: trees, flowers, and greenery in general. If I received a portion of land in the city, I would transform it into a park. There are many reasons for doing this, as detailed below.

Firstly, a park would offer a much-needed relaxing place, which is usually few and far between in cities. Many people commute to the city for work, and find that the stress of their jobs, combined with the intensity of urban life, is very tiring. If one could walk through a park on one’s lunch break, she/he would go back to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. A park can also contain many plant species that are not prevalent in the surrounding environment. The calm, The second reason why I would build a park is for environmental reasons. Trees’ main function in the ecological cycle is to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen during a process known as photosynthesis. Almost all major cities have a problem with pollution, and every tree helps. In addition to cleaning the air, parks offer a habitat for many species of animals that would regularly not survive in an urban environment. Offering animals a place to live is a very noble thing to do.

Lastly, I believe that building a park would be making the best use of my property because it would create a community focal point. People from all over my neighborhood could wander through the beautiful landscape, conversing with each other and getting to know one another better. In my park I would also include benches and tables where people could have barbeques and picnics, or play social games such as chess or mahjong. I would also be inclined to include badminton nets, table tennis facilities and a football field for the more athletically inclined.

Thus, I believe that the most appropriate use of a piece of land in an urban environment would be to develop it into a green space. By doing this, one creates a location where community, serenity, and the interests of the environment are all taken care of.


149. 你将如何使用给你的土地?






Word List

  • bustling [ˈbʌsəliŋ] adj. 熙熙攘攘的
  • species [ˈspi:ʃiz] n. 种类
  • at times 有时
  • prevalent [ˈprevələnt] adj. 普遍的
  • urban [ˈə:bən] adj. 城市的
  • atmosphere [ˈætməˌsfiə] n. 空气
  • landscape [ˈlændskeip] n. 风景
  • flora [ˈflɔ:rə] n. 植物
  • greenery [ˈgri:nəri] n. 草木
  • ecological cycle 生态环境
  • a portion of 一块;一部分
  • photosynthesis [ˌfəutəuˈsinθisis]n. 光合作用
  • commute [kəˈmju:t]v. 每天
  • (乘火车)
  • 往返上班;focal point 焦点定期往返于两地间
  • barbeque [ˈba:bikju:] n. 烧烤;烤肉野餐
  • intensity [inˈtensiti] n. 强度
  • serenity [siˈreniti] n. 平静
  • rejuvenate [riˈdʒu:vəˌneit] v. 使恢复活力

150. Is watching television bad for children?

There is much conjecture over whether television is a positive or negative influence on a young child’s development. There is a good case to be made for either of these opinions; I believe that both could be true depending on the programming the children are absorbing.

Nature programs, documentaries and educational programming can expose children to a wide variety of useful information. When children watch these types of programs, they are more likely to become concerned about the world around them, whether in terms of environmental issues, political issues, or cultural issues. Watching educational television is an excellent method of helping young people discover where their interests lie. For example, if a child sees a documentary on space exploration, they might develop a passion for it and continue studying it later in life. A show that a person watched when they were a child could possibly have been a catalyst for choosing a career.

On the other hand, most cartoons, soap operas, or violent crime television shows are detrimental to a child’s development. Cartoons offer no useful information to a young person, and usually do not succeed in getting the child interested in anything except fantasy. Adult television, such as soap operas, can introduce children to subject matter that is not appropriate for their innocent minds, and can often cause children to grow up too fast. Violent television is perhaps most damaging for a young child to watch. It has been proven that if children watch violence on television when they are young, they become desensitized to it, and sometimes end up becoming violent adults.

In conclusion, I believe that the argument over whether watching TV is bad for children should definitely be swayed by what the children are viewing.

Educational television can be very beneficial to a young person. When this medium is used in such a way, new thoughts and ideas can be opened up to the young person. However, watching the wrong television shows can be very dangerous. Children can desensitize themselves to the world around them, and become antisocial, violent adults. I think the best situation is to ensure that parents monitor their children’s television shows very carefully. By using this method, children will receive all of the benefits of good television, while avoiding all of its negative aspects.


150. 看电视对儿童有害吗?





Word List

  • conjecture [kənˈdʒektʃə] n. 推测
  • catalyst [ˈkætlist] n. 催化剂
  • positive [ˈpa:zitiv] adj. 积极的
  • soap opera 肥皂剧
  • negative [ˈnegətiv] adj. 消极的
  • detrimental [ˌdetrəˈmentl] adj. 有害的
  • absorb [əbˈsɔ:b] v. 吸收
  • fantasy [ˈfæntəsi] n. 幻想
  • documentary [ˌda:kjəˈmentəri] n. 记录片
  • innocent [ˈinəsənt] adj. 纯真的
  • issue [ˈisu:] n. 问题
  • desensitize [ˌdi:ˈsensitaiz] v. 使不敏感
  • method [ˈmeθəd] n. 方式
  • medium [ˈmi:diəm] n. 媒体
  • exploration [ˌekspləˈreiʃən] n. 探险
  • antisocial [ˌæntiˈsəuʃəl] adj. 反社会的
  • passion [ˈpæʃən] n. 激情

151. What is the most important animal in your country?

Animals have the power to be iconic symbols for a country. Every country has its own symbolic animal, which is supposed to represent the values and ethics of that country. For example, Americans have enlisted the eagle as their national animal. The Germans represent themselves with the Black Bear. In China, however, our national animal is the Panda.

The Panda is a great source of pride in China. It is an animal that is on the verge of extinction; however, it has had a long and great history. Scientists have traced this curious creature’s roots back to the time of the dinosaurs, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Because of this long history, the Panda has lovingly been termed the “living fossil.” Today, scientists can study the panda and discover many interesting facts about the history of our planet and its habitats.

Another reason why the Panda is the animal ambassador for China is that it represents peace and friendship. In ancient times, a flag with a panda on it would be raised at the border between two countries to represent peace, love, unity and respect between the two neighbors. In modern society, China often offers a panda to a friendly country as a sign of kinship. For example, China has presented both the United States and Japan with pandas.

Finally, the history of pandas is profoundly intertwined with the history of China. In ancient times, emperors used to keep pandas as pets. These animals were seen as magical and mystical by all who knew them. Some emperors kept pandas to ward off evil spirits and also believed that they prevented natural disasters.

Thus, the giant, black and white panda is the national symbol of China. These graceful animals are a joy to all who see them, and are a source of pride for the Chinese. The government is so concerned about keeping these animals in existence that it is spending millions of dollars trying to determine how to artificially inseminate the giant panda. Hopefully, they will succeed and this animal will be on earth for another million years.


151. 贵国最重要的动物是什么?






Word List

  • iconic [aiˈka:nik] adj. 图标的
  • ambassador [æmˈbæsədə] n. 大使
  • symbol [ˈsimbəl] n. 象征
  • kinship [ˈkinˌʃip] n. 亲密关系
  • ethics [ˈeθiks] n. 道德规范
  • intertwine [ˌintəˈtwain] v. (使)缠绕
  • on the verge of 在…的边缘
  • magical [ˈmædʒikəl] adj. 不可思议的
  • extinction [iksˈtiŋkʃən] n. 灭绝
  • mystical [ˈmistikəl] adj. 神秘的
  • trace [treis] v. 追溯
  • ward off 挡住;防止
  • fossil [ˈfa:səl] n. 化石
  • artificially [ˌa:təˈfiʃəli] adv. 人工
  • habitat [ˈhæbitæt] n. 栖息地
  • inseminate [inˈseməˌneit] v. 向…授精

152. What natural resource that is disappearing needs to be saved?

The world’s resources are incredibly important, and as the world’s population grows higher and faster, it is difficult to hold on to these precious assets. While all resources have their own important uses, I believe that forests are the resource that we should be most concerned about preserving.

Trees provide three important functions in the ecosystem. First, they transpire water into the air, creating clouds, and therefore, rain. Without trees, this cycle is interrupted, and rainfall is drastically reduced to minimal levels. Second, trees hold topsoil in place and soften the impact of water on the ground. This is of utmost importance in rain forests, where decomposition is rapid and because of this, the layer of topsoil might only be five to ten centimeters deep. Finally, trees are important to the ecosystem because they protect streams from debris and silt. If the trees were all removed, there would be nothing holding back this dirt from our rivers, destroying the aquatic environment.

Trees also, of course, provide natural beauty to a country. This is very important for tourism, as many visitors enjoy going on long hikes through wooded areas, and taking in the beautiful scenery. If a country has no natural beauty, there will be little draw for tourists to come and visit. While cities can be exciting, most people are drawn to these natural jewels.

Forested area is also the main habitat for a plethora of animal species. In fact, most of the extinction and endangerment of animals today can be attributed to habitat destruction. If we continue our trend in deforesting the world, we will soon find ourselves living in a barren wasteland, with no wildlife to keep us company. The effects of the extinction of even one species of animal is yet unknown. Breaking the food chain on even one level might have profound ripples through all life on earth.


152. 哪种正在消失的自然资源需要保护?





Word List

  • assets [ˈæsets] n. 资源
  • debris [dəˈbri:] n. 碎石
  • ecosystem [ˈekəuˌsistəm] n. 生态系统
  • silt [silt] n. 泥沙
  • transpire [trænsˈpaiə] v. 蒸发
  • aquatic [əˈkwætik] adj. 水的;水生的
  • interrupted [ˌintəˈrʌptid] adj. 被中断的
  • hike [haik] n. 远足
  • drastically [ˈdræstikəli] adv. 激烈的
  • plethora [ˈpleθərə] n. 过多;过剩
  • topsoil [ˈta:pˌsɔil] n. 地表土
  • attribute [əˈtribju:t] v. 归因于
  • decomposition [di:ˌka:mpəˈziʃən] n. 分解;腐烂
  • barren [ˈbærən] adj. 荒芜的
  • ripple [ˈripəl] n. 波动;起伏

153. Does a zoo have no useful purpose?

Perhaps one of the most blameworthy factors that make some people raise the eyebrow to zoos and criticize that “A zoo has no useful purpose” is its exorbitant price to maintain. However, it is too hasty to say so, since most zoos have their significance, both educational and scientific.

Modern zoos act as centers of education and are designed to make learning about animals an interesting and enjoyable experience. They provide visitors with the chance to see rare creatures, such as tigers, zebras, penguins, and giant pandas, which come from many different parts of the globe. Zoos also introduce people to their own local wildlife, offering a valuable learning experience in an increasingly urban world. At the same time, most zoos provide educational programs aimed at a wide range of ages. A visit to a zoo provides children an opportunity to see and touch animals other than household pets. For older schoolchildren, many zoos conduct classes or day trips that focus on different aspects of animal biology and the impact of humans on animal life.

Modern zoos also have their scientific imports and can function as a sanctuary for endangered animals and therefore help maintaining ecosystems. In zoos scientists can create an animal population that can become self-sustaining in the wild. An example of a successful reintroduction to the wild is the Père David’s deer. This Asian deer was native to marshlands in northeast China before its habitat was destroyed more than 800 years ago and it became extinct in the wild. Since that time the species has been bred in zoos in China and later in Europe. In 1985 four Père David’ s deer were released to the wild in a protected animal reserve in China, where they are now breeding successfully.

On the other hand, some experts warn against placing too much reliance on zoos as biological “arks,” where species can be protected regardless of environmental changes outside. Critics warn that zoos, like all human institutions, are vulnerable to unforeseen events, such as disease, fires, and financial or social upheaval. More significantly, the number of species that zoos can protect is strictly limited. Today’s zoos are home to no more than a few thousand species— only a fraction of the world’s animal life. Zoos already have to perform a delicate balancing act between large, crowd-attracting animals and threatened animals that have less visitor appeal. During the 21st century, zoo experts will face even harder decisions about which species they can afford to save.


153. 动物园毫无用处吗?




