

Science, Profession, Humanity



Lack of scientific knowledge and ignorance-many deaths and debts are caused by ignorance.

——Stupidity and stubbornness are a dead end.

Put too much weight on money-because it’s stuck in debt all the time.

——Extreme exacting causes extreme distortion.

You can’t stand on your own-because you haven’t tasted the benefits of self-reliance and self-confidence since childhood. It’s up to your parents to listen to their arrangements.

——Parents have always been the best role models for their children.

The essence of Science is falsification

is not necessarily religion. The enemy of science must be those who are unwilling to change their established outlook on life and values.

Scientific method is an empirical method of knowledge acquisition, which has characterized the development of natural science since at least the 17th century, involving careful observation, which includes rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions about how the world works influence how one interprets a percept; formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental testing and measurement of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings. These are principles of the scientific method, as opposed to a definitive series of steps applicable to all scientific enterprises.

Scientific theories explain why something happens, whereas Scientific Laws record what happens.

Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

a system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements in a computer or electronic device so as to perform a specified task.



Professionalism in the workplace includes not only knowledge and skills, but also communication and collaboration. Professionalism is a foundation for winning the trust of others.

Breadth, depth and stability.

Get Things Done.

How is genius made?
–The right approach and 10 years of deliberate practice.