Word List

  • blameworthy [ˈbleimˌwə:ði] adj. 该受到责备的
  • self-sustaining [ˌselfsəsˈteiniŋ]adj. 自给的
  • exorbitant [igˈzɔ:bitənt] adj. 昂贵的
  • Père David’s deer 麋鹿
  • penguin [ˈpeŋgwin] n. 企鹅
  • marshland [ˈma:ʃˌlænd] n. 沼泽
  • globe [gləub] n. 地球;世界
  • ark [a:k] n. 方舟
  • impact [ˈimˌpækt] n. 冲击;影响
  • vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbəl] adj. 脆弱的
  • sanctuary [ˈsæŋktjuˌeri] n. 避难所
  • upheaval [ʌpˈhi:vəl] n. 剧变

154. Is banning smoking in public places a good rule or a bad rule?

In spite of all of the known dangers of smoking, people all over the world continue to indulge in this terrible habit. By allowing people to partake in a cigarette whenever they please, the government is encouraging the smokers’ early death. Smoking should be made illegal in all public places as it is very dangerous to one’s health, it endangers the life of people who must work in smoky environments, and it makes it difficult for smokers to cut down on their nicotine intake, as they can smoke everywhere.

As mentioned above, there are a vast number of illnesses caused by cigarette smoke. The major disease caused by smoking is lung cancer. This particular type of cancer alone kills more people each year than any other illness. Not only is it associated with lung cancer, it is also associated with heart disease, birth defects and a host of other disorders. On a more aesthetic level, smoking yellows one’s teeth and hands, which makes him unattractive. Most people also find the smell of a smoker to be undesirable.

It is not only the smoker himself who is injured by his habit. People who must work in smoky environments, such as barmaids and waiters, are susceptible to all of the above-mentioned ailments. Also, the children and spouse of a smoker will be affected by the constant smoke in their environment, and will also be adversely affected. It is unfair for people to suffer for other’s bad habits. If one could only smoke in the privacy of one’s home, many lives would be saved.

Finally, it is important to disallow smokers to smoke in public because doing so increases their likelihood of smoking often. If a person must go into a private area to smoke, they would be less likely to do so. It is an inconvenience, and the smoker would therefore partake in a cigarette less often. In many places in the world, it is very cold in the winter. If a person had to smoke outside in these conditions, they would be far less likely to do so. This would eventually make it easier for the smoker to quit the habit.

Therefore, I believe that it would be beneficial for everyone if smokers were only allowed to have a cigarette while in private smoking areas. Enforcing this rule would save thousands of lives, and would also decrease the amount spent on health care dramatically.


154. 公共场合禁烟是好还是坏?





Word List

  • indulge in 沉湎于
  • susceptible [səˈseptəbəl] adj. 易得病的
  • partake [pa:ˈteik] v. 享受
  • ailment [ˈeilmənt] n. 疾病
  • nicotine [ˈnikəˌti:n] n. 尼古丁
  • inconvenience [ˌinkənˈvi:njəns] n. 麻烦
  • aesthetic [esˈθetik] adj. 审美的
  • dramatically [drəˈmætikəli] adv. 引人瞩目地
  • barmaid [ˈba:ˌmeid] n. 酒吧女招待

155. A plant that is important in your country

China’s culture has always had an intimate relationship with nature. This can be seen in many aspects of Chinese culture, from herbal medicines to intricate Chinese gardens. I believe that the most important plant in my culture is bamboo. Bamboo can be a source of nutrition, it can be used to build many things, from baskets to houses, and it has a large influence on history and arts in China. First and foremost, bamboo is a popular food in our country. Many people will add bamboo to their meals for its delicious flavor and nutritional value. Many animals also enjoy bamboo, the most famous being the Giant Panda. This bear is nearing extinction, and if the natural sources of bamboo were to disappear, the Panda would surely disappear from the world. In addition to being a source of food, bamboo has healing qualities as well. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve asthma, coughs, and gall bladder disorders.

Bamboo is a very versatile material that can be used to make numerous different items. It has been used in China for thousands of years to make baskets for carrying items, and for constructing buildings. Bamboo grows very, very quickly, and therefore, there is always a steady supply available for our consumption. It has also been used to make fans, furniture, and clothing.

Finally, bamboo is very important in the literary and artistic arenas in China, and has been since the first writings were recorded. Bamboo has been used in many Chinese arts: it has been used as a metaphor in literature, it has been used in the making of instruments and artistic implements, such as the bamboo flute or Chinese brushes. It is a prevalent theme in both visual and literary arts. In conclusion I posit that bamboo plays a significant role in the life and culture of Chinese people. It provides food and shelter, and is also a prominent symbol in the artistic world. The Chinese believe that bamboo brings good luck, which proves their admiration and fondness of this particular plant.


155. 贵国的一种重要植物






Word List

  • shelter [ʃeltə] n. 房屋
  • consumption [kənˈsʌmpʃən] n. 消费;消费量
  • intimate [ˈintəmit] adj. 亲密的
  • herbal medicine 中草药
  • arena [əˈri:nə] n. 舞台;领域
  • intricate [ˈintrikit] adj. 错综复杂的
  • metaphor [ˈmetəˌfɔ:] n. 隐喻
  • nutrition [nu:ˈtriʃən] n. 营养;营养学
  • literature [ˈlitərəˌtʃə] n. 文学(作品)
  • first and foremost 首先;首要的
  • implement [ˈimpləmənt] n. 工具;器具
  • flavor [ˈfleivə] n. 滋味
  • prevalent [ˈprevələnt] adj. 流行的;普遍的
  • healing [ˈhi:liŋ] adj. 有治疗功用的
  • asthma [ˈæzmə] n. 哮喘
  • prominent [ˈpra:mənənt] adj. 突出的;显著的
  • gall bladder 胆囊
  • versatile [ˈvə:sətəl] adj. 多方面的

156. A foreign country you would like to visit

The world is a vast and varied place. One could travel for a decade without seeing all of the sights the world has to offer. However, if I could travel anywhere in the world for two weeks, it would be Canada. Canada is a very beautiful country and it has a varied culture. Also, I am considering going to university in Canada, so it would be good for me to see what it is like before application.

Canada boasts that it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. In particular, Vancouver is very beautiful. The city is located right on the ocean, and there are enormous snow-tipped mountains surrounding the entire city. There are a multitude of beautiful parks to walk through, and very nice beaches. Vancouver, however, is not the only beautiful city in Canada. All across the country there are small, picturesque towns located on mountains and valleys. In general, Canada is an incredibly clean country, which also helps its beauty.

Canada also has a widely varied culture. Most people say the cultural apex of the country is in Montreal. This is one of the oldest cities in Canada, first colonized by the French. As such, the French influence is still quite prevalent in this city, and over half of the people living there speak both English and French. The architecture in Montreal is also quite beautiful.

The final reason why I would love to spend a two-week vacation in Canada is because I am considering attending one of the universities there for my bachelor’s degree. I think that it would be an excellent idea to go see the school, and perhaps even meet some of the professors that teach the courses I am interested in. It would also be beneficial for me to meet other students. By doing this, I could find out how good the programs at the school are, and if it is worthwhile to move across the world for.


156. 你想去游览的一个国家





Word List

  • decade [ˈdeˌkeid] n. 十年
  • apex [ˈeipeks] n. 最高点
  • boast [bəust] v. 以…而自豪
  • Montreal [ˌma:ntriˈɔ:l] n. 蒙特利尔
  • in particular 特别
  • colonize [ˈka:ləˌnaiz] v. 殖民;拓殖
  • vancouver [vænˈku:və] n. 温哥华
  • prevalent [ˈprevələnt] adj. 普遍的
  • multitude [ˈmʌltiˌtu:d] n. 大量;众多
  • architecture [ˈa:kiˌtektʃə] n. 建筑
  • picturesque [ˌpiktʃəˈresk] adj. 独特的

157. Studying at home by using technology or at traditional schools?

The technology industry is growing at a faster rate as each year passes by. With a relatively inexpensive computer and a web camera, it is now possible for one to have a videoconference with one’s friends and colleagues. Students will soon be presented with the opportunity to study from home. However, I believe that attending a traditional school is greatly preferable to learning in a virtual classroom. Traditional schools allow the student to socialize, they give the student direct access to the teacher, and they prepare the student for the environment of the working world.

Many people say that they met their best friends while attending high school. These friendships were solidified over spending hours and hours in the same classrooms together, and working together on group projects. While it is conceivable that students studying from home would meet each other over the Internet, the bonds that are formed in classrooms cannot be replaced.

Forming personal relationships with one’s teachers is also an excellent idea that would be difficult to realize if one did not attend classes. Most of our relationships with our teachers are formed by interaction both in the classroom, and outside it. For example, if a student was constantly at school, either working in the library, or perhaps eating lunch in the cafeteria, it is more than possible that he/she would converse with his/her teachers on many occasions. Developing a relationship with one’s teacher is important as it helps one to build his/her business network.

Traditional schools also have the advantage of training students for “the real world.” If a student never has to work with others on a project, or report to his/her teachers, he/she will not have a very good grasp as to what it means to work in a team environment or respect authority. The way that school operates forces students to develop these important skills.

In conclusion, I think it would be much more beneficial for all students to attend traditional schools rather than study at home. Attending a school helps students to develop the necessary social skills needed to survive in today’s fast

pace world.


157. 在家通过高科技学习还是去学校学习?





Word List

  • videoconference [ˈvidiəuˌka:nfərəns] n. 视频会议
  • conceivable [kənˈsi:vəbəl]adj. 可想象的;可能的
  • colleague [ˈka:lˌi:g] n. 同事
  • interaction [ˌintərˈækʃən] n. 相互作用
  • preferable [ˈprefərəbəl] adj. 更可取的
  • cafeteria [ˈkæfiˈtiəriə] n. 自助餐厅
  • virtual [ˈvə:tjuəl] adj. 虚拟的
  • converse with 谈话;交谈
  • socialize [ˈsəuʃəˌlaiz] v. 使社会化
  • grasp [græsp] n. 了解
  • solidify [səˈlidəˌfai] v. 巩固
  • authority [ɔ:ˈθɔ:riti] n. 权威人士

158. Should we pay attention to the opinions of famous people?

It is only in the last hundred years that the”star” phenomenon was born. Prior to 1900, there were no famous entertainers in today’s sense. Fame was held for political officers. However, today, the people who appear before us either on a court, a stage, a field or a screen, are in fact more famous than many political officers. Many people listen to these famous people and act as if their word was gospel. However, I do not think this is correct behavior.

Stars should be treated with respect, but their opinions should not count for any more than a regular person’s opinion. Becoming a star does not automatically endow a person with limitless knowledge. Stars must do research to form their opinions, just like the rest of us. It is no more or less likely that a star will have a valid opinion on a subject than a friend from school.

In many cases, when stars state their opinions, they are not telling the world how they truly feel. Many famous people will only make announcements that their publicists have approved. Therefore, in many cases, it is not the stars’ opinions that we are hearing at all, but in fact, that of the corporations that they work for.

I believe that the only time that we should really value the opinion of what a star has to say more than we value others’ opinions is when the star is talking about a subject that he/she specializes in. For example, if a basketball player is giving his/her opinion on how his/her team will do in the play-offs, then one should probably take the opinion to heart. Everyone has his/her own field of expertise. If stars, or regular persons for that matter, are talking about their professions, they are bound to have extensive knowledge on the subject.

In conclusion, I do not think that we should listen to the opinions of stars unless they are speaking on a matter that they specialize in.”Regular people” have just as well thought out knowledgeable opinions as the stars, sometimes even more so. Unfortunately, many young adults idolize these stars and believe everything they say. Because of this, it is important for stars to be careful about passing on inaccurate information.


158. 我们应该在意名人的观点吗?





Word List

  • phenomenon [fiˈna:məˌnən] n. 现象
  • publicist [ˈpʌblisist] n. 公共关系顾问
  • prior to 在…之前
  • expertise [ˌekspə:ˈti:z] n. 专门技能;专门知识
  • entertainer [entəˈteinə] n. 演艺人员
  • fame [feim] n. 名声;名望
  • knowledgeable [ˈna:lidʒəbəl] adj. 知识渊博的
  • gospel [ˈga:spəl] n. 真理
  • endow [enˈdau] v. 赋予
  • idolize [ˈaidlˌaiz] v. 极度崇拜
  • valid [ˈvælid] adj. 正确的

159. What is the change that should be remembered about the twentieth century?

In the last century, the speed at which technology is developing has increased at a phenomenal rate. If someone living one hundred years ago could see the world today, they would think they were peering onto the set of a science fiction movie. Of all of the inventions created in this time period, I believe that the computer and the Internet should be remembered above all others.

The first reason why I believe that the computer and the Internet are so important to history is because they allows, for the first time ever, all of the people in the world to share their information. If I can speak Italian, I can access all of the websites from Italy. If I have a working knowledge of Japanese, the wealth of Japan’s information is at my fingertips. The Internet connects people and ideas, therefore allowing everyone to increase his/her knowledge.

The computer also allows us to make complex calculations with the greatest of ease. A century ago, it would have taken an experts ten months to work out some of the more intricate problems that math and science provide us with. However, with computers, these problems are solved within seconds. Computers also speed up other aspects of our lives. Most young people living in developed nations can type faster than they can handwrite. This, of course, speeds up the education process as well as the business world.

Finally, the computer and the Internet are very important to the twentieth century because of its effect on the entertainment industry. Computers have allowed for complex video games to be created, which are the current craze in most cultures. Teenagers everywhere spend countless hours playing these games, and gain great enjoyment from them. For those not interested in video games, the computer has also allowed for great advances in the movie industry. Special effects are now commonplace in every modern movie we watch. They make movies more realistic and exciting.

In brief, I believe that when future generations look back on the twentieth century’s inventions, they will be most impressed with the computer and the Internet, as it has changed the way we view the world and interact with each other.


159. 20世纪中哪项转变应该被铭记?






Word List

  • phenomenal [fiˈna:mənəl] adj. 出众的;非常的
  • intricate [ˈintrikit] adj. 复杂的;难以理解的
  • peer [piə] v. 凝视;盯着看
  • craze [kreiz] n. 狂热
  • science fiction movie 科幻电影
  • provide with 给…提供
  • access [ˈækses] v. 访问
  • realistic [riəˈlistik] adj. 现实的
  • website [ˈwebˌsait] n. 网站

160. Complain in writing or in person?

When we finally find out a service or a product that failed to satisfy us, we have to complain. Occasionally, we can choose whether to make an argument face-to-face or in writing, but usually we have no choice. We have to make our case in person if we need a personal touch or have no time to write; we have to write if we can’t meet the right person to complain.

Writing has its advantages: when we write, we can better control the flow of our ideas, explain complex issues patiently, and convey our feeling of troubles that the poor products have brought explicitly and accurately. On the other hand, writing also has disadvantages: we may lack of a sense of what the readers are like—amiable or prickly, generous or difficult—and we can’t respond immediately to their doubts, questions, or misunderstandings. When we write, we also lose one way to get the reader to take our argument seriously: face-to-face, we can draw others into it with our body language, the passion in our voice, even the look in our eyes. If, for example, I ran into a dean after a bad experience at the student health service, I could visibly communicate my frustration right there, and the dean would probably respond more intently than if he/she were in his/her office reading an angry letter.

For common trivial problems, I’d prefer to complain in person, which is more direct than in writing. To a large extent, to complain in a right way is a pure skill, if properly handled, problems can be solved without any quarrel, because appropriate courtesy is always appreciated. On the contrary, if the problem or issue is fairly critical, I’d prefer to write a specific piece to complain, for complex issues often deserve careful thinking.


160. 书面投诉还是当面投诉?




Word List

  • satisfy [ˈsætisˌfai] v. 使满意
  • dean [di:n] n. 院长
  • convey [kənˈvei] v. 传达
  • visibly [ˈvizibəli] adv. 显然
  • explicitly [ikˈsplisitli] adv. 明白地
  • frustration [frʌˈstreiʃən] n. 失望
  • accurately [ˈækjəritli] adv. 准确地
  • intently [inˈtentli] adv. 专注地;专心地
  • amiable [ˈeimjəbəl] adj. 和蔼的
  • courtesy [ˈkə:tisi] n. 礼貌
  • prickly [ˈprikli] adj. 易怒的
  • critical [ˈkritikəl] adj. 严重的

161. Why people remember special gifts they have received?

One custom that is prevalent in all societies around the globe is that of giftgiving. This is a time-honored tradition in all countries, and evokes different feelings or emotions in all of us. Gift-giving has many different functions in Chinese culture. One can receive a gift as a token of affection, or one can receive or give a gift to stimulate business opportunities. In both of these cases, the gifts are always well received, and serve the function of a memento.

Perhaps the most common situation in which a gift is given is on a special day, for example, one’s birthday or an anniversary. These gifts come to a person from loved ones, and usually symbolize affection or admiration. These gifts can be large or small. For example, my father bought me a digital camera for my last birthday. This was a great present, and was quite expensive. I did not appreciate the gift because of its monetary value, however. I valued it because it was a very thoughtful gift, as my father knew I was interested in photography. Other gifts have less monetary value, but are still just as meaningful. An example of this is when a boyfriend buys flowers for his girlfriend. The flowers do not cost a lot of money, but they evoke feelings of happiness and love.

Gifts can also be given to stimulate business. For example, many businessmen in China will take their most important clients on a special vacation to see the sights of another city. This trip does not relate directly to business, as in many cases, the business at hand is not discussed. Instead, the businessman will offer such a trip as a token of trust and respect. The client appreciates this gesture, as it shows him/her that the businessman is serious about work, and values him/her as a customer.

In both of these cases, the gifts signify to the receiver that he/she is cared about and is important. It is always a treat to receive a gift, and most people view this as a sign of friendship. Gifts serve as mementos of the people who give them, which is why we hold them in special places in our hearts.


161. 人们为什么会对特殊的礼物记忆犹新?





Word List

  • prevalent [ˈprevələnt] adj. 普遍的
  • anniversary [ˌænəˈvə:səri] n. 周年纪念
  • time-honored [ˈtaimˌa:nəd] adj. 历史悠久的
  • admiration [ˌædməˈreiʃən] n. 钦佩
  • digital camera 数码相机
  • evoke [iˈvəuk] v. 唤起;引起
  • monetary [ˈma:niˌteri] adj. 货币的;金钱的
  • affection [əˈfekʃən] n. 友爱;爱情
  • stimulate [ˈstimjəˌleit] v. 促进
  • photography [fəˈta:grəfi] n. 摄影;摄影术
  • memento [meˈmentəu] n. 纪念品
  • symbolize [ˈsimbəˌlaiz] v. 作为…的象征
  • gesture [ˈdʒestʃə] n. 表示

162. Do famous athletes and entertainers deserve high salaries?

There are many famous entertainers and athletes who gross millions of dollars every year. I tend to believe that they in a sense do deserve such high paying salaries. Being a famous entertainer or athlete requires copious amounts of hard work. This job also forces one to give up all of their privacy. Moreover, working in these fields means that one must be the very best.

To become famous, whether in the sports industry or the movie industry, takes a lot of hard work. One must train for years and years to make it to the level of a professional. Not only is this tiring, it also costs a lot of money. If one hopes to reach the level of a superstar, he/she must spend money on training and bettering himself/herself. This is not an easy lifestyle, and requires dedication, which many people do not have.

Second, these stars deserve to make a lot of money because they must give up their privacy to serve the public. As soon as stars leave their homes, they are subjected to constantly being pestered by people who want their autograph or want to take pictures of them. Famous people must undergo the intense scrutiny of the media; television and newspaper reporters take note of every action these people do, and publicize it. Again, this is a difficult lifestyle to lead, as one must constantly be careful of what one says in public.

Finally, working in these industries means that one was born with natural talent. They have harnessed a skill that very few others can call upon. If there were no people in society who could play such a role, the entertainment industry would quickly fall into oblivion. We need these people’s skills to entertain us.

In conclusion, I think that famous athletes and movie stars deserve their pay.

While it seems like too much money when we first hear how much they make, after careful consideration, we realize that they must put a lot of work into their careers, much more than ordinary people do in many cases.


162. 有名的运动员和艺人应该拿高薪吗?






Word List

  • athlete [ˈæθˌli:t] n. 运动员
  • dedication [ˌdediˈkeiʃən] n. 奉献
  • entertainer [entəˈteinə] n. 演艺人员
  • pester [ˈpestə] v. 纠缠
  • salary [ˈsæləri] n. 薪水
  • autograph [ˈɔ:təgræf] n. 亲笔签名
  • gross [grəus] v. 总共赚得
  • intense [inˈtens] adj. 极端的
  • in a sense 在某种意义上
  • scrutiny [ˈskru:tni] v. 详细审查
  • copious [ˈkəupiəs] adj. 丰富的
  • media [ˈmi:diə] n. 媒体
  • privacy [ˈpraivəsi] n. 隐私
  • oblivion [əˈbliviən] n. 遗忘

163. Is literacy more important today than in the past?

As the world becomes smaller and smaller due to the process of globalization, it becomes more and more important that everyone learns how to read and write. If one is to keep up with the fast pace of the world, literacy skills are of utmost importance.

Technology is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. Computers, and the Internet, have become common terms in almost all nations in the world. If one wants to be able to communicate with others using this efficient method, one must learn the basics of reading and writing. The objects we have in our home are also becoming increasingly more complicated. For example, if one wants to use a DVD player with their television, one must be able to read the manual to learn how to work it. Even the most basic technologies come with an instruction guide: if one is unable to read, they will constantly be struggling to figure out how to work these technologies. As mentioned above, the world is becoming much smaller. More people are finding it necessary to leave their homes in small towns and villages, moving to the big cities where there is more opportunity. Some of these people find it quite difficult to navigate around the city, as one must know how to read in order to understand the street signs. If one cannot find the place where one has to report for work, it would be very difficult to make a living.

Finally and perhaps most importantly, being able to read and write gives us the opportunity to think for ourselves. Wherever we are, people in authority positions tell us what we should believe. However, in many cases, it is not in our best interest to follow the leader’s ideas. People must learn to read and then examine the information for themselves. This is the only way that culture can evolve.

Therefore, I think the skills of reading and writing are of vast importance, no matter where one lives in the world. The world population will continue to grow, and the only way to keep ahead is to learn to read and write.


163. 读写能力今天比过去更重要吗?






Word List

  • due to 因为
  • instruction [inˈstrʌkʃən] n. 指示;用法说明
  • process [prəˈses] n. 过程
  • globalization [ˌgləubəlaiˈzeiʃən] n. 全球化
  • navigate [ˈnæviˌgeit]v. 驾驶
  • make a living 谋生
  • literary [ˈlitəˌreri] adj. 文化的;文学的
  • authority [əˈθɔriti] n. 权威
  • complicated [ˈka:mpliˌkeitid] adj. 复杂的
  • evolve [iˈva:lv] v. (使)
  • 发展
  • manual [ˈmænjuəl] n. 手册;指南
  • population [ˌpa:pjəˈleiʃən] n. 人口

164. What do you do for good health?

Scientists have discovered that one of the main methods of prolonging a person’s life is to keep healthy. There are many different methods to keep in good shape, and one must choose those that are most appropriate for their own lifestyle. Personally, in order to keep healthy, I eat well, exercise, and get lots of rest.

Eating well is an excellent way to keep healthy. If one is constantly drinking pop or eating fried foods, they will not be able to keep a healthy weight. One must eat lots of vegetables and fruit, and stay away from all foods that are high in cholesterol. In order to maintain a low level of cholesterol in my diet, I tend to eat more fish rather than heavier meats. Fish is much healthier than red meat, and I find it much tastier as well.

Exercising is also very important to leading a healthy lifestyle. One should exercise for at least half an hour, three to four times a week. Exercise can include anything from going to the gym to “work out”, to going on a long walk around the city. If I am particularly busy, I will walk up the stairs to my apartment rather than taking the elevator. This provides me with the minimum amount of exercise necessary to stay fit.

The third thing I do to keep healthy is sleep well and often. I typically sleep for approximately eight and a half hours every night. Sleep is very important, as your body uses this rest time to heal itself. If one tries to live for long periods of time without sleep, they will quickly become haggard and disheveled. Sleep is absolutely necessary for a healthy life.

In conclusion, I find that eating well, exercising and sleeping often is the best way for me to keep healthy. If a person can change their lifestyle and incorporate these three ideas, they will be much better off for it. A person who leads a healthy lifestyle will be less likely to get sick, and they will live longer.


164. 为了健康,你做些什么?






Word List

  • prolong [prəˈlɔ:ŋ] v. 延长
  • minimum [ˈminəməm] adj. 最小的;最少的
  • pop [pa:p] n. 汽水
  • fried [fraid] adj. 油炸的
  • approximately [əˈpra:ksimətli] adv. 大约
  • cholesterol [kəˈlestərɔ:l] n. 胆固醇
  • haggard [ˈhægəd] adj. 憔悴的
  • work out 锻炼;运动
  • disheveled [diˈʃevəld] adj. 不整洁的
  • elevator [ˈeləˌveitə] n. 电梯
  • incorporate [inˈkɔ:pəreit] v. 结合;合并

165. What is one thing you will do to improve your community?

Fostering a sense of community in one’s neighborhood is an excellent idea. When one knows one’s neighbors, one can easily ask for favors or opinions on community issues. I think that if I were to spend a number of hours each week helping out my community, I would offer free computer lessons.

If one hopes to succeed in business, it is of utmost importance that they learn how to use a computer. Most decent jobs require at least a basic amount of computer skills. By helping members of my community to get well-paying jobs, I would be helping out the community at large. If my neighbors have more disposable income, it is likely that they will give some money back to the community to improve all of our living situations.

Second, offering free computer lessons to neighbors would increase friendly dispositions between all members in the community. If neighbors meet each other during lesson times, it is more than possible that they will become friends. Many people meet their best friends during the educational process. This socialization could continue during my computer course, thus increasing the friendly atmosphere of the community.

Finally, helping members of the community learn to use a computer would allow them to have more fun. There are many entertaining activities one can occupy one’s time with on the computer. The computer also offers the user the opportunity to “surf the Internet”, which can be a great way to spend one’s time. For example, a person can download movies from the Internet, which can be watched on lazy summer evenings, or cold winter nights.

Thus, I think that offering computer lessons to those in my community would be an excellent way to volunteer my time. Computers improve people’s living situations in so many ways, and I would love to be a part of this process.


165. 你会做什么事来改善社区?






Word List

  • foster [ˈfɔ:stə] v. 培养
  • disposition [ˌdispəˈziʃən] n. 意向;倾向
  • utmost [ˈʌtˌməust] adj. 极度的
  • socialization [ˌsəuʃəlaiˈzeiʃən] n. 社会化
  • decent [ˈdi:sənt] adj. 体面的
  • atmosphere [ˈætməˌsfiə] n. 气氛
  • at large 整个的;全部的
  • entertaining [ˌentəˈteiniŋ] adj. 有趣的
  • disposable [diˈspəuzəbəl] adj. 可任意使用的
  • volunteer [ˌva:lənˈtiə] v. 自愿提供

166. What events make a person an adult?

People have many different ways expressing, celebrating and legislating our passage from childhood into adulthood. I believe that there is no single moment that defines when a child becomes an adult . Becoming an adult is based on a variety of events, namely, when one’s body changes, when one’s mind expands, and when one accumulates experiences.

Small children are usually referred to as cherub like. They are all beautiful with rosy cheeks, bright eyes, and tender skin. As a child grows into an adolescent, they grow taller, but their frames remain quite small. Once a youth grows from an adolescent to an adult, frames develop substantially. Their shoulders broaden and they are able to form defined muscles. This physical change is the most obvious sign of a child becoming an adult.

The second modification that occurs is the expansion of one’s mind. When one is an adult, they are able to comprehend much more advanced thought processes. They start to be able to think for themselves, and make decisions that are best for them. Children are not capable of making complex decisions regarding their lives or their future. They do not have a mind capable of carefully weighing all of the options and deducing the right choice.

This expansion of the mind is a result of the numerous experience a person has on his/her way to becoming an adult. As one moves through the world, they gather important information about how the world works. This information becomes one’s personal database of knowledge: such a database is absolutely necessary if one is to grow past childhood. The experiences of which I speak are the happenings in our day-to-day lives. We are constantly placed in situations where we must choose one path or another. Of course, one will make mistakes along the way. These mistakes are an important learning tool, which help us become wise adults.

In conclusion, children become adults when they have sufficiently matured. Their bodies, their minds, and the number of experiences they have had must grow. Once this process is complete, they can rightfully claim to be adults.


166. 什么事标志一个人成为成年人?






Word List

  • ceremony [ˈserəˌməuni] n. 典礼;仪式
  • expansion [ikˈspænʃən] n. 扩展
  • legislate [ˈledʒisˌleit] v. 通过立法
  • comprehend [ˌka:mpriˈhend] v. 领会;理解
  • a variety of 许多
  • accumulate [əˈkju:mjəˌleit] v. 积累
  • weigh [wei] v. 权衡
  • cherub [ˈtʃerəb] n. 小天使
  • deduce [diˈdu:s] v. 推论;演绎出
  • adolescent [ˌædlˈesənt] n. 青少年
  • sufficiently [səˈfiʃəntli] adv. 十分地;充分地
  • frame [freim] n. 体格
  • substantially [səbˈstænʃəli] adv. 充分地
  • mature [məˈtjuə] v. 使成熟
  • modification [ˌma:dəfiˈkeiʃən]n. 更改;改变

167. Should school buy computers or books?

There are many difficult decisions that school supervisors must make in order to ensure the success of their students. One of these decisions is how to spend money when it is available. Quite often, extra funds are spent on either computers or books. Given the choice, I believe that money is best spent on computers.

New technology is being created faster and faster. Each year, IBM develops a new”super computer” that is hundreds of times faster than the previous model. With this constantly changing technology, it is easy for schools to be left behind because they cannot afford new gear. Students deserve to learn on the best technology available, so schools should always upgrade their computers whenever possible.

Computers also offer students a wealth of information, perhaps more than books can provide. It is now possible to buy e-books, dictionaries and encyclopedias for a computer. These computer versions of popular research tools are much better than their hardcover predecessors. For example, a computer encyclopedia takes up no space in the library, it allows students to access the information instantly, and it is much more cost effective than buying the entire series on paper. Also, the Internet allows students to find information on anything their hearts desire.

Finally, spending school funds on computers is more beneficial than spending money on books because computers prepare the students for the working world. In today’s society, to attain a high paying position in a company it is necessary to have basic computer skills. If students do not have the ability to learn such skills, they will be left behind while others succeed in their place.

Accordingly, I feel it is better for schools to spend money on computers rather than books. In addition to the reasons listed above, it is important to note that most major cities have extensive libraries that a local school would be hardpressed to match. However, libraries frequently do not house computers, and if they do, they are constantly in use by other patrons. In many cases, the only chance a young person has to use a computer is at his/her school.


167. 学校应该买电脑还是书籍?






Word List

  • supervisor [ˈsju:pəˌvaizə] n. 管理人
  • hardcover [ˈha:dˌkʌvə] adj. 精装的
  • extra [ˈekstrə] adj. 额外的
  • predecessor [ˈprediˌsesə] n. 前辈;前任
  • gear [giə] n. 设备
  • access [ˈækses] v. 访问;存取
  • accordingly [əˈkɔ:diŋli] adv. 从而;因此
  • upgrade [ˈʌpˌgreid] v. 使升级;提升
  • patron [ˈpeitrən] n. 顾客
  • encyclopedia [enˌsaikləˈpi:diə] n. 百科全书

168. Why do some students study abroad?

Choosing which university to attend is a big decision for a young person to make. Some students prefer to stay near their homes, and live with their parents while at school. Others choose to move far away to a different country for their education. I believe that latter students choose to move away to experience a new culture, to learn a new language, or to go to a specific university that specializes in their field of study.

Moving to a new country is an eye-opening experience. The way society works in other cultures is very different from one’s own. For example, I had a friend who went to school in Canada. She constantly told me stories about the differences in the food, the architecture, and the way people treat each other. One cannot fully understand his/her own culture until he/her has compared it with another that is vastly different. For this reason, moving to a new country to go to school can be of great importance for students who wish to study international relations.

When one moves to a new country, it is much easier to learn the language of that country. For example, my friend who moved to Canada studied English for years before her departure. While she could express herself, she never fully mastered the language. However, upon her return, I was shocked and amazed at her new level of English. She was completely fluent, and thus gained a great new skill because she studied abroad.

The last reason why students choose to study abroad is because in some cases, doing so is the only way to enter the program one is interested in. For example, if one wants to study marine biology, it would be best if he/she went to a university that was located near the ocean. Also, some schools are known to be the best in a particular field. For instance, in America, Harvard is known to be the best school for law. So, I believe that students study away because they are interested in learning about new cultures, learning new languages, or studying specific programs. While there are many excellent reasons to study in one’s home country, studying abroad can offer many new and exciting experiences.


168. 为什么一些学生出国留学?






Word List

  • specific [spiˈsifik] adj. 特定的
  • departure [diˈpa:tʃə] n. 启程;出发
  • specialize [ˈspeʃəˌlaiz] v. 专门研究
  • be amazed at 吃惊于…
  • architecture [ˈa:kiˌtektʃə] n. 建筑
  • fluent [ˈflu:ənt] adj. 流利的
  • compared with 与…比较
  • marine [məˈri:n] adj. 海洋的
  • international [ˌintəˈnæʃənəl] adj. 国际的
  • biology [baiˈa:lədʒi] n. 生物学

169. Why is music important to many people?

Music exists all around the world in thousands of forms and manifestations.

It spans time and geography as an ever-present theme in the lives of all people.

There is no culture without some form of music; from primitive man to the modern urban inhabitants, and from Tibet to New York City. Musicians come from all walks of life and express their emotions and their experiences, so that they may be shared with their community or even the world.

Different emotions call for different music. This idea is well illustrated by theatrical scoring and movie soundtracks. There is music that we listen to when we are sad, when we are happy, when we are angry, etc.. Music works with our emotions, and helps us to deal with the highs and lows of life. I believe that if there was no music, that man would live a much more stressful, embittered existence.

At different ages we develop tastes for different types of music. Some people feel that as one matures they appreciate more complicated themes, styles and emotions in their music. For example, many young people today enjoy pop music, while their parents prefer to listen to classical music. Perhaps this is because young people are full of energy and therefore enjoy faster music. Their parents, on the other hand, have enough excitement during the day, and would therefore prefer to listen to music that is more soothing.

As our world changes, different styles of music become more appropriate and more relevant. For example, as we become more and more technologically inclined, the music we listen to has followed the same trend. Young people today are currently experimenting with electronic music because of this. Musical instruments also advance technologically as time passes. In the last few decades, man has invented both the electric guitar and the synthesizer, which has revolutionized music around the world.

A person’s choice in music is highly individualistic. Even family members can sometimes not agree on what the best type of music is. Through thousands of years of evolution, music has become one of man’s greatest companions. It can help people to celebrate their joy, and it consoles people when they are depressed.


169. 音乐何以对人们非常重要?






Word List

  • manifestation [ˌmænəfeˈsteiʃən] n. 表现形式
  • embitter [emˈbitə] v. 使痛苦
  • soothing [ˈsu:ðiŋ] adj. 起安慰镇静作用的
  • span [spæn] v. 跨越
  • primitive [ˈprimitiv] adj. 原始的;远古的
  • inclined [inˈklaind] adj. 倾向…的
  • inhabitant [inˈhæbitənt] n. 居民
  • synthesizer [ˈsinθiˌsaizə] n. 电子合成器
  • Tibet [təˈbet] n. 西藏
  • individualistic [ˌindiˌvidʒuəˈlistik] adj. 个人主义的
  • walk of life 行业;职业
  • illustrate [ˈiləˌstreit] v. 阐明
  • evolution [ˌevəˈlu:ʃen] n. 发展;演变
  • theatrical [θiˈætrikəl] adj. 戏剧的
  • console [ˈka:nˌsəul] v. 安慰;籍慰
  • work with 对. . . 起作用

170. Why are groups or organizations important to people?

It was said that human beings are social animals. Some might argue human beings should be not called animals, but it’s true that human beings are social. Therefore, it’s of no surprise that groups or organizations are almost an indispensable part of most people’s lives.

Most people are afraid of being alone, and for them, being with others is one of the most natural needs. Being a member of a group is comfortable. If an individual has gone so far as to being considered isolated, rumors arise. Others might ponder: what is the matter with that solitary individual? No one would like to be wondered about that way. Being a member of a group is also interesting. Every one has his/her own special means to pursue happiness, for example, he/ she might be keen on music concerts, or be fond of stamps collecting. By joining a special interest group on his/her pet topic, he/she can easily find many people whose interests are similar to his/her, and can share his/her pleasure with those who can really appreciate it in a proper way.

Many people find group or organizations are essential because they know a simple and neverchanged fact that every single individual on this Earth has only limited resources. Groups or organizations are always the best choice for an individual to emancipate himself/herself from limitation. By joining a group, an individual is able to share his/her limited resource with others, and share others’ resources in turn, therefore is virtually able to reach a much larger amount of resources. The most popular resource-sharing activities exist in the Internet. There are numerous BBS on almost every particular topic on various websites, which always makes copious valuable materials readily reachable. No matter what a person is interested in, for example, music, movie, books, or whatever, he/she will find a right group to join on the internet.

In fact, any individual in a sense exists in a certain group: either he/she is a member of some groups, or he/she is a leader of a group. Either way, the group is critical to him/her. People cannot achieve greatness solely by themselves, regardless of their status in the group; they need others, for help, for support, and many other things, since nobody is entirely independent and omnipotent.


170. 为什么团体和组织对人们是重要的?





Word List

  • indispensable [ˌindiˈspensəbl] adj. 不可缺少的
  • essential [iˈsenʃəl] adj. 基本的
  • emancipate [iˈmænsəˌpeit] v. 释放;解放
  • isolated [ˈaisəˌleitid] adj. 孤立的
  • rumor [ˈru:mə] n. 谣言
  • virtually [ˈvə:tjuəli] adv. 事实上
  • ponder [ˈpa:ndə] v. 考虑;沉思
  • copious [ˈkəupjəs] adj. 很多的;丰富的
  • solitary [ˈsa:liˌteri] adj. 孤独的
  • solely [ˈsəulli] adv. 独自地;单独地
  • pursue [pəˈsu:] v. 追寻
  • omnipotent [a:mˈnipətənt] adj. 无所不能的
  • be keen on 喜爱

171. What would you take when preparing for a one-year trip in addition to personal necessities?

During the planning of an extended trip away from home, we have to decide what items to carry with us. While considering this problem I pondered many possibilities, such as a family photo album, my journal, my music collection and many others. Finally I realized that the best thing for me to bring on an extended journey would be my laptop.

A laptop computer can act as a journal. In fact it can outperform a journal in its abilities to catalogue experiences. With this added functionality, I could add pictures, captured with the web cam and sounds, captured with the builtin microphone, to the text. As there is a diverse range of software available for computers, there is an added possibility of loading my experiences on to a web page and publishing them on the Internet.

While traveling or living abroad, it is often necessary to communicate with loved ones or business colleagues. In spite of the ever-decreasing cost of international calls, long distance telephone bills can quickly add up. Once again a laptop computer has the ability of solving this problem. With a relatively inexpensive Internet connection, a person can harness one of the most powerful attributes of a computer: communication. This form of communication adds the extra abilities of being able to see the person you are contacting and allow people to share files, information and even programs. A new city can be a lonely place and it can take a significant amount of time to adjust to a new environment and make friend. During such a transitional period, it can be very helpful for one to have access to entertainment: reading a book as an e-book, playing a video game, or watching a DVD, all of which can be done on a laptop. Entertaining oneself can also be a marvelous way to pass the time on a long bus ride or flight.

Hence, I posit that a laptop is the ultimate travel companion, whether for a short journey or an extended voyage. Personal computer seems to solve many of the problems that arise from travel.


171. 外出一年,除生活必须品外你会带上一件什么东西随行?






Word List

  • laptop [ˈlæpˌta:p] n. 便携式电脑;手提电脑
  • in spite of 尽管
  • harness [ˈha:nis] v. 控制
  • album [ˈælbəm] n. 影集;相册
  • attribute [əˈtribju:t] n. 特征
  • journal [ˈdʒə:nəl] n. 日记
  • transitional [trænˈziʃənəl] adj. 过渡期的
  • catalogue [ˈkætəlɔ:g] v. 编目录
  • posit [ˈpa:zit] v. 断定;论断;假定
  • functionality [ˌfʌŋkəʃəˈnæləti] n. 功能性
  • ultimate [ˈʌltəmit] adj. 最后的;最终的
  • voyage [ˈvɔiidʒ] n. 长途旅行
  • built in 内置的
  • microphone [ˈmaikrəˌfəun] n. 麦克风;扩音器

172. How can schools help new students with their problems?

Moving to a new school is often a traumatizing experience. The student must go through the sometimes arduous process of making new friends, while attempting to keep up with school and keep in touch with old friends. There are many ways in which the school could help ease this process.

In order to make new students feel less anxious about their new surroundings, it would be beneficial for the school to start a welcoming committee. Such a committee would include students from all age levels, who are particularly friendly. The committee would organize small events during lunch hours and after school to help the new student feel at home. For example, the committee could organize a lunch followed by a tour of the playground. This would allow the new student to make new friends.

Schools should also train teachers on how to properly deal with new students. The first thing the teachers should do is to attempt to seat the new student around others who will be a good influence on him/her. This is of utmost importance, as a young student must be encouraged to socialize with smart, friendly students who have a strong work ethic.

Furthermore, a teacher must ensure that the student has a firm grasp of all the topics being taught. It is possible that the student’s previous school taught different subject matter, or worked at a slower pace. The student might need extra help to catch up with the rest of the students. Conversely, a new student might be more advanced than the other students at his/her new school. If this is the case, the teacher must organize activities for the student so he/she does not become disinterested in learning.

In sum, schools can greatly facilitate a student’s arrival to their premises. By enlisting the help of the students and properly instructing the teachers on how to deal with such situations, the student will feel welcome and at home in his new environment.


172. 学校如何帮助新生面对困难?






Word List

  • traumatizing [ˈtrauməˌtaiziŋ] adj. 受到心理创伤的
  • utmost [ˈʌtˌməust] adj. 极度的
  • socialize [ˈsəuʃəˌlaiz] v. 使社会化
  • arduous [ˈa:dʒuəs] adj. 费劲的;艰辛的
  • ethic [ˈeθik] n. 道德规范
  • attempt [əˈtempt] v. 尝试;企图
  • catch up with 赶上
  • keep in touch with 与…保持联络
  • conversely [ˈkənvə:sli] adv. 相反地
  • feel at home 感觉自在
  • facilitate [fəˈsiliˌteit] v. 帮助;促进
  • influence [ˈinfluəns] n. 影响
  • premise [ˈpremis] n. 前提

173. Can borrowing money from a friend harm the friendship?

There is a popular saying that if you lend a book to a friend, you lose the book and the friend. Truer words have never been spoken. Borrowing anything, especially money, can put a high level of stress on one’s friendship, and is usually not worth the pain.

The first reason why borrowing money from a friend is not a good idea is because if one forgets or does not pay back the friend, the friendship could be lost. Everyone has a busy life, and it is easy to forget details. If one borrows 100 yuan from a friend, he/she can easily forget about the situation, or perhaps even think he/she has already paid back his/her friend when he/she didn’t. This, of course, leads to trouble in the relationship. The friend does not know whether to ask for the money or not, as doing so could be conceived as rude.

The lender can only wait so long before he/she believes that the borrower has forgotten about the debt. At this point, the lender will begin to ask the borrower for the money, which, as mentioned above, is an uncomfortable situation. The lender does not want to have to ask for the money back, and the borrower does not want to be reminded that he/she is indebted to someone.

Finally, asking a friend for money is a bad idea because it is possible he/she will refuse your request. For example, if a poor person befriend a rich person, the poor man might ask his/her friend for money. If the rich person would rather not lend out his/her money, he/she is put in the awkward situation of having to refuse his/her friend, which could harm the friendship.

Overall, I think it is a terrible idea to borrow money from friends, or lend money if it is requested. While we would like to think that our friendships are strong and true, in many cases, they are not. If you do lend money to a friend, perhaps it is best not to expect to be repaid. By treating the situation like this, one will not be upset if a friend does not return the money, and will have a pleasant surprise if the money is repaid.


173. 向朋友借钱会伤害友情吗?






Word List

  • uncomfortable [ʌnˈkʌmfətəbəl]adj. 不舒服的
  • put stress on 施加压力
  • worth [wə:θ] v. 值得
  • detail [diˈteil] n. 细节
  • indebted [inˈdetid] adj. 负债的
  • pay back 归还
  • request [riˈkwest] v. 要求
  • conceive [kənˈsi:v] v. 认为
  • awkward [ˈɔ:kwəd] adj. 窘迫的
  • treat [tri:t] v. 对待

174. How is your generation different from your parents’ generation?

The world is changing and developing at a faster and faster rate all the time. Because of this, the difference between children and their parents is becoming more pronounced with each new generation. In today’s society, there are many differences between the age groups.

When our parents were growing up, the world was filled with turmoil. They were born into a time of war, and generally, lived through a very difficult era. Therefore, our parents are very careful to prevent accidents before they happen, and never act spontaneously. Our parents are very careful with how they spend their money, and do not spend much time relaxing. On the other hand, the current generation has grown up in a very safe, peaceful environment. We do not spend our time worrying about the future; instead, our time is spent enjoying the present.

Second, our methods of entertainment are very different from our parents. Television, computers and the Internet are relatively new inventions. Our parents did not have such luxuries when they were growing up. Instead, they spent their free time outside, going on hikes around the city, or on bike rides. Today, most young people spend their free time inside, either watching television or playing computer games. Outdoor activities are usually saved for special occasions, such as trips outside the city.

The final way that today’s generation is different from the previous one is seen in how we view change and progress. As mentioned above, our parents do not enjoy living spontaneously. They like to have a set schedule, and follow it every day. Young people, however, like their lives to be full of adventure. They enjoy searching out the unknown. For example, many students spend copious amounts of time learning English so they can go abroad to a foreign university. Many of our parents will not even get on an airplane to travel across China, not to mention traveling to another continent!

In conclusion, I believe that children are vastly different from their parents in today’s society. Young people do not have to struggle to live; everything comes easily to them. The older generation, however, had a much more difficult life. Such large differences in lifestyle have created a very wide generation gap.


174. 你们这一代与父辈们有何不同?






Word List

  • rate [reit] n. 速度
  • relatively [ˈrelətivli] adv. 相关地
  • pronounced [prəˈnaunst] adj. 显著的
  • luxury [ˈlʌgʒəri] n. 奢侈品
  • generation [ˌdʒenəˈreiʃən] n. 一代人
  • hike [haik] n. 远足
  • be filled with 充满
  • occasion [əˈkeiʒən] n. 场合
  • turmoil [ˈtə:ˌmɔil] n. 动乱
  • copious [ˈkəupjəs] adj. 很多的
  • era [ˈiərə] n. 时代
  • spontaneously [spa:nˈteiniəsli] adv. 即兴地

175. Classes: teachers lecture or students do some of the talking?

There are basically two types of classes in university, classes, i.e., where teachers lecture and where the students do some of the talking. Both teaching and learning approaches are valuable and have their own relative merits.

Classes that are dominated by teachers’ lectures may benefits students in several ways. First of all, lectures can communicate the intrinsic interest of the subject matter. The speaker can convey personal enthusiasm in a way that no book or other media can. Enthusiasm stimulates interest, and it is an undeniable fact that interested, stimulated people tend to learn more. Moreover, lectures in university settings can provide students with role models of scholars in action. The professor’s way of approaching knowledge can be demonstrated for students to emulate. Furthermore, lectures can organize material in a special way. They may provide a faster, simpler method of presenting information to an audience with its own special needs. Lectures are particularly useful for students who read poorly or who are unable to organize print material.

On the other hand, lecture approaches also have some relevant weaknesses. For example, the lecture often puts students in a passive rather than an active role. As is often the case, passivity can hinder learning. At the same time, most lectures assume that all students are learning at the same pace and at the same level of understanding, which is hardly ever true. Especially, Lectures place the burden of organizing and synthesizing content solely on the lecturer. They are not well suited to higher levels of learning such as application, analysis, and synthesis. Lectures require an effective speaker who can vary tone, pitch, and pace of delivery. Lecturers must be verbally fluent, a skill that is not stressed nor learned in many Ph.D. programs and is usually distributed unevenly among people. Lectures are therefore sometimes not well suited to complex, detailed, or abstract material.

In summary, Lecturing is probably the oldest teaching method and remains the most common form of instruction, despite the fact that some research has shown that lecturing is ineffective, especially if not combined with some alternative style of teaching. In fact, Lecturing is very appropriate for some goals and very inappropriate for others. And at the same time, the counterpart —the approach that allows students to participate discussions is equally non-universal. Therefore, I can hardly simply say that I prefer either approach. I think the choice should depend on circumstances including factors such as the subject that is to learn, the depth that needs to explore, the quality that the lecturer or the discussing group have.


175. 课堂授课:全由老师讲授,还是学生参与部分讨论?





Word List

  • approach [əˈprəutʃ] n. 方法
  • passive [ˈpæsiv] adj. 被动的
  • merit [ˈmerit] n. 优点
  • hinder [ˈhində] v. 干扰
  • intrinsic [inˈtrinzik] adj. 内在的
  • synthesize [ˈsinθiˌsaiz] v. 综合
  • convey [kənˈvei] v. 传达
  • be suited to 适合于
  • enthusiasm [enˈθu:ziæzəm] n. 热情
  • application [ˌæpliˈkeiʃən] n. 应用
  • stimulate [ˈstimjəˌleit] v. 激发
  • analysis [əˈnælisis] n. 分析
  • undeniable [ˌʌndiˈnaiəbəl] adj. 不可否认的
  • alternative [ɔ:lˈtə:nətiv] n. 选择
  • appropriate [əˈprəuprieit] adj. 适当的
  • emulate [ˈemjəˌleit] v. 仿效
  • counterpart [ˈkauntəˌpa:t] n. 对应
  • audience [ˈɔ:diəns] n. 听众
  • participate [pa:ˈtisəˌpeit] v. 参与
  • relevant [ˈreləvənt] adj. 有关的
  • explore [iksˈplɔ:] v. 探究

176. If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want p

Holidays are an excellent way to allow societies to honor people or events that have helped their country or the world. There are many things that deserve to be recognized in our culture, but there is one group of people that is underappreciated in society today: inventors. If I were to create a new holiday, it would be to pay respect to these important people and their creations.

Inventors are members of the most unappreciated profession in society today. Without inventors, all civilizations would still be living in the stone age, with no running water, no electricity, and more generally, no comforts. Many inventors create simple objects that do not seem that amazing, but upon closer inspection, one realizes that all inventions contribute greatly to convenience. All societies should pay homage to these great people by honoring them with a holiday.

The first way we could honor inventors is by opening exhibitions in galleries and museums dedicated to the inventions of current and past inventors. Many people have no idea where the greatest inventions came from. By displaying the life work of inventors, people will gain a new appreciation for them. This would also be a learning experience for the public, as they could see what current inventors are working on, and get excited about the upcoming progresses in society.

We could also honor inventors by having a school day dedicated to inventions. It is important to encourage school-aged children to use their imagination to come up with inventions of their own. The school system is excellent in China, but it does not promote free thinking. Children need to be given the opportunity to discover new creations on their own. By having a day dedicated to this, young people would become more interested in the manufacturing of new products and ideas.

So, I believe that inventors deserve their own holiday. They have provided society with so much comfort and convenience. By honoring inventors, we will show them how much we appreciate their efforts, as well as encourage our children to come up with new ideas of their own.


176. 如果你能创立一个节日,你会以此来纪念何人或何事?你想要人们如何来过这个节日?






Word List

  • deserve [diˈzə:v] v. 值得
  • contribute [kənˈtribju:t] v. 贡献
  • underappreciated[ ˌʌndərəˈpri:ʃieitid] adj. 未受到充分赏识(欣赏)的
  • homage [ˈha:midʒ] n. 敬意
  • gallery [ˈgæləri] n. 美术馆
  • pay respect to 表达敬意
  • dedicate to 用于
  • creation [kriˈeiʃən] n. 创造
  • progress [ˈprəu:ˌgres] n. 进展
  • profession [prəˈfeʃən] n. 职业
  • promote [prəˈməut] v. 提倡
  • stone age 石器时代
  • manufacturing [ˌmænjəˈfæktʃəriŋ]n.制造
  • inspection [inˈspekʃən] n. 观察

177. The advice you would give your friend on how to use his or her money

Receiving money is always an unexpected delight. Making the decision of how to spend this money is always a difficult choice. What it comes down to, however, is the individual’s personal preferences, lifestyle, and priorities. If one of my friends has to choose between buying a car and going on vacation, I would carefully consider their lifestyle and advise them based on their wants and needs.

Living in a city can be a very high-paced, stressful way to live. Having a car would bring many conveniences that would make the experience much more enjoyable. First and foremost, a car can get you around the city very quickly and directly. This would be an important factor if my friend goes to school or works far away from home. Second, a car offers privacy. If my friend does not enjoy public places, then a car would be an excellent option. Cars also have their disadvantages. A car has many additional costs beyond the initial expense of buying one. One must pay for insurance, gasoline, and any incidental fees such as repairs. If my friend does not have a lot of extra money besides his/her inheritance, a car may not be the best option.

A vacation is also an excellent decision. If my friend works at a high-stress job, then a vacation is sometimes the only way to relax and forget about one’s worries in the work world. Vacations to faraway lands can give a person more perspective on the world, and can also provide excellent memories. However, vacations always have to end, and one must return to his/her everyday life.

Therefore, I think that if my friend lives far away from his/her work or school and has a little bit of extra money, then a car would be the best option. However, if he/she lives near his/her work and holds a high-stress position, I would suggest that a vacation would be a better option. As mentioned above, how we spend our money is a very personal decision, based on one’s own priorities. In the end, only my friend can decide what is best for him/her.


177. 向朋友建议如何使用一笔钱





Word List

  • unexpected delight 意外之喜
  • insurance [inˈʃuərəns] n. 保险
  • come down to 涉及到
  • gasoline [ˈgæsəˌli:n] n. 汽油
  • priority [praiˈɔriti] n. 优先考虑的事
  • incidental [ˌinsiˈdentl] adj. 附带的
  • privacy [ˈpraivəsi] n. 独处而不受干扰
  • extra [ˈekstrə] adj. 额外的
  • disadvantage [ˌdisədˈvæntidʒ] n. 不利之处
  • high-stress [ˌhaiˈstres] adj. 压力大的
  • perspective [pəˈspektiv] n. 看法
  • additional [əˈdiʃənl] adj. 另外的
  • position [pəˈziʃən] n. 职位
  • initial [iˈniʃəl] adj. 最初的

178. What changes the 21st century will bring?

Technology is being developed at an unprecedented speed. The 21st century is bound to be very different from the previous one, as we can expect that the speed at which new technologies are invented and expanded upon will continue to increase. I believe that the major changes that we will see in the century will be found in environmental issues, health issues and knowledge access.

The situation of the environment in today’s society is precarious at best. The world is continuing to build new and more wasteful production plants, filling the atmosphere with poisonous gases. There are many environmental scientists working to create new ways of cleaning our air. I believe that these technologies will apex in the 21st century, thus solving the world’s pollution problem. In addition to this, I also believe that we will come up with new, less dangerous methods of producing the goods we have come to depend on.

Many new diseases have been discovered in the last fifty years. AIDS and SARS are excellent examples of this terrible fact, and alone, these two viruses have killed a large number of people. Cancer and heart disease have also become much more widespread in the last hundred years, shortening the lifespan of millions of people. Doctors are working all over the world in hopes of eradicating these diseases. Every day they come one step closer to finding cures to all of the above-mentioned ailments, and many others.

Moreover, our ability to access knowledge will become much more advanced in this century. More and more countries are getting”plugged in” to the Internet, and are adding their information to the vast collection of knowledge already found on this medium. The sharing of knowledge will also help to increase literacy around the world. People will be more interested in having this skill if it means they can have better, more efficient means of communicating.

In conclusion, I am very optimistic about the changes that will come during this century. Environmental issues will cease to be a problem, people will be able to live longer, richer lives with the eradication of diseases, and more people will be able to share knowledge due to the advancement of the Internet. Everyone has good reason to be excited in this fast-paced, evolving time.


178. 21世纪会带来什么变化?






Word List

  • unprecedented [ʌnˈpresiˌdəntid] adj. 前所未有的
  • lifespan [ˈlaifspæn] n. 寿命
  • eradicate [iˈrædiˌkeit] v. 根除
  • be bound to 必然要
  • ailment [ˈeilmənt] n. 疾病
  • expand [ikˈspænd] v. 扩张
  • advanced [ædˈvænst] adj. 高级的
  • precarious [priˈkεəriəs] adj. 不稳定的
  • plug in 插入
  • apex [ˈeipeks] n. 顶点
  • literacy [ˈlitərəsi] n. 文化教养,识字
  • AIDS [eidz] n. 艾滋病
  • medium [ˈmi:diəm] n. 媒介
  • SARS [sa:s] n. 非典型性肺炎
  • optimistic [ˌa:ptəˈmistik] adj. 乐观的
  • widespread [ˈwaidˈspred] adj. 普遍的

179. What makes a good parent?

Being a parent is the oldest job in existence. Even in the time of the cavemen, it was important to be a good parent. What it means to be a good parent has evolved greatly over the years. In today’s society, however, I believe that there are three important characteristics that indicate whether a person is a good parent or not.

The first of these traits is the capacity for love. Children must feel loved by their parents if they are going to grow into well-developed, stable adults. Children who grow up in a house filled with love are relaxed and peaceful, and do not cause trouble. These children demonstrate good social skills, and are usually wellliked by others. In contrast, it has been shown that children who grow up in unloving families are anxious and mean-spirited.

Trust is also very important for a child’s development. If a parent is always prying into a child’s privacy, the child will think he/she is doing something wrong to deserve such mistrust. This leads to the child hiding things from the parent, which therefore leads to dishonesty. Also, trust leads to independence. When children are trusted, they feel more pressure to keep that trust, and therefore act honestly. They will make wise decisions, which will allow them to grow into independent adults.

It is also of utmost importance for a parent to have a well-developed sense of responsibility. A parent must be able to be present for the child twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The parent must organize everything for a child, especially one under the age of ten. This requires careful planning and multitasking. If a person is ready to become a parent, they must be ready for all of these added responsibilities.

In conclusion, a good parent has a large capacity for love, is trusting, and must be very responsible. Without these key attributes, the child will suffer and grow into a dysfunctional adult. One must take the job of parenting very seriously to ensure the child’s healthy development. By harnessing the abovementioned qualities, parents will ensure that their child will be the best they can be.


179. 好父母的品质是什么?






Word List

  • existence [igˈzistəns] n. 存在
  • in contrast 相反的
  • caveman [ˈkevˌmæn] n. 穴居人
  • mean spirited 品质卑劣的
  • evolve [iˈva:lv] v. 进展
  • utmost [ˈʌtˌməust] adj. 极度的
  • characteristic [ˌkærəktəˈristik] n. 特性
  • multi-tasking [ˈmʌltiˌtæskiŋ] adj. 任务繁多的
  • indicate [ˈindiˌkeit] v. 显示
  • trait [treit] n. 特性
  • attribute [əˈtribju:t] n. 品质
  • capacity [kəˈpæsiti] n. 能力
  • dysfunctional [disˈfʌŋkʃənəl] adj. 行为不端的
  • stable [ˈsteibəl] adj. 稳定的
  • demonstrate [ˈdemənˌstreit] v. 证明
  • harness [ˈha:nis] v. 具备

One of the most popular pastimes today is movie-going. With what started as moving-picture shows has dramatically developed into an industry that spends millions upon millions of dollars while still turning a gigantic profit.

Movies are so popular because they are the most fascinating and easiest escape means from increasing pressure, which comes from family, school, working place, society, and so many other directions. Combined with acoustic and visual effect, movies are definitely more appealing for audiences who have exhausted themselves in the real world than are those printed novels. It must have been much easier to see a movie than to read a novel, since all the audience should do is simply to sit there in a soft chair in the dark about 150 minutes. Captured, involved, the audience in a movie theater will forget everything but the story in action on the screen.

Movies have magic power to let people immerse themselves in fiction. The point is that almost everyone long for the power of snapping his/her fingers and seeing his/her wishes and dreams instantly granted. Everyone long for eternity of love, many idealize about it but now in the theater it’s time to”feel” it. Every move the character makes, every breath the character takes, all seem to happen around, and clearly sensible. On the screen, no entire life needed, movies illustrate all aspects of love we can imagine: all aspects of love, from the mushy warm and fuzzy feelings we feel with our children and companion animals, to platonic love we have with friends and acquaintances, to the romantic soul mate kind of love, to the agape kind of unconditional love, it’s the full gamut. Dramas are created in order for us to play out different sides of ourselves.

In short, movies are so popular because many can escape into the world of fantasy and live vicariously through the characters and in doing so, work out different feelings and emotions that they may not have the opportunity to do in their “normal” lives.


180. 电影缘何在全球如此受欢迎?




Word List

  • pastime [ˈpæstaim] n. 娱乐消遣方式
  • immerse [iˈmə:s] v. 沉浸于
  • dramatically [drəˈmætikəli] adv. 极度地
  • long for 渴望
  • gigantic [dʒaiˈgæntik] adj. 巨大的
  • eternity [iˈtə:niti] n. 永恒
  • fascinating [ˈfæsəˌneitiŋ] adj. 令人着迷的
  • sensible [ˈsensəbəl] adj. 能感觉的
  • illustrate [ˈiləˌstreit] v. 诠释说明
  • acoustic [əˈku:stik] adj. 声音的
  • mushy [ˈmʌʃi] adj. 多情的
  • appealing [əˈpi:liŋ] adj. 吸引人的
  • fuzzy [ˈfʌzi] adj. 烦乱的
  • exhaust [igˈzɔ:st] v. (使)精疲力竭
  • acquaintance [əˈkweintəns] n. 相识的人
  • capture [ˈkæptʃə] v. 俘获
  • agape [ˈægəpi:] n. 兄弟情谊
  • involve [inˈva:lv] v. 陷入
  • work out 产生出

181. Land in your country: needs to be left in its natural condition or needs to be developed?

With a population accounting nearly for one quarter of the world population, my country, China, has been suffering from serious loss of arable land, which now hardly accounts for 7% of overall arable land of the world. Yet some people simply do not realize that land loss is so crucial that we one day might incapable of averting that catastrophe if we now close our eyes to it.

Industrial development without careful consideration regarding land preservation has caused problems more serious than people can ever imagine. Take the great Three Gorges dam for example, which will be put into operation next year. While the country benefits from gargantuan potential of electricity generation, we have to face up to various environmental conservation issues concerning geological and ecological environment along both river sides and whole upper reaches. The professional designers of the great dam now have to work out a practical way to prevent and remedy pollution effectively, which has already been the focus of world attention.

After the entrance of the WTO, industry development is more and more important for our country, yet we should be careful about the pollution which is inevitably caused by industry. Recent surveys have shown that refuse treatment engineering is not well financed in China, while attentions are drawn to those much more obvious achievements. Industrial pollution accidents occur far more frequently in our still developing country than in other more advanced countries. Urban population also produce astoundingly large amount of pollution. Today the alleged white pollution is creeping all over the country—people throw plastic bags, films everywhere, never feeling anything wrong.

We no doubt need land either for natural condition or for industry, and it seems we need more if possible. Nevertheless, we live in a world where everything has its cost, and some day in the future, I believe, we will inescapably pay for what we have ignored.


181. 贵国的土地:保持原貌还是加以开发?





Word List

  • arable [ˈærəbəl] adj. 适合耕种的
  • geological [dʒiəˈla:dʒikəl] adj. 地质的
  • account for 占
  • ecological [ˌekəˈla:dʒikəl] adj. 生态的
  • crucial [ˈkru:ʃəl] adj. 至关紧要的
  • remedy [ˈremidi] v. 补救
  • incapable [inˈkeipəbəl] adj. 无能力的
  • WTO 世界贸易组织
  • avert [əˈvə:t] v. 转变
  • inevitably[ ˌinˈevitəbəli] adv.不可避免地
  • catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi] n. 大祸
  • refuse treatment 垃圾处理
  • preservation [ˌprezə:ˈveiʃən] n. 保存
  • creep [kri:p] v. 蔓延
  • gargantuan [ga:ˈgæntuən] adj. 巨大的
  • inescapably [ˌiniˈskeipəbəli] adv. 无法逃避地
  • potential [pəˈtenʃəl] adj. 潜在的
  • electricity generation 发电

182. Should pets be treated as family members?

Throughout history, animals have always been great companions to man. In today’s society, we frequently treat our pets as members of family, nursing them when they are sick, and playing with them when they are well. I believe that the relationships that people have with their pets are healthy for many reasons.

Firstly, animals provide companionship for people who are too old to maintain regular friendships. It is most common for one spouse to outlive the other. Frequently, the surviving spouse does not remarry, and eventually, all his or her friends die. When one is elderly, it is difficult to make new friends. In this type of situation, having a pet as a companion is greatly preferable to spending all of one’s time alone. While a pet cannot speak, it can understand its master’s emotions, and usually responds accordingly.

Secondly, animals have been proven to reduce their master’s stress. This is probably because an animal is always happy to see its master, and gives the master unconditional love. As long as the master is kind to his/her pet, the pet will be devoted and faithful. A pet also provides a friendly face after a stressful day. For example, I have a pet dog. After taking an exam, the only thing I want to do is go home and play with my dog. He always brings me much needed cheer and happiness.

Lastly, having an animal can prepare a young couple for having children. A young animal is very difficult to take care of. Let us take the example of a puppy.

One can never leave a puppy by itself. A puppy must be constantly taken care of; he must be toilet-trained and disciplined. Raising an animal to be happy and sociable is very much like raising a child to possess the same attributes. While a puppy is obviously easier to take care of than a child, it can show the prospective parents where some of the difficulties will lie when raising a baby.

In conclusion, I think having a very close relationship with a pet is healthy. Having a pet can reduce loneliness, stress, and prepare one for the huge experience of having a child. Pets are often referred to as man’s best friend, and for good reason.


182. 宠物应该被视为家庭成员吗?






Word List

  • nurse [nə:s] v. 护理
  • as long as 只要
  • maintain [menˈtein] v. 维持
  • stressful [ˈstresfəl] adj. 有压力的
  • spouse [spaus] n. 配偶
  • puppy [ˈpʌpi] n. 小狗
  • outlive [autˈliv] v. 比. . . 长命
  • disciplined [ˈdisiplind] adj. 受过训练的
  • preferable [ˈprefərəbəl] adj. 更可取的
  • sociable [ˈsəuʃəbəl] adj. 友善的
  • respond [risˈpa:nd] v. 回应
  • raise [reiz] v. 养育
  • accordingly [əˈkɔ:diŋli] adv. 据此
  • attribute [əˈtribju:t] n. 性质
  • unconditional [ˌʌnkənˈdiʃənəl] adj. 无论何种情况的

183. What have you learned about a country from watching its movies?

One of the favorite pastimes of people today is watching movies. Movies can teach us a great amount about the world, especially if we watch movies from another culture. When watching a foreign movie, we can learn about the landscape and scenery of the country, the country’s ethics and customs, and its historical events.

The world is a great and varied place, from the immense mountains of the Himalayas to the deserts of America. By watching movies, one can gain insight as to what these beautiful places are like. For example, I recently watched a number of movies filmed in America. I learned about the beautiful beaches of California, national parks such as Yellowstone and Niagara Falls, as well as man-made wonders such as the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Watching foreign movies is an excellent way to deduce where one wants to travel, if he/she has such an opportunity.

Watching movies also teaches us about a country’s ethics and customs. For example, while watching American movies, I learned that children do not show as much respect to their parents as we do here in China. In some cases, children were very disrespectful of their elders, and ignored their wishes outright. I was shocked by this behavior. To give another example, I also learned about table manners in America, which are quite different from the rules we follow in China.

Furthermore, one can learn about a country’s history by watching films. For instance, there are many movies that have been made about the wars in America, such as Gone With the Wind. Movies such as this show foreign viewers why America is the free and independent society that it is today.

Hence, watching foreign movies is an excellent way to learn about faraway lands. One can learn about the landscape of a place, about its culture, as well as its history. Perhaps schools should consider watching foreign movies in classes to provoke interest from the students about such lands.


183. 通过看某个国家的电影,你了解到了这个国家的什么情况?






Word List

  • favorite [ˈfeivərit] adj. 喜爱的
  • Niagara falls 尼亚加拉瀑布
  • pastime [ˈpæstaim] n. 消遣
  • Statue of Liberty 自由女神
  • a great amount 大量的
  • Mount Rushmore 总统山
  • landscape [ˈlændˌskeip] n. 风景
  • Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥
  • scenery [ˈsi:nəri] n. 景致
  • show respect to 尊敬
  • ethic [ˈeθik] n. 伦理
  • disrespectful[ ˌdisriˈspektfəl] adj.无礼的
  • immense [iˈmens] adj. 无边的
  • outright [ˈautˈrait] adv. 率直的
  • Himalayas [ˌhiməˈleiəz] n. 喜马拉雅山脉
  • Gone With the Wind 《乱世佳人》insight [ˈinˌsait] n. 见识
  • provoke [prəˈvəuk] v. 唤起
  • Yellowstone [ˈjeləustəun] n. 黄石国家公园

184. Study alone or with a group of students?

Each and every student has his/her own preference for study. Some prefer to study alone, while others prefer to study with a group of students. Both methods have their own relative merits.

While alone, the focus of study can be easily kept, with little distraction which always accompanies a group of students. And at the same time, while references are adequate, to study alone is not only possible but it is also helpful to cultivate the ability to solve problems, and furthermore enhance one’independence. Moreover, by keeping focus and developing independence,students become more and more competitive, which is often deemed as a necessary quality.

When learning with a group, discussing and debating become possible, which usually develop a perfect environment to develop critical thinking skills, and where many problems can even be solved unconsciously. While references are not easily accessible, and students’ knowledge varies from one to another, they can complement each other, and therefore save much time and energy. Furthermore, learning with a group simultaneously cultivates students’ good sense of cooperation, which is usually considered as an essential virtue.

As of me, my preference depends on what subject I am learning or the phase in which I am. Different subjects may bring different choices. For example, if I was practicing piano, I’d better practice alone. If I was doing physical experiments, team work is always needed. Different phases also make choices different. Suppose I was learning a foreign language. If I was practicing my basic pronunciation, I’d better learn by myself. For an adult learner, a tape recorder is fairly adequate. But if I were to practice my spoken skills, to study alone would be a poor choice. I should look for or create an opportunity to learn with a group, therefore learn more effectively.


184. 独自学习,还是与其他学生一起学习?




Word List

  • preference [ˈprefərəns] n. 偏爱;优先的选择
  • deem [di:m] n. 认为;相信
  • debate [diˈbeit] n. 辩论;争论
  • merit [ˈmerit] n. 优点
  • accessible [əkˈsesəbəl] adj. 易接近的;可得到的
  • distraction [diˈstrækʃən] n. 分心;分心的事物
  • simultaneously [saiməlˈteiniəsly] adv. 同时地
  • reference [ˈrefrəns] n. 参考
  • adequate [ˈædikwit] adj. 适当的;足够的
  • essential [iˈsenʃəl] adj. 基本的;本质的
  • virtue [ˈvə:tju:] n. 美德;德行
  • cultivate [ˈkʌltəˌveit] v. 培养
  • experiment [ikˈsperəmənt] n. 试验
  • independence [ˌindiˈpendəns] n. 独立;自主
  • pronunciation [prəˌnʌnsiˈeiʃən] n. 发音
  • competitive [kəmˈpetitiv] adj. 有竞争性的

185. Buy a house or a business?

Choosing whether to buy a house or a business with saved money is a huge decision to make. There are many benefits to both of choices; however, I think that if I had enough money to buy one or the other, I would choose to buy a house.

When one buys a business, he/she is required to spend long, hard hours to ensure that the business is a success. Starting a business is no easy task, and statistics state that half of new businesses fail within the first year. If one buys a house instead of a business, there is nothing that can fail. A house sometimes requires repairs, but usually such repairs can be done on one’s own schedule.

A house is also an excellent investment. With the world population rising as quickly as it is, it is a very good idea to become a property owner. In the coming years, land will become more and more expensive, and therefore less attainable. Also, if one buys a house, it is likely that he/she will be able to sell it at a reasonable profit in the future. Providing for one’s family is very important, and a house is a stable investment for a family.

Finally, owning a house is a good idea because it saves you from giving someone else money every month for your rent. Usually, when one buys a house, he/she has a mortgage that he/she must pay off in the coming years. In most cases, the mortgage costs approximately the same amount of money as renting an apartment. It makes much more sense to pay for your own home, rather than adding to the wealth of someone else.

In conclusion, I think it is a far better idea to buy a house rather than a business. A house requires less work, it is an excellent investment, and it allows you to keep your money by spending it on your own assets, rather than someone else’s. In addition to these reasons, you can also rent out your house to someone else, thus creating an extra source of income for yourself.


185. 买房子,还是买企业?






Word List

  • purchase [ˈpə:tʃis] v. 买;购买
  • attainable [əˈteinəbl] adj. 可得到的
  • statistics [stəˈtistiks] n. 统计
  • mortgage [ˈmɔ:gidʒ] n. 抵押
  • schedule [ˈskedʒu:l] n. 时间表;进度表
  • approximately [əpra:ksəˈmətli] adv. 近似的;大约
  • investment [inˈvestmənt] n. 投资
  • population [ˌpa:pjəˈleiʃən] n. 人口
  • asset [ˈæsˌet] n. 资产
  • property [ˈpra:pəti] n. 财产


Everything’s gonna be okay.

守命待时:老师推荐的《Fooled by Randomness》这本英文书,是道门槛,但我很想阅读,请问有中文版吗?



Many are called, few are chosen.

Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.



CBC 新闻


美国政府的官方网页,有几百条单词建议,指导你怎么写出简单的文章,不要用复杂的单词。比如说,”a 和 b 可以同时使用,也可以单独使用”,不要用a and/or b,而要用a or b or both。












  1. 这个周五上新,是为孩子们开学准备的。少年得到App特别为所有的孩子策划了一个“学霸养成计划”——


  1. 比如说,英语怎么学最能提分?曾经是新东方名师的马徐骏老师会告诉孩子,集中刷选择题。你看,这个建议很具体。

  2. 一来是选择题知识含量很大,二来是效率高,同样的时间,本来只能做十道翻译题,但可以做完三四十道选择题,每天半小时,能做100道选择题。


  1. 本周,还有张泉灵老师分享的作文锦囊、刘润老师分享的数学锦囊、何帆老师的阅读锦囊。














































  1. 最近我看连岳老师说了一段话,他说,人的生活稍微安定之后,这幸福感油然而生,但是与此同时,危机感也油然而生。

  2. 为啥?因为就像进入了一个蚕茧嘛。我们熟悉的东西会像吐出蚕丝一样把自己越捆越紧的,最后自己没法突破。


  1. 其实不用。连岳老师说,人不要忘了自己有一样利器,那就是语言。只要我们能保持语言的敏感度,比如每天有意识地接触一些新词,到一个陌生的地方学几句当地话,看到陌生的概念查一查它的意思,找懂的人问一问。这都能给大脑带来有趣的刺激。

  2. 这种习惯,短期看没有什么用,长期那就是宇宙膨胀,只要保持这种膨胀,就会变得非常非常大的。










我们先来看看不同的语言是怎样表达时间。咱们上中学时候都学过,在英文里,需要用语法变化来表示不同的时态。比如说:It is raining now是现在正在下雨,It will rain tomorrow 是明天将要下雨。你看,英文里需要根据事情的发生时间来调整自己的表达,现在下雨和将来下雨的表达方式完全不同。而中文的表达方式跟英文恰恰相反,中文里不需要根据时间调整说话方式,现在下雨和明天下雨,除了时间不同,其他的表达都一样。这样的表述逻辑,中国人早已习以为常,而说英文的人会感觉怪怪的。














1 学好英语的秘诀是why,不是how









Good morning.
Water please.









2 学英语是为了抢地盘


Where is the bathroom?





“妈妈再教你一句:What is your name? 问谁名字都说这句话。”我想想,再加一句:还有就是:Yes you can.要相信自己啊!”




我们邻居,来自墨西哥的盖比,是王烁的同学。她7岁时曾经在美国读过一段时间小学。她爸爸第一天送她上学时候就教她一句话:“I don’t speak English.”

盖比告诉我,第一周,谁跟她说话,她都回答:“I don’t speak English.”但是后来她觉得实在太无聊了,“我干嘛老担心英语,我直接玩不就行了。”于是她就冲上去和别的小朋友一起玩。一个月后,她发现自己在说英语。


耶鲁著名博弈论教授Barry Nalebuff为我们提供了另一种解决方案。他建议和孩子在家时只说英语,只有孩子跟你说英语,你才跟她对话。他家三个孩子就是这么做的,当然不是英语,而是法语和中文。




It is mine!
Stop doing that.
I do not like you.
Can I play with you?

这不都是江湖日常用语吗?宣布所有权、解决冲突、结交伙伴……这些和我们在国内课堂学的英语可不一样。学校学的要不就是“nice to meet you, thank you”等等礼貌会话,要不就是吃喝花草等基本词汇。







3 学英语是为了探索世界





我们带她去动物园,真实的熊猫、犀牛、乌龟、狐狸、老虎和猴子在朵拉眼中都变成了《功夫熊猫》里的大师、fury five和阿宝。从动物园回来,朵拉极为兴奋地把各种动物都画进自己的画册,编成故事。

另外一个例子是书。过去两个月,朵拉就看一本书——讲述原子物理的Professor Astro Cat’sAtomic Adventure。









4 学英语是为了交朋友


她跟着一个叫Duck Duck Moose的App学单词拼写,又拿出一张纸,把单词抄写在纸上,在旁边配上画。









第二周,朵拉就大哭着回家告诉我,她的新朋友Christina不想和她玩了,因为“You are too small.”朵拉想了一晚,觉得自己的弱点不是small,而是不识字,因为“Christina会写,其他小朋友都会写字”。于是就有了之前的发愤。












5 学英语是为了牛逼















6 推荐这些学英语的小工具






① “ABCs”,通过游戏和动画让小朋友学习英文字母及其发音关系。

② “Learn to Read”,学习单词和发音。

③ “It’s Fun to Read”,即简单句子的阅读。

④ “I’m Reading”,有声绘本专区。

⑤ “123s”,通过趣味动画和游戏学习数字和加减法。




(2)Duck Duck Moose



Professor Astro Cat’s AtomicAdventure

英国独立出版社Nobrow出版的儿童科普系列,主角是一只“教授猫”。这本Atomic Adventure是今年的新书,介绍原子物理的基本知识。






本文版权归 罗辑思维 所有。未经许可,不得转载,侵权必究。







  1. 研究表明:孩子语言学习的敏感期是0-7岁。这个时期内,孩子学习语言的能力最强。因此外语启蒙学习要趁早

  2. 不要担心过早学习外语影响母语的学习。脑科学表明,如果孩子从小学习双语,两种语言在大脑的表征区,是呈网状交织在一起的。使用时,在各自区域间自如跳转,互不干扰。成年后才学,母语和英语在大脑的表征区就显得泾渭分明。所以外语学习要趁早,不同语言不会相互干扰。

  3. 学习英语最重要的原则是:激发孩子的兴趣和信心。家长要多花精力陪孩子用英语互动,而不是扔给培训班或学习机。

  4. 语言的习得,靠潜移默化。最好在家中营造双语环境,让孩子像学母语一样自然地吸收英语。

  5. 真人面对面交流,是学习语言的最有效方式。研究发现,相比面对面交流,用视频放出同样的语句,婴儿学的效果就没那么好。

  6. 带孩子玩节奏感游戏。宝宝天生喜欢节奏,跟着音调打节拍,能够提高他们的语言、记忆能力。不要纠结于孩子听不听得懂,玩游戏的主要目的不是为了让他听懂,而是让他体会到外语韵律的美。

  7. 多给孩子听英语音乐、看英语动画,打造属于你们的“家庭背景声”。一方面能激发他的兴趣,另一方面有助于他发音的标准。研究表明,两岁之后的孩子,会慢慢丧失辨别母语里没有的音的能力。

  8. 精选英语学习资源,比如故事书、绘本、动画片等,要注意两点:一,从孩子熟悉的生活场景出发,这样孩子才感兴趣;二,挑选通过时间检验的经典内容。

  9. 利用日常活动,如吃饭、上厕所、睡觉、起床,跟宝宝说英语。语言的学习,需要在大量重复的场景中习得。把相同的意思换不同的描述和语法反复说,孩子就更容易记忆,也更能明白这个词的使用场景。

  10. 不要强迫孩子记复杂的单词,更不要拿他的词汇量和别的孩子比。词汇和拼写,都不代表真实的英语水平。能懂会用,才算完整习得一门语言。

  11. 比记忆更重要的,是学会输出。当孩子英语能力提高到一定程度后,多鼓励他唱外语童谣、讲外语小故事,或者跟他一起表演小短剧。当然,还可以用英语请教他一些问题,这样他的学习会更有成就感和效率。

  12. 总之,在孩子学习英语的路上,父母的角色不是老师,而更像是一个导游——引导他看到一个美好有趣的外语世界。




  1. 只要你学英语的目的不是为了刷考试刷分,就要紧紧围绕沟通、表达和理解文化三个方向。

  2. 想学地道英语,还得选对素材。中国人写的教材和报纸,从思维上就是中式的。所以,最好去看英美杂志或网站

  3. 学英文应该随时随地,不放过日常的任何机会。比如海飞丝的英语叫啥?head & shoulders,这个是去屑洗发水,表达的意思是让你的头上和肩上都没有头屑。

  4. 通过美剧学英语是个好途径,但一集至少要看十遍以上才有用。而且应该选择生活类的剧,犯罪、奇幻、古装都不是好选择。

  5. 语言是通往文化理解的钥匙,理解文化又会加速语言的学习。比如stiff upper lip,字面意思是紧闭的上嘴唇,但指的是英国人荣辱不惊的民族性和绅士特质。

  6. 很多时候不是你学得不够多,而是学会的没用好。先从存量上下功夫,梳理一遍你的英语库存,把已经掌握的那部分用扎实

  7. 英文好不好,不在于掌握多少生僻词,而体现在对小词的积累和掌握。小词应用场景广、生活化、一词多意,杂志原文里出现频率也非常高。

  8. 找外教练习是个好方法,但如果只是听他讲,你还是学不好口语。你发音,外教纠正;你说的多,他说的少,这样才能快速进步。

  9. 很多人听力不好,其实不是听不懂,而是听不清。听不懂意味着,写出来你也不认识;听不清,是看到文字都认识,但是反应不过来。这个最好解决,多听就行。

  10. 说比写重要。一个人哪怕不会写,但是口语好,我们就会觉得他英语很好。

  11. 练口语实际上是个体力活,想练好口语,得先让面部肌肉记住英文的正确发音,再把这种模式固定下来。我的专栏里有金句跟读,每天跟读十遍,达到在语音语调上跟我一样脱口而出,就是成功。







  1. FTChinese
  2. 活用英语脑,零基础也不怕
  3. OneLook Thesaurus
  4. 如何用简单英语写作(英文)
